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by Imralu
24 Aug 2024 16:48
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

U nye do, nai nggwalwe u lu mbavu u nai zi dyongge zyi. I live in the apartment I bought now. Hi loi li u fwaire zyi wizi. That began on Friday of last week. Wi gyandyu wendzire zyi winye u lu mbandyo u nai zi nggwalwe u lu zyi do, i ngo ye zyeu zwa zyazwe zyebi vwoi lindwo mbyezwa do ngwa zyi va m...
by Imralu
14 Aug 2024 04:08
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

j½Û·ÃF·‪²i½ (your house under feet mine...) a home of your own on the antipode of mine... Ha wai nggwalwe u mi Zwara Qatilandiki u ndyu Ndyobu Kanariya? Q 2S=COP resideᴬ SIT INESSᴱ Ocean Atlantic SIT nearᴱ archipelago Canary.Islands Do you live in the Atlantic Ocean near the Canary Islands? Ha mba...
by Imralu
13 Aug 2024 15:24
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

Wi fwaire do, nai dyo nggori zyedwa zyi mbavu nga. hV­Á
¯~ÂÚ¶¯Ri¼ (my lack of knowledge of the land of your future home...) in which country, your new flat... I lu bu Qoselya COP LOCᴱ land Australia It's in Australia. Wi nyodye zi gwa do, nai dzi do mbo. SIT-COP year PSTᴱ twoᴱ then | 1S=COP return...
by Imralu
12 Aug 2024 10:56
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

Wi fwaire do, nai dyo nggori zyedwa zyi mbavu nga.
SIT-COP Friday thus | 1S=COP receiveᴬ twig open(TR)ᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ apartment GEN.1S
On Friday, I get the keys to my apartment.
by Imralu
28 Jul 2024 09:14
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

Wai ho.
Thank you!

Mbavui ne hyundwo ye da ye dwangya. Nai ga mwe za bandya vya u dwei lu zyi.
The apartment has a big, north-facing balcony. I'll be able to have a lot of plants on it.

Gwe nai ga ze nevwe.
And it's quite private.
(And I won't be able to be seen.)
by Imralu
24 Jul 2024 17:49
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

Wawai ho!
2P=COP goodᴱ
Thank you (both)!

Nggehe u nai ngenoi nyezi ne dyoho!
price SIT 1S offerᴬ=COP PRES.RETᴱ haveᴬ acceptᴬ
The price I offered has been accepted.
by Imralu
20 Jul 2024 08:02
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

Nai gizi vwendye mbavu. Nai bo dyongge zyi.
na=i gizi vwendye mbavu | na=i bo dyongge zyi
1S=COP REC.PSTᴱ examineᴬ apartment | 1S=COP wantᴬ purchaseᴬ GEN.DEF.SGᴱ

I just inspected an apartment. I want to buy it.

Nai bahe hongi.
na=i bahe hongi
1S=COP needᴬ fortunateᴱ
Wish me luck!
by Imralu
15 Jul 2024 14:34
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Weird coincidences in your conlanging journey
Replies: 32
Views: 7547

Re: Weird coincidences in your conlanging journey

Wow, Imralu, those are quite a few coincidences! Sounds as if Hibuese has a lot of houmanti 's! Yes, but I don't know houmanti it has. 🤣 One that I forgot is ... bo ndyovi ( po nitiōfi | po tiōfi ), which means "one(s) who want(s) to be a "bad group". A ndyovi is a gang, horde, mob, ...
by Imralu
14 Jul 2024 14:15
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Weird coincidences in your conlanging journey
Replies: 32
Views: 7547

Re: Weird coincidences in your conlanging journey

I have quite a few coincidences in Hibuese that, in many cases, are quite demonstrably not a result of influence of natlangs because they're formed by compounding. Words in bold are in the men's speech. Women's speech is indicated in Italics: purple indicating women-to-women speech and, where it is ...
by Imralu
08 Jul 2024 15:11
Forum: Translations
Topic: Three moronic sentences
Replies: 23
Views: 6660

Re: Three moronic sentences

Hibuese: 1. Ze mo mbyo waini -i dzwezu. NEG consumer GEN.material wine=COP self.hurter He who drinks no wine, hurts himself. 2. Mwa limui zi nge ngingi u gyui nana u byoi we hu nggwa zyo. leader learner=COP PST communicator story SIT hearer=COP 1P.EXCL SIT topic=COP PL man lacker head The teacher to...
by Imralu
05 Jul 2024 12:20
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

VaptuantaDoi wrote: 05 Jul 2024 10:49Sasstasstteha, ihəpssatéepə́y sarhəretsishapápəpə́y apahapspá apsta.
Personally I can tell whether I'm French any day of the week.

I am never French.
I haven't been French yet.
by Imralu
03 Jul 2024 07:59
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

lsd wrote: 02 Jul 2024 23:28 B§²m¥£¦c£W¥‟¥`§^´^²
(this rain on all land of France...)
all France was concerned...
Múlissísiliq ŋébīd: kqa!
Sicily said 'No!'

Hiaffáhuosē hiawwíŋiaddipulálibbándīl?
Are you French or do you just live there?
by Imralu
02 Jul 2024 22:30
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

probably African soil... Múlašibbándīl. Yulúropī. Where do you live? In Europe? Bulalínibbizándīž tiqqášotínaŋ dzakuvódzaiššévaiqqálumovúg taī. I lived in Berlin for nine years, but I never saw muddy rain. Di ez sei lu u'kae ez tau na'tu yia'yi lu... I would think mud would be too big to evaporate....
by Imralu
02 Jul 2024 13:28
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

lsd wrote: 02 Jul 2024 12:01 m'tavri kiemo enpuo erla umyx liki eru'ie
(please rain drops of transparencies and to clean everything...)
if it could rain clear water to clean everything...
What's in the water?

What's in your rain?
by Imralu
02 Jul 2024 08:54
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

lsd wrote: 01 Jul 2024 09:37 u«l¢¥CA¦¦×©×¢b¤
(sky having made drops of browness soiling everything...)
it rained mud again, everything is dirty...
Hémissodíž sániqqálum.
hém-ī-s-o-d-í-ž sán-ī-qálum be.water-R5-rain

Here, it rains water.
by Imralu
01 Jul 2024 08:23
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Conlang Conversation Thread
Replies: 324
Views: 90110

Re: Conlang Conversation Thread

Tábissodíž qayálumīt tittodíŋ.
táb-ī-s-o-d-í-ž q<ay>álum-ī-t t-ī-t-o-d-í-ŋ rain<PROG>-R5-be.time be.time-R5-be.time-LK1-DEM-PROX-1+2

It's raining here too right now.
by Imralu
16 Jun 2024 02:52
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: Miwonša 2024
Replies: 19
Views: 1429

Re: Miwonša 2024

In declension A1 on pages 14-15, the interfixes <aim>, <aiš> and <aiw> seem to pick up an extra "i" and become "iaim", "iaiš" and "iaiw" in the NOM/ACC plural. There's no footnote about this and it doesn't appear anywhere else that I can see. Is it a typo? On ...
by Imralu
15 Jun 2024 19:55
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
Replies: 2008
Views: 437660

Re: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

How about FACT and NFACT? Factive is what people often use to refer to embedded clauses independent of their (c)overtness., e.g. "I know it/that you sleep" is factive. Thanks! I had thought of that and then looked it up and "factive" often seems to be used for an evidential type...
by Imralu
15 Jun 2024 18:35
Forum: Translations
Topic: The only thing I've ever really loved was hurting you.
Replies: 11
Views: 7979

Re: The only thing I've ever really loved was hurting you.

lsd wrote: 14 Apr 2024 21:09 :con: 3SDL:
(me whose pleasure given by nothing and me hurting you...)
Which meaning is that? Everyone else has given a translation for both possible interpretations.
by Imralu
15 Jun 2024 13:19
Forum: Conlangs
Topic: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
Replies: 2008
Views: 437660

Re: (Conlangs) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

I'm not really sure how to gloss my Tobarese morpheme -iā most effectively. It's a subject marker that, like the other subject markers, can either be "bare" or "filled" (or "completed" or "specified"). Other Subject Markers I'll first show how other subject ma...