So much I'm into it. Voudriez-vous make us some realy exemples to learn ? I hope to get some ways this language. interesting!! well heres a few phrases: Hello = Donhâ Thank you = Kam falândim vadâb You’re welcome = Kosâ kami kenâkesi Excuse me = Kam râkuina kontârnaga How are you = Gisâ â vadâb mal...
So is any friend of you to know this language ? What you use to talk about into kalennian ? Since Kalennian’s creation, I’ve never introduced it to any of my friends or relatives; trying to explain how its grammar and mechanics work is just not easy since it’s full of abstract concepts that they wo...
Hi Cammzy ! They say may be Basque people is American people who settled in Europe a long ago so I think Kalennian is the Atlantis language. thats interesting, but isnt Basque a language isolate? by the way i've already shown the Kalennian vocabulary just so i could show you all that Kalennian is a...
Welcome to the CBB, Cammzy! So is Kalennian a Native American language? i'll just answer all these replies succinctly: no, Kalennian is not a Native American language; Kalennian's vocabulary includes loanwords from 16 languages, including English, Basque, Arabic, and Indonesian, but it does not tra...
:eng: English (original): I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will...
:con: Kalennian -- Sukam silnekyau yâ tambâthega go ân spikayâtidhâka. Su-kam sil-nekya-u yâ tambâthe-ga go ân spika-yât-idhâka. /sukam silnɛkyaw jɜ tambɜθɛga go ɜn spikajɜtizɜka/ NOM-1S NEG-have-IND DEF.ART appear-NMLZ of INDEF.ART needle-ADJZ-plant lit. trans. "I do not have the appearance of...