Don't slap yourself, it's the natural course of a language. :P
It just means English in 300 years will have a lot of VERY strange constructions.
Search found 149 matches
- 09 Jun 2012 05:46
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: A tale of two contractions
- Replies: 13
- Views: 2887
- 09 Jun 2012 05:42
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
Natlengua suena extraño. Pero si es correcto lo usaré.
Natlengua sounds strange. But if it's correct I'll use it.
Yeah, because I live in Shanghai, right now it's 11:40.
Natlengua sounds strange. But if it's correct I'll use it.
Yeah, because I live in Shanghai, right now it's 11:40.
- 09 Jun 2012 04:28
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
Hm, lo siento. Pens aba que habrías tenido que usar 对 porque es una pregunta si ese es correcto o incorrecto. Tendría que ir a preguntarle a la gente en la calle ...:P "Local" är en plats och "camino" är en väg. Acabo de levantarme, y no ha tomado un café. Usualmente lo sabería....
- 09 Jun 2012 03:38
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: A tale of two contractions
- Replies: 13
- Views: 2887
Re: A tale of two contractions
This probably has to do with phonotactics or something It's easy to elide the /h/ in "have" In the end you're only saying /'ai.d@v/. But in "I would not, you're trying to follow the same rules as "didn't", ie. elide the /o/ in /not/. It's unnatural, at least in...
- 09 Jun 2012 03:21
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
Hm, lo siento. Pensé que debe usar 对 porque es una pregunta si ese es correcto o incorrecto. Debo ir al camino y preguntar a los locales...:P
Hm, sorry. I thought you should use 对 because it's a question whether it's correct or incorrect. I should go to the street and ask the locals...:P
Hm, sorry. I thought you should use 对 because it's a question whether it's correct or incorrect. I should go to the street and ask the locals...:P
- 09 Jun 2012 01:47
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
Trailsend wrote: 应该说,”一部叫Prometheus的电影“,对不对?
¿Si, pero nos asustará?Thakowsaizmu wrote: 是一部科幻的电影。
it's a sci-fi movie
Yes, but will it scare us?
- 07 Jun 2012 10:38
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
¿7 mil millones libras? Y imagino que el mejor de esta montaña de dinero ha puesto hacia el aniversario...ridículo. 7 billion pounds? And I imagine that the majority of this mountain of money has been put towards the jubilee...ridiculous. ¿Si tuvierais £7 mil millones, que con lo haceríais? If you ...
- 06 Jun 2012 11:47
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
Cuanto dinero tiene la monarquía de inglaterra? Parece muchísimo si puede pagar por este "jubilee".
How much money does the monarchy of England have? It seems like a ton if they can pay for this jubilee.
How much money does the monarchy of England have? It seems like a ton if they can pay for this jubilee.
- 05 Jun 2012 00:25
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here [2010-2020]
- Replies: 11605
- Views: 2295677
Re: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
Thank you to those who helped.
- 04 Jun 2012 15:38
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: What did you accomplish today? [2011–2019]
- Replies: 11462
- Views: 1861086
Re: What did you accomplish today?
I reworked the phonology of Kranheiŋ to (attempt) to be more interesting. Additionally, I changed the way in which tense works. I hope to, in the next week or so, work into progressive verbs, as well as nouns and such so that I can begin translating the graded sentences.
- 04 Jun 2012 15:21
- Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
- Topic: Language practice thread
- Replies: 6104
- Views: 1118316
Re: Language practice thread
A mi me interesa que francés y otras lenguas cambian los nombres de lugares...Cuando yo era pequeño pensaba que solo chino lo cambia, pero español y francés lo hace siempre. Mire a nombres de personas...John a Juán, etc. It interests me how French and other languages change the names of places...Whe...
- 04 Jun 2012 14:50
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Can you have transitives but no intransitives?
- Replies: 28
- Views: 6487
Re: Can you have transitives but no intransitives?
Mandarin does something like this; a lot of verbs that you'd think would be transitive have mandatory objects. E.g., Shui4 jiao4 sleep.VERB sleep.OBJECT sleep This is a question I have because I've been studying it in Mandarin class lately. Mandarin has certain words (or particles, perhaps) that ar...
- 04 Jun 2012 13:25
- Forum: Beginners' Corner
- Topic: Kranheiŋ (formerly Granheim)
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2685
Re: Granheim
I've decided that, to make it more unique and interesting, I'm going to change quite a bit of Granheim. First and foremost, the phonology. This will be the new phonology: [p t c k q] -- <p t c k q> [n ŋ] -- <n ŋ> [ʀ] -- <r> [f s ç~x h] -- <f s x h> [ɑ i ɛ ə ɔ u] - <a i e v o u> (C)(r)V(V)(N)(FC/C) W...
- 04 Jun 2012 10:41
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here [2010-2020]
- Replies: 11605
- Views: 2295677
Re: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
How common/rare are palatal plosives and fricatives?
Is it too unrealistic to have velar-uvular distinctions?
Also, how many fricatives would you call too many, in terms of what's realistic and commonplace?
Is it too unrealistic to have velar-uvular distinctions?
Also, how many fricatives would you call too many, in terms of what's realistic and commonplace?
- 03 Jun 2012 14:16
- Forum: Beginners' Corner
- Topic: Kranheiŋ (formerly Granheim)
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2685
Re: Granheim
Ah, thank you sir. I'll edit that up above.Maximillian wrote: Like "roses are red, violets are blue"? Then you're looking for gnomic tense/aspect. It is not a mood.
- 03 Jun 2012 10:17
- Forum: Beginners' Corner
- Topic: Kranheiŋ (formerly Granheim)
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2685
Kranheiŋ (formerly Granheim)
Hey guys. I don't know if anyone remembers me, but back in 2010 and maybe a bit of 2011 I was actively a member of this board. I created a lang called "Roman Georgian" (Which arguably failed). I'm coming to the beginners' corner because I had never learned or used anything complex enough t...
- 13 Mar 2011 12:42
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: Having a problem with case endings...
- Replies: 26
- Views: 9543
Re: Having a problem with case endings...
You could find a way to use stress. The more "important" or common cases would have set endings, whereas changes in stress placement indicate different cases or variations of the common cases. For example, /tarxa'no/ could be the "towards" case, as you mentioned, while /tar'xano/...
- 08 Mar 2011 16:59
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: The worst sounding natlang ever
- Replies: 234
- Views: 56469
Re: The worst sounding natlang ever
The Shanghainese dialect of Chinese. And Cantonese, for that matter. And the accent of Shanghainese people when they speak Mandarin...*shudders*
- 08 Mar 2011 16:56
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Conlang Scripts!
- Replies: 35
- Views: 7903
Re: Conlang Scripts!
I don't know much about the language, I just remember the thread you had where you were making the script. Do you have a page where I can read up on it?Ossicone wrote:Nope. But maybe you should. ;-)
'Zas amjatiak. / As amjatiak zuri.'
- 08 Mar 2011 16:54
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: A small phonology and short grammar...
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2184
Re: A small phonology and short grammar...
This won't die. I keep thinking about this lang and now I have to work on it. The theme of this language will be that the verb is carried as an affix on every noun. The reasoning for this is because, as I said before, this is a "magic" language, which will contain many complicated "sp...