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- 06 Mar 2011 11:34
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: (L&N) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here [2010-2019]
- Replies: 7086
- Views: 1467649
Re: Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
I'm studying Northern Sami. I studied its phonology and found that tt, pp, kk, cc, are pronouncerd simply [tt][pp][kk][tts] but dd, bb, gg and zz are pronounced[ddt][bbp][ggk] and [ddts]. This looks weird. I have supposed languages tend to assimilate soundedness. How there can be geminates which fir...
- 05 Mar 2011 16:03
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: (L&N) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here [2010-2019]
- Replies: 7086
- Views: 1467649
Re: Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
I will, thanks. I was just interested. Fin-Ugric Sami has dual in verbal inflection, but dual seems to disapper easily.
- 05 Mar 2011 15:14
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: (L&N) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here [2010-2019]
- Replies: 7086
- Views: 1467649
Re: Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
I quess OLD English is not an MODERN language. Old Greek and Sanskrit have dual as well but they are not modern.
- 05 Mar 2011 15:03
- Forum: Linguistics & Natlangs
- Topic: (L&N) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here [2010-2019]
- Replies: 7086
- Views: 1467649
Re: Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here
Say me a modern Indo-European language with dual. There must be one.
- 05 Mar 2011 14:56
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Sample of Dunbar
- Replies: 26
- Views: 3755
Re: Sample of Dunbar
If that's your first conlang, it looks awesome. Even phonetactics, wow. But wy is Y only used in that world? loan? a holy word with holy phonology? just an accident? I almost always have a plan for a fantasy novel behind my conlangs, and even this site has a part for conworlds. What's the problem wi...
- 28 Feb 2011 20:04
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Is this kind of morphology possible?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 2697
Re: Is this kind of morphology possible?
Why it wouln't be possible? Indeed, it wouldn't be very handy.
Sumerian noun phrases did something like that, not complete sentenses, anyway.
Maybe you could tell what your example means. My Latin is very poor.
Does esse -to be have an object? Maybe you could use accusative as predicative.
Sumerian noun phrases did something like that, not complete sentenses, anyway.
Maybe you could tell what your example means. My Latin is very poor.
Does esse -to be have an object? Maybe you could use accusative as predicative.
- 28 Feb 2011 19:41
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Mountainlang
- Replies: 59
- Views: 5576
Re: Mountainlang
I didn't say you should conway. I just found it similar and happened to mention it. Sorry.
Yes not cases. What i'm writing? Moods, as you called it.
Yes not cases. What i'm writing? Moods, as you called it.
- 28 Feb 2011 18:45
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Mountainlang
- Replies: 59
- Views: 5576
Re: Mountainlang
Yes ides are free to use. The copula suffix just worked a bit similarly. Left in my mind. Maybe the finnish essive that is only a noun case nothing to do with time, hampers my understanding. The honorafics mean that you are polite to the person you are speaking with, not which you are speakin about?...
- 28 Feb 2011 17:49
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Hiirawə development thread
- Replies: 82
- Views: 7949
Re: Hiirawə development thread
This looks natural. There are not too much similar morphemes, like my languages for example tend to have variational suffixes a, á, e, i, o, u. Natural languages don't use all possible distinctions.
- 28 Feb 2011 17:44
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Mountainlang
- Replies: 59
- Views: 5576
Re: Mountainlang
There is palatalisation in the language? I suppose b, d and g are prenasalised stops. Marks cannot be seen. What does essive case have to do with conjunction when, or expressing time? Tense PRESENT TENSE: -Ø IMMEDIATE PAST: -bu HESTERNAL TENSE: -do PRE-HESTERNAL TENSE: -ga NEAR FUTURE: -mi CRASTINAL...
- 28 Feb 2011 13:35
- Forum: Conworlds & Concultures
- Topic: Concepts we have that your conpeoples DON'T have.
- Replies: 16
- Views: 4563
Re: Concepts we have that your conpeoples DON'T have.
Rule of Law- As laws are made by people, their seems no reason to uphold the rule of law without flexibility for practical needs of the present human condition; thus, the Basic Law of the Mbaxta is quite flexible and weak, their judicial system based on finding the best ends to an issue as opposed ...
- 26 Feb 2011 20:11
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: I am developing an international language
- Replies: 37
- Views: 6173
Re: I am developing an international language
When I saw you topic "International language" I thought "Not again. Somebody claims his language is the easiest, handiest somewhat different from the earlier ones". Then IPA. When somebody doesn't use it his creation will be doomed, without even looking at the examples. So this b...
- 26 Feb 2011 14:55
- Forum: Translations
- Topic: Destiny story
- Replies: 5
- Views: 3337
Re: Destiny story
It seems the thread is getting long. Could the translations be posted in separate post?
- 26 Feb 2011 14:50
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Double Language
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5491
Re: Double Language
This is a try to make a languages for greater intelligence, or at least brain that can deceive, and especially understand, two messages same time. I have not created a backround for the language. If I'll succeed with this, it's possible to join it in a sci-fi world long time ago, in a galaxy far awa...
- 25 Feb 2011 14:29
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Double Language
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5491
Re: Double Language
Im not saving time. I could be nice to do it, but you are right, with a sensibly little phonology it's impossible. I haven't even tried it. So L1 and L2 sounds are just put overlapping, between each other CKvCKvCKvCKvCK.... C' a radical of L1' and K 'a radical of L2' But think how two messages same ...
- 25 Feb 2011 13:55
- Forum: Translations
- Topic: Yes/No
- Replies: 31
- Views: 8297
Re: Yes/No
This is an interesting subject. I have never thought that that other languages say yes/no much easier than Finnish. It is really complicated to answer a negative question in Finnish. Etkö tappanut häntä? 'Didn't you kill him?' En./Joo. 'No/yeah' Siis tapitko vai etkö? 'Did you kill or not?' En./Joo....
- 24 Feb 2011 20:08
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Double Language
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5491
Re: Double Language
If you answer, could you answer the question. So I suppose you did not understand even the idea if the language.
- 24 Feb 2011 19:50
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Double Language
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5491
Re: Double Language
Do you even understand what does that Double language mean in phonetic level? If not, I don't know if I bother to begin from the beginning. First my English is not the best, second linguistic terminoly doesn't even exist for double language. On the other hand this was very preliminary. Maybe I end t...
- 24 Feb 2011 11:34
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Double Language
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5491
Re: Double Language
I'm now rrying to clarify how Double language works, or how it could be used. So it's possible to express two things same time. One in primar level L1. and one in secondar level L2. The normal way to use language is to express new information, propositions (like notes from teacher's speach) on L1. O...
- 23 Feb 2011 22:03
- Forum: Conlangs
- Topic: Qitsónyek: Your opinions
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3048
Re: Qitsónyek: Your opinions
The easiest way is just to write them. Everybody will understand. I guess they have grammatical terms but I wouldn't spend my time to find them.