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Slovenščina | Slovenian Conversation Thread

Posted: 13 Sep 2014 23:58
by Ashucky

No ja, saj se zavedam, da je tale tema verjetno precej brez pomena, sicer bi jo bil že kdo prej odprl, ampak vseeno. Poskusiti ni greh. Torej, je še kakšen Slovenec tukaj? Ali pa vsaj kdo, ki zna/ga zanima slovenščina? [:D]

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 14:01
by DesEsseintes
Hi Ashucky. I don't speak Slovenian, but I think it looks beautiful. Can you teach me some? I speak (some) Russian. [:)]

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 17:12
by Ashucky
Thought I'd answer in both languages ....

Čau, DesEsseintes, lepo je videti, da nekoga zanima slovenščina. [:)] Lahko te je naučim malo, če hočeš (kaj pa, če bi začel temo v forumu Teach & Share?), ali pa me lahko kar tukaj vprašaš kaj. Mogoče bi lahko posnel zgornje besedilo v prvi objavi, tako da slišiš, kako zveni. Znanje ruščine ti bo vsekakor pomagalo pri učenju slovenščine, je pa res, da sta oba jezika precej različna.

And English:
Hey, DesEsseintes, it's nice to see someone's interested in Slovene. [:)] I can teach you some, if you want (perhaps I should start a thread in the Teach & Share forum?), or you can just ask me about something here. Maybe I could start with a recording of the text in the first post, so you can hear what it sounds like. Knowing some Russian will definitely make it easier for you to learn Slovene, but the two languages are very different, though.

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 18:49
by DesEsseintes
Ashucky wrote:Thought I'd answer in both languages ....

Čau, DesEsseintes, lepo je videti, da nekoga zanima slovenščina. [:)] Lahko te je naučim malo, če hočeš (kaj pa, če bi začel temo v forumu Teach & Share?), ali pa me lahko kar tukaj vprašaš kaj. Mogoče bi lahko posnel zgornje besedilo v prvi objavi, tako da slišiš, kako zveni. Znanje ruščine ti bo vsekakor pomagalo pri učenju slovenščine, je pa res, da sta oba jezika precej različna.
Želim! Hočem! [:D]
It's strange, but I understand all the long words. But the short words really confuse me! What do pa kar kaj tukaj all mean?

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 15 Sep 2014 19:34
by Ashucky
Velja, bom magari začel (v kratkem) novo temo v Teach & Share, da bo znotraj pravega foruma. [:)] Razen če bi želel že zdaj kaj vprašati.
It's a deal, I'll just start a new topic in Teach & Share (soon) so it'll be in the right forum. Unless you want to ask something now.
DesEsseintes wrote:It's strange, but I understand all the long words. But the short words really confuse me! What do pa kar kaj tukaj all mean?
Yeah, longer words are usually easier to understand while the short ones can throw you off the track real quick. But beware of false friends between Russian and Slovene, though. [:P] None come to mind right now but there are some. As for the words in question:
pa - this is one of the trickiest words in Slovene. It usually means either "and/so" or "but/however/yet", but it can also be an emphasising particle, it just depends on the context
kar - this can be either 1) a relative pronoun (well, one of them), or 2) an adverb generally meaning "rather/quite" (as an adverb it can be translated in a few other ways in English)
kaj - it can be 1) "what" (interrogative), 2) "something, anything", or 3) "some, any"
tukaj - and this one simply means "here" (stationary, not directional)

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:43
by DesEsseintes
Lepo! Bom sledovalsledil(?) tvoje temo. [:)]

Jaz ne znam kako praviti "spasibo" po-slovenščine...
This is almost certainly all wrong, but I don't have access to Google because I live in a retarded country. But it's really fun trying to piece this together from what you've written so far, what I know of Russian and the excellent Wikipedia articles on Slovenian. Know of any good non-Google online dictionaries?

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 00:07
by Ashucky
Čeprav ni bilo ravno slovnično pravilno, je bilo razumljivo [:)] Tukaj je popravljena različica:

Lepo! Bom sledil tvoji temi. (slediti + dative)
(Jaz) ne vem, kako se reče "spasibo" po slovensko/v slovenščini.

Naj ti še odgovorim - reče se "hvala". [:)] Sicer pa ne vem, kdaj bom imel dovolj časa, da spravim skupaj dovolj zadev za tako temo. Itak bom pa začel s pisavo in izgovorjavo. Glede slovarjev pa, obstaja PONS, ki je dejansko najboljši spletni slovar za angleščino in slovenščino, ima pa tudi druge jezike.
Even though it wasn't exactly grammatically correct, it was understandable [:)] Here's the corrected version:


And to answer your question - it's "hvala". However, I don't know when I'll have enough time to put together enough material for such a topic. Anyway, I'll start with orthography and pronunciation. And regarding dictionaries, there's PONS, which is actually the best online dictionary for English and Slovene, and it has other languages too.

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 09:36
by DesEsseintes
Zanima me Slovenščina! To je lep jezik!

Hvala za slovar PONS! Je zelo uporabno (uporaben?*).

Bom trudil se! [:)]
*Should the adjective agree with slovar or can it be neutral "It's very useful (to know about it)"?

Anyways, I'm going to write more later. Now that I've got the dictionary, I can experiment. Sorry if I mangle your language in the process. [:P]

Re: Slovenščina

Posted: 17 Sep 2014 19:56
by Ashucky
Pridevniki se v spolu (in še čem) načeloma vedno ujemajo s samostalnikom, torej je "uporaben" pravilno. Če dejansko ne nadaljuješ stavka, se srednji spol ne uporablja v takšnih primerih.

Mimogrede, tvoj zadnji stavek bi se pravilno glasil: "Se bom (po)trudil!" [:)] Oh, pa še to, imena jezikov se ne pišejo z veliko začetnico v slovenščini.

In ne skrbi, z eksperimetiranjem se lahko še največ naučiš. Na napakah se učimo, tako nekako gre. [:D]
Adjectives generally always agree with the noun in gender (and other features), so "uporaben" is correct. Unless you actually continue the sentence, neuter gender isn't used in such cases.

By the way, your last sentence would be correct as: "Se bom (po)trudil!" [:)] Oh, and one more thing, the names of languages aren't capitalised in Slovene.

And don't worry, you can learn the most by experimenting. We learn from our mistakes, or so it goes. [:D]