The Cat and the Fish.

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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Hacek »

:hun: A Macska és a Hal
Egy macska volt.
Ő kis és fehér.
Amikor felébredett, ő nagyon éhesek!
Kerest táplálékot
Kerest fát mögött és talált egy makkot.
De macskák nem étkeznek makkokat!
Kerest kőzetet alatt és talált egy bogárt.
De macskák nem étkeznek bogárakat!
Kerest a házban és latott valami nagyon érdekes az asztalon.
Hal volt! És ő szeretett enni halak!
Ugrott az asztalra és vette a halat.
Uh oh! Ember látott, hogy vette a halat!
A kis macska ugrott az egész ablakhoz és rejtőzt szántóföldben.
Ette a halat boldogan.
De most ő nagyon álmos.
A Macska és a Hal
DEF cat and DET fish

Egy macska volt.
one cat be-PST.3SG

Ő kis és fehér.
3SG.AN small and white

Amikor felébredett, ő nagyon éhesek!
when wake.up-PST.3SG.INDEF 3SG very hungry

Kerest táplálékot
search-PST.3SG.INDEF food-ACC

Kerest fát mögött és talált egy makkot.
search-PST.3SG.INDEF tree-ACC behind and find-PST.3SG.INDEF one acorn-ACC

De macskák nem étkeznek makkokat!
but cat-PL NEG eat-3PL.PRES.INDEF acorn-ACC

Kerest kőzetet alatt és talált egy bogárt.
search-3SG.PST.INDEF rock-ACC behind and find-PST.3SG.INDEF one bug

De macskák nem étkeznek bogárakat!
but cat-PL NEG eat-3PL.PRES.INDEF bug-PL-ACC

Kerest a házban és latott valami nagyon érdekes az asztalon.
search-PST.3SG.INDEF DEF house-INESS and see-PST.3SG.INDEF something very interesting DEF table-ADESS

Hal volt! És ő szeretett enni halak!
fish be-PST.3SG! and 3SG love-PST.3SG.INDEF eat-INF fish-PL

Ugrott az asztalra és vette a halat.
jump-PST.3SG DEF table-ALL and take-PST.3SG.DEF DEF fish-ACC

Uh oh! Ember látott, hogy vette a halat!
uh oh! person see-PST.3SG.INDEF COMPL take-PST.3SG.DEF DEF fish-ACC

A kis macska ugrott az egész ablakhoz és rejtőzt szántóföldben.
DEF small cat jump-PST.3SG DEF whole window-LOC and hide-PST.3SG field-INESS

Ette a halat boldogan.
eat-PST.3SG.DEF DEF fish-ACC happily

De most ő nagyon álmos.
but now 3SG very sleepy
[:D] :eng: - [:)] :esp: - [:|] :swe: - [:(] :hun: - [:'(] :hin: - [:S] :ell: :rus: :fra: - :idea: :hye: :sqi: :kal: :zho: :jpn: :gle: :kat:
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Toko »


ut shyb.
/ut ʂɨb/
PAST cat

zhj'nje ty svolovj'ta.
/ʑnʲe tɨ sʋo'ɭoʋʲta/
3S-fem SUBJ small white and-INCL

yl kyba'zhj na oshj sva sha'zhj nje't
/ɨl kɨ'baʑ na oɕ sʋa ʂaʑ nʲet/
time wake 3S-fem DESC have very ADV 3S-fem SUBJ hunger

mugj zhj'nje noka tjek ju.
/mugʲ ʑnʲe no'ka tʲek ʝu/
stroll 3S-fem SUBJ search food about

khy zhj'nje tovj jogj, ta nola zhj'nje pjetylj.
/xɨ ʑnʲe toʋʲ ʝogʲ ta no'ɭa ʑnʲe pʲe'tɨɭʲ/
see 3S-fem SUBJ tree behind also-INCL find 3S-fem SUBJ acorn

nyga kutje vukj shyb nje pjetylj!
/nɨ'ga ku'tʲe ʋukʲ ʂɨb nʲe pʲe'tɨɭʲ/
but NEG-usually eat cat SUBJ acorn

khy zhj'nje nyva kov, ta nola zhj'nje khtok.
/xɨ ʑnʲe nɨ'ʋa koʋ ta no'ɭa ʑnʲe x'tok/
see 3S-fem rock under also-INCL find 3S-fem SUBJ bug

nyga kutje vukj shyb nje khtok!
/nɨ'ga ku'tʲe ʋukʲ ʂɨb nʲe x'tok/
but NEG-usually eat cat SUBJ bug

khy zhj'nje kavo kho, ta khy zhj'nje tshy lakh sva dob kha.
/xɨ ʑnʲe ka'ʋo xo ta xɨ ʑnʲe tʂɨ ɭax sʋa dob xa/
see 3S-fem SUBJ house in also-INCL see 3S-fem SUBJ thing interesting very table upon

svjeb! ta sova sva sha vukj zhj'nje svjeb!
/sʋʲeb ta so'ʋa sʋa ʂa ʋukʲ ʑnʲe sʋʲeb/
fish also-INCL like very ADV eat 3S-fem SUBJ fish

by gukj zhj'nje dob khat, ta'kje zhj'nje svjeb.
/bɨ gukʲ ʑnʲe dob xat ta'kʲe ʑnʲe sʋʲeb/
thus jump 3S-fem table onto also-INCL grab 3S-fem fish

kutj! khy ku nje akje'zhj svjeb.
/kutʲ xɨ ku nʲe a'kʲeʑ sʋʲeb/
trouble see person SUBJ grab 3S-fem fish

gukj ty shyb nje khysjetshj'va, ta nalashj zhy nje'ysh kho.
/gukʲ tɨ ʂɨb nʲe xɨ'sʲetɕʋa ta naɭaɕ ʐɨ nʲeʂ xo/
jump small cat SUBJ window through also-INCL hide 3S-fem SUBJ field in

vukj shy sha zhj'nje svjeb.
/ʋukʲ ʂɨ ʂa ʑnʲe sʋʲeb/
eat happy ADV 3S-fem SUBJ fish

nyga nay oshj sva sha'zhj nje'ybje
/nɨ'ga naɪ oɕ sʋa ʂaʑ nʲebʲe/
but afterwards have very ADV 3S-fem SUBJ sleepiness.
Image Zelsian (Khzajske)
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Lao Kou »

Image Géarthnuns

Chau Teshers zhö Chö Víöbs
[tʃɔ 'tɛʃɛɾs ʒø tʃø 'vjøbs]
DEF cat-NOM and DEF fish-NOM
The Cat and the Fish

Írfust ferü sau teshers lü miçnakh.
[iɾ'fust fɛ'ɾy sɔ 'tɛʃɛɾs 'ly 'mɪɕnax]
once.upon.a.time INDEF cat-NOM AUX.TRANSC exist
There was a cat.

Saur lé küvar zhö garhar nöi.
[sɔɾ 'le 'kyvaɾ ʒø ga'Xaɾ 'nøj]
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST small-NOM and white-NOM be
She was small and white.

Shtanö saur lé kamel sho, saur lé ba glozh tha'u üraf!
[ʃta'nø sɔɾ 'le 'kamɛl ʃo, sɔɾ 'le ba 'gloʒ 'θa.u y'ɾaf]
when 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST wake.up PTCL, 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST PTCL eat very want
When she woke up she was very hungry!

Gaiçö saur lé sa glomansat ba zhdazh kadiz.
[gaj'ɕø sɔɾ 'le sa glo'mɑ̃sat ba 'ʒdaʒ ka'dɪz]
so 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF food-ACC PTCL look.for go
So she went looking for some food.

Saur lé chau bursaub tü zhdazh kfö sö tfébsöt zçírhef.
[sɔɾ 'le tʃɔ 'buɾsɔb ty 'ʒdaʒ kfø sø 'tfebsøt ʑi'Xɛf]
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF tree-POST behind look.for and INDEF acorn-ACC find
She looked behind the tree and found an acorn.

Vauk teshemsaup lü öblé vök tfékhsöch glozh!
[vɔk tɛ'ʃɛmsɔp 'ly ø'ble vøk 'tfexsøtʃ 'gloʒ]
But cats don't eat acorns!

Saur lé chí kfedhölsíb köi zhdazh kfö sí pílsít zçírhef.
[sɔɾ 'le tʃi kfɛ'ðølsit køj 'ʒdaʒ kfø si 'pilsit ʑi'Xɛf]
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF rock-POST under look.for and INDEF bug-ACC find
She looked under the rock and found a bug.

Vauk teshemsaup lü öblé vík pífsích glozh!
[vɔk tɛ'ʃɛmsɔp 'ly ø'ble vik 'pifsitʃ 'gloʒ]
But cats don't eat bugs!

Saur lé chö béöbsöb bö zhdazh kfö shahöchensat öçümnanat theu chau kfasharsauv tel.
[sɔɾ 'le tʃø be'øbsøb bø 'ʒdaʒ kfø ʃahø'tʃɛ̃sat øɕy'mnanat 'θɛ.u tʃɔ kfa'ʃaɾsɔv 'tɛl]
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF house-POST in look.for and something-ACC interesting-ACC very-AdADJ DEF table-LOC see
She looked in the house and saw something very interesting on the table.

San lé sö víöbs nöi! kfö saur lé chök víöbsöch ba glozh krönel!
[san 'le sø 'vjøbs 'nøj! kfø sɔɾ 'le tʃøk 'vjøbsøtʃ ba 'gloʒ 'kɾønɛl]
It was a fish! And she loved to eat fish!

Gaiçö saur lé chau kfasharsaub deçe sömegez kfö chö víöbsöt mnüdzervezh.
[gaj'ɕø sɔɾ 'le tʃɔ kfa'ʃaɾsɔb 'dɛɕɛ 'sømɛgɛz kfø tʃø 'vjøbsøt mny'dzɛɾveʒ]
so 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF table-POST onto jump and DEF fish-ACC grab
So she jumped on to the table and grabbed the fish.

Lautsau! Sau íalörs lé höi chö víöbsöt chau haukuzhalörsaut sauraus tel.
[lɔ'tsɔ! sɔ 'jaløɾs 'le høj tʃø 'vjøbsøt tʃɔ 'hɔkuʒa'løɾsɔt 'sɔɾɔs 'tɛl]
Uh oh! A person saw her take the fish.

Chau teshers küvar lé chü chívaksüb kéçö dínasömegez kfö chü ngejöksüv míközdön.
[tʃɔ 'tɛʃɛɾs 'kyvaɾ 'le tʃy tʃi'vaksyb 'keɕø 'dina'sømɛgɛz kfø tʃy ŋɛ'dʒøksyv 'mikøzdøn]
DEF cat-NOM little-NOM AUX.PAST DEF window-POST through jump.out and DEF field-LOC hide
The little cat jumped out the window and hid in the field.

Saur lé chö víöbsöt sfalöka'u glozh.
[sɔɾ 'le tʃø 'vjøbsøt sfalø'ka.u 'gloʒ]
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF fish-ACC happy-ADV eat
She happily ate the fish.

Saur lé öblé hereçkeftö ba héf tha'u üraf.
[sɔɾ 'le øb'le 'hɛɾɛɕkɛ'ftø ba 'hef 'θa.u y'ɾaf]
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST but then PTCL sleep very want
But now she was very sleepy.

(Frankly, I found the character arc of the fish a little wanting. [;)] )
Last edited by Lao Kou on 15 Mar 2016 15:55, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by prettydragoon »

:con: Rireinutire

to kasi to siri:

kasi yakive:
ka to pini to pamu yakive:
ka karo soñakive saro vahu yisepe yakive:
siñi añana torakera yekive:
ita ñotono puyera himikive to payomu retekive:
sika kasi payomu nomakaseve:
ita ka patano arara himikive to supumu retekive:
sika kasi supumu nomakaseve:
ita ka mayara himikive to henoha mikimu vahu tevakemu neakive:
saki siri yakive: to ka sirina nomata virikive:
siñi raho henoha sakakive to sirimu vokive:
yu: kave sirimu voke kamu neakive:
ita pini kasi akuñe eño sakakive to ratera mayetukive:
meipa sirimu nomakive:
sika siro vahu inañara yakive:
to kasi to siri:
to kasi to siri
and cat.NOM and fish.NOM
The Cat and the Fish

kasi yakive:
kasi ya-ki-ve
cat.NOM be-PST-HSY
There was a cat.

ka to pini to pamu yakive:
ka to pini to pamu ya-ki-ve
3FS.NOM and small and white be-PST-HSY
She was small and white.

ka karo soñakive saro vahu yisepe yakive:
ka karo soña-ki-ve saro vahu yisepe ya-ki-ve
3FS.NOM when.REL wake.up-PST-HSY then very hungry be-PST-HSY
When she woke up she was very hungry!

siñi añana torakera yekive:
siñi aña-na tora-ke-ra ye-ki-ve
therefore food-PTV search-PRESP-INE go-PST-HSY
So she went looking for some food.

ita ñotono puyera himikive to payomu retekive:
ita ñoto-no puye-ra himi-ki-ve to payo-mu rete-ki-ve
and.then tree-GEN behind-INE look-PST-HSY and nut-ACC find-PST-HSY
She looked behind a tree and found a nut.

sika kasi payomu nomakaseve:
sika kasi payo-mu noma-ka-se-ve
but cat.NOM nut-ACC eat-PRS-NEG-HSY
But cats don't eat nuts!

ita ka patano arara himikive to supumu retekive:
ita ka pata-no ara-ra himi-ki-ve to supu-mu rete-ki-ve
and.then 3FS.NOM stone-GEN under-INE look-PST-HSY and insect-ACC find-PST-HSY
She looked under a rock and found an insect.

sika kasi supumu nomakaseve:
sika kasi supu-mu noma-ka-se-ve
but cat.NOM insect-ACC eat-PRS-NEG-HSY
But cats don't eat insects!

ita ka mayara himikive to henoha mikimu vahu tevakemu neakive:
ita ka maya-ra himi-ki-ve to heno-ha miki-mu vahu teva-ke-mu nea-ki-ve
and.then 3FS.NOM house-INE look-PST-HSY and table-ADE something-ACC very attract-PRESP-ACC see-PST-HSY
She looked into a house and saw something very interesting on the table.

saki siri yakive: to ka sirina nomata virikive:
saki siri ya-ki-ve | to ka siri-na noma-ta viri-ki-ve
that.NOM fish.NOM be-PST-HSY | and 3FS.NOM fish-PTV eat-INF love-PST-HSY
It was a fish! And she loved to eat fish!

siñi raho henoha sakakive to sirimu vokive:
siñi raho heno-ha saka-ki-ve to siri-mu vo-ki-ve
therefore up table-ADE jump-PST-HSY and fish-ACC take-PST-HSY
So she jumped on to the table and grabbed the fish.

yu: kave sirimu voke kamu neakive:
yu | kave siri-mu vo-ke ka-mu nea-ki-ve
alas! person.NOM fish-ACC take-PRESP 3FS-ACC see-PST-HSY
Oh no! A person saw her take the fish.

ita pini kasi akuñe eño sakakive to ratera mayetukive:
ita pini kasi aku-ñe eño saka-ki-ve to rate-ra mayetu-ki-ve
and.then little cat.NOM window-PROL out jump-PST-HSY and field-INE hide-PST-HSY
The little cat jumped out the window and hid in the field.

meipa sirimu nomakive:
mei-pa siri-mu noma-ki-ve
happy-ESS fish-ACC eat-PST-HSY
She happily ate the fish.

sika siro vahu inañara yakive:
sika siro vahu ina-ñara ya-ki-ve
but now very sleep-ful be-PST-HSY
But now she was very sleepy.
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by hippopotame »

:con: Qhassariya

Puri qha Tissa

Puri thiya.
cat be.PST-3SG

Mashsha qha sichari thiya.
small and white be.PST-3SG

Jushas lajiya, sahi qhorshya thiya.
when awaken.PST-3SG, very hungry be.PST-3SG

Aamhu ankshyashata vaaziya.
Food.ACC searching.for go.PST-3SG

Vruksha chuha ankshiha qha karhasitta rachiya.
Tree behind search.PST-3SG and acorn find.PST-3SG

Ghe purih karhasittah hu thasm khahaad!
but cats acorns ACC not eat.3PL

Kandh sun ankshiha qha keechh hu rachiya.
Rock under search.PST-3SG and bug ACC find.PST-3SG

Ghe purih keechhaayah hu thasm khahaad!
But cats bugs ACC not eat.3PL

Shayir kash ankshiha qha talbhaaz sur yan zarahi fat akhiya.
House in search.PST-3SG and table on one interesting thing see.PST-3SG

Tissa thiya! Qha tissahu khaasha sarsuriya!
Fish be.PST-3SG and fish.ACC eating love.PST-3SG

To ud talbhaaz surta gujhiya qha tissahu laaya.
therefore she table onto jump.PST-3SG and fish.ACC take.PST-3SG

Aighyo! Udasha tissahu laasha qasum akhiya!
INT her fish.ACC taking someone see.PST-3SG

Mashsha puri vahvanh ni gujhiya qha hrussa kash svaqhshariya.
small cat window from jump.PST-3SG and field in hide.PST-3SG

Hyaahasila tissahu khaaya.
happily fish.ACC eat.PST-3SG

Ghe zush sahi shhaaschhaahi thiya.
but now very sleepy be.PST-3SG
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Lao Kou
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Lao Kou »

Image Japoné語

La 猫e et le 魚

Y 有ttéta une 猫e.
彼e oué à ga été 小çaille et 白ie.
彼e oué, quand à ga 目覚méta, été très 饑ie!
Donc, à ga 行tta 探chi ni de la 食bé物.
À ga 見ta en 後rau du 木 ni et 見付quéta un 団栗.
Mais les 猫 oué ils ga dja 食bèrë pas les 団栗!
À ga 見ta au-de下 de l'石 ni et 見付quéta un 虫.
Mais les 猫 oué ils ga dja 食bèrë pas les 虫!
À ga 見ta dans l'家 ni et 見付quéta quoé ca au de très 面白i sur la 卓子 ni.
C'été un 魚! Et 彼e oué à ga 好itéta 食bèrë du 魚!
Alors à ga 跳bi上gatta sur la 卓子 ni et 攫tta le 魚.
Ôtto! Un 人 oué il ga l'au 見ta 取rë le 魚.
La 小çaille 猫e oué à ga 跳bi出chita par la 窓 cara et 隠réta dans le 野原 ni.
À ga 食béta 楽chiquëment le 魚.
Mais 今 oué à ga été très 眠ie.
La 猫e et le 魚
La Nécaue et le sacana
[la ˈneko el ˈsakanɔ]
The Cat and the Fish

Y 有ttéta une 猫e.
Y attéta une nécaue.
[ˈjat.tetɔ ʏn ˈneko]
there have-PROGPAST INDEF.f cat.f
There was a cat.

彼e oué à ga été 小çaille et 白ie.
Canaue oué à ga été tchiçaille et chirauie.
[ˈkano we a: gɔ eˈte tʃɪˈsaj e ʃɪˈʁoj]
3SG.f TOP 3SG.f NOM be-PAST small.f and white.f
She was small and white.

彼e oué, quand à ga 目覚méta, été très 饑ie!
Canaue oué, quand à ga mésaméta, été très hidarouie!
[ˈkano we | kã a: gɔ ˈmezaˌmetɔ | eˈte tʁæ ˌɪdaˈʁʊj]
3SG.f TOP, when 3SG.f NOM wake.up-PAST, be-PAST very hungry.f
When she woke up she was very hungry!

Donc, à ga 行tta 探chi ni de la 食bé物.
Donc, à ga itta sagachi ni de la tabémonau.
[dõʊ̃k a: gɔ ˈɪt.tɔ saˈgaʃi ni dla taˈbemɔˌno]
so, 3SG.f NOM go-PAST look.for-STEM ALL PART.f food.f
So she went looking for some food.

À ga 見ta en 後rau du 木 ni et 見付quéta un 団栗.
À ga mita en ouchirau du qui ni et mitsouquéta un dongouri.
[a: gɔ ˈmɪtɔ ãn‿ˈʊʃɪʁo d͡zy ki ni e ˈmɪtsʊˌketɔ ɚ̃ ˈdõʊ̃gʊʁi]
3SG.f NOM look-PAST in.back.of+DEF.m tree.m LOC and find-PAST INDEF.m acorn.m
She looked behind the tree and found an acorn.

Mais les 猫 oué ils ga dja 食bèrë pas les 団栗!
Mais les néco oué ils ga dja tabèrë pas les dongouri!
[mɛ le ˈneko we i gɔ dʒɔ taˈbæɛ̯ʁœ̈ pɔ le ˈdõʊ̃gʊʁi]
but DEF.PL cat TOP 3PL NOM ADV eat-PRES DEF.PL acorn
But cats don't eat acorns!

À ga 見ta au-de下 de l'石 ni et 見付quéta un 虫.
À ga mita au-dechita de l'ichie ni et mitsouquéta un mouchi.
[a: gɔ ˈmɪtɔ ˌodʃɪˈtɔd ˈlɪʃi ni e ˈmɪtsʊˌketɔ ɚ̃ ˈmʊʃi]
3SG.f NOM look-PAST under DEF.f rock.f LOC and find-PAST INDEF.m bug.m
She looked under the rock and found a bug.

Mais les 猫 oué ils ga dja 食bèrë pas les 虫!
Mais les néco oué ils ga dja tabèrë pas les mouchi!
[mɛ le ˈneko we i gɔ dʒɔ taˈbæɛ̯ʁœ̈ pɔ le ˈmʊʃi]
but DEF.PL cat TOP 3PL NOM ADV eat-PRES DEF.PL bug
But cats don't eat bugs!

À ga 見ta dans l'家 ni et 見ta quoé ca au de très 面白i sur la 卓子 ni.
À ga mita dans l'hiée ni et mita quoé ca au de très omauchiraui sur la taquechie ni.
[a: gɔ ˈmɪtɔ dã liˈe ni e ˈmɪtɔ kwe kɔ od tʁæz‿ɔˈmoʃɪˈʁoj sa ˈtakœ̈ʃi ni]
3SG.f NOM look-PAST in DEF.f house.f and see-PAST something ACC PART very interesting on DEF.f table.f LOC
She looked in the house and saw something very interesting on the table.

C'été un 魚! Et 彼e oué à ga 好ïtéta 食bèrë du 魚!
C'été un sacana! Et canaue oué à ga souïtéta tabèrë du sacana!
[seˈte ɚ̃ ˈsakanɔ | e ˈkano we a: gɔ ˈsu.iˌtetɔ taˈbæɛ̯ʁœ̈ d͡zy ˈsakanɔ]
3SG.n be-PAST INDEF.m fish.m | and 3SG.f TOP 3SG.f NOM love-PROGPAST eat PART.m fish.m
It was a fish! And she loved to eat fish!

Alors à ga 跳bi上gatta sur la 卓子 ni et 攫tta le 魚.
Alors à ga tôbiagatta sur la taquechie ni et saratta le sacana.
[aˈlɑɔ̯ʁ a: gɔ ˌtobiaˈgat.tɔ (ˌtobjaˈgat.tɔ) sa ˈtakœ̈ʃi ni e saˈʁat.tɔl ˈsakanɔ]
so 3SG.f NOM jump.up-PAST on DEF.f table.f ALL and grab-PAST DEF.m fish.m
So she jumped on to the table and grabbed the fish.

Ôtto! Un 人 oué il ga l'au 見ta 取rë le 魚.
Ôtto! Un hitau oué il ga l'au mita taurë le sacana.
[ˈ | ɚ̃ ˈɪto we i gɔ lo ˈmɪtɔ tɑɔ̯ʁœ̈l ˈsakanɔ]
uh-oh | INDEF.m person.m TOP 3SG.m 3SG.f ACC see-PAST take DEF.m fish.m
Uh oh! A person saw her take the fish.

La 小çaille 猫e oué à ga 跳bi出chita par la 窓 cara et 隠réta dans le 野原 ni.
La tchiçaille nécaue oué à ga tôbidachita par la madaue cara et cacouréta dans le nauhara ni.
[la tʃɪˈsaj ˈneko we a: gɔ ˌtobɪˈdaʃi̥tɔ pɑ̯ɒʁ la ˈmado kaˈʁɔ e ˌkakuˈʁetɔ dãl ˈno.aʁɔ ni]
DEF.f little.f cat.f TOP 3SG.f NOM jump.out-PAST through DEF.f window.f from and hide-PAST in DEF.m field.m LOC
The little cat jump out the window and hid in the field.

À ga 食béta 楽chiquëment le 魚.
À ga tabéta tanauchiquëment le sacana.
[a: gɔ ˈtabetɔ tanoʃɪk(œ̈)mãl ˈsakanɔ]
3SG.f NOM eat-PAST happy-ADV DEF.m fish.m
She happily ate the fish.

Mais 今 oué à ga été très 眠ie.
Mais ima oué à ga été très némouie.
[mɛ ˈɪmɔ we a: gɔ eˈte tʁæ neˈmʊj]
but now TOP 3SG.f NOM be-PAST very sleepy.f
But now she was very sleepy.
Last edited by Lao Kou on 19 Sep 2016 11:20, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: You-know-right

An'avár èn an'icatyer
Vut ciavet avári mia.
Niypbit èn enírbit.
Der te ergatet, yabagbit.
Pariút curet can apuivet ciyt o'muyér.
Te blidet deve abári mia èpa sandet eykurs.
Evagár, aváran cimuyʻi eykursan!
Te blidet upan escon èpa sandet neral.
Evagár, aváran cimuyʻi neraun!
Te blidet pun pilat èpa valet ciyt vit yaquinprèsbut pas supar.
Vat bit icateryi mia! Èpa iavet er muyet igatyan!
Pin te linytepet pas supar èpa æket an'icatyer.
Uʻo! Teʻa tem yivalet pi de peset an'icatyer.
An'avárniyp vætytepet iy cripus èpa ʻitet pun zemú.
Te nalmuyet an'icatyer.
Èpabetál yainébocet.

An'avár èn an'icatyer
DEF_ANIM-cat and DEF_ANIM-fish

Vut ciavet avári mia.
3SG_INDEF PST-be_there-3SG cat-NUM one

Niypbit èn enírbit.
small-be.3SG.ANIM and white-be.3SG.ANIM

Der te ergatet, yabagbit.
when 3SG.MASC wake_up-3SG, very-hungry-be.3SG.ANIM

Pariút curet can apuivet ciyt o'muyér.
therefore go-3SG for seek-3SG something DEF_GEN-food

Te blidet deve abári mia èpa sandet eykurs.
3SG.MASC look-3SG behind tree-NUM one and find-3SG acorn

Evagár, aváran cimuyʻi eykursan!
too_bad, cat-PL NEG-eat-3PL acorn-PL

Te blidet upan escon èpa sandet neral.
3SG.MASC look-3SG below rock and find-3SG bug

Evagár, aváran cimuyʻi neraun!
too_bad, cat-PL NEG-eat-3PL bug-PL

Te blidet pun pilat èpa valet ciyt vit yaquinprèsbut pas supar.
3SG.MASC look-3SG into house and see-3SG something REL very-interesting-be.3SG.INAN on table

Vat bit icateryi mia! Èpa iavet er muyet igatyan!
DEM be.3SG.ANIM fish-NUM one | and love-3SG that_when eat-3SG fish-PL

Pin te linytepet pas supar èpa æket an'icatyer.
so 3SG.MASC up-jump-3SG on table and catch-3SG DEF_ANIM-fish

Uʻo! Teʻa tem yivalet pi de peset an'icatyer.
Oh-oh | someone 3SG.MASC.OBL PST-see that FORM_OBJ take-3SG DEF_ANIM-fish

An'avárniyp vætytepet iy cripus èpa ʻitet pun zemú.
DEF_ANIM-cat-small out-jump-3SG out_of window and hide-3SG in field

Te nalmuyet an'icatyer.
3SG.MASC happy-eat-3SG DEF_ANIM-fish

Èpabetál yainébocet.
and_then very-sleepy-become-3SG
Last edited by Iyionaku on 18 Jun 2017 12:06, edited 1 time in total.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Caelian

Tijöt ma vatsungen simüdlit.
Tat nibbez ëz ëris bui.
Tyer Tat sikyabüpwap, Tat sal müskan sibui!
Pyar Tat sibürnaj hat mostungel ëng sipüvdik.
Tat hibnolnus hap sifülding pëc ma zandunger sibürgir.
Kyët vatasen zanadunger kë bimüsoktal!
Tat pyoskosen hap sifülding pëc ma safcungen sibürgir.
Kyët vatasen safacungen kë bimüsoktal!
Tat vportubyan sifülding pëc wyattungem sal tüssam sivüplin.
Ma katsed sibui nyök! Pëc Tat katasunged bimüsutiljap!
Diz Tat zapjoses sisütpir pëc katsunged sivüntis.
Oham! Totjen sitüdlyaz viz Tat katsunged sikyadüjkiz.
Vatsen nibbez nakrabuly sisütpir pëc pingdalyez sihüdit.
Tat katsunged nülnapil simüstil.
Cerës Tat sal gyürham bui.

Tijöt ma vatsungen simüdlit.
[tʰɪ̯øt ma vatʒʊˈŋɛn ʒimʏdˈlɪt]

Tat nibbez ëz ëris sibui.
[tʰat nɪˈbɛs əs əˈrɪʃ ʒibʊɪ̯]
3SG.FEM.NOM small and white PST-COP.3SG

Tyer Tat sikyabüpwap, Tat sal müskan sibui!
[tʲɛɾ tʰat ʒikʲabʏpˈwap, tʰat ʒal mʏʃˈkʰan ʒibʊɪ̯]
when 3SG_FEM.NOM PST-INCH-get_up.3SG, 3SG_FEM.NOM very hungry.FEM PST-COP.3SG

Pyar Tat sibürnaj hat mostungel ëng sipüvdik.
[pʲaɾ tʰat ʒibʏɾˈnaj hat mɔʃtʰʊˈŋɛl əŋ ʒipʰʏfˈdɪk]
therefore 3SG_FEM.NOM PST-go.3SG in_order_to food.ACC some PST-find.3SG>3SG

Tat hibnolnus hap sifülding pëc ma zandunger sibürgir.
[tʰat hɪbnɔlˈnʊʃ hap ʒiβʏlˈdɪŋ pəç ma zandʊˈŋɛɾ ʒɪbʏɾˈgɪɾ]
3SG_FEM.NOM tree.ANTP OPP PST-look.3SG>3SG and INDEF.FEM acorn.ACC PST-find.3SG>3SG

Kyët vatasen zanadunger kë bimüsoktal!
[kʲət vataˈʒɛn zanadʊˈŋɛɾ kʰə bimʏʃɔkˈtʰal]
but cat.PL.NOM acorn.PL.NOM NEG STAT-eat.3PL>3PL

Tat pyoskosen hap sifülding pëc ma safcungen sibürgir.
[tʰat pʲɔʃkɔʒɛn hap ʒiβʏlˈdɪŋ pʰəç ma ʒaɸʝʊˈŋɛn ʒibʏɾˈgɪɾ]
3SG_FEM.NOM rock.SUBL OPP PST-look.3SG>3SG and INDEF.FEM bug.ACC PST-find.3SG>3SG

Kyët vatasen safacungen kë bimüsoktal!
[kʲət vataˈʒɛn ʒaɸaʝʊˈŋɛn kʰə bimʏʃɔkˈtʰal]
but cat.PL.NOM bug.PL.ACC NEG STAT-eat.3PL>3PL

Tat vportubyan sifülding pëc wyattungem sal tüssam sivüplin.
[tʰat p̪ɔrtʰʊˈbʲan ʒiβʏlˈdɪŋ pʰəç ʋatʰʊˈŋɛm ʒal tʰʏʃam ʒivʏpˈlɪn]
3SG_FEM.NOM house.ILL PST-look.3SG>3SG and something.ACC very interesting.FEM PST-see.3SG>3SG

Ma katsed sibui nyök! Pëc Tat katasunged bimüsutiljap!
[ma kʰatˈʒ3d ʒiˈbʊɪ̯ ɲøk! pʰəç vataˈʒɛn kʰatʰaʒʊˈŋɛd bimyʃʊˈtʰɪljap]
INDEF_FEM fish.NOM PST-COP.3SG there! and 3SG.FEM.NOM fish.PL.ACC STAT-eat.3SG>3PL-like

Diz Tat zapjoses sisütpir pëc katsunged sivüntis.
[dɪz tʰat zapjɔˈʒɛʃ ʒiʃʏtˈpʰɪɾ pʰəç kʰatʃʊˈŋɛd ʒivʏnˈtʰɪʃ]
so 3SG.FEM.NOM table.SUBL PST-jump.3SG>3SG and fish.ACC PST-grab.3SG>3SG

Oham! Totjen sitüdlyaz viz Tat katsunged sikyadüjkiz.
[ɔˈham! tʰɔtˈjɛn ʒitʰʏdʎas vis tʰat kʰatʃʊˈŋɛd ʒikʲadʏjˈkʰɪs]
Oh-Oh! person.NOM PST-see.3SG that 3SG.FEM.NOM fish.ACC PST-INCH-take.3SG>3SG

Vatsen nibbez nakrabuly sisütpir pëc pingdalyez sihüdit.
[vatˈʒɛn niˈbɛs nakraˈbʊʎ ʒiʒʏtˈpʰɪɾ pʰəç pʰɪŋdaˈʎɛs ʒɪhʏˈdɪt]
cat.NOM little window.ELA PST-jump.3SG>3SG and field.INN PST-hide.3SG>3SG

Tat katsunged nülnapil simüstil.
[tʰat kʰatʒʊˈŋɛd nʏlnaˈpʰil ʒimʏʃˈtʰɪl]
3SG.FEM.NOM fish.ACC happy.ADV PST-eat.3SG>3SG

Cerës Tat sal gyürham bui.
[ʝɛˈɾəʃ tʰat ʒal gʲʏɾˈham bʊɪ̯]
now 3SG.FEM.NOM very tired.FEM COP.3SG
Last edited by Iyionaku on 27 May 2016 10:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by CMunk »

:dan: Katten og fisken
Der var engang en kat.
Hun var lille og hvid.
Da hun vågnede var hun meget sulten!
Så hun gik ud for at finde noget at spise.
Hun kiggede bag et træ og fandt et agern.
Men katte spiser ikke agern!
Hun kiggede under en sten og fandt en bille.
Men katte spiser ikke biller!
Hun kiggede ind i huset og så noget meget spændende på bordet.
Det var en fisk! Og hun elskede at spise fisk!
Så hun hoppede op på bordet og tog fisken.
Åh-åh! Et menneske så hende tage fisken.
Den lille kat hoppede ud af vinduet og gemte sig i marken.
Hun spiste glad fisken.
Men nu var hun meget træt.

Image Æ kat og æ fisk
Der vor engang en kat.
Hun vor lill og hvie.
Da hun blev vachen vor hun galt sulten!
Så hun gik u for at finde nau at spise.
Hun kigget bach et træ og fond et achern.
Men kat spis ikke achern!
Hun kigget under en sten og fond en bill.
Men kat spis ikke biller!
Hun kigget ind i æ hus og så nau galt spændend å æ bord.
Det vor en fisk! Og hun elsket at spise fisk!
Så hun hoppet op å æ bord og tau æ fisk.
Åh-åh! Et mennesk så hende taje æ fisk.
Den lill kat hoppet u af æ vinne og gemte sæ i æ mark.
Hun spiste glaj æ fisk.
Men nå vor hun galt træt.
Last edited by CMunk on 27 May 2016 17:19, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Anto

Djes njaw hamham.
Ton kiki bel'a maj ton.
Wen ton aw'achea ton, ton fol wil'es maj ton.
Nun ton malzaj ebes sucha lawlaw ton.
Ton bu'mu a'nosle gukigu iche findefin ton.
Aba njaw njaw de kaj iche iche ti fezaj ton!
Ton bolki shute gukigu njufas findefin ton.
Aba njaw njaw de kaj njufas njufas ti fezaj ton!
Ton hute ge'le gukigu tol'li jezaje ton rucho fu.
Djes fi'shi hamham! Em ton fi'shi feza fanfan ton!
Nun ton rucho fu'lo tjumbetjum fi'shi bajbibaj ton.
O-O! Shas njaw jezaje ton gibi fi'shi nimnim njaw.
Njaw kiki machaw fon tjumbetjum aka ge fo'lucafo ton.
Ton de fi'shi ti nisti fezajfe ton.
Gelaj njaw fol mida gen.

Djes njaw hamham.
[cɛs ɲaʊ̯ ˈhamham]
TOP=3SG.INDEF cat have-PST

Ton kiki bel'a maj ton.
[tʰɔn ˈkʰikʰi ˈb̥ɛla maɪ̯ tʰɔn]
TOP=3PS small white COP_PST 3.ANIM

Wen ton aw'achea ton, ton fol wil'esge maj ton.
[wɛn tʰɔn aʊ̯ˈaχɛ.a tʰɔn, tʰɔn fɔl ˈwilɛsg̥ɛ maɪ̯ tʰɔn]
when TOP=3PS wake_up-PST 3.ANIM, 3PS very hungry be_PST 3.ANIM

Nun ton malzaj ebes sucha lawlaw ton.
[nun tʰɔn ˈmalt͡saɪ̯ ˈɛb̥ɛs ˈsuːχa ˈlaʊ̯laʊ̯ tʰɔn]
so TOP=3PS food some seek go-PST 3.ANIM

Ton bu'mu a'nosle gukigu ton em iche findefin ton.
[tʰɔn ˈb̥umu ˈanɔslɛː ˈg̥ukʰig̥u tʰɔn ɛm iχɛ ˈfind̥ɛfin tʰɔn]
TOP=3PS tree behind_DIR look-PST 3.ANIM and acorn find-PST 3.ANIM

Aba njaw njaw de kaj iche iche ti fezaj ton!
[ab̥a ɲaʊ̯ ɲaʊ̯ d̥ɛ kʰaɪ̯ ˈiχɛ ˈiχɛ tʰiː ˈfɛːt͡saɪ̯ tʰɔn]
but cat PL PART NEG acorn PL DIR_OBJ eat 3.ANIM

Ton bolki shute gukigu njufas findefin ton.
[tʰɔn ˈb̥ɔlkʰi ˈʃutʰɛ ˈg̥ukʰig̥u ˈɲufas ˈfind̥ɛfin tʰɔn]
TOP=3SG stone under_DIROBJ look-PST bug find-PST 3.ANIM

Aba njaw njaw de kaj njufas njufas ti fezaj ton!
[ab̥a ɲaʊ̯ ɲaʊ̯ d̥ɛ kʰaɪ̯ ˈɲufas ˈɲufas tʰiː ˈfɛːt͡saɪ̯ tʰɔn]
but cat PL PART NEG bug PL DIR_OBJ eat 3.ANIM

Ton hute ge'le gukigu tol'li jezaje ton rucho fu.
[tʰɔn ˈhutʰɛ ˈg̥ɛlɛ ˈg̥ukʰig̥u ˈtʰɔlːi ˈjɛt͡sajɛ tʰɔn ˈɹuχɔː fuː]
TOP=3PS house into see-PST interesting see-PST 3.ANIM table on

Djes fi'shi hamham! Em ton fi'shi feza fanfan ton!
[cɛs ˈfiːʃi ˈhamham | ɛm tʰɔn ˈfiːʃi ˈfɛːt͡sa ˈfanfan tʰɔn]
TOP=3SG.INDEF fish there_be-PST! And TOP=3PS fish eat love-PST 3.ANIM

Nun ton rucho fu'lo tjumbetjum fi'shi bajbibaj ton.
[nun tʰɔn ˈɹuːχɔ ˈfulɔ ˈcʰumb̥ɛːcʰum ˈfiːʃi ˈb̥aɪ̯b̥ib̥aɪ̯ tʰɔn]
therefore TOP=3PS table onto jump-PST fish grab-PST 3.ANIM

O-O! Shas njaw jezaje ton gibi fi'shi nimnim njaw.
[ɔː | ʃas ɲaʊ̯ ˈjɛt͡sajɛ tʰɔn ˈg̥ib̥i ˈfiːʃi ˈnimnim ɲaʊ̯]
Uh-Oh! TOP=someone cat watch-PST 3.ANIM how fish take cat

Njaw kiki machaw fon tjumbetjum aka ge fo'lucafo ton.
[ɲaʊ̯ ˈkʰikʰi ˈmaχaʊ̯ fɔn cʰumb̥ɛcʰum ˈakʰa g̥ɛ fɔˈlut͡ʃa tʰɔn]
TOP=cat small window out_of jump-PST field in hide-PST 3.ANIM

Ton de fi'shi ti nisti fezajfe ton.
[tʰɔn d̥ɛ ˈfiːʃi tʰi ˈnistʰi ˈfɛt͡saɪ̯fɛ tʰɔn]
TOP=3PS PART fish DIR_OBJ happy eat-PST 3.ANIM

Gelaj njaw fol mida gen.
[g̥ɛlaɪ̯ ɲaʊ̯ fɔl ˈmiːd̥a g̥ɛn]
now cat very tired STAT_PST
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Utseech

As war âma ach natş.
I war nech ûd wess.
A i war ufgewaken war, i ha we hûga.
Alsu i war loejâgech umşu fijdech atwas şu aech.
I ha gewen hijta âech bum ûd ha gefûdech ach ake.
Ava natşech aech diken nech akeln!
I ha gewen ûta âech etich ûd ha gefûdech âech näfa.
Ava natşech aech diken nech näfan!
I ha gewen ich de hus ûd ha gefûdech atwas ehr ijtaeâets uf dech tisk!
As war ach fisk! Ûd i ha gelieben as, şu aech fisk!
Dealp i war gesprûgech uf dech tisk druf ûd ha gepachen dech fisk.
Ohoh! Jemâd ha beovaketen, wi i ha geôwech dech fisk!
De nech natş war gesprûgech us de fejsa haus ûd ha waechen sil im felt.
I ha gejeech dech fisk gochikwe.
Ûd jetşen i war ehr häfrig.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
Posts: 2103
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Bath'aso

Zhuts xadsh.
Xadsh ikxi ptrun.
Ammux xadsh tshukħox!
Pħarjet, heks hekprizhemz shots gerdzh.
Papħodom extek zennz shexprizhemz phukzammt.
Tzorn zar gratst xadshtiz phukzammttu!
Papħodom bizhek řezhez shexprizhemz dronkhprakt.
Tzorn zar gratst xadshtiz dronkhprakttu!
Papħodom pħorok bsħogrtshokz kunnsomz tshunushtħok bruz nodzhluzh.
Palzhtzhupt! Zhuts pulsom gratstemz palzh!
Heks rushptatsomz nodzhlu shext dronomz palzh.
A-O! Zhuts kunns shamadzhoz khek dron xadshez palzh.
Shext ptets xadshez ikxiz dzhork heks namzem pħor řemtizh.
Gratst xadshez palzh meħammt.
Than heks xadsh prsh.

INDR = Indirective case (similar to dative case, but has additional functions)

Zhuts xadsh.
[ʐut͡s xɑ͡dʂ]
There was a cat.

Xadsh ikxi ptrun.
[xa͡dʂ ˈi͡kxi ͡ptrun]
cat.ABS small.ABS white.ABS
She was small and white.

Ammux xadsh tshukħox!
[ˈɑmːux xɑ͡dʂ ͡tʂukˤʌx]
waking_TERM cat hungry.ABS.COMP
When she woke up she was very hungry!

Pħarjet, heks hekprizhemz shots gerdzh.
[pˤarjɛt, hɛks ˈhɛkpriʐɛmz ʂot͡s gɛɾ͡dʐ]
therefore INGR look_for=3SG.ERG some.ABS food.ABS
So she went looking for some food.

Papħodom extek zennz shexprizhemz phukzammt.
[paˈpˤʌdʌm ˈɛxtɛk ˈzɛnːz ˈʂɛxpriʐɛmz ˈpʰɯkzɑmːt]
look=3SG.ABS behind tree-ERG find=3SG.ERG acorn
She looked behind the tree and found an acorn.

Tzorn zar gratst xadshtiz phukzammttu!
[tz̥ɔɾn zɑr gʁɑt͡st ˈxa͡dʂtiz ˈpʰɯkzɑmːtːɯ]
but NEG eat cat-PL-ERG acorn-PL-ABS
But cats don't eat acorns!

Papħodom bizhek řezhez shexprizhemz dronkhprakt.
[paˈpˤʌdʌm ˈbiʐɛk ˈ͡rʐɛʐɛz ˈʂɛxpriʐɛmz ˈdrɔŋkʰprɑkt]
look=3SG.ABS under stone-ERG find=3SG.ERG bug
She looked under the rock and found a bug.

Tzorn zar gratst xadshtiz dronkhprakttu!
[tz̥ɔɾn zɑr gʁɑt͡st ˈxa͡dʂtiz ˈdrɔŋkʰprɑktːɯ]
but NEG eat cat-PL-ERG bug-PL-ABS
But cats don't eat bugs!

Papħodom pħorok bsħogrtshokz kunnsomz tshunushtħok bruz nodzhluzh.
[paˈpˤʌdʌm ˈpˤʌrɔk ˈbsˤɔgʁ̩͡tʂɔkz̥ ˈkɯnːsɔmz ˈ͡tʂunuʂtˤʌk bruz ˈno͡dʐluʐ]
look=3SG.ASB in house-ERG see=3SG.ERG interesting.ABS.COMP on table-INDR
She looked in the house and saw something very interesting on the table.

Palzhtzhupt! Zhuts pulsom gratstemz palzh!
[ˈpɑlʐtʐupt! ʐut͡s ˈpɯlsɔm ˈgʁat͡stɛmz pɑlʐ]
fish-TERM! CONT love=3SG.ABS eat=3SG.ERG fish.ABS
It was a fish! And she loved to eat fish!

Heks rushptatsomz nodzhlu shext dronomz palzh.
[hɛks ˈruʂ͡ptɑt͡sɔmz ˈno͡dʐlu ʂɛxt drɔnɔmz pɑlʐ]
INGR jump_upon=3SG.ERG table-ABS TERM grab=3SG.ERG fish.ABS
So she jumped on to the table and grabbed the fish.

A-O! Zhuts kunns shamadzhoz khek dron xadshez palzh.
[a.ɔ! ʐut͡s kɯnːs ˈʂama͡dʐɔz kʰɛk drɔn ˈxɑ͡dʂɛz pɑlʐ]
O o! CONT watch someone-ERG PERF take cat-ERG fish-ABS
Uh oh! A person saw her take the fish.

Shext ptets xadshez ikxiz dzhork heks namzem pħor řemtizh.
[ʂɛxt ͡ptɛt͡s ˈxa͡dʂɛz ˈi͡kxiz ͡dʐɔɾk hɛks ˈnamzɛm pˤʌɾ ˈ͡ɾʐɛmtiʐ]
TERM jump cat-ERG little-ERG window-ABS INGR hide=3SG.ABS in field-INDR
The little cat jumped out the window and hid in the field.

Gratst xadshez palzh meħammt.
[gʁɑt͡st ˈxa͡dʂɛz pɑlʐ mɛˈʔamːt]
eat cat-ERG fish-ABS happy.ADV
She happily ate the fish.

Than heks xadsh prsh.
[tʰɑn hɛks xɑ͡dʂ pr̩ʂ]
now INGR cat-ABS sleepy-ABS
But now she was very sleepy.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Lambuzhao »

Image Yaza to ʕantmotroarfueni ʕa to veni

Triozu engo triozu oyiki θiritīm yaza dohtrim ʕa ʕazwarvaʕim a hrim…

Eno ʕantmotroarfueni veztuzæk.
yeʕo yaza ʕabowu ʕa unt.
ōgeg meranworom motràs ča seliruzæk done~zurf ēyæ dwoti!
Waya sevanūl. Yaza sevanūl ʕasevanūl…
Yaza ostli bæθčilmen zurweyuzæk ʕa rausáne bæčeauyasviθiθ
Nuebtōnt ʕantmotroarfueniti nu zurfoyeš bæčeauyasviθim!
Yaza ove ʕaχtuχen zurweyuzæk ʕa rausáne unitniθ .
Nuebtōnt ʕantmotroarfueniti nu zurfoyeš unitnim!
Yaza lod dlazauθ zurweyuzæk ʕa oyi bliden rausáne enowo zos
Eno veni yeʕo! Ča veni zurfyeqš yeklæk eimæ dwoti!
Rav yaza oyod blidauθ kleztamausane ʕa goasečane veniθ.
Eŋyo! Enōdien zurweyò θowo goasečane veniθ.
Yaza œqš heθeom ʕantmotroarfueni unt kleztamausane ʕa ol biχeθu šelirausane.
Bō šyeufeutoan zurfeyò venin.
Kaiki bō meranworan yeʕo.
Triozu engo triozu oyiki θiritīm yaza dohtrim a azwarvaʕim a hrim…
Long Oh long ago in ancient days and ages and times...

Eno ʕantmotroarfueni veztuzæk.

ye’o yaza ʕabowu ʕa unt.
Be<PST>3SG CNJ white CNJ small

ōgeg meranworom motràs ča seliruzæk done~zurf ēyæ dwoti!
PRP sleep-ABL roust <AOR>3SG CNJ want<IMPFT>3SG INF=eat<NMLZ> much<SUPER>

Waya sevanūl. Yaza sevanūl ʕasevanūl…

Yaza ostli bæθčilmen zurweyuzæk ʕa rausáne bæčeauyasviθiθ
CNJ PRP oak.tree-LOC see-IMPFT.3SG CNJ find<PLUP>3SG acorn-ACC

Nuebtōnt ʕantmotroarfueniti nu zurfoyeš bæčeauyasviθim!
CNJ cat<COLL> NEG eat<PRS>3PL acorn-ABL

Yaza ove ʕaχtuχen zurweyuzæk ʕa rausáne unitniθ .
CNJ PRP oak.tree-LOC see-IMPFT.3SG CNJ find<PLUP>3SG insect-ACC

Nuebtōnt ʕantmotroarfueniti nu zurfoyeš unitnim!
CNJ cat<COLL> NEG eat<PRS>3PL insect-ABL

Yaza lod dlazauθ zurweyuzæk ʕa oyi bliden rausáne enowo zos

Eno veni ye’o! Ča veni zurfyeqš yeklæk eimæ dwoti!

Rav yaza oyod blidauθ kleztamausane ʕa goasečane veniθ.
CNJ CNJ PRP table-ACC leap<PLUP>3SG CNJ take<PLUP>3SG fish-ACC

Eŋyo! Enōdien zurweyò θowo goasečane veniθ.

Yaza œqš heθeom ʕantmotroarfueni unt kleztamausane ʕa ol biχeθu šelirausane.
CNJ PRP window-ABL cat-NOM little leap<PLUP>3SG CNJ PRP field<DIM>LOC hide<PLUP>3SG

Bō šyeufeutoan zurfeyò venin.
PRP happiness-GEN eat<PST>3SG fish-GEN

Kaiki bō meranworan yeʕo.
Last edited by Lambuzhao on 28 Aug 2017 21:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Imralu »

:con: :png: Wena
  • U nyozi do lu i buzi.
    [u ˈɲo.zi do ˌlu‿i̯ ˈbu.zi]
    ADV time-PRF then LOC COP cat
    There was a cat.

    Buzi is a loan from Tok Pisin "pusi".

    De i di gwe ve.
    [ˌde‿i̯ ˈdi gwe ˈve]
    DEF COP small and white.
    She was small and white.

    U bilwe do i ba bo mo.
    [u ˈbi.lwe do‿i̯ ˌba ˌbo ˈmo]
    ADV cease-sleep then COP extreme want consume
    When she woke up she was very hungry!

    Dozye i zo u nggeza ya gindya zyamo.
    [ˈdo.ʒe‿i̯ ˌzo‿u̯‿ŋ.ˈ ja ˌgin.d͡ʒa ˈʒ]
    then-cause COP locomote ADV hunt-hold GEN mild-amount GERUNDIVE-consume
    So she went looking for some food.

    I nggeza u lu bwe zyi vyada do livwe ya eigoni.
    [i‿ŋ.ˈ‿u̯ ˌlu ˈbwe ʒi ˈvja.ɾa do ˈli.vwe ja ˈʔei̯]
    COP hunt-hold ADV LOC back GEN.DEF plant-big then become-see GEN acorn
    She looked behind the tree and found an acorn.

    Eigoni is a loan from English.

    Mye we buzi e ze mo vye eigoni.
    [mje ˌwe ˈbu.zi e ˌze ˈmo vje ˈʔei̯]
    but PL cat COP NEG consume GEN.PL acorn
    But cats don't eat acorns!

    I nggeza u vwe vye ndu zyi ge do livwe ya nyavwi.
    [i‿ŋ.ˈ‿u̯ ˈvwe vje‿n.ˈdu ʒi ˈge do ˈli.vwe ja ˈɲa.vwi]
    COP hunt-hold ADV see GEN.PL low GEN.DEF hard then become-see GEN
    She looked under the rock and found a bug.

    The word nya signifies any land-dwelling animal about the size of a mouse or smaller. Since that would be even more obviously untrue than the English version, I appended "yucky" to it to specify that it was a gross bug.

    Mye we buzi e ze mo vye nyavwi.
    [mje ˌwe ˈbu.zi e ˌze ˈmo vje ˈɲa.vwi]
    but PL cat COP NEG consume GEN.PL
    But cats don't eat bugs!

    I nggeza u lu mba do livwe ya ba zyebomu ye lu hyumo.
    [i‿ŋ.ˈ‿u̯ ˌlu‿m.ˈba do ˈli.vwe ja ˌba ˈʒ je ˌlu ˈç]
    COP hunt-hold ADV LOC house then become-see GEN extreme cause-want-know ATTR LOC horizontal.surface-consume
    She looked in the house and saw something very interesting on the table.

    Hi e gwi! Gwe de i le zyi lo mo vye gwi.
    [ˈhi e ˈgwi | gwe ˈde‿i̯ ˈle ʒi ˌlo ˈmo vje ˈgwi]
    DEM COP fish | and DEF COP love GEN.DEF situation consume GEN.PL fish
    It was a fish! And she loved to eat fish!

    Dozye i zozwi u lilu hyumo do liza zyi gwi.
    [ˈdo.ʒe‿i̯ ˈzo.zwi‿u̯ ˌ ˈç do ˈ ʒi ˈgwi]
    then-cause COP locomote-high ADV become-LOC horizontal.surface-consume then become-hold GEN.DEF fish
    So she jumped on to the table and grabbed the fish.

    A he ze! Ngo i vwe zyu i liza zyi gwi.
    [ˈʔa ˌhe ˈze | ˌŋo‿i̯ ˈvwe ʒw‿i ˈ ʒi ˈgwi]
    ah JUSS NEG | human COP see GEN.C COP become-hold GEN.DEF fish
    Uh oh! A person saw her take the fish.

    Buzi ye di e zozwi u bye mba u zwe zwombavwe do li zenevwe u lu budi vyandu
    [ˈbuzi je ˈdi e ˈzo.zwi‿u̯ ˌbje‿m.ˈba‿u̯ ˌzwe ˈ do ˌli ˈ‿u̯ ˌlu ˌbu.ɾi ˈvjan.du]
    cat ATTR small COP locomote-high ADV depart house ADV use hole-house-see then become NEG-PASS-see ADV LOC land-small plant-low
    The little cat jump out the window and hid in the field.

    Literally: The little cat jumped, leaving the house, using the window and became invisible in the grassy area of land.

    I mo zyi gwi u nwiho.
    [i ˈmo ʒi ˈgwi‿u̯ ˈnwi.ho]
    COP consume GEN.DEF fish ADV feel-good
    She happily ate the fish.

    Mye do i ba nwilwe.
    [mje do‿i̯ ˌba ˈnwi.lwe]
    but then COP very feel-sleep
    But now she was very sleepy.
Last edited by Imralu on 16 Jan 2017 14:52, edited 3 times in total.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, AG = agent, E = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Lao Kou »

Imralu wrote:Buzi is a loan from Tok Pisin "pusi".
I guess we should be glad Tok Pisin didn't run with the loan, "Fotze". [xP]
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Imralu »

Lao Kou wrote:
Imralu wrote:Buzi is a loan from Tok Pisin "pusi".
I guess we should be glad Tok Pisin didn't run with the loan, "Fotze". [xP]
But Fotze doesn't mean "cat" ... The German cat/vagina word is Muschi.

Edit: And if it did, assuming Tok Pisin didn't change it to musi (which is pretty much certainly what would have happened), it would have wound up in Wena as muzyi, with identical pronunciation to mu zyi "one who knows it/her/him"

Na i mu zyi - I know it/her/him.
Na i muzyi. - I'm a cat.

Muzyi e ngu zyi hye. - The cat killed the bird.
Mu zyi e ngu zyi hye. - The one who knows it/her/him killed the bird.

Muzi wouldn't have been so funny.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, AG = agent, E = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Ular



I wonder if the distinction between 橡 acorn and 虫 bug (khăng and kãng, respectively) would be too narrow for little children. Opinions?
Tânkūng lõ khùvāng thŏ

cat here fish there
The cat and the fish

Tânkūng ô kõm.

cat there STAT.PST
There was a cat.

Tōn rhà tûr kõm.

3SG.FEM small white STAT.PST
She was small and white.

Tōn thòmngòwjù tōn khõr vŭjú rhŏng kõm!

TOP.3SG.FEM sleep-TERM-PST 3SG.FEM time hunger-have very STAT.PST
When she woke up she was very hungry!

Tōn tōng tā tŭrhngàm jàlh tū vójkhú lhùjù tōn.

TOP.3SG.FEM therefore TOP food some ACC search see-PST 3SG.FEM
Therefore she went looking for some food.

Tōn khû tá vũ thò lhùjù tōn, thŏ khăng khûjù tōn.

TOP.3SG.FEM backside tree at see go-PST 3SG.FEM, there acorn find-PST 3SG.FEM
She looked behind a tree and found an acorn.

Khăngkhàng pár ngâ pãm tŭrh tânkūng!

acorn-PL but DEM.PROX NEG eat cat
But cats don't eat acorns!

Tōn wō khâng vũ thò lhùjù tōn, thŏ kãng khûjù tōn.

TOP.3SG.FEM bottom stone at see go-PST 3SG.FEM, there insect find-PST 3SG.FEM
She looked under a rock and found a bug.

Khãngkhāng pár ngâ pãm tŭrh tânkūng!

bug-PL but DEM.PROX NEG eat cat
But cats don't eat bugs!

Tōn tā wũlpál phū thò lhùjù tōn, rhâ kó vũ lû'ôngngàm khûjù tōn.

TOP.3SG.FEM TOP house in see go-PST 3SG.FEM, topside table at interesting-NOMZ find-PST 3SG.FEM
She looked in the house and saw something very interesting on the table.

Khùvāng ów tā! Tōn khùvāng tŭrh rõm jù tōn!

fish one TOP | 3SG.FEM fish eat like PST 3SG.FEM
It was a fish! And she loved to eat fish!

Tōn tōng rhâ kó vũ ngâjláu khùvāng thŭ jù tōn.

3SG.FEM therefore topside table at jump fish grab PST 3SG.FEM
So she jumped onto the table and grabbed the fish.

Ô-ŏ! Tōn tā khùvāng thŭ tōn khû jù rū.

EXCL | 3SG.FEM TOP fish grab 3SG.FEM see someone
Oh-oh! Someone saw her grab the fish.

Tânkūng rhà tā khāng ngûlhù ngâjwō jù tā ôw phū mărhphòn jù tōn.

cat small TOP window move_out jump_down PST PART field in lie_wait PST 3SG.FEM
The little cat jumped out the window and hid in the field.

Tōn án ùr tā khùvāng tŭrh jù tōn.

3SG.FEM happiness feel TOP fish eat PST 3SG.FEM
*The happy she ate the fish.

Tōn rhŭ pàr tā mū ùr kõm.

3SG.FEM now but TOP dream feel STAT.PST
But now she was very tired. (As for her, now however she felt the dream.)
Last edited by Iyionaku on 23 Aug 2017 15:39, edited 1 time in total.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Lao Kou »

Iyionaku wrote:I wonder if the distinction between 橡 acorn and 虫 bug (khăng and kãng, respectively) would be too narrow for little children. Opinions?
Donworribouddit! Language-acquiring children are astute.
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by Lambuzhao »

Iyionaku wrote:

I wonder if the distinction between 橡 acorn and 虫 bug (khăng and kãng, respectively) would be too narrow for little children. Opinions?
Truly, most children will find the texture of the 橡 slightly more crunchy than that of the 虫 . On the bitterness scale, it's prolly toss-up IMHO. :roll:

The real treat is when you find the 虫 still in the 橡 : ¡mini-piñata! [:P] ... 8dbe_b.jpg

Two great tastes that taste great together: Reese's Weevil-Acorns!!
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Re: The Cat and the Fish.

Post by holbuzvala »

Mjejmjej ya-kotauc

Mjejmjej je.
Jeheśī ya-zbeńī.
Haj taloz jenzeye kavorkaj bujeḳafka!
Dēŕū ośda jeburatazńaka.
ḳēŕū aśeni jeburata yani jetańaṭa cōbez.
Ōǵa mjejmjejle cōbezle jetaçadataj!
Stēzdū jukpunu jeburata, yani jejeńaṭa ǵarihī.
Ōǵa mjejmjejle ǵarihīle jejeçadataj!
Haj kawez jeburata yani hai çajdē fent jetańaṭa tajezīku.
Kotauc ta! Yani kotauc tajeduzaçuda.
Dēŕū hajzo çajdē jeńkene yani kotauc jetańkasva.
Olele! Feńk kijezuga kotauc jetańkasva.
Mjejmjejheśī rēdū iraḳe jeńkene yani haj yekuń ńoar jejetrafa.
kotauc nṭalos jetaçada.
Ōǵa nutaloz jesajftī.

Code: Select all

There was a cat.
mjejmjej je

She was small and white.
Jeheśī ya-zbeńī.
je-heśī ya-zbeńī
ANI.SBJ-small CONJ-white

When she woke up, she was very hungry!
Haj taloz jenzeye kavorkaj bujeḳafka!
haj taloz je-nzeye k-avorkaj bu-je-ḳafka
at time ANI.SBJ-awake ABS.AGENT-hunger ABS.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-hold

So she went looking for some food.
Dēŕū ośda jeburatazńaka.
dēŕū ośda je-bu-rata-zńaka
thus food ANI.SBJ-ABS.OBJ-seek-set.out

She looked behind the tree and found an acorn.
ḳēŕū aśeni jeburata yani jetańaṭa cōbez.
ḳēŕū aśeni je-bu-rata ya-ni je-ta-ńaṭa cōbez.
behind tree ANI.SBJ-ABS.OBJ-seek CONJ-CLAUSE ANI.SBJ-INAN.OBJ-find acorn

But cats don't eat acorns!
Ōǵa mjejmjejle cōbezle jetaçadataj!
Ōǵa mjejmjej-le cōbez-le je-ta-çada-taj!
but cat-PL acorn-PL ANI.SBJ-INAN.OBJ-eat-NEG

She looked under the rock, and found a bug.
Stēzdū jukpunu jeburata, yani jejeńaṭa ǵarihī.
Stēzdū jukpunu je-bu-rata, ya-ni je-je-ńaṭa ǵarihī.
under rock ANI.SBJ-ABS.OBJ-seek CONJ-CLAUSE ANI.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-find bug

But cats don't eat bugs!
Ōǵa mjejmjejle ǵarihīle jejeçadataj!
Ōǵa mjejmjej-le ǵarihī-le je-je-çada-taj!
but cat-PL bug-PL ANI.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-eat-NEG

She looked in the house and saw something very interesting on the table.
Haj kawez jeburata yani hai çajdē fent jetańaṭa tajezīku.
Haj kawez je-bu-rata ya-ni hai çajdē fent je-ta-ńaṭa ta-je-zīku.
in house ANI.SBJ-ABS.OBJ-seek CONJ-CLAUSE on table something ANI.SBJ-INAN.OBJ-find INAN.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-curious.CAUS.AUG

It was a fish! And she  loved to eat fish.
Kotauc ta! Yani kotauc tajeduzaçuda.
Kotauc ta, Ya-ni kotauc ta-je-duza-çuda. INAN.SUBJ, CONJ-CLAUSE INAN.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-please.CAUSE-eat

So she jumped on to the table and grabbed the fish.
Dēŕū hajzo çajdē jeńkene yani kotauc jetańkasva.
Dēŕū hajzo çajdē je-ńkene ya-ni kotauc je-ta-ńkasva.
thus onto table ANI.SBJ-jump CONJ-CLAUSE ANI.SBJ-INAN.OBJ-snatch

Uh oh! A person saw her take the fish.
Olele! Feńk kijezuga kotauc jetańkasva.
Olele! Feńk ki-je-zuga kotauc je-ta-ńkasva.
Oh no! someone HUMAN.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-see ANI.SBJ-INAN.OBJ-snatch

The little cat jump out the window and hid in the field.
Mjejmjejheśī rēdū iraḳe jeńkene yani haj yekuń ńoar jejetrafa.
Mjejmjej-heśī rēdū iraḳe je-ńkene ya-ni haj yekuń ńoar je-je-trafa
cat-small out.through window ANI.SUBJ-jump CONJ-CLAUSE in field RFLX ANI.SBJ-ANI.OBJ-hide

She happily ate the fish.
kotauc nṭalos jetaçada.
kotauc nṭalos je-ta-çada. happiness ANI.SBJ-INAN.OBJ-eat

But now she was very sleepy.
Ōǵa nutaloz jesajftī.
Ōǵa nu-taloz je-sajftī.
but PROX-time ANI.SBJ-fall.asleep.AUG
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