Introducing Ciuyan

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Introducing Ciuyan

Post by Shyvie »

Ciuyan! (endonym: iki Ciuyua /ɨciː sʲuɥæ/
Revised orthography of ivşet D. [version 3.3]
/p pʲ tʷ tʲ c kʷ/
before rounded vowels: <p pi t ti ki k> or at coda -j
before unround <pu p tu t k ku> or at coda -w
/ɰ~β ɸ fʲ sʲ sʷ ɕ ʃʷ ç~hʷ ɰ~χ/
Vr <v f fi ci c si s h x > or -j in place of i>
V-r <v fu f s su c cu h x or -w in place of u>
/ts’ tsʷ tɕ’ tɕʷ/
<z zu q qu or -w in place of u>
<zi z qi q or -j in place of i>
/m~mʲ ɲ~nʷ ɥ~ʎ~l ʐ~ɻ/
<m n y r>
<m n l r>
/m̥ ɲ̥~ʔ j̊~ɬ r̥~ʂ/
<ɱ ŋ ç ş>
/i ɛ æ u ɔ~ɐ ɯ~ɨ y~ʉ/
i e a u o ǐ ǔ
<v h x> vary in pronunciation in çétu dialect by stress patterns, becoming the corresponding fricatives /β ç χ/ when a sylable is stressed.
All liquid sounds vary in pronunciation depending on surrounding environment causing <m n y/l ŋ ç> to be sounded as /mʲ ɲ ʎ~l ɲ̥ j̊/ if surrounded by palatal sounds or unround vowels or the corresponding /m nʷ ɥ~l ʔ ɬ/ in labialized/rounded enviroments.

In the case of <r ş> they follow similar stress patterns in the ‘variable fricatives’, becoming the corresponding fricatives /ʐ ʂ/ only in stressed syllables
Light syllables (C)V/L-voice(:)(V)(C)
Stops cannot be in the coda, coaffricates can, there needs to be at least length added to the vowel
Vowels can be long by either being a diphthong (only thing not allowed would be mixing roundness) or length. Only one thing can accompany the vowel. When voiced liquids are in the mora length can be added and still considered light
Heavy syllables C(:)V(V/L-voice)(C:)

//hueyşşr car za-fuwuç inqe ziu nay yaake uu şşrce payj ziu-yaamɱ ci niosuu
iki iki, zçhuşr nay kahe
kotue za-zçhu zu şşrce payj ziu-yaamɱ, hueyş nay maswke
“hiyay, moŋ yuaa yiayj kocş, yiayj yuaaşr fere, uu yiayj kɱpec” zçhu nay siuy
“huǎ yiayj fere, uqqşr yiayj kɱpec” hueyş nay sasiǔz
zzio samŋ matua, zçhu nay niosuu uu nay aka
uu, kotue za-zçhuşr ziu xueyş sstşa uu ikki zçhuşr nçyŋ ikki
weequ fuwuç ziu-yaamɱ, xueyş zçhuşr fere!
zzio kokǐrofe nua mmat za-zçhu, uu siupay hueyşşr uu maswke, “yah nay iŋtee qu? Uun yahşr kɱpec yuaɱ"
huǎ kocş yok” hueyş nay siuy, “iki noyetee huǎşr yaamɱ”//

What do you think? I'm still making quite a few changes to it all.
ɱ ŋ ç ş ǐ ǔ
Native :us-tx: | Bits and pieces :rus: :tur: :epo: | More recently studied: :mkd: :aze: :jpn: | planning to study :ain: :hye: :sjn: :qya: :gla: :gle: :fas:
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