NOTE: This thread was originally made in 2016 and titled "Celebrating 20 years of Kankonian". It has now been 25 years. To see an updated post, click here.
It was the summer of 1996 when I first decided to work on documenting the Kankonian language.
Although I had been doing this Kankonia thing since 1993, it wasn't until 1996 when I decided I wanted to document the language of the planet, out of all things. My decision probably came from looking at conlang directories like Richard Kennaway's around that time in my life. It was then that I learned the word "conlang". Prodigy being a thing then, I got a Prodigy page and went to work writing about Kankonian on the Internet.
Before I knew it, I had 5,000 words. I also had a grammar of a mere 7 pages, with a few typos thrown in. I put it up on the Net and submitted it to Internet conlang directories. I updated the Kankonian dictionary and Kankonian history in 1998.
From 1998 to 2002, I put Kankonia and Kankonian aside. Then, at the end of 2002, I downloaded the pages from the now-defunct Prodigy after having deleted them from my own computer, and got to work expanding it.
Kankonian's lexicon reached 10,000 words after two more years.
And as for its grammar, even though I had ingenuously thought 7 pages was all the grammar I would need back in 1996, I worked on things like "Stealing the money was wrong" and "I consider him stupid" and appositives and how yes and no work and the difference in relative conjunctions between "the girl who loves me" and "the girl (whom) I love", and I was up to the double digits in no time.
Before long, I found such fora as Jaaaaaa's (?) forum, where I met Sonib, and later the ZBB. I lasted for a few years on the ZBB before I quit because of the pruning, and got flamed by the Swarm for announcing I was leaving.
Shortly thereafter, I found the CBB. This was back in 2006, and I've been a member ever since. I moved over to the new board, of course, when the CBB moved in 2010. That was almost 6 years to the day.
As of now, Kankonian stands at 51,701 words. Word #51,701 was tektyuphis, a noun meaning "pyrophobe". It comes from tek, the ancient Ciladian word for fire, tyuph, the ancient Ciladian word for fear, and -is, a Kankonian suffix for a person.
My Kankonian grammar now stands at 129 pages as a Corel WordPerfect document, a long shot from the days when I only had 7 pages. The grammar details how to say such things as:
Ar as almonas deyit mui wan as wanzasha deyit. 2sg PRS smart 2excpt and 3sg PRS sweet 2excpt
You're the smart one and she's the sweet one.
1 zapan 4 welas er Dzhunsu anas zhudalamelka az muyestailarizen dyu homoses ad mem. 1 out_of 4 child-PL at Junsu have-PRS credit_card that cosign-PSV-PST by parents to 3pl
1 in 4 children on Junsu has a credit card cosigned by his or her parents.
Zilas Dantonik keneksenen heshra ad mem oelfalos we, zash heshra azad ayen az wan kadanizen non khiyel. citizen-PL Danton-ese follow-PST heshra to 3pl unquestioning ADV APPOS heshra for-whom have_PST that 3sg convict-PSV-PST for embezzlement
The Dantonese citizens followed their heshra without question, a heshra who had once been convicted of embezzlement.
Wan steanen houmiel meshudzen is, do is emiyain ad wan az demoi en bikhat na is. 3sg wonder-PST about-what bother-PST 1sg so 1sg tell-PST to 3sg that answer PST knee-EXCPT of 1sg
She wondered what was bothering me, so I told her it was my knee.
Eris na yan ksaden is blatzos, do is hoen. hostess of party tell-PST 1sg stay-FUT so 1sg do-PST
The party hostess told me to stay, so I did.
Lile na Akavhhutla spalsamos cinema of ixora close-FUT
Ixora Theater to close
Wiri az novosizen baizh rakharten. man that try-PSV-PST arrest escape-PST
The man whom "they" tried to arrest escaped, or literally, The man who was attempted to be arrested escaped.
Basig emelgesen netu ep hotzokh podok ien em. droodle depict-PST ship as pirate one-eyed would see
The droodle depicted a ship as seen by a one-eyed pirate.
Bebe*i phor id trenkas na pta* dyu Rapa, homoses ad wan draikas ad wan hen. instead_of receive done_to pay-PL of net by Rapa parents to 3sg send-PRS to 3sg money
Instead of Rapa getting social security, his parents send him money.
Safin dyu welas id wapishas ab homoses ad mem as orol. keep by child-PL done_to secret-PL from parents to 3pl PRS natural
It is natural for children to keep secrets from their parents.
Skania rekidas reghul mead wan dyu ashelti ad wan. Skania hate-PRS cheat against 3sg by husband to 3sg
Skania hates it when her husband cheats on her.
Beines na posk geshen ash bakhu mos met hushisen lehesh mui met duesken nephus na met mui bam met wakhiren tzizawa. boy-PL of band stand-PST on porch while 3excpt smoke-PST cigarette and 3excpt have_off-PST shirt of 3excpt and two 3excpt drink-PST lemonade
The boys from the band stood on the porch, one smoking a cigarette, one with his shirt off, two drinking lemonade.
Yakhos bayis zakhtad, yau is ien fuir an ar hel is. if-FUT world end then 1sg would want have 2sg with 1sg
If the world were going to end, I would want to have you with me.
Ham ili as ma guhait daz pintzas na efil na wan, amon daz wan takikh we laikiras ayaspas na stormanes. that show PRS so popular because_of number-PL of dance of 3sg not because 3sg accurate ADV portray-PRS life of teen-PL
That show is so popular because of its dance numbers, not because it accurately portrays teen life. [The denotation is that the show does accurately portray teen life, but that's not why it's popular.]
Ham ili as ma guhait daz pintzas na efil na wan, amon daz wan takikh we laikir ayaspas na stormanes. that show PRS so popular because_of number-PL of dance of 2sg not because 3sg accurate ADV portray life of teen-PL
That show is so popular because of its dance numbers, not because it accurately portrays teen life. [The denotation is that it does not accurately portray teen life.]
Yakh is apar pakadzhoma avur bulush hupam na is, yau is ien heyiyet. if 1sg feel pakajooma crawl down back of 1sg then 1sg would scream
If I felt a pakajooma crawling down my back, I would scream.
Er Kebsabaz, famoi trayas shta 27 oiras ad estemyul id wan dyu ar. in Kebsabhaz someone have_to-PRS measure 27 year-PL for have_sex done_to 3sg by 2sg
In Kebsabhaz, someone must be 27 for you to have sex with him or her.
Ovai id hamiiz dyu hekas na tzumukh mui *iletes na tzumukh hazien az abam dyu is id kharagas en haugi. watch done_to make-PSV by zebra-PL of chocolate and giraffe-PL of chocolate make-PST that eat by 1sg done_to chocolate_animal-PL PST fun
Watching chocolate zebras and chocolate giraffes being made made it fun for me to eat chocolate animals.
Ar he az as dephudanis, is osubass az ar ien grav swetalish na is. 2sg as that PRS anarchist 1sg doubt-PRS that 2sg would understand patriotism of 1sg
You being an anarchist, I doubt you'd understand my patriotism.
Is kureshen sharab hous tethesen id maglimez. 1sg feel-PST bad about kill-PST done_to chimpanzee
I felt bad about having killed the chimpanzee.
Ans wailis id ham ili seress az hames pivas meshas ma dani? how director done_to that show keep-PRS that that-PL girl-PL look_PRS so hip
How does the director of that TV show keep the girls looking so hip?
Jim baizarten safga ad ozuvwi hel bwolwu na wan shil kusht. Jim listen-PST in_the_process_of to music with eye-PL of 3sg as closed
Jim was listening to music with his eyes closed.
Lekis rehinen swiu na teinarevor, mos ekelangizen mui goruzezizen. archaeologist discover-PST tomb of emperor as rob-PSV-PST and vandalize-PSV-PST
The archaeologist discovered the emperor's tomb, robbed and vandalized.
Zwess os amass argas et houmans wan lesas. Zwess NEG play-PRS much as about-how 3sg should-PRS
Zwess doesn't play as much as he should.
Biku as kyu peses re tzmofuz de Rapa. Biku PRS five time-PL COMP old than Rapa
Biku is five times as old as Rapa.
Re mazarias as naspewam de emenos as rimi. COMP statue-PL PRS timeless than life PRS long
Statues are more timeless than life is long.
Shemebet spyu hames surtei as er naihati sharab na weos sayan. relationship between that-PL sibling-PL PRS at side bad of way normal
The relationship between those siblings is on the bad side of normal.
Khetekes na Niva as ad em stoern. freckle-PL of Niva PRS for see difficult
Niva's freckles are hard to see.
Is yoyas em ar e lei hel ham talafa mui osh patsha. 1sg would_love_to-PRS see 2sg in here with that skirt and OSH-PARTICLE halter_top
I'd love to see you in here with that skirt and halter top.
Ham khomar hazien ad yekazsand ayaspas na adat mer ye mui zhaki pai gilas na is. that further make-PST to hectic life of run around PREP-ADV and crash into thing-PL of 1sg
It further made hectic my run-around, crash-into-things life.
Denit na ham tzehimez anas shad na adat dyu thothu parai totshafanfer. orthography of that language have-PRS look of run by cat over keyboard
That language's orthography has a cat-ran-over-the-keyboard look.
Ar fuiras az il truhuvos engoi? 2sg want-PRS that who come_over-FUT tomorrow
Whom do you want to come over tomorrow?
Mahan ar fuiras daitrok, hing wir lesas fremet wogasing? Q 2sg want-PRS walk or? 1pl should-PRS take bus
Do you want to walk, or should we take the bus?
Nara azirethen ad is houmer o os wakhiras wana na waginya. Nara teach-PST to 1sg about-why one NEG drink_PRS water of pond
Nara taught me why not to drink pond water.
Ar kardass er gher vuen? 2sg think-PRS why crime decline-PST
Why do you think crime is down? [What do you think caused the decline in crime?]
Er ar kardass az gher vuen? why 2sg think-PRS that crime decline-PST
Why do you think crime is down? [What leads you to believe that crime is down?]
Ar tethesos ham *osoth hing os hoos? 2sg kill-FUT that moth or? NEG do-FUT
Are you or aren't you going to kill that moth?
Is os fuiren treth ad amaren daz (1) treth en zufu* (2) bam notat ad is taglisizas dyu dzhevazades (3) thesh id oaupas adnayanas is spei star na blahatz mui (4) asa is uhwenen ad amaren leken. 1sg NEG want-PST drive to zoo because (1) drive PST time-consuming (2) two child-EXCPT to 1sg frighten-PSV-PRS by rhinoceros-PL (3) hear done_to howler_monkey-PL give_a_headache_to-PRS 1sg for rest of day and (4) already 1sg go-PST-PST to zoo yesterday
I did not want to drive to the zoo because (1) driving was time-consuming, (2) two of my children are frightened by the rhinos, (3) hearing the howler monkeys gives me a headache for the rest of the day and (4) I had already gone to the zoo yesterday.
Is higolen ad shakti kam ham blahatz mui rehinen az kobletar na is dartzizenen. 1sg return-PST to home on that day and find-PST that fabber of 1sg steal-PSV-PST-PST
I returned home that day to find my fabber stolen.
Is kardasen yakhen ar guis mormol. 1sg think-PST if-PST 2sg feed hamster
I thought you had fed the hamster.
"Zha Zach!", oyezizen dyu piva mos palaten bein. VOC Zach say-PSV-PST by girl while tap_on_the_shoulder_PST boy
"Hey, Zach!", she said, tapping him on the shoulder.
"Kiga-kiga", theshizen ab kazawak pies. scuttle-scuttle hear-PSV-PST from crab little Scuttle-scuttle, went the little crab. ("Kiga-kiga" is the Kankonian onomatopoeia for the sound of a crab scuttling on the rocks.)
Yakh posolka na Soba e adaz groboshen safga, yau is ien napamba fuir temin wan. if wheelchair of Soba be what-that speed-PST in_the_process_of then 1sg would certainly want save 3sg
If it were Soba's wheelchair speeding, I would certainly want to save her.
Tshaka wafinen az is hir satendos va abam shalut yer hakos kadiak kam hali blahatz, khile sati*as na az taglisen is. Tshaka suggest-PST that 1sg either stop-FUT VA-PARTICLE eat sugar or hit-FUT gym on every day both proposition-PL of which scare-PST 1sg
Tshaka suggested that either I stop eating sugar, or I hit the gym every day, both of which propositions scared me.
Is hir me araten sobum na is, yer as shayam mui shayam houmfi. 1sg either just lose-PST file of 1sg or PRS very and very confused
Either I just lost my file, or I am so very confused.
Poilass id seuli na efesh os as shampahethet na Kethas, muyos ar lesas shadaz az wan bedeyos khuphusom na efesh ad ar. wipe done_to mucus of baby NEG PRS job of Kethas nor 2sg should_PRS expect that 3sg change-FUT diaper of baby to 2sg
It isn't Kethas' job to wipe baby mucus, nor should you expect him to change your baby's diaper.
Nos kom az er is higas e eg niwas gue*es na ar aas. no place which at 1sg prefer-PST be over between arm-PL of 2sg exist-PRS
There's no place I'd rather be than in your arms.
Is rehinen fas azad is os hauess houmiel wan as. 1sg find-PST something for_which 1sg NEG know-PRS about-what 3sg PRS
I found something for which I don't know what it is. I found something that I don't know what it is.
Is phoren re argas *iusekas de hames azad is hauesen houmiel o fazas hel mem. 1sg get-PST COMP many invitation-PL than that-PL for_which 1sg know-PST about-what one do-PRS with 3pl
I got more invitations than I knew what to do with.
Soupha azad ashelti ad Sham emen mopiga emptshoven wiri anen bapiz wowum. mistress for_whom wife to Sham see-PST woman kiss-PST man have-PST lipstick blue
The mistress whom Sham's wife saw kissing him had blue lipstick.
Is as azad ar os hauess az ar hauess an is. 1sg PRS for_whom 2sg NEG know-PRS that 2sg need-PRS have 1sg
I am the one you don't know you need.
Mega on en hanenzi av wan ayen usleletz ashizen adul na wan. Mega NEG PST upset when 3sg have-PST vomit on-PSV-PST floor of 3sg
Mega was not upset when she had her floor vomited on.
Dazirzis uspis pai omen naizen dyu baizhizis. police_officer spit into face of-PSV-PST by arrested
The cop was spat in the face of by the arrested.
Nibidosis os as khanzi oor zabuwelmis. schizophrenic NEG PRS healthy like bipolar-ist
A schizophrenic is not healthy, like a bipolar person.
Hol makekas mui malazas as e alhas na Shishani. four boy-PL and girl-PL PRS in class of Shishani
There are four boys and girls in Shishani's class.
Hol makekas mui osh malazas as e alhas na Shishani. four boy-PL and OSH-PARTICLE girl-PL PRS in class of Shishani
There are four boys and four girls in Shishani's class.
Wir fuiros e hesh wasakohir adshmelzas in wit o re argas de in wit aphos phokulet mos triho. 1pl want-FUT be by restroom in_case one 1excpt or COMP many than one 1excpt get-FUT diarrhea during trip
We'll want to be by a restroom in case one of us or more than one of us get diarrhea on the trip.
I have information on the origins of Kankonian, its diachronic precursor Tze*ethik, literature (including poetry), metaphors, letter-writing, and gestures. I also have 4 pages on pragmatics.
So happy twentieth birthday to Kankonian. If you want to learn more, you can check it out at . Here's to hoping for another 20 years!
Last edited by Khemehekis on 05 Aug 2021 09:54, edited 6 times in total.
Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels
My Kankonian-English dictionary: Now at 105,000 words!
Khemehekis wrote:It was the summer of 1996 when I first decided to work on documenting the Kankonian language.
So happy twentieth birthday to Kankonian. If you want to learn more, you can check it out at . Here's to hoping for another 20 years!
congratulations, Khemehekis! and happy birthday to Kankonian. *offers you both some e-cake*
Lao Kou wrote:Congratulations, Kankonian! I brought more cake.
Thanks, Lao Kou? Who was turning 20 in the occasion at which that cake was shot? Given the date at the bottom right, it seems that lucky boy or girl was born in 1988.
Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels
My Kankonian-English dictionary: Now at 105,000 words!
Khemehekis wrote:So happy twentieth birthday to Kankonian. If you want to learn more, you can check it out at . Here's to hoping for another 20 years!
Congratulation, Khemehekis, you are really a great conlanger! even you don't make conlangs, your persistence and hard-working will lead you to success in every area!
Khemehekis wrote:So happy twentieth birthday to Kankonian. If you want to learn more, you can check it out at . Here's to hoping for another 20 years!
Moyan ab em az famoibi shwolass ham antzau Kankonik! joy from see that someone-SPECIFIC keep_alive-PRS that phrase Kankonian
Nice to see someone is keeping that Kankonian phrase alive!
Remi hales auyakhos hales wir betzithas mehim id me*oskaroles na wir dyu Lambuzhao. almost all even-if-not all 1pl love-PRS use done_to conlang-PL of 1pl by Lambuzhao
Most if not all of us love it when Lambuzhao uses our conlangs.
(And thank you: because of my response to your post, Kankonian now has a way of saying "nice to see".)
Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels
My Kankonian-English dictionary: Now at 105,000 words!