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by lolbot720
19 Oct 2013 23:00
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: "Bringer of X" case
Replies: 16
Views: 5804

Re: "Bringer of X" case

I think you need to get more clear on the terminology. I think you're misunderstanding something about what cases are. The affix itself can certainly exist, there's nothing weird about that. It's just you haven't shown us any reason to think it's a case. I needed an answer to whether it exists to b...
by lolbot720
14 Oct 2013 19:12
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: "Bringer of X" case
Replies: 16
Views: 5804

Re: "Bringer of X" case

"John kept the death-bringer out of trouble". "With the death-bringer around, you gotta be careful". "The death-bringer comes to everyone." How would -bringer fit into a case-like syntactical behavior? The "bringer" case would probably have worked as a replac...
by lolbot720
12 Oct 2013 12:38
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: "Bringer of X" case
Replies: 16
Views: 5804

Re: "Bringer of X" case

Do you mean like a derivative suffix or an actual case? (I guess you don't quite know what 'case' usually signifies in linguistics). It didn't have to be a case, and I didn't expect it to be, but I hoped it might be something that was a case in some obscure language. Question: define, in your own w...
by lolbot720
11 Oct 2013 23:31
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: "Bringer of X" case
Replies: 16
Views: 5804

Re: "Bringer of X" case

Do you mean like a derivative suffix or an actual case? (I guess you don't quite know what 'case' usually signifies in linguistics). It didn't have to be a case, and I didn't expect it to be, but I hoped it might be something that was a case in some obscure language. There's somewhat less of a stan...
by lolbot720
11 Oct 2013 22:24
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: "Bringer of X" case
Replies: 16
Views: 5804

"Bringer of X" case

For a conlang, I'm trying to find a way of saying the "bringer of," i.e. a suffix to add to a word, for example, death, because that's jolly, to turn it into "bringer of death". I don't want to add the entire word "bringer" onto the end, as I plan on using this mostly f...
by lolbot720
15 Apr 2013 21:01
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: WIP epigraphic script
Replies: 21
Views: 4366

Re: WIP epigraphic script

Okay, I've come to the conclusion that I was tired when I wrote that message, because it now looks incredibly obvious to me. It's even in the title, and yet I managed to miss it.

And "m/v" means "m or v".
by lolbot720
23 Mar 2013 11:55
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: WIP epigraphic script
Replies: 21
Views: 4366

Re: WIP epigraphic script

Your basic consonant glyphs remind me of the numerical glyphs from the game Fez.

How is this written? It doesn't look as if it was made with a pen. And m/v look as if they could be a bit hard to distinguish.
by lolbot720
17 Mar 2013 02:31
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: Is this phonology naturalistic?
Replies: 3
Views: 1914

Re: Is this phonology naturalistic?

Phoneme inventory looks OK; it's a pretty standard type of inventory although the large number of fricatives makes it look very European-ish which you may or may not want. That's fine. Some of the "sound alternations" look a bit odd, esp. U>W/_O, R>F/_F, H>O/R_ and F>A/_D which don't stri...
by lolbot720
02 Mar 2013 18:57
Forum: Everything Else
Topic: Weird Dream Thread
Replies: 335
Views: 191519

Re: Weird Dream Thread

Well, a couple nights ago, I dreamt I was exploring a cave with a group of people. We'd been fighting off some creatures that vaguely reminded me of Aliens (Aliens as in from the Alien films, not just any random aliens). I went up to the surface for a reason I don't completely recall, and went to mo...
by lolbot720
16 Feb 2013 22:25
Forum: Beginners' Corner
Topic: Is this phonology naturalistic?
Replies: 3
Views: 1914

Re: Is this phonology naturalistic?

(I am the aforementioned lolbot720, btw)
by lolbot720
16 Feb 2013 22:22
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Share your Conscripts
Replies: 47
Views: 11736

Re: Share your Conscripts

The writing is obscured by a plant.
by lolbot720
13 Feb 2013 19:54
Forum: Everything Else
Topic: Weird Dream Thread
Replies: 335
Views: 191519

Re: Weird Dream Thread

Time for random. I'm in a museum with my dad, but I get bored and walk off. I apparently went somewhere I shouldn't have, because a lion was sent after me by the police. After fighting it off with my bare hands (like a baws), I hit some random people with a shelf. At this point, the dream becomes 3r...
by lolbot720
12 Feb 2013 19:43
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Grafi Vors (their writing system)
Replies: 13
Views: 2042

Re: Grafi Vors (their writing system)

EoKlaus wrote:I will take away the /x/ because I have cs

tl;dr /x/ does not equal the English X
by lolbot720
12 Feb 2013 19:20
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Grafi Vors (their writing system)
Replies: 13
Views: 2042

Re: Grafi Vors (their writing system)

/k/ and /x/?
by lolbot720
12 Feb 2013 19:03
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Grafi Vors (their writing system)
Replies: 13
Views: 2042

Re: Grafi Vors (their writing system)

What's the distinction between C and K?
by lolbot720
12 Feb 2013 18:40
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Grafi Vors (their writing system)
Replies: 13
Views: 2042

Re: Grafi Vors (their writing system)

I was told of writing systems. [:'(]
by lolbot720
24 Nov 2012 20:40
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Why do you do it?
Replies: 22
Views: 5908

Re: Why do you do it?

Fleur wrote: "I like Eggnog. I want it back"
Without context, this statement is amazing.
Anyway, I conlang because I find English dull, and I decided to do something creative to say 'English, you suck'.
by lolbot720
06 Nov 2012 22:34
Forum: Everything Else
Topic: You
Replies: 964
Views: 315956

Re: You

Crossbox (as I believe it's pronounced, though they spell it with an X. Kids these days, with their silly leet speak) O_o Can't decide if this is a joke... and if it isn't, I'm uncertain if I'm pronouncing it correctly now. / ɛks bɑks / It's a joke, don't worry. But start calling it Crossbox, it's ...
by lolbot720
05 Nov 2012 21:09
Forum: Everything Else
Topic: You
Replies: 964
Views: 315956

Re: You

Apparently you're supposed to post something like this, so I'd better. Alias(es): lolbot720, Frisch Location: The UK Gender: Male Occupation: n/a Interests: Bacon Favourite music: Two Steps From Hell Conlangs: There was an old sucky one, but now I'm working on one currently known as Bacontalk Other ...
by lolbot720
03 Nov 2012 00:32
Forum: Everything Else
Topic: Introduction thread(s)
Replies: 740
Views: 499559

Re: Introduction thread(s)

Hello! I'm lolbot720, and I am not very funny, I'm not a robot, and there's only one of me. I have a misleading name. I will mostly be silently lurking stalking , but occasionally I'll post something conlangish, and I'll probably post quite a bit during that time. So, you'll be seeing me round, hope...