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by Utlandr
02 Feb 2011 23:40
Forum: Translations
Topic: You keep using that word...
Replies: 25
Views: 7086

Re: You keep using that word...

If I made any mistakes, correct them. :eng: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :jpn: いつもそんな言葉を使っている。意味はあなたの主意じゃないと思う。 :zho: 你不听的用那个单词。我不认为意思是你想的意思 :con: Tll-Fusyn: Te' ki phlorfun yk lite'. s oth n (phlorfun) l muthdokh ki l muthdokh. use 2SG sentence-piece an...
by Utlandr
30 Jan 2011 05:01
Forum: Translations
Topic: I know only...
Replies: 66
Views: 15228

Re: I know only...

:eng: I know only six English words. :nor: Jeg kjenner bare seks norske ord. :deu: Ich weiss nur sechs Englische Wörter. :swe: Jag kan bara sju ord på svenska. :fra: Je sais seulement sept mots en français. :pol: Znam tylko sześć słów po polsku. :usa: (Lakota) Oíye Lakȟóta záptaŋla uŋmáspe epȟé. :ro...
by Utlandr
16 Jan 2011 03:42
Forum: Translations
Topic: Prepare to die.
Replies: 49
Views: 15202

Re: Prepare to die.

:eng: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. :swe: Hej. Jag heter Inigo Montoya. Du dödade min far. Förbered dig att dö. :nor: Hei. Jeg heter Inigo Montoya. Du drepte faren min. Forbered deg på å dø. :deu: Hallo. Ich heisse Inigo Montoya. Du hast meinen Vater getoetet...
by Utlandr
31 Dec 2010 07:44
Forum: Translations
Topic: Months of the year
Replies: 23
Views: 6866

Re: Months of the year

:eng: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Day, Month, Year. :deu: Januar, Februar, Marz, April, Mai, Juni, Juli, August, September, Oktober, November, Dezember, Tag, Monat, Jahr :rus: январь, февраль, март, апрель, май, июнь, июль, август...
by Utlandr
22 Dec 2010 04:37
Forum: Translations
Topic: Taller and tallest!
Replies: 136
Views: 31815

Re: Taller and tallest!

:eng: He is taller than me. He is the tallest child. :esp: Él es más alto que yo. Él es el más alto de los niños. :tgl: Mas matangkad siya sa akin. Siya ay ang batang pinakamatangkad. :con: Inyauk: Nínatunsanat ir txí ah. ní-na-tun-sánat ir ʧí ax 3sg-ADJ-CMP-tall <RC 1sg RC> Nínalutaanataabaut. ní-n...
by Utlandr
19 Dec 2010 01:00
Forum: Translations
Topic: Winter Solstice
Replies: 10
Views: 2825

Re: Winter Solstice

Micamo wrote:What if your conpeople uses a different date division system? (Agyonnar uses a 29-day "week.")
I would use what ever the shortest day of the year is. That is what Winter Solstice is. Apply your conpeople's system to figure it out.
by Utlandr
18 Dec 2010 18:22
Forum: Translations
Topic: Winter Solstice
Replies: 10
Views: 2825

Winter Solstice

:eng: Winter Solstice will be on Tuesday this year. :dan: Vintersolhverv vil være på tirsdag i år. :deu: Wintersonnenwende wird am Dienstag in diesem Jahr. :isl: Winter Solstice verður á þriðjudaginn á þessu ári. :nor: Vintersolverv blir tirsdag i år. :nld: Winterzonnewende zal worden op dinsdag van...
by Utlandr
10 Dec 2010 20:51
Forum: Translations
Topic: The first part...
Replies: 18
Views: 4732

Re: The first part...

:eng: The first part of the story is very interesting. :esp: La primera parte de la historia es muy interesante. :deu: Der erste Teil der Geschichte ist interessant. :ita: La prima parte della storia è interessante :ron: Prima parte a poveştii este foarte interesant. :por:A primeira parte da históri...
by Utlandr
10 Dec 2010 03:58
Forum: Translations
Topic: The first part...
Replies: 18
Views: 4732

Re: The first part...

:eng: The first part of the story is very interesting. :esp: La primera parte de la historia es muy interesante. :deu: Der erste Teil der Geschichte ist interessant. :ita: La prima parte della storia è interessante :ron: Prima parte a poveştii este foarte interesant. :por:A primeira parte da históri...
by Utlandr
10 Dec 2010 03:45
Forum: Translations
Topic: Haven't you learned not to trust him?
Replies: 21
Views: 6601

Re: Haven't you learned not to trust him?

:eng: Haven't you learned not to trust him? :deu: Hast du denn nicht gelernt ihm nicht zu (ver)trauen? :dan: Har du ikke lært ikke at stole på ham? :nor: Har du ikke lært å ikke stole på ham? :esp: ¿No has aprendido de no confiar en él? :ita: Non hai imparato di non fidarti di lui? :pol: Czy nie nau...
by Utlandr
09 Dec 2010 03:44
Forum: Translations
Topic: My John sees blue to Mary.
Replies: 10
Views: 3488

Re: My John sees blue to Mary.

:eng: My John sees blue to Mary. :swe: Min John ser blått till Mary. :pol: Mój Jan widzi niebiesko dla/do Marii. (*) :deu: Mein John sieht blau zu Mary :ita: Il mio John guarda blu alla Mary :usa:(Lakota) John mitȟáwa kiŋ Mary él tȟó waŋyáŋke.(This sentence probably has many errors.) :con: Acoi: Mar...
by Utlandr
09 Dec 2010 03:35
Forum: Translations
Topic: anyway
Replies: 15
Views: 4760

Re: anyway

:eng: 1. He will go there anyway. 2. Anyway, we ended up not going. :swe: 1. Han kommer att gå dit ändå. 2. Hur som helst slutade det med att vi inte gick (dit). :deu: 1. Er wird da eh (informal) /ohnehin (formal) hingehen 2. Wie auch immer, wir sind letztendlich nicht gegangen. :rus: 1. Онвсе равно...
by Utlandr
09 Dec 2010 03:13
Forum: Translations
Topic: Good day...
Replies: 16
Views: 4302

Re: Good day...

:eng: Perhaps today is a good day to die. :nor: Kanskje er i dag en god dag å dø. :esp: Quizas, hoy es un buen día de morir. :pol: Może dziś jest dobry dzień, by umrzeć. :con: tlhIngan Hol: Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam :con: Inyauk: Há-asiha sálnaxiruax ílunaya zíl. xáas-ixa sál-na-ʃiru-aʃ ílun-aja θí-l ch...
by Utlandr
08 Dec 2010 04:56
Forum: Translations
Topic: It's nearly Christmas!
Replies: 19
Views: 3593

Re: It's nearly Christmas!

:eng: It's nearly Christmas!
:deu: Es ist fast Weihnachten!
:swe: Det är snart jul!

:con: Staalouvan: Huubaan'o beida food'o touga
:con: Wistra Gutisk: Ita'st halis Jiula! Ita'st halis Xristsmissa!
by Utlandr
08 Dec 2010 04:27
Forum: Translations
Topic: Conlang
Replies: 36
Views: 12482

Re: Conlang

:eng: Conlang, Conlanger :swe: Konspråk/Konstruerat språk, Konspråkare/Person som skapar språk :dan: kunstsprog, sprogkreatør/sprogkunstner :pol: język sztuczny, językotwórca :jpn: 言語を作る人、コンランガ 「gengo wo tsukuru hito, konranga」 :con: Agyonnar: Naralyon, Naramir :con: Inyauk: Kúmatxakiri, Ikúmatxakir...
by Utlandr
06 Dec 2010 20:36
Forum: Translations
Topic: UDHR
Replies: 15
Views: 5195


:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. :dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør...
by Utlandr
06 Dec 2010 19:31
Forum: Translations
Topic: Do that!
Replies: 33
Views: 8031

Re: Do that!

:eng: Yes, do that! No, don't do that. :nor: (Bm) Ja, gjør det! Nei, ikke gjør det. :nor: (Nn) Ja, gjer det! Nei, ikkje gjer det! :fin: Kyllä, tee se! Ei, älä tee sitä. :esp: ¡Sí, hazlo! ¡No, no hagaslo! :pol: Tak, zrób to! Nie, nie rób tego. :deu: Ja, mach das! Nein, mach das nicht! :ita: Si, fallo...
by Utlandr
06 Dec 2010 18:46
Forum: Translations
Topic: When did she say she will come?
Replies: 17
Views: 5377

Re: When did she say she will come?

:con: Wistra Gutisk

The day of her saying:
Ƕan taujida si qaþ si qiman haba? Si qaþ ana Arjausdags si qiman haba.

The day of her arrival:
Ƕan taujida si qaþ si qiman haba? Si qaþ si qiman haba ana Arjausdags.
by Utlandr
06 Dec 2010 04:29
Forum: Translations
Topic: Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us.
Replies: 4
Views: 2244

Re: Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us.

From "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" movie :eng: Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us. :con: L2: Liner skal firaster vi den jirus vil harer vi kommer viteso. :con: Wistra Gutisk: Linos mag skaidái unsis, akei wens skal gawidiþ unsis. /'lIn.o:s 'mAj 'skEd.aI 'unsIs 'Aki wens skA5 g@...
by Utlandr
06 Dec 2010 03:39
Forum: Translations
Topic: What is your favorite color?
Replies: 37
Views: 10441

Re: What is your favorite color?

:eng: What is your favorite color? :nld: Wat is jouw lievelingskleur? :deu: Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? :swe: Vilken är din/er favoritfärg? :ita: Qual è il tuo/suo/vostro colore preferito? :fra: Quelle est votre couleur préférée? :jpn: 好きな色は何ですか。 :usa:(Lakota) Oówa tukté iyótaŋyala/iyótaŋyalapi he...