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by Testyal
03 Oct 2015 00:27
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Dormouse559 wrote:Nothing's more fun than learning a language!
Außer Mathe!
Except for maths!
by Testyal
26 Sep 2015 13:11
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Peut quelqu'un recommander à moi des bons films français?
Can anyone recommend me any good French films?
by Testyal
17 Sep 2015 22:30
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

我不喜欢绿蛋和火腿。 我不喜欢,Sam我是。
Wǒ bù xǐhuān lǜ dàn hé huǒtuǐ. Wǒ bù xǐhuān, Sam wǒ shì.
I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.
by Testyal
15 Sep 2015 18:18
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

GrandPiano wrote:Mandarin: 今天是我的生日!
Spanish: ¡Hoy es mi cumpleaños!
English: Today is my birthday!
Happy birthday!
by Testyal
13 Sep 2015 18:39
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

tàiyáng shì yīgè qiú
The sun is a ball.

wǒ ài qiú
I love balls.
by Testyal
13 Sep 2015 13:37
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: 中文 | Mandarin Conversation Thread
Replies: 219
Views: 372136

Re: 这练习中文

GrandPiano wrote:
Testyal wrote:“圆形的桌子没有一杯咖啡。”表示"A cup of coffee is on the round table"吗?
“没有”的意思是“does not have”。我以为你要说“有”。
我原来写那个句子的时候,我写了‘没’,我却忘记了删除。 ack the grammar is harder than I thought
by Testyal
12 Sep 2015 21:59
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: 中文 | Mandarin Conversation Thread
Replies: 219
Views: 372136

Re: 这练习中文

“圆形的桌子没有一杯咖啡。”表示"A cup of coffee is on the round table"吗?
by Testyal
11 Sep 2015 22:15
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Je crois qu'on dirait "ce" dans ta première phrase parce que les citations sont neutres en général. Dans ta deuxième phrase, il est possible de faire référence à "expression", alors "elle" devient admissible. I think "ce" is what would be used in your first s...
by Testyal
11 Sep 2015 20:58
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

“谁”在哪里发音“shuí”,在哪里发音“shéi”? "谁" zài nǎlǐ fāyīn "shuí", zài nǎlǐ fāyīn "shéi"? Where is "谁" pronounced "shuí", and where is it pronounced "shéi"? sagt dass es shéi ausgesprochen wird, aber auch shuí.
by Testyal
11 Sep 2015 18:14
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Standard German: Ich spreche Chinesisch, Ich bin ein gebuertiger Sprecher von der Chinesischen Sprache, aber ich habe nie das Wort gehoeren. Manchu(romanization): Bi nikan gisun be gisurembi, Nikan gisun oci mini niyamangga gisun, damu tere gibsun be donjire unde. Translation: I speak Chinese, Chin...
by Testyal
11 Sep 2015 17:57
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Est-ce que quelqu'un ici qui parle le chinois connait le sens de "一逼"?
Does anyone here who speaks Chinese know the meaning of "一逼"?
by Testyal
10 Sep 2015 16:52
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

cóng zhè'er
From here

(I had to cheat and use Google Translate, so that might be completely wrong)
by Testyal
10 Sep 2015 15:37
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Maintenant je comprends parfaitement chinois, car je peux dire la phrase plus importante: Now I understand Chinese perfectly, because I can say the most important sentence: 冬天要来了! Dōngtiān yào láile Winter is coming Mein Lernen aller Weltprachen wird nie halten! My learning of all the world's langu...
by Testyal
10 Sep 2015 00:02
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Tuslaven Kukristo wrote:我写这信了。

I wrote this post.
'个' est un classificateur acceptable, mais '封' est meilleur.
'个' is an acceptable classifier, but '封' is better.
by Testyal
07 Sep 2015 00:33
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Je parlerais le chinois ici, mais je ne pense pas assez de lui. I would speak Chinese here, but I don't know enough of it. Ayant parlé ça, je peux dire quelques choses (inutiles)... Having said that, I can say a few (useless) things... 你好。我爱啤酒。我不在跳舞。牛奶是白色的。 Nǐ hǎo. Wǒ ài píjiǔ. Wǒ bùzài tiàowǔ. Niú...
by Testyal
10 Aug 2015 17:19
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

L'anglais avant que le français l'ont amélioré? C'est dégoûtant!
English before French improved it? Disgusting!
by Testyal
08 Aug 2015 14:18
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Fil de conversation français | French Conversation Thread
Replies: 561
Views: 272143

Re: Thread de jasage ! [français]

Juste spécifier que "connaître le français" voudrait dire qu'on sait que la langue existe, mais pas qu'on ne la parle pas nécéssairement. N'oublie pas tes points. [xP] Je n'ai aucun besoin de points! Et pourquoi as-tu fait "ai appris" rouge? Oh, je doive avoir utiliser l'imparfa...
by Testyal
03 Aug 2015 18:33
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Fil de conversation français | French Conversation Thread
Replies: 561
Views: 272143

Re: Thread de jasage ! [français]

Je ne connais pas [:P] Je crois que j'apprenais la forme familière, mais je me ne soucie pas de la différence
by Testyal
03 Aug 2015 18:14
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Fil de conversation français | French Conversation Thread
Replies: 561
Views: 272143

Re: Thread de jasage ! [français]

Ce thread a été récemment trop calme. Puissions-nous renouveler sa vie?
by Testyal
30 Jul 2015 22:35
Forum: Language Learning & Non-English
Topic: Language practice thread
Replies: 6104
Views: 1150331

Re: Language practice thread

Je ne peux rien
I cannot anything