Preliminaries 2:
Preliminaries 3: Abbreviations used in what follows:
My Conlangs' Switch-Reference Markers:
My conlangs' clause-chains have an Initial anchor clause, and some Consecutive clauses' nuclear verbs are obligatorily marked with one to three switch-reference prefixes showing whether, and which, and how the marked clause's core arguments are related to which of the anchor clause's participants.
The relationships coded are:
- identical equality
- strict, proper containment.
So-Called "Same- or Different- -Subject" Markers:
Four of the markers -- do-, re-, mi-, and -fa- -- show which of the referenced clause's participants the marked clause's Subject or Actor is related to, and how.
do- and mi- show whether and how mS|A is related to rS|A.
re- and -fa- show whether and how mS|A is related to rU|E.
do- shows that the marked clause's Subject or Actor is precisely identical to the referenced clause's Subject or Actor.
re- shows that the marked clause's Subject or Actor is precisely identical to the referenced clause's Undergoer or E term.
mi- shows that the marked clause's Subject or Actor is strictly, properly contained in the referenced clause's Subject or Actor; or vice-versa.
fa- shows that the marked clause's Subject or Actor is strictly, properly contained in, or strictly, properly contains, the referenced clause's Undergoer or E term.
So-Called "Same- or Different- -Object" Markers:
If the marked clause is transitive or ditransitive (that is, if it has an Undergoer), four of the markers -- -so-, -la-, -ti-, and -hut- -- show which of the referenced clause's participants the marked clauses Undergoer is related to, and how.
-so- and -ti- show whether and how mU is related to rU|E.
-la- and -hut- show whether and how mU is related to rS|A.
-so- shows that the marked clause's Undergoer is precisely identical to the referenced clause's Undergoer or E term.
-la- shows that the marked clause's Undergoer is precisely identical to the referenced clause's Subject or Actor.
-ti- shows that the marked clause's Undergoer properly contains or is properly contained in the referenced clause's Undergoer or E term.
-hut- shows that the marked clause's Undergoer properly contains or is properly contained in the referenced clause's Subject or Actor.
Ambiguity and Disambiguation:
do- and -la- are unambiguous because neither clause can have both a Subject and an Actor.
If the referenced clause is only bivalent, re- and -so- are unambiguous; but if the referenced clause has both a U and an E -- that is, if it is ditransitive -- then re- and -so- might be ambiguous. I haven't provided a way for a speaker or an addressee to disambiguate this other than just the speaker making a separate statement, maybe after the addressee asks.
mi- and -hut- are ambiguous because they don't code which clause's participant contains the other clause's participant.
This can often be disambiguated by number.
If one is singular and the other is non-singular then the nonsingular one contains the singular one.
If one is plural and the other is non-plural then the plural one contains the nonplural one.
If one is a definite number (singular or dual or trial) and the other is an indefinite number (paucal or plural) then the paucal or plural one contains the singular or dual or trial one.
And so on.
(If these conlangs had sex-based gender -- Masculine, Feminine, Neuter, and Common -- then proper containment might sometimes be disambiguated by gender. If one clause's participant is in the Common gender and the other is M or F or N, then the one in Common would have to contain the other.)
(But these two conlangs' gender-system isn't sex-based.)
-fa- and -ti- may be ambiguous both for the reasons re- and -so- might be and for the reasons mi- and -hut- might be; and the remarks I said earlier about disambiguating re-, -so-, mi-, and -hut- can, with a little obvious modification, apply to -fa- and -ti-.
Obligatory Marking in Adpihi:
In Adpihi, if the situation encoded by a marker obtains, the marker is obligatory.
If no marker occurs it means either that the mS is not related to any of the r participants, or that neither the mA nor the mU is related to any of the r participants.
If do-, re-, mi-, or -fa- occurs without any of -so-, -la-, -ti-, or -hut-, it means that either there is no mU or that it is not related to any of the r participants.
If so-, la-, ti-, or -hut- occurs without any of do-, re-, mi-, or -fa-, it means that the mA is not related to any of the r participants.
If do-, mi-, -la-, or -hut- occurs without any of re-, -fa-, -so-, or -ti-, it means that either there is no rU|E or that it is not related to any of the m participants.
If re-, -fa-, -so-, or -ti- occurs without any of do-, mi-, -la-, or -hut-, it means that the rS|A is not related to any of the m participants.
Suppressed Marking in Reptigan:
For the most part, Reptigan's switch-reference marking system is like Adpihi's, except that, in Reptigan, if a clause is marked with mi- it won't also be marked with -fa-, and if a clause is marked with -ti- it won't also be marked with -hut-.
So, in Adpihi, if a clause is marked with mi- but not with -fa-, that means not only that mS|A<>rS|A, but also that there is no relationship between mS|A and rU|E. If mS|A>rS|A and mS|A>rU|E, then, in Adpihi, the clause will be marked with mifa-, not just with mi-.
But, in Reptigan, if a clause is marked with mi- but not with -fa-, that means only that mS|A<>rS|A; it means nothing about any relationship between mS|A and rU|E. If mS|A>rS|A and mS|A>rU|E, then, in Reptigan, the clause will be marked with mi-. Reptigan does not mark clauses with mifa-.
Likewise, in Adpihi, if a clause is marked with -ti- but not with -hut-, that means not only that mU<>rU|E, but also that there is no relationship between mU and rS|A. If mU>rU|E and mU>rS|A, then, in Adpihi, the clause will be marked with -tihut-, not just with -ti-.
But, in Reptigan, if a clause is marked with -ti- but not with -hut-, that means only that mU<>rU|E; it means nothing about any relationship between mU and rS|A. If mU>rU|E and mU>rS|A, then, in Reptigan, the clause will be marked with -ti-. Reptigan does not mark clauses with -tihut-.
Two Switch-Reference Markers on One Verb:
"Principle of Disjoint Reference":
In these conlangs, as in many natlangs that have highly productive valency-reducing reflexivization and reciprocalization processes (especially those that also have switch-reference-marking and clause-chaining), clauses in a clause-chain must satisfy what's called "the principle of disjoint reference".
That is, any two different referents of any single clause cannot have any common part.
If both are individuals they must be different.
If one is a group and the other is an individual, the individual must not be a member of the group.
If both are groups, they have to be disjoint; no thing can be a member of both of the groups.
This requirement is part of the reason why some pairs of the markers previously defined cannot occur together.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Two Markers Simultaneously On One Verb:
Fifteen two-marker combinations are allowed.
Any of do-, re-, mi-, or -fa- can occur with either of -so- or -ti-.
Either of re- or -fa- can occur with any of -so-, -la-, -ti-, or -hut-.
Any two of mi-, -fa-, -ti-, and -hut- can co-occur together.
Here are the allowed combinations and what they mean:
Why are the disallowed combinations disallowed?
So do- and mi, re- and -fa-, -so- and -ti-, and -la- and -hut-, are incompatible pairs.
In other words, out of the markers {do-, -la-, mi-, -hut-}, the only compatible pair of markers is mi-hut-.
In other words, out of the markers {do-, re-, mi-, -fa-}, the only compatible pair of markers is mifa-.
In other words, out of the markers {-so-, -la-, -ti-, -hut-}, the only compatible pair of markers is -tihut-.
Three Switch-Reference Markers on One Verb:
If the marked clause is transitive or ditransitive (has both an mA and an mU) and the referenced clause is ditransitive (has an rA and an rU and an rE), there are four allowed combinations of three markers.
Either re- or fa- can go with -tihut-.
And, mifa- can go with either -so- or -ti-.
So the allowed three-marker combinations are:
retihut- which means (mA=rU and mU>rA and mU>rE) or (mA=rE and mU>rA and mU>rU);
fatihut- which means (mA<>rU and mU>rA and mU>rE) or (mA<>rE and mU>rA and mU>rU);
mifaso- which means (mA>rA and mA>rU and mU=rE) or (mA>rA and mA>rE and mU=rU); and
mifati- which means (mA>rA and mA>rU and mU<>rE) or (mA>rA and mA>rE and mU<>rU).
There are two other sets of three markers, namely {mi-, -fa-, -hut-} and {mi-, -ti-, -hut-}, such that each two members of the set are compatible with each other.
But mi-hut- requires that mA<rS|A and mU<rS|A,
while mifa- requires that mA>rS|A and -tihut- requires that mU>rS|A.
So even though mifa-, mi-hut-, and -fahut- are allowable, mifahut- is not;
and even though miti-, mi-hut-, and -tihut- are allowable, mitihut- is not.
No four-marker combinations are allowed; because there are no sets of four markers each three of which are allowed together. In particular, mifatihut- is disallowed even though mifati- and -fatihut- are both allowed; because mifa-hut- and mi-tihut- are both disallowed.