europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

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Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


(english further down)

Dormouse, me permite disacordar de você. I bin kain rassist. Never a blak friend de mine calld me a racist (and i hav told ta joke to quite a few de them - they had a goode haha), there ar plus dan 200 reviews abaut my bookes and i hav neva seen a critic seying dat i'm racist (i hope the term 'black' is OK - some pople hav told me i shouldnt usa it either, since dat color is associee with mourning e deth). Peutêtre tu has censuree la blague parce que je suis raciste contra les blancs, lorsque el idiot dans la histoire etait blanc (il a fallu quil soit blanc pour faire la blague fonccioner), mais allors il ne faudrait pas censurer la blague avec les finlandais aussi, qui dit que les finlandais sont des soûlards? O la chistes sobre la judios, ellos son antisemitas meme cuando contee por judíos?

Dos anos 50 aos anos 70 muitas leges prohibitivas foram abolidas: fraun wurden erlaubt zu werken, a pass or a führercarta zu machen one die erlaubnis af ir manner, negre in den USA durften denn neben a waissen im bus zu sitzen, homosexualitee wurde decriminalisiert, etc. Also in my country Brazil, but den we had a military dictatorship, e censorship in the media was horrible. Ils ne censuraient pas seulement des coses qui etaient contra la gouvernement, ils censuraient aussi des coses qui POURRAIENT etre contra la gouvernement, comme la foto aerienne af un carrefour in un autoroute qui rappelait les censeurs af une female genitale part, et lorsque cetait la gouvernement qui construait el autoroute, ils pensaient que sa pourrait etre una critique au gouvernement. Mas la vida normal era OK pra la gente que echaba no bombas u organisaba huelgas. Eu joguei no bombas ou organizei greves, eu aind er um adolesent, mas eu tambem fui uma victima do sistem: i raiste dur Südamerica, cam bak üba den Amazonas e die militars na grenze dachten, maine cunstsprache war a terroristen o spion cod, so war i im knast für 2 monat.

Ava gau wurd Brasilien wedder a democratie. The world had become plus free, and i thaut it was the beginning af a glorious era de libertee. Malheuresement ce netait pas la debut, cetait la sommee. Pararon eliminar leges restrictivas e comenzaron prohibir lo que podían: fumar, beber - vor 2 jaren ferlor i das recht, auto o farrad zu faren, wail si mi besoffen auf dem farrad erwishten. För 13 moonden, ava denn lir ik a par lü kennen de disse recht för jümmer ferloren, wil se nich dat geld had, noch plus testen to talen, de bewisen cunn, dat se mental nich malade sünd, dh alcoholiker (de undernemen de de testen maakt, kriegt feel mer geld wenn du nich dörcaams). E the politicale correctness keeps expanding all the time, wordes ar prohibit (as in the baptist family e church de my childhood), you cant sey eskimo enymore, although calling them inuits is wrong, since most eskimos ar NOT inuits. You'r not supposed (at least in Germany) to sey gipsy (zigeuner) enymor, cause ta could ofende them, even if quite a few gipsy associaciones and instituciones ar absolutly against calling them "sinti e roma", e the gipsies i know keep calling themself gipsis. Allora, la politiquement correct protege aussi des gens qui ne voulaient pas du tout etre protegee et renommee. La palabra 'americano' tambien tiene un senso negativo oy dei na mundo, entonces debríamos prohibir la palabra e llamarlos de texanos o mexicanos?

Pra proteger tod aquela gent, estamos nos distanciando da verdee, ja que nem todos ciganos sao sinti ou roma, nem todos eskimós sao inuits, e no todos pretos sao negros, e negros no sao gente de cor - branco é a mistura de todas as cores, negro a falta de cor, entao a gente deveria dizer "pessoas sem cor" cuando fala deles. Burkas werden in Francrei e Belgien ferboten - im namen der fraihait! Wenn du dat book 1984 lesen hes, ward dat di kent förcamen. Even eating e drinking (also water) is being banned from public transport in quite a few countries or citis, in som US stades pople who used deodorant or parfum arent permited into stat instituciones or restaurants, to "protecte" the pople who feel disturbee. Je hai fait un film et il a fallu enlever une sena - il avait a voir avec des brasiliens et juifs, et la blague etait sur el incompentence des brasiliens, mais les blagues ou des juifs aparaitrent ne sont pas permis (au moins en Allemagne, par son histoire - pas par des leges oficiales, mais par precion populaire, meme si la majoritee nest pas dacor). Mai femra es la director af un mega museo en Alemania, e ella casi perdió su puesto por un exposición donde hab ai un cuadro af el pintor Tiepolo, af el seclo 18, que mostrab un caballero af el alto de su caballo con una espada cerca la cabez af un negro - af una persona con una piel un poco mas oscur - podría ser comprendee como un caballero declarando alguién otro como un caballero, mas tambien podría ser comprendee como si el queria le cortar la cabez. E claro que as explicassoes pros cuadros ha que ser todas de genero, tu pode no mais dizer "os pintores do 18. seculo", tu ha que dizer "os pintores e pintoras do século 18" (em alemao, é claro). E nich wenige museen mussten ire acte von iren wanden abzin - im Mittelalter war es wegen God, nau is es "wail si fraun als objecte" zaigen. Ik kenn nich fele frus, de damid dacor sünd, ava se mutt alle "shuult" warden. I'm a writer e comedian, e quite a few collegues ask themself how long it will take till they lose their jobs. Peutetre dans quelques ans tout la monde va etre "protegee", mais la humeur, el arte, la juissance appartiendront au passee. Bienvenido al Feliz Mundo Nuevo, a el Edad Media con hi-tech. Eu fico triste com isso, e na verdee eu me sinto menos libre oj em dei que durante o regime militar no Brasil.

I kenne witze über argentinier, brasilianer, neger, indigenen, portugisen, iren, deutshe, swizer, italiener, juden, araber, japaner, üba gaga pöble (psycotiker), politiker, doctoren, advocate, blondas, kinder, tire. Wenn du a beten tid ha, bitte segg mi welke witze mid welke grupos ferboten sünd, so hab ik nich de hele werk mid de posten e denn ward ik censeert. Is there a list or is it your personale judgement? Et peutetre tu peux mexplica pourquoi il ay des diferences, sil ay des diferences.

permite - el imperativo no tiene forma propia: si el orden o pedido es pra la persona(s) con quien se está hablando, es simplemente la forma basic, sin pronome: Permite mi sei lu. Da mi la buk. Se a ordem ou pedido é direccionada a uma terceira pessoa, se usa o verbo 'shal': God shal sauva la Roya (Deus salve a Rainha).

ta - (das, dis hir) i glaube das is das erste word das exclusive de den slavishen sprachen commt, wo es maist 'ta' o 'to' haisst. 'Ta' haisst irgendwas ganz in der nee (hir), für 'tam' (da) o 'labah' (dort) nimmt man 'dat'.

some pople - naturali ward dat nich as in inglish prononceert, /sVm pi:p@l/, sunnern as /some pople/.

contee - the participle is formee with 'ee', but wen the nexte lettra is a vocal, it is the basic form + T: since the basic form in ta cas is 'conta', the participle befor a vocal is 'contat': La contat aples was rotee (les pommes comptés etaient pourris). Mas ese participio no es utilizado en las conjugaciones, mismo el preterito mas que perfecto solo tiene la forma basic: La miau had manja la bisteica pre la wawau arivou (o gato tinha comido o bife antes do cachorro chegar).

homosexualitee - el abstraccion af el adjectivo es como regla '-itee'. Homosexualitee, megalitee (grösze), grositee (dicke).

ha-v - eu ja mostrei que o verbo 'bi-n' é irregular. Das zwait irregulare verb is 'ha-v'. De grundform is 'hav', aver wenn keen vocal danah caamt, ward es zu 'ha'. The past is with 'had' (e not 'havou').

drinking - can tu veux dire que tu bois, tu dis 'mi drink'. Cuando quieres decir que estás bebiendo AORA, dices 'mi drinke nau' - ay no una forma como 'estoy bebiendo' o 'i'm drinking'. Normalmente o infinitivo com verbos auxiliares é a forma basic, ou seja, pra dizer 'Eu quero ver o que ele ta fazendo', tu diz 'Mi vole vi wat lo fa (nau)', 'vi' sendo a forma basic. Aber es gibt ein fall wo man ein extra-endung braucht: ik kann nich seggen, 'drink a bir' wenn ik "en bir drinken" seggen will, wil 'drink a bir' is imperativ. You'r telling somebody to drink a beer. Et la, pour decrire une situacion, tu dis 'Drinking a bir'. O: 'Drinking vin is bon pro la salud' (Tomar vinho é bom pra saúd).



Dormouse, allow me to disagree with you. I'm not a racist. Never a black friend of mine called me a racist (and i've told this joke to quite a few of them - they had a good laugh), there are more than 200 reviews about my books and i've never seen a critic saying that i'm racist (i hope the term 'black' is OK - some people have told me i shouldnt use it either, since the color is associated with mourning and death). Maybe you censored the joke because i'm racist towards whites, since the stupid guy in the joke is a white guy (he had to be white to make the joke work), but then wouldnt you have to censor the joke about the finns too, since the joke says they're drunkyards? Or the joke about brazilians, that says that thare is no justice in Brazil? What about jokes about jews, are they antisemite even if they are told by jews?

From the 50s to the 70s a lot of prohibitive laws were abolished: women were allowed to work, make a passport or a driving license without the authorization of their husbands, blacks in the USA were allowed to sit beside a white person, homossexuality was decriminalized, etc. Also in my country Brazil, but then we had a military dictatorship, and censorship in the media was horrible. They not only censored stuff that was really against the government, they also censored stuff that COULD have been against the government, like the aerial picture of a freeway intersection that reminded the censors of a female genital part, and since it was the government that built the freeway, they thaught it could be a criticism against the government. But normal life was quite OK for everyone who didnt throw bombs or organized strikes. I didnt throw bombs or organized strikes, i was still an adolescent, but i was a victim of the system too: i was travelling through South America, came back following the Amazon and the military at the border thought my conlang was a terrorist or spy code, so i stayed in jail for 2 months.

But soon Brazil became a democracy again. The world had become freer, and i thaut it was the beginning of a glorious era of freedom. Unfortunately it wasnt the beginning, it was its peak. They stopped eliminating restrictive laws and started banning as much as they could: smoking, drinking - 2 years ago i lost the right to drive a car and to cycle, because they caught me drunk on the bicycle. For 13 months, but then i made acquaintance with people who lost this right forever, because they couldnt afford to pay the tests anymore which were made to judge if they are or not mentally ill, ie alcoholics (the companies who make the test get much more money the more they let you fail). And the political correctness keeps expanding all the time, words are forbidden (as in the baptist family and church of my childhood), you cant say eskimo anymore, altho calling them inuits is wrong, since most eskimoes are NOT inuits. You're not supposed (at least in Germany) to say gipsy (zigeuner) anymore, because this could offend them, even if quite a few gipsy associations and institutions are absolutely against calling them "sinti and roma", and the gipsies i know keep calling themselves gipsxies. So political correctness also protects lots of people who werent asking at all to be "protected" and renamed. The word "american" has a quite negative sense nowadays in the world, so should we ban the word "american" too and call them texans or mexicans?

To protect all those people, we're distancing ourselves from the truth, since not all gipsies are sinti or roma, not all eskimos are inuits, and not all blacks are negroes, and blacks arent persons of color - white is the mix of all colors, black the lack of color, so we should rather say "persons without color" when we refer to them. Burkas are forbidden in France and Belgium - in the name of freedom! If you red the book 1984, by George Orwell, this will sound familiar. Even eating and drinking (also water) is being bannd from public transport in quite a few countries or cities, in some US states people who used deodorant or perfume arent allowed into state institutions or restaurants, to "protect" the people who feel disturbed. I made a film and i had to take a scene off - it had to do with brazilians and jews, and the joke was actually about the incompetence of brazilians, but jokes where jews appear arent allowed (at least in Germany, because of their history - not by any official law, but by popular pressure, even if most people dont agree with it). My lady is the director of a big museum in Germany, and she almost lost her job because of an exhibition ware a portrait of the painter Tiepolo, from the 18th century, showed a knight with his sword neer the hed of a man with a darker taint - it could be understood as if he was declaring that person to a knight, but also as if he was going to cut his head off. And of course in the explanations for the paintures everything has to be gendered, you cant say "the painters of the 18th century", you have to say "the painters and painteresses of the 18th century" (in german, of course). Even if almost 80% of the population (a majority among the women too) dont agree with this mania (which makes german much longer than english, since in german everything has a female form). And quite a few museums had to take nudes from their walls - in the Middle Ages it was "because of God", and now it is "because they show women as objects". I dont know many women who agree with that, but they all have to be "protected". I'm a writer and comedian, and quite a few colleagues ask themselves how long it will take until they lose their job. Maybe everybody will be "protected" in a few years, but humor, art, enjoyment might belong to the past. Welcome to the Brave New World, welcome to the Hi Tech Middle Ages. It makes me sad, and actually i feel much less free now than during the military regime in Brazil.

I know jokes about argentinians, brazilians, blacks, american indians, portuguese, irish, germans, the swiss, italians, jews, arabs, japanese, about crazy people (psychotics), politicians, doctors, lawyers, blondes, children, animals. If you have a spare time, please tell me which ones are banned, so i dont have to do all the work of posting them and they being censored. Is there a list or is it your personal judgement? And maybe you can tell me why they're not like the others, in case there are differences.


permite - the imperative doesnt have an own form: if the order or request is to the person you're talking to, you just take the basic form, without pronoun: Permite mi sei lu (Let mi tell you). Da mi la buk (give me the book). If the order or request is directed to a third person, you use the verb 'shal': God shal sauva la Roya (God save the Queen).

ta - (das, dis hir) i guess this is the first word that comes exclusively from the slavic languages, where it is usually 'ta' or 'to', depending on the genderw. 'Ta' is this (here), 'dat' is for 'that' ('tam' (there) or 'labah' (over there)(further away).

some pople - of course this isnt pronounced as in english, /sVm pi:p@l/, but /some pople/.

contee - the participle is formed with 'ee', but when the next letter is a vowel, it is the basic form + T: since the basic form in this case is 'conta', the participle before a vowel is 'contat': La contat aples was rotee (the counted apples were rotten). But this participle isnt used in conjugations, even the past perfect just uses the basic form: La miau had manja la bisteica pre la wawau arivou (ther cat had eaten the steak before the dog arrived).

homosexualitee - the abstraction of the adjectiv is as a rule '-itee'. Homosexualitee, megalitee (bigness), grositee (thickness).

ha-v - i showed already that the verb 'bi-n' is irregular. The second irregular verb is 'ha-v'. The basic form is 'hav' (in dictionaries ha-v), but wen no vowel follows, it becomes 'ha'. The past is with 'had' (and not 'havou').

drinking - when you want to say that you're drinking, you say 'mi drink'. When you want to make it clear that you're drinking NOW, you say "Mi drinke nau" - there is no form like 'i'm drinking'. Normally the infinitive with auxiliary verbs is the basic form, ie to say "I want to see what he's doing', you say "'Mi vole vi wat lo fa (nau)', 'vi-d' being the basic form. But there is a case where we need an extra ending: i cant say, 'drink a bir' when i want to say "Drinking a beer", because 'drink a bir' is imperative. You're telling somebody to drink a beer. And there, to say "Drinking a beer" or "To drink a beer", you say 'Drinking a bir'. Or: 'Drinking vin is bon pro la salud' (Drinking wine is good for health).
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Salmoneus »

Zé do Rock wrote: 15 Aug 2020 19:48
I know jokes about argentinians, brazilians, blacks, american indians, portuguese, irish, germans, the swiss, italians, jews, arabs, japanese, about crazy people (psychotics), politicians, doctors, lawyers, blondes, children, animals. If you have a spare time, please tell me which ones are banned, so i dont have to do all the work of posting them and they being censored.
In general, it's best to avoid ANY overt, offensive racism.

If you find it impossible NOT to be racist, it is generally, as you are already perfectly aware, more offensive to be racist toward races that have historically suffered the effects of racism most greatly (like Jewish people and black people), and less offensive to be racist toward those who have not historically suffered in the same way (such as the English). But if possible, it's best not to be an arsehole to anybody, both on general principles and because you may not understand the full context (eg a joke about Catholics might seem harmless in some places, but may be highly offensive for someone who, say, lives in Glasgow).

And, as you also know, not all "jokes" are created equal. In your case, your "joke" had no humour other than derogatory and objectifying racism.
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Dormouse559 »

Zé do Rock wrote: 15 Aug 2020 19:48Dormouse, allow me to disagree with you. I'm not a racist.
I didn't say you are racist. I said your joke was.

I'm not sure why you're bringing up government censorship. The CBB isn't a sovereign country; it's a private online forum owned by Aszev, and your ability to post here is a privilege contingent on your willingness to follow the rules.

I won't address hypotheticals about which ethnicities or marginalized groups it's okay to tell jokes about. I will quote House Rules 2 and 3 for your reference:
2. No trolling/flamebait

As a general rule, do not post things that you know are going to offend, annoy or otherwise provoke other people. Sometimes there may be a good reason that justifies posting something provocative, but don't go out of your way to be inflammatory. Explain your position and be prepared to defend it.

Note that this includes controversial or extraordinary claims and opinions. Repeatedly posting these without providing evidence and proper argumentation to back them up will be considered trolling.

3. Tread lightly around sensitive subjects

Expanding on from the above, please keep in mind that some topics can very quickly result in hostility and flamewars if users treat them the wrong way. This includes topics revolving around religion, politics, and identity.

As a board dealing with both conlanging and conworlding, we certainly cannot ban these topics outright, since they play a pivotal role in developing a more fleshed out culture, but please try to stick to what's actually being said in such threads and stick to the facts, avoiding value judgements. Especially if you happen to hold negative views on someone else's religion (or lack of religion), ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, neurotype, mental health or physical health situation, or anything of this sort, then try to keep those opinions to yourself (whether talking to or about an individual or a group). Large portions of the internet have, over the years, shown that these sorts of discussions, as mentioned previously, tend to lead to heated arguments and flamewars rather than healthy debate and conversation.

Again, while we tolerate constructive criticism and factual debate, what we not tolerate for very long are ad hominem attacks, bullying of individuals or groups, either on-board or off-board, from any side.
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »

Dormouse, Salmoneus,

It seems you didnt read the joke, you just registered, like an algorhythm, that it is a joke and there is the word 'black man' in it, so you "used the scissors' as a pavlov reflex.

Just read the joke: who is the victim of the joke, the stupid guy? It is a white man. So if you delete the post because you dont want jokes against whites, i can only accept that, because then i would be breaking the house rules. Even if not even one in one million white persons would feel offended about it. But if you say that it is a joke about blacks, i can only say that you didnt understand the joke. You will keep the joke blocked, but i wont agree with it.

Sure it is not state censorship. Thats not the problem nowadays, nowadays the attacks against freedom come usually from the population, not from the government. It wasnt the state who ruined the career of Kevin Spacey, it came from the me-too movement. He was judged by the state, but the state has fixed rules, and the guy who had sued him even didnt show up, so he was acquitted. But his career and his name are distroyed. Nothing like that happened here, but i dont agree that a joke about a white man is discriminating against black men.

There is a joke about an indian, a jew and an argentinian (and brazilians have many jokes about them). The victim of the joke is an argentinian, but i'll refrain from telling it, because there is a jew involved. Which is necessary because the joke needs peeple who have problems with pork. I could replace him thru arabs, but i dont know if arabs are allowed in jokes by the aveneca rules - are they?
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Salmoneus »

I'm not sure why "don't be a racist arsehole" is such a difficult rule. It's not about "can I be an arsehole to X? what about Y? Z?" - I mean, sure, there are some groups it's more offensive to be an arsehole to than others, but if you're really struggling to remember why derogatory jokes about The Jews are bad, why not just not tell racist jokes at all? After all, nobody actually finds them funny, they're just dogwhistles to attract other racists. Nobody ever needs to tell racist jokes, so you're not exactly being persecuted.

In the case you hypothesise: yes, you're right, racist jokes about Jews ARE problematic. But it's also pretty offensive for a Brazilian to tell a racist joke about an Argentine. And it's generally best to avoid making racist jokes about Indians, too, since they're the butt of so many racist jokes already. [a general guide: if people make lots of racist jokes about a group, that's usually a good sign that making racist jokes about that group is even more offensive that otherwise. Imagine there's a sort of quota. Jews, Indians, black people, the Irish, etc, have already had way too many racist jokes told about them. Luxemburgers, on the other hand, can probably withstand one or two more racist jokes, as they're probably not yet at their 'quota' (except, I imagine, in the immediate vicinity of Luxemburg). Although of course, as I say, if in any doubt, just don't tell a racist joke at all.

No, the Argentine is not the only "victim" of a racist joke about Jews and Argentines: whenever you use demeaning stereotypes to objectify a racial minority, you're likely to offend - and are in some small way actively harming - that minority. Even if your punchline is that a different racial minority is even more inferior.

In the case of your black man joke, you're objectifying black men by reducing them to (and creepily fantasising about) the supposed shape of their genitalia, which is their only characteristic in your "joke" (plus either stupidity or malice, it's not clear which, but neither is flattering and both draw from racist stereotypes about black people). The fact that the punchline concerns the white person trying to be black is irrelevant, since the joke itself is based on demeaning black people. Similarly, for example, if you tell a "joke" about a white man trying to be Chinese, as an excuse to do 'slitty eyes' and a Fu Manchu accent, you're still being racist against the Chinese, even if your punchline is theoretically about the white man imitating them. In the same way, when you tell a "joke" about a stupid white man trying to emulate the sexual characteristics of a black man, your punchline might be about the white man failing (and being stupid for wanting to be like a black man), but the "joke" only exists as an excuse to demeaningly objectify black men. The "joke" is only even possible because of a pre-existing racist objectification of black people in society. Hence there are no racist jokes focused on cultural depictions of the genitals of Luxemburgers, because (to my knowledge) nobody's cultural assumptions about Luxembergers revolves around their penises. [are Luxemburger penises statistically larger, smaller, or differently shaped from French penises? I don't know. Quite possibly, as they're historically a fairly isolated population that probably does have a number of genetic founder effects. But nobody thinks of Luxemburgers in that way, so no stereotype exists to form the basis of a racist joke.
[and of course, for the record, as the African population is more genetically diverse than the rest of the world's population put together, the characteristics of black penises are in reality no doubt equally diverse; although even if that weren't true, the joke would still be racist]

And of course the subject matter is also an issue; making intimate remarks about another person's genitalia is, at best, an extremely sensitive area (no pun intended), best treated with caution and respect. Here's a good rule of thumb: if you overheard me publically telling an analogous joke about your sister's, daughter's or mother's vulva, would you be happy with me? If not, don't tell that joke about black people either.
[That's also an illustration of the 'it's not just offensive to the punchline' point. Imagine someone telling a joke about, say, Cara Delavigne seeing your daughter's vulva, and asking her how she could make her own labia as pendulous and strongly fish-smelling as your daughter's, or asking how she could make her vagina as loose as your daughter's vagina and how she could learn to accomodate objects as large as your daughter could fit in her vagina. The punchline would then be about Ms Delavigne being silly. Now, are you really, honestly saying that you can't imagine your daughter (/sister, /mother, etc), or yourself, feeling embarrassed or demeaned by someone telling that joke in public, just because she wasn't officially the punchline? No, you're not. You know fine well that that joke would be offensive to more people than just Ms Delavigne. So don't tell that joke about black people either.]

EDIT: but anyway, I've had my go at reasoning and will leave it up to someone else at this point.
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by elemtilas »

Zé do Rock wrote: 16 Aug 2020 14:38 Dormouse, Salmoneus,

It seems you didnt read the joke, you just registered, like an algorhythm, that it is a joke and there is the word 'black man' in it, so you "used the scissors' as a pavlov reflex.

Just read the joke: who is the victim of the joke, the stupid guy? It is a white man. So if you delete the post because you dont want jokes against whites, i can only accept that, because then i would be breaking the house rules. Even if not even one in one million white persons would feel offended about it. But if you say that it is a joke about blacks, i can only say that you didnt understand the joke. You will keep the joke blocked, but i wont agree with it.
I see it differently. I understand that the white guy is the butt of the joke. That's neither here nor there.

Your joke, plain and simple, was dehumanising. Whether you are reducing people to the mere accident of skin colour or the mere accident of sexual organs, you deperson & objectify them. That's not cool. That your black friends found it funny only demonstrates that they a) have low brow senses of humour and b) don't mind dehumanising jokes.

Making the white guy the butt of the joke doesn't make the joke better, doesn't make the joke wholesome. Whether it's an ethnic joke or taking the Lord's name in vain or anything that reduces the human person to the status of object, the best joke is the one left unsaid.
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Dormouse559 »

Zé do Rock wrote: 16 Aug 2020 14:38 Dormouse, Salmoneus, […]
I can think of little more to say than what I have already told you. You posted a joke based on a dehumanizing racial stereotype. That is a clear violation of House Rule 3, and I acted accordingly. As I stated previously, I won't comment on hypotheticals about which ethnicities or marginalized groups you're allowed to make jokes about. Consider the response your removed post received, as well as the excerpt of the House Rules I quoted for you, and apply the two in future when judging whether a post will be considered appropriate. If you believe the rules have been incorrectly applied or should be altered, feel free to contact Aszev.

To everyone involved/commenting, if you'd like to discuss this issue further, I'd ask you to continue it over PM.
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


for me and for most people i know, to say that indians dont eat cows is not derogatory, as it is not derogatory to say that jews dont eat pork: i even worked in a restaurant in Israel and i've never seen them cooking pork. But the joke is derogatory towards the argentinians, you say. Thats what jokes live from, there must be something negative in it. Somebody must be stupid, crazy, or have bad luk: a joke like "Johnny won in the lottery and lived happy forever" is not derogatory towards people who ar called Johnny, but it is not really a joke, is it?

You recommend the system with the quota: if thare hav been too many jokes about a certain group, it is racist. I'v herd 4 jokes about argentinians, which i wouldnt considder as a high number of jokes, but it seems you've herd many mor jokes about argentinians than me, so you considder it racist, and since you'r a moderator (if you ar), you can deleet my message. You say thare hav been too many jokes about the indians, i dont know a single one (the one with the argentinian is not about indians, i dont think it is funny or derogatory if i say that indians dont eet cows), so if i knew and told a joke about indians, my post would be deleeted, although i was just applying your rule. Since i'm not a national of an english speeking country, i'v herd a single joke about the irish, but its not me who will decide wether the joke is racist or not, its the moderator. I do know quite a few mor jokes about jews, but quite a few of them wer told by jews, and it seems i wont get an answer wether jews can tell jokes about jews, and you couldnt eeven controle if the person is really a jew. I know a lot of jokes about brazilians, told by thare nabors or by the brazilians themselvs, but maybe one moderator herd too many jokes about brazilians and then the joke is considderd racist (eeven if brazilians arnt a race, as little as americans ar a race) - i cant imagine wy argentinians would hav to be "protected" and brazilians not. My joke about the finns came thru, but maybe i was just lucky that no moderator is a scandinavian who herd a lot of jokes about the finns. Or about the norwegians - the swedish like to make jokes about norwegians, like the brits make jokes about the irish. And if by chance the moderator was a person who thinks that eeven the word 'blak' shouldnt be used becaus of its negativ conotations (mourning, deth), it would be deleeted too.

To be on the safe side, you recomend that "i dont make racist jokes at all". I'v been in 150 countries (including 40 african cuntries and neerly all eest asian cuntries including North Korea, and i workd in quite a few of them), for 2 or 3 yeers in scool my best compannion was blak (btw he calld himself 'Nega', wich meens blak woman, or something like N*ess - guess i cant use the word heer), i had frends of eest asian descent, mostly japanese, but korean or chinese descendents kept complaning that they wer calld japanese wen they wer not japanese: "Just becaus i hav slit eyes it doesnt meen i'm japanese!" For me, and for most peeple i know, slit eyes isnt a fisical defect that shouldnt be mentioned, it is just one of menny feetures a person can hav. But it seems that in an american academic environment, wich seems to be the front of the PC movement in the world, and ware menny professors hav lost thare jobs becaus of a wrong word, it mite be an unforgivable sin. For me, who grew in a very religius environment, all this sounds equaly religius, just without enny god.

If i told this kind of jokes to blak peeple or enny peeple of other race or nationality and they reacted neggativly, i would stop it by my self, but i cant remember that that happend - i had hundreds of shows in Germany, Brazil and some other european cuntries, and sometimes - rather rarely - some peeple complaned, but they wer never the "victims of the jokes", they wer peeple who wanted to protect "the victims of the jokes". Stil, the fact that thare ar peeple wanting to protect other peeple doesnt meen necessarily that those peeple need protection. Thare ar enuf peeple wanting to protect me (and menny uthers), altho i never askd for protection, and i know enuf blak peeple who dont want that protection either, and i know enuf wimmen who dont want that protection. Maybe Elemtidas thinks that Rubens or Rembrandt wer reducing wimmen to thare genitalia and to an object wen they painted naked wimmen, as the PC world is seeing it nowadays, but i considder it art, and i find a pitty that museums ar starting to show or by artists works by the new moral insted of by its artistic merits. And i considder jokes with sex and genital parts as humor, not as racism. But i see that we hav difrent opinnions in this area.

Once i was laying naked on my belly at the Isar, the rivver that goes thru Munich, 2 girls came along, sat down 2 or 3 meters from me, and kept talking - in portuguese - about the sizes of peenis, the thikness of ties or the brest hare of german and brazilian men with whom they had slept. In a certan moment one of them sed that "the bums of brazilian men ar better than the bums of german men". I thought, now it is my turn, so i turned my head to them and asked, in portuguese: "Oh, do you really think that? Thank you..." They were shocked, of course, to learn that somebody was understanding them all the time, and left a minute later, and i had my fun. If they sed that german men had better bums, i would probably protest, also just for fun. But i didnt think they wer "dehumanizing" german or brazilian men. They certainly had opinions about psychological traits of german and brazilian men too, but they just happened to be talking about sex and physical traits.

So no nationalities, and i gess no jokes about women, gays and uthers. I gess no professions either, rite? Or ar minorities with good salarys excepted from the protection rules? Lawyers, doctors, politicians could get offended, and there are quite a few jokes about them, so the quota should be filled too - or is that different? If i can remember jokes about rabbits or ducks, i'll use them - unless they need to be protected against jokes too. And if i cant think of jokes with rabbits and ducks, i must stop the series, we'l see.

Dormouse, sinse there were 3 comments now, i posted the anser here. If there are replies tu it, i'l reply with PMs, but it wud help if the one comenting it sent it as PM too. I gess it dusnt make sense tu complain tu Aszev - 3 comments against, nobody in mi favor (and if, they prefer tu stay away, tu be safe), i gess i'm quite a minority here.
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by sangi39 »

Dormouse559 has advised that everyone move on from the matter, or to keep it to PMs. I suggest you do so, and, at least here, in this thread, drop the matter.
You can tell the same lie a thousand times,
But it never gets any more true,
So close your eyes once more and once more believe
That they all still believe in you.
Just one time.
Zé do Rock
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Joined: 12 Jul 2018 18:22

Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »

Zé do Rock
Posts: 180
Joined: 12 Jul 2018 18:22

Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


(inglish further down)
(a teemlig lang message, disse mal - quite a long message, this time...)

Again: wordes dat ar alredy europix ar in bold, similare wordes in italics.

Yo queria contar un chiste sobre una nacionalidee sobre la cual se fa la chistes in Brasil, como la chistes sobre polacos in los EUA, iris in Inglaterra, belgis in France, frisios orientales o austricos in Alemania. Pero exist o risco de que a broma sexa considerad una broma racist (aínda que todas as victimas sexan brancas, polo menos a xente tipica deses países). Entao eu va contar piadas sobre os lokiburgis, porquee tantos europis fazem piadas sobre os lokiburgis, e lis ni reclamam, porque cuando o pessoal vi lis, lis haha, e o haha é bom pras relacioes umanas.

Lokiburg is a mini land midden in Europa. All eer nabis make gern witzen över jüm, se sünd angeevlig teemlig stupid. The lokiburgis spik a romanic lingua.

5 francis arrivent a la frontera lokibourgise dans un Audi Quattro. La funccionario in la frontera dice lis:
"Οχι όχι! 5 eπiβάτeς σe eνα Audi Quattro, αυτό απαgορεύετi!"
"Mas mai Senior, a marca do auto no ha nenhuma relaciao com o número de passagiris permitee!"
"Nee nee! 5 passagire in einem Audi Quattro, das get unmöglich!"
"Canat wi mid dain shefi spiken, bitte?"
"Pourquoi, par Dieu???"
"El ist ocupee con la 2 pasageris in la Fiat Uno."


fa - het werkwoord is 'fa-z', wat betekent dat het 'faz' is voor a klinker en 'fa' in andre gefallen. A cuestiao era: shalat europix 2 verben han für 'tun' e 'machen'? For the spikis de germanic linguas e som otris, the diference is clar: 'to do' signifie agir, 'to make' signifie produir alge chose. Mas in aleman por ejemplo lis mezclan sta verbos la todo tempo, e la mayorie de las linguas europeas no fan esa diferenciacion, al minos is lo qui google cuenta mi... Mar mi sin ghlac ‘fa-z’, a oibríonn don dá cheann, i dteangacha grá.

iris - o nome do país é Ireland, qui é como os iris chamam o su país.

A) Geografische namen werden wie in der ursprungssprache scribee, e das sistema shalat für die ganze welt gültig sein: the locale nam is the internacionale nam. Alors la pays ist Ireland. Puedes pronunce lo como los iris lo fan, como lo farías in tai lingua, o segundo las reglas af europix, ki seria /i-re-'land/. Denn að hvergi í heiminum þarftu að bera fram nafn lands þíns á rangan hátt. Mas ai alguns casos speciais: lander, die weda das römishe noh das kirillische alfabet benutzen, werden so genannt wie die jetzigen o früheren coloniale mächte si nennen. If there was no coloniale pawer in the country, the englishe nam. Avec quelques correcciones... por ejemplo in general el inglishe scribe K pra la sonido de /k/ in linguas con otre alfabetos, mas as veces con C, in europix o in la "denominación internacional" is sempre con K. Anche per la parole chi hanno la K in ell alfabeto cirillico, quindi Moskva, e non Moscow. E Y é substituído bai I cuando ele no tem uma funcciao special: Libia, Siria (aba clar, Iemen get nit).

The decicion with the coloniale pawas mite attracte some criticism. Evidemment je ne suis pas pour la colonialisme, sa ist una decicion tecnic: pra nombres in otre alfabetos no ai una transcripción unificada pra la muchos sones qui no existen in europeas linguas, mas la nombres dados (frecuentemente distorciones de los nombres originales) son normali la nombres con la cuales la ciudidenis de sta países lo llaman cuando istan in la strangero, y lis ha pocas variaciones.

U imenima koji završavaju na samoglasnik+s ili -en, ovi se dijelovi ne smatraju dijelom sufiksa, što znači da stanovnici Sejchela (Seychelles) nisu "seychellesis", oni su "seychellis". Os abitis de Beiren (Baviera) sao no beirenis, lis sao beiris.

E denn han ainige lander plus als ain oficiale sprach, also auch plus als ainen oficialen namen - welkeen shull een nemen? For exemple Belgium, wich is Belgie in flamish e Belgique in franch. Dans ce cas oni prends la racine plus internacional, qui ist BELG-, pas la racine BELGIQ, alors BELGIE. Pra evitar una revolución inter la valones, podemos consolar lis considerando la país un país latino, no germanico, así qui el adjectivo no será 'belgishe', mas 'belgiano'. Un denn is de adjectiv in francish nich 'belgiquan', et is 'belge'...

Et locutus ist verbum hoc ut ni flamish (cum sono /x/) ut ni gallice (cum sono /Z/), haec locutus ist cum /g/. Na caso de Suiss, a gente faz uma "media" du alemao suisso Schwiiz, francês Suisse e italiano Svizzera, o qui da 'Swits'. Im fall de Luxemburg, wo man francish, deutsh e letzebuergish spricht, ershaint der stamm LUX zwaimal, LETZ nur ainmal, also LUX. E moste countries spell BURG in the end, not BOURG, dus Luxemburg.

La nomes dans la linguas qui je ha reformee (portugais, allman, inglishe, fransais et espagnol) sont ecrits in reformee form, alors Lundon, Pari, Deutshland, Riu di Janeru. A propósito, sempre utilizo la reforma mas suave qui yo ha, entonces en la mayoree de las linguas cambia no mucho. Diacriticos can ser utilizados o no, dependendo del teclado e de la volunt: česki o ceski, türki o turki.

B) Iedzīvotāji: a raiz da palavra ganha um sufixo, sendo ou feminino (-a), neutro mas vivo (-i), masculino (-o) ou neutro no vivo (-u). Also a frau af ALGERie is ein ALGER-a, a person af Andorra is ein andorri, a mann af Argentina ein argentino. Normali the root word doesnt inclui the parte dat signifis a country or region, dus the root word for Danmark is not danmark, it is dan, so the citizeni de Danmark is a dani, not a danmarki. Un omme d'Allmagne (Deutshland) ist un deutsho, pas un deutshlando, etc.

Si la nombre af un abiti seria la memo qui la país, anyadimos una vocal e inserimos una N: moteris de Botswana nėra botswana, ji yra botswanana. Um omi de Congo no é um congo, é um congono.

Bai manchen fellen mit C e K im end af a stammword müssen wir den consonanten wexeln um den glaichen laud zu behalten: inabitis de France can bi francis, but the men de France cannot bi francos, becaus dat woul bi pronouncee with the K-soun. Alors fransas et fransos. Los abitis de Dominica son no dominicis, son dominikis - mir mussen de tein de K behalen.

Pra nomes duble, a gente pega o mais longo, exceto cuando esse é um accidente geografico. Sierra is lenger als Leone, aba das bedeutet gebirge, also is der pöble aus dem land die leonis. And again we hav a speciale cas, Costa Rica: sa ne devrait pas bi costis (costa = côte), sa devrait bi rikis, mas rikis sont la richis, alors il faut prendre costarikis... Clar, da sünd milionen namen, un automatish ok colisionen, ava disse mid de 'rikis' cunn een wirklig dörenanner bringen. E cuando se puede no cojer la nombres separadamente, porque causaría ambiguidee, decimos la nombre entero: Új-Zeeland esetében nem mondhatunk „zeeis” vagy „zeelandis” szót, mert ez Hollandia Zeelandjára vonatkozna. Zeeland is in Holland, New Zeeland is op de andre sid vun de planet. E tambem no se pode pegar newis, porque isso valeria pra todos as cidis qui tem um 'new' na nom, inclusive newyorkis, qui seriam newis tambem. So muss man den ganzen namen nemen: newzeeis, newyorkis, etc. Aver OK, wenn du wils, cans du ok 'kiwi' seggen...

In names dat ar formee bai plus dan 2 names, we take the abreviaciones: tatis sont les abitis de Trinidad and Tobago (TAT), bihis sont la gens de Bosna i Hercegovina (BIH). Así ai no discriminación: Нормалi, луgето gi нарекуваат dржавiанi оd Bосна i Херцеgовiна bоснацi, во коi спаgаат i xерцеgовiнi, но тiе може dа се чувствуваат diскрiмiнiранi, bidеiќi не се чувствуваат како bоснацi, iлi мноgу оd нiв не се чувствуваат. A gente poderia dizer bosnis e hercegovinis, mas isso é bem longo pruma nacionalidee, e normalment o pessoal é preguissoso demais pra isso. Mit bihis das problem is gelöst. Most abreviaciones for countries ar spicable, but sometimes they'r not, as the abreviacion de Papu Niu Gini, PNG. Dans ce cas oni ecrit PNGis et dit /pi-no-gis/, qui sont la nomes de ces lettras in europix.

La puntos cardinales son norde, sude, weste, este, y los perden su E si después no veni consonant, lo qui is la caso in la mega mayoree de las palabras. Huma separee fl-ismijiet, iżda flimkien fid-demonimi: Sude Korea, sudekoris. Este Timor, estetimoris.

O nome 'republica' pode bi na nom oficial, mas no na "normale nom": Cesko, Dominicana, Centrafricaine.

Speciale felle:

Austria - the originale nam is Österreich, but ta nam is super dificile for foreners to pronounce, and even meni austrins cant sei dat Ö, they sei /e:/. Bes menciona la son CH af el allman. E lis istan bene habituados al internacionale nombre Austria.

Congo/Congoz - Dat var Fransk Congo e Belgishe Congo, etter uavhengighet ble Belgishe Congo Zaire. Depois da guerra lis mudaram o nome de volta pra Congo, e assim nós ha 2 Congos. Das war a super stupid idee. We can only diferenciate them bai their complete names, Republic of Congo e Democratic Republic of Congo, but wen it comes to the demonim, both ar congolese. Et j'oubli tout la temps quel ist la "democratique", lorsque la deux ne sont pas speciali democratiques. In el area, lis diferencian llamando uno Congo-Brazzaville (ex-Congo Francés) y el otro Congo-Kinshasa (ex-Congo Belga), o sea, bai sus capitales. Ale jak nazwać mieszkańców? Congobrazzavillis e congokinshasis? Das is müsam... So to get som ordre in ta issue, the Congo ki was alweis Congo remains Congo, e the Congo dat was Zaire gets a Z in the end, Congoz. Alors il ai congis et congozis.

Laos - la regla dice qui consideramos no la S final e las vocales anteriores como parte de la raiz del nombre, mas in el caso de Laos solo restaría la L, y eso is super poco... Cetațeanul de Laos ar trebui să fie „li”, car ist ja cuvantul pentru el/ea, ca să nu mai vorbim că nimeni nu s-ar gândi de Laos dacă o person ist un „li”. Ou seja, temos qui pegar a palavra intera como raiz, o qui signifi qui o cidadao de Laos é um laosi.

Holland - ja, i waiss, der nam is Nederland. Holland is just a region in the land. Mas je ha souvent audi des hollandis parlant de son pays comme Holland, meme si lis ne sont pas de la region de Holland. E in otre linguas frecuentemente solo ai 'Holanda', e la nacionalidee e la lingua is llamada holandish, memo si algunas linguas ha la palabra alternativa 'neerlandais', e in ese caso la país is no llamado Neerland, li is llamado con la traducción 'Pays Bas', Países Bajos - mas ai no un adjectivo 'paysbasian'). Кроме тоgо, iм gоразdо прiaтнiе сказать «hоллiс», чем «неdерiс», что dолжно bi dемонiмом. E como podemos distinguir o país da regiao? I slage vor, man lasse bai der region a L weg: Holand. Dat is denn a lang O.

Naijiria - If we hav Niger e Nigeria, both nacionalis will bi nigeris. Lis seraient prononcee diferemment, mas oni ne saurait pas comme prononcer la mot bes savoir la context. Entonces cambiamos Nigeria a un ortografie europix, Naijiria, e nosotros ha nigeris e naijiris.

Romenia - Is e name na dùthcha ann in Ròmanach România. Mas ja qui ni todos tem um circumflexo na teclado, o país frecuentement é scrito Romania. Und a mann de disem land wer a romano, was mit the adjectiv für Roma collidert. Denn is et better, de nam mid E to scriven, dat caamt in fele spraken vör.

Soudafrica - since the word for soud is Sude, it shalad bi Sud Africa. Mas si Africa du Nord ist la norde du continent, pas un pays, il faut qu'oni ha un mot pour la sude du continent, et sa ist Sud Africa. Sta is una región, qui inclui países como Namibia, Botswana, etc. Pra, vendi ka nevojë për një emër tjetër. Aí eu misturei o inglishe nom south e o afrikaans nome suid, o qui resultou im Soud. E da 'soud' nix bedeutet, ai kainen grund, es separat zu scriben. Soudafrica.

A long explanacion, no dout. Je pourrait simpli far una list, mas je cre quil fait de sense explicar pourquoi je ha decidé de choisir un certan mot et pas un autre. E con esas reglas tu no ha qui quedar buscando in los diccionarios como os ciudadenis af un país, región o ciudi son llamados. E často to aj tak nenájdete. Pra gente qui no viage muito, isso tudo no é um mega problem, mas eu visitei 150 países, e eu had muitos problemas cuando eu scriví sobre alguns de lis.

haha - ai a gewisse cuantitee de lautmalerishe wörder in europix, wi 'haha' für lachen, 'yuhuh' für sich amüsiren, 'miau' für catze, 'tictak' für eine ur, etc.



I wanted to tell a joke about a nationality wich is the victim of jokes made in Brazil, like the polish ar in the USA, the iris in England, the belgians in France and the estefrisians or austrians in Germany. But thare is always a risk that the joke is considderd racist (eeven if all the mentiond nationalities ar wite, at leest the tipical inhabbitants). So i'll only tell jokes about the lokiburgis, becaus so many europis make jokes about the lokiburgis. And the lokiburgis dont complane, becaus wen peeple see them, they laf, and lafing is good for human relationsships.

Lokiburg is a small country someware in Europe, and its inhabbitants speek a romanic language.

5 frenchmen come in an Audi Quatro to the lokiburgian border. The border oficial is shokd and ses:
"Wat? No, no! 5 passengers in an Audi Quattro, thats forbidden!"
"But Sir, the brand of the car doesnt hav anything to do with the allowd number of passengers!"
"No, no! 5 passengers in an Audi Quattro, thats impossible!"
"Can we speek to your boss, plees?"
"Wy, in Gods name?"
"He's bisy with the two guys in the Fiat Uno."


fa - the verb is 'fa-z', wich meens that it is 'faz' befor a vowel and 'fa' in other cases. The question was: should europix hav 2 verbs, one for 'to do' and one for 'to make'? For the speekers of germanic languages and some others, the difrence is cleer: doing meens acting, making meens producing something. But in german for example they keep mixing thees verbs, and the majority of european languages dont hav the diferentiation, at leest its wat google tells me... So i took 'fa-z', wich works for both meenings, in romanic languages.

iris - the country is calld Ireland, wich is how the iris call thare country.

A) Geografic names ar spelld as in the original language, and the sistem should be valid for the whole world: the local name is the international name. So it is Ireland. You can pronounce this as the iris pronounce it, you can pronounce it as in your language, or acording to the europix rules, this would giv /i-re-'land/. So noware in the world you hav to pronounce the name of your country the wrong way. Thare ar some special cases, tho: countries that dont use the roman or the cirillic alphabet ar named acording to how the (ex)-colonial powers calld them. If thare was no colonial power, the english name. With some corrections... for instance english spells mostly K for the sound /k/ in words from languages with other scripts, but sometimes they write it with C, in europix or "international naming" it is always with K. Also for words that hav K in the cirillic alfabet, thus Moskva and not Moscow. And Y ware I would be OK is replaced by I: Libia, Siria (but not Iemen, of course, since the Y has a function heer).

The decision with the colonial powers mite attract some criticism. Of course i'm not for colonialism, this is a tecnical decision: for names in other alphabets thare isnt usually a unified transcription for the many sounds that dont exist in european languages, but the names given (offen distorted versions of the original names) ar usually the names with wich the nationals of those countries call them wen they'r abroad, and they hav few variations.

In names ending in vowel+s or -en, thees parts arnt considderd part of the suffixes, wich meens that the inhabbitants of the Seychelles arnt seychellesis, they're seychellis, from the root word SEYCHELL. The inhabbitants of Beiren (Bavaria) arnt beirenis, they'r beiris.

And then some countries hav mor than one oficial language, wich offen meen difrent names - wich one should we take? For example Belgium, wich is Belgie in flamish and Belgique in franch. In this case we take the mor international name, and thats with the root BELG-, not the root BELGIQ-, thus BELGIE. To avoid a revolution among the walloons, we can consolate them considring it a romanic country, wich meens that the adjectiv wont be 'belgishe' but 'belgiano'. And that G is pronounced neither as in flamish (with a KH-sound) nor as in franch (with a ZH-sound), it it pronounced with /g/. In the case of Switzerland, we make an "avrage" of german Schwiiz, franch Suisse and italian Svizzera, wich givs Swits. In the case of Luxembourg, ware they speek franch, german and letzebuergish, the root LUX appeers twice, LETZ only once, thus LUX. And most countries spell BURG in the end, not BOURG, thus Luxemburg.

The names in languages i reformd (portuguese, german, inglish, franch and espanish) ar spelld in reformd form, thus Lundon, Pari, Deutshland, Riu di Janeru. By the way, i take always the softest reform i hav (in case i hav mor than one), so english for instance doesnt change much. Diacritics can be used or not, depending on the keebord and on the will: česki or ceski, türki or turki.

B) The inhabbitants: the root word of the name gets a suffix, either for feminin (-a), neutral but alive (-i), masculin (-o) or neutral not alive (-u). So a woman from ALGER-ie is an ALGER-a, a person from Andorra is an andorri, a man from Argentina an argentino. Usually the root word doesnt include the part that meens a country or reegion, thus the root word for Danmark is not danmark-, it is dan-, thus the national from Danmark isnt a danmarki, he or she is a dani. A man from Deutshland is a deutsho, etc.

If the name of a national would be the same as the country, we ad the vowel and insert an N in between: a woman from Botswana is not a botswana, she's a botswanana. A man from Congo is not a congo, he's a congono.

For some cases with C and K at the end of a root word we hav to change a consonant to keep the same sound: the inhabbitants of France can be francis, but the men of France cant be francos, becaus that would be pronounced with the K-sound. Thus fransas and fransos. The inhabbitants of Dominica arnt dominicis, they'r dominikis - we hav to keep the K-sound.

For double names, we take the longer one, unless this is a geografical mark. Sierra is longer than Leone, but Sierra meens a group of mountans, so the nationals from that country ar leonis. And again we hav a special case, Costa Rica: it shouldnt be costis, it should be rikis, but rikis ar the rich peeple, so we end up taking costarikis... Sure thare ar millions of place names, and thare will be collisions all the time, but that mite be a quite confusing one. And wen we cant take one of the names sepratly, becaus it would caus ambiguity, we hav to say the whole name: in New Zeeland we cant say zeeis or zeelandis, becaus that would apply for Zeeland in Holland. And we cant take newis either, becaus that would apply for all cities that hav a 'new' in it, including newyorkis wich would be newis too. So we hav to take the whole name: newzeeis, newyorkis, etc. But OK, if you want, you can say 'kiwi' too...

In names that ar formd by mor than 2 names, we take the abreviations: tatis ar the inhabbitants from Trinidad and Tobago (TAT), bihis ar the nationals from Bosna i Hercegovina (BIH). So thare is no discrimination: normally peeple call the nationals from Bosna i Hercegovina bosnians, wich includes hercegovinis, but hercegovinis mite feel discriminated, since they dont feel as bosnians, or many of them dont. We could say bosnians and hercegovinis, but thats quite long for a nationality, and usually peeple wouldnt be botherd. With bihis the problem is solvd. Most abreviations of countries ar speekable, but sometimes they'r not, as the abreviation of Papu Niu Gini, PNG. In this case you write PNGis and you say /pi-no-gis/, wich ar the names of the letters in europix.

The cardinal points ar norde, sude, weste, este, and they lose thare last E if no consonant comes afterwards, as the grate majority of words. They ar seprated in the names, but together in the demonims: Sude Korea, sudekoris. Este Timor, estetimoris.

The name Republic can be in the oficial name, but not in the "normal name": Cesko, Dominicana, Centrafricaine.

Special cases:

Austria - the original name is Österreich, but this name is very dificult for foreners, and eeven many austrians cant say that Ö, they say /e:/. Not to mention the dificult german CH-sound. And austrians ar very used to the international name Austria.

Congo/Congoz - thare was Belgian Congo and Franch Congo, after independence Belgian Congo became Zaire. After the war they changed it bak to Congo, so we hav 2 Congos. This was a really stupid decision. We can only diferentiate them by thare compleet names, Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo, but wen it comes to the demonim, both ar congolese. And i keep forgetting wich one is the democratic one, since both of them arnt especially democratic. In the area, they tell the difrence calling them Congo-Brazzaville (ex-Franch Congo) and Congo-Kinshasa (ex-Belgian Congo), ie by their capitals. But how should we call the nationals? Congobrazzavillis and congokinshasis? Thats quite tiresome... So to get some order in this issue, the Congo wich was always Congo remanes Congo, and the Congo that was Zaire gets a Z in the end, Congoz, from the name Zaire. So thare ar congis and congozis.

Laos - the rule ses that we shouldnt considder final S and the preceeding vowels as part of the root word, but Laos would leev us with the root word L, and thats a bit too little. The national of that country would hav to be a 'li', wich is alredy the word for he/she, not to mention that nobody would think of Laos if a person ses that li is a 'li'. So we hav to take the whole word as root word, wich meens that the national of Laos is a laosi.

Holland - yes, we know, the name is Nederland. Holland is just a reegion in the country. But then i'v herd quite offen dutch peeple referring to thare country as Holland, eeven if they'r not from the region Holland. And in other languages its offen just Holland, and the nationality and the language ar calld hollandish, eeven if in some countries thare is the alternativ word like franch 'neerlandais' (but the country isnt called Neerland, then, nor Nederland, it is Pays Bas, the translation of Low Lands - still you dont hav an adjectiv like 'paysbasian'). Besides, its much nicer to say hollis to them than nederis, wich would hav to be the demonym. And how can we tell the country from the reegion? I suggest that we take one L off, for the reegion: Holand. Thats a long O, then. Holand is a reegion in Holland.

Naijiria - If we hav Niger and Nigeria, both nationals will be nigeris. They would be pronounced difrently, if the speekers tries to follow the local pronunciation, but you wouldnt know how to reed 'nigeris' without knowing the context. So we change Nigeria to a europix spelling, Naijiria, then we hav nigeris and naijiris.

Romenia - The name of the country in romenian is România. But since not evrybody has a circumflex on his keebord, it will be offen spelld Romania. And the man of this country would be a romano, wich collides with the adjectiv for Rome, romano. Then it is better to spell it with E, as it is done in quite a few countries. The inhabbitants of Romenia ar romenis.

Soudafrica - since the word for south is Sude, it should be Sud Africa. But if Nord Africa is the nord of the continent, and not a country, thare must be a name for the soud of the continent, and thats Sud Africa. So thats a reegion, wich includes Namibia, Botswana, etc. So the country needs another name. Thare i mixd englishe south and afrikaans suid, wich gave Soud. And since 'soud' doesnt meen anything in the language, thare is no reeson to spell it sepratly.

A long explanation, no dout. I could just make a list, but i do think that it makes sense to explane wy i decided to do it this or that way. And with thees rules you wouldnt hav to look up in dictionaries to see how the nationals of a country, reegion or city ar calld. And offen you dont find it. For peeple who dont travel a lot, this isnt a grate problem, but i traveld to 150 countries, and i had a lot of problems wen i wrote about some of them.

haha - thare ar quite a few onomatopoeic words, like 'haha' for to laf, 'yuhuh' for to hav fun, 'miau' for cat, 'tictak' for a clok.
Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


One morning, a (male) mosquito wakei e feels so sexuali aroused, he could explod. IL FAUT que quelque chose marche aujourdhui, il dit, alors il demarre bes meme havoir pris du petit-dejeuner. Zzzzzzmmmm, he flait öva de region, e söökt sik en opper. De repent él vid un elefanti, de detrás. S polno paro prodre slona naprej. O elefant ist parado im baixo af um coqueiro, im cima do coqueiro ai um macaco, qui vi o spetaculo e comessa bater uma punheta, o coqueiro balansa pra la e pra ca, um coco cai na cabess do elefant. Der stönt:
E the mosquito shouts with plasur:
"Il faut que tu soufre, putaine!"

wakei - sufix '-ei' - La sufijo -ei is utilizee pra designar un cambio, na sentido de 'tornarse'. Tha ‘Pale’ a ciallachadh bàn, agus tha palei a ciallachadh a bhith bàn, a fàs bàn. 'Mini-m' signifi pequeno, 'minimei' signific encolher. 'Wake' bedeutet 'wach', 'wakei' bedeutet 'wach werden, aufwachen'.

Ta sufix can bi also usee to start an accion: Mi ha sabei ela, i started to know her, i made aquaintance with her. Mi ha sitei na benk - 'sit' signifi 'etre assis', et "commencer etre assis", sassoir, ist 'sitei'. La memo pra standei (levantarse), spozei (tornarse un sposi), etc. Siellä on myös ylimääräinen sana "sta-n", jos -ei n käyttö bi liian monimutkaista: Mi stanou a boton fabriki, ei "Mi ha botonfabrikiei".

La sufixo pra tornar alguma coisa im outre coisa é -ize: Mi wakize lo, eu acordo ele. Mi minimize dat, i reduzir das.

Es gibt a menge indo-europaishe wörd, die auch la slavis versteen cannen. But tadei we had 2 specificli slavic wordes: 'bes' for 'without' e 'sta-n' for 'to become'. Tu peut utilisa ces mots in al ou presque ale slaves linguas.


One morning, a (male) mosquito wakes up and feels so sexually aroused, he could explode. I have to find someone to fuck today, he ses, and starts without even having brekfast. Zzzzzzzmmmmmmmm, he flies over the area, and looks for a victim. Suddenly he sees an elefant, from behind. He penetrates the animal full steem ahed. The elefant is standing under a coconut tree, on the tree thare is a monkey, who is watching the show and starts wanking, the tree wobbles bak and forth, a coconut falls on the elefants hed. The elefant groans:
The mosquito shouts with plesure:
"Yeah, take it all, bitch!"


wakei - suffix '-ei' - The suffix -ei is used to designate a change, in the sense of 'to become'. 'Pale' is the word for 'pale', thus 'palei' is the word for 'to pale, to become pale'. 'Mini-m' meens small, 'minimei' meens to shrink. 'Wake' meens 'awake', 'wakei' meens 'to become awake, to wake up'.

This suffix can be also used to start an action: Mi ha sabei ela, i started to know her, i made aquaintance with her. Mi ha sitei na benk - 'sit' meens 'to sit', and 'to begin to sit, to sit down' is 'sitei'. The same for standei (to stand up), spozei (to become a spouse, to get married, to marry), etc. But thare is also an extra word for it, 'sta-n', for the cases ware this would be too complicated: Mi stanou a boton fabriki (i became a button maker), and not "Mi ha botonfabrikiei".

The suffix to transform something in something else is -ize: Mi wakize lo, i wake him up. Mi minimize dat, i reduce that. Mi simpliz el ortografie, i simplify the spelling.

Thare ar quite a few indo-europan words that ar also understood by the slavs. But today we had 2 specificly slavic words: 'bes' for 'without' and 'sta-n' for 'to become'. You can use thees words in all or almost all slavic languages.
Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »

Una joven pari ist enamored e quere casarse. De lämnar i a bil till kyrkan, ma de har en olycka e båda dai. Lis sobem ao ciéu, e enquanto istao na fila pra entrar, lis pensam: "Wenn wir shon nich auf Erden hairaten connten, cannen wir fillaicht hir im Himmel hairaten?" Se caamt na rig, Petrus checkt eer leevlop e sei, "OK, ji ha nich die beste notas, aver dat gat - ji dröft rin." Den they ask him if it woul bi possible to marry in Heven. St. Pierre ist in dout, il dit: "Esperen un rato." Bir saat, 2 saat, 5 saat, 2 gün, 2 hafta beklerler... enquanto esperam, lis tem algumas discucioes, e comessam cogitar ki talvez ni is uma idee tao boa casar na ciéu, afinal cuando se ist na Terra, fica-se casado até ki a morte os separa, mas aki ai no mort... Nach 3 wiken commt Petrus wider:
"Ja, ji cant hir hiraden."
So they ask:
"Et esk oni peut aussi si divorcer, si les choses ne marchent pas comm oni voulait...?"
"Ke??? Esto is un impertinencia, una chulería, no puedo crerlo!"
E він не прiпiнiae лаiaтi. Lis dizem:
"Pardon, Herr Petrus! Aver wi verstat nich, wai ist du so upreegt?"
"You saw ja how long it took mi to find a prest hir in Heven - how long do you dink i need to find a lawyer???!!!

Je ne sais pas keske je peux explik ici...


A young couple is in love and wants to marry. They go with the car to the church, but they hav an accident and both di. They come to Heaven and hav to wate in a long line. And they think: "If we wern't able to marry on Erth, maybe we can marry heer in Heaven?" After a wile it is thare turn and St. Peter looks at thare files: "You dont get the best marks, but you'r OK, you can come in." Then they ask him if it would be possible to marry in Heaven. St. Peter is in dout, he ses: "Wate a moment." One our goes by, 2 ours, 5 ours, 2 days, 2 weeks... wile they wate, they hav some discussions, and start wondering if it is really such a good idea to marry in Heaven, after all, on Erth you can at leest seprate wen you di, but in Heaven you dont di... After 3 weeks St. Peter comes bak:
"Yeah, you can marry heer."
So they ask:
"And is it also possible to divorce, if after all it doesnt work so fine...?"
"Wat??? Thats an impertinence, a cheekiness, i just cant beleev it!"
And he doesnt stop scolding. They say:
"Sorry, St. Peter! But we dont understand, wy ar you so angry?"
"You saw alredy how long it took me to find a preest heer in Heaven - how long do you think i need to find a lawyer???!!!
I cant think of any explanations heer...
Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »

(inglish further down)


Un tipo se compra un nuevo BMW, de la super clas, e quiere mostrar lo a sus amigis na club. Mae'n frwd iawn. Le chega, staciona el auto, abre la port, um camiao pass e leva la porta com le. La typ wird totali gaga, er ruft la poliz. La polize kaamt, he sei:
"Such an asshol! Il ha ditruit mai neuvau BMW, putain!!!"
El policía dice, "Ist ben, mas bi no tan materialist, vi ki la camión se llevó también tai brazo, eso is super peor!"
La bokher lukt aoyf zey felndik orem e zei,
can nisht gloybn es, aza a tokhes! Mai Rolex!!!"


clas - super wenig lettras representa plus als ain laud, C is einer of them. La normale prononceer de la lettra C is /k/, so 'clas' e 'cut' sünd /klas/ (or /klaz/) un /kut/ uutsproken. aver dat is /ts/ vör E or I: centro /tsentro/, cigarete /tsigarete/. And dat is /s/ befor an i + an otre vocal: accion /aksi'on/ or /aksi'oN/ ("aksiong"), societee /sosie'te/.

Pour ecrire la son /k/, ecris K avant E et I, et a la fin des mots: laike (like), kid (child, kid), bank. Scrib X for la combinacion /ks/: taxi, nixu (nothing). In andre gefalle spele C: cloze, particulare.

Pra scriver la som /ts/, scrive C antes de E e I: centro, cigarete. In andren fällen scribe /ts/ (aba lis sind rar).

La lettra S representa la lud /s/, aver in el end de wörde disse S cann ok as /z/ uutsproken warden: is, as, clas: /is/ or /iz/, /as/ or /az/, /clas/ or /claz/.

All this corresponde to the inglishe reglas, exept ki CE e CI arnt pronouncee with /s/ but with /ts/.

Ces reglas ne sont pas la plus simples, mas non plus la plus complikees. Yo sa no si ellas tendrían el apoyo de la majorie. Petèt yo ha sipò nan majoritee nan West Europa, ma cetli pa nan Est Ewòp... mas im outre continentes, lis normali falam uma lingua af Europa Ocidental, e lis sao bem mais numerosos ki in Europa...



A guy buys a brand new BMW de luxe and wants to show it to the frends in the club. He's very enthusiastic about it. He arrives, parks the car, a truk comes by and takes the door with it. The guy gets mad, calls the poleece. The poleece comes, the guy ses:
"Such an asshole!!! He destroyd my brand new BMW, dam!!!"
"OK, but dont be so materialistic, i meen, the truk also took your arm away, this is much worse!"
The guy looks at his missing arm, thare is nothing left, after the elbow.
"I cant beleev it, wat an asshole! My Rolex!!!"


clas - very few letters represent mor than one sound, C is one of them. The default pronunciation of the letter C is /k/, thus 'clas' and 'cut' ar pronounced /klas/ (or /klaz/) and /kut/. but it is /ts/ befor E or I: centro /tsentro/, cigarete /tsigarete/. And it is /s/ befor a i + another vowel: accion /aksi'on/ or /aksi'oN/ ("aksiong"), societee /sosie'te/.

To spel the sound /k/, spel it K befor E and I, and at the end of words: laike (like), kid (child, kid), bank. Spel X for the combination /ks/: taxi, nixu (nothing). In other cases spel C: cloze, particulare.

To spel the sound /ts/, spel C befor E and I: centro, cigarete. In other cases spel /ts/ (but they ar rare).

The letter S represents the sound /s/, but at the end of words this S can also be pronounced as /z/: is, as, clas: /is/ or /iz/, /as/ or /az/, /clas/ or /claz/.

All this corresponds to the english rules, except that CE and CI arnt pronounced with /s/ but with /ts/.

Thees rules arnt the simplest, but not the most complicated ones. I dont know if they would hav the support of the majority. Maybe they would hav the support of the majority in West Europe, but certanly not in Eest Europe... but in other continents, they usually speek a western european language, and they ar many mor than in Europe...
Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »

Só pra alemao falantes: Christian Morgenstern war a fan de volapük, e zu disem anlass mi scrib einen article für a Morgenstern sonderedition na Lyrik Zeitung & Poetry News üba volapük, esperanto und europix. There is also a video, so you can read e listen to la text at la same time. ... -volastern

Only for german speekers: the famous poet Christian Morgenstern was a fan of volapük, and becaus of that i wrote an article for a Morgenstern special edition in the Lyrik Zeitung & Poetry News about volapük, esperanto and europix. Thare is also a viddeo, so you can reed and listen to the text at the same time. ... -volastern
Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


O'Hara boit et veut comander una bir encor, la patron dit lui kil sont 11 eura de la nuit et il va fermer. O'Hara pai la factura, levant e fale co la face na suelo. Ёn denоў спраbуе ўстаць e denоў fale твараm зяmlю. Le conclui ki va non a lugar nenhum desse modo, le necessita primero fresk aer, e assim le rasteja til la rua. Er versucht aufzustand e fale wider auf la snauz. E wedder e wedder. So he decides to crawl dom, it is just one mila... il reussit arriver chez soi, ouvrir la porte et escalader a son bed.

Na matina
seguiente su sposa despierta lo:
"Denово сте bili na kръchmата!"
"O ke, mi??? Wi canst du das üba mi denk?"
"Lana bar ja ropen an: you forgot your weelcher again!"

encor/encora - ai no posicion fixe pour el adverb, mas oni recomenda kil devrait bin au debut ou na fin de la fras. Si is importante ki el adverbio se refer a una certa palabra, el adverbio debe venir después la palabra a la cual el se refer.



O'Hara is drinking and wants another drink, the innkeeper tels him that it is 11 PM and he'l close. O'Hara pays the bil, stands up and falls with his face on the ground. He tries to stand up again, and again he falls with his face on the ground. He concludes that he wont make it that way, he needs fresh are (air) first, so he crawls to the street. He tries to stand up and falls again on his snout. And again and again. So he decides to crawl home, it is just one mile... he manages to come home, open the door and clime to his bed.

Next morning his wife wakes him up:
"O'Hara, you'v been in the pub again!!!"
"Me??? No, how can you think that of me?"
"The peeple in the pub calld alredy: you forgot your weelchare again!"

encor/a - thare is no fix position for the adverb, but it is recomended that it comes at the beginning or in the end of sentences. If it is important that the adverb refers to a certan word, the adverb should come after the word it refers to.
Zé do Rock
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Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


Una broma bastant antik: la chancelo alemao Helmut Kohl era bene conhecido pelo su péssimo linguistico talent. Ainmal lo war untawegs zu a conferenz, auch Tony Blair e Bill Clinton shalte com. Evryone de them was in a limusine ki ha go to la conference hal, suddenly a fema con a bebicar crossed la strata, la draivi de Clintons limusine braked abruptli, Tony Blairs limusine colided into Bill Clintons limusin e Kohls limusine colided into Tony Blairs limusin. Clinton ha lassee la voiture et ha dit:
"I'm sorry!"
Tony Blair dijo:
"I'm sorry, too!"
Kohl ha dettu:
"I'm sorry, three!"


Kohl também tava stud esperanto, e ja tava contente de passar la ferias labah.


chancelo - (finale form 'chanselo') - Der is ben a mess in politico postos. La mega chef af a stat ist un president ins un land, ins un otre la president ist oficiali la chefi de stato, mas in facto co super pok autoritee, como les rois ins certo landes - con un fonccion plutot protocolar. Algunos stado chefis is llamados primero-ministris, na landes comunistas la verros chefis is generali la secretaris generales del Comuniste Partie. In Italia oficiali stato chefi je prezidenti republiky, ale in fact osoba, ki rozhoduje, skutechna stato glava, je Předseda Rady Ministrů af Italiano Republiky - in italštině. In inglishe lis chamam li Primer Ministri, in alemao Ministri-President, o ki in veridee ekivale ao posto de governi in Alemanha. Und in Deutshland la stato chef is la 'Kanzler'. For a momento mi thaut abaut calling la reale stato chefi just "landchefi", but the oficiale stato chefis wou no bi super hapi abaut it. Et ins cada land leurs foncciones sont diferentes, alora mi ha finit par lasser les titles como lis sont, meme si leur foncciones pourraient bi diferentes.

ha go - la standard sufiks for fortid in europix er -ou : mi manjou, yu drincou, li cantou (han sang). Mas pro la verbos ki tem una radiz ki sempre fini co vocal, nos usa "ha(v) + verbo raiz": nu ha sei, vu ha fini (vos acabaram), lis ha wakei (lis acordaram). Wen la stam co vocal endet, 'hav': mi hav oudei (mi wurde old).

la strata - normali wordes ending con a vocal - exepto wen la vocal is "fixee", dat is, it can no bi removee - lose ta finale vocal if la word is no fologee bai a consonant - na same sentence, dus 'strata' canau bi reducee to 'strat'. Mas kesk is a sentence? Es un grupo de palabras que no es separado por un punto o un otro signal como ( or , or ) or - or ; or : Ma comad on "suhtelised", oni can neid pidada lause lõpuks o no. Cuando mi pensa non in uma pausa cuando mi usa uma coma, mi considera non ela la fin da sentens. Speciali wen mi dinge aufliste, mi betracht es non as el ende der sentenz: mi coupou orange, banana, melon e pera na supermarket (and not "Mi coupou orang, banan, melon e pera na supermarket). But as mi ha sei befor, la reglas for dropping la laste vocal or non ar tolko recomendaciones, oni is libre to leav them or drop them (exepto wen la vocal is fixee, as in 'cafe', ki can no become 'caf').

bebicar, strata, la lettra R (calld /ru/): Sof par diferences subtiles, les lettras sont prononcees na meme fasson par tous. Mas no na caso de la R, ki can bin el espaniano R con un únik o co múltiplo vibraciones (com in 'pero' o com in 'perro'), tambén un inglishe R o una R alemana/franciano/portugalian. Shwa bat ere can bin inglish edo alemanieraz bezala bokal folo no duenean, baina AR / a: / edo / A: / ahoska ohi denez, contsonantale R behar duzu bertan, bestela beste hizkuntzetako hiztunek pentsatuko dute 'barra' 'ba' da, eta horrek no du ezer esan nahi in europix (nik dakidala). Ou seja, britis tem ki dizer 'bar' con un accent american, alemaes con un francian accent. Andre leute die ir R change müss is brasilianer, die anlaut-R or RR in in la word as /h/ prononcere. Thei hav to trai to sei it as la portugalis or la francis, or as meny af them fa wen la lettra is no fologee bai a vocal, rada laik an /x/ (barcos = "barrkus"). Ou comm un R con une simple vibracion.

labah - ai 3 localizadores: 'hir', 'tam' y 'labah'. 'Hir' mein 'heer', 'tam' is in generale word, it betsjuttet 'dêr', it can bene nijer bin as no so nir: tam na haus (cuando mi tou na casa), tam in el ocno (ali in el ocno), tam na table (ali na mesa). Or na telefon, sagen wir wen mi in Moskau e du in New York: Com is la weda tam? (how is la weda there in New York?). 'Labah' ist distant, kelke ding comme 'over thare' in inglish: Labah na montan, labah in Australia.



Quite an old joke: the german chancelor Helmut Kohl was wel noen for his bad language skils. Once he was going to a confrence, also Tony Blair and Bill Clinton wer coming. Evryone of them was in a limousine going to the confrence hall, suddenly a woman with a pram crossd the street, the driver of Clintons limousine braked abruptly, Tony Blairs limousine crashd into Bill Clintons limousine and Kohls limousine crashed into Tony Blairs limousine. Clinton got out of the car and sed:
"I'm sorry!"
Tony Blair sed:
"I'm sorry, too!"
Kohl sed:
"I'm sorry, three!"

Kohl was also lerning esperanto, and looking forward to spend his vacations thare.


chancelo - (final form 'chanselo') - Thare is quite a mess in political posts. The big cheef of a state is a president in one cuntry, in another one the president is oficialy the hed of state but actualy with very little authority, like the kings in some cuntries - with a rather protocolar function. Some heds of state ar calld prime-ministers, in communist cuntries the real bosses ar the genral secretaries of the Communist Party. In Italia the oficial hed of state is the President of the Republic, but actualy the person who takes the decisions, the real hed of state, is the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic - in italian. In inglishe they call him the Prime-Minister, in german they call him the Ministerpräsident, wich is actualy rather like a governor in Germany... and in Germany the hed of state is the chancelor. For a moment i thaut of calling the real hed of state just "landchefi", but the oficial heds of state wouldnt be very happy about it. And in evry cuntry the functions ar difrent, so i ended up sticking to the titles as they ar, although thare functions mite be so difrent.

ha go - the default past tense suffix in europix is -ou: mi manjou, yu drincou, li cantou (he sang). But for verbs that hav a word stem always ending in a vowel, we use "ha(v) + verb stem": nu ha sei, vu ha fini (yu guys finishd), lis ha wakei (they woke up). If the stem begins with a vowel, 'hav': mi hav oudei (i got old).

la strata - normaly words ending with a vowel - except wen the vowel is "fixd", that is, it cant be removed - lose this final vowel if the word isnt followed by a consonant - in the same sentence, thus 'strata' could be reduced to 'strat'. But wat is a sentence? Its a group of words not seprated by a peeriod or another sine like (, or ), or -, or ;, or :. But commas ar "rellativ", we can considder them as the end of a sentence or not. Wen i dont think of a paus wen using a comma, i dont considder it the end of the sentence. Especialy wen listing things i dont considder it the end of the sentence: mi coupou orange, banana, melon e pera na supermarket (and not "Mi coupou orang, banan, melon e pera na supermarket). But as i said befor, the rules for dropping the last vowel or not ar just recomendations, one is free to leev them or drop them (except wen the vowel is fixd, as in 'cafe', wich cant become 'caf').

bebicar, strata, the letter R (calld /ru/): Except for slite difrences, letters ar pronounced the same by evryone. But not in the case of R, wich can be an espaniano R with a single or multiple vibrations, also an inglishe R or a german/franciano/portugaliano R. It can also be a shwa as in british inglish or german wen it is not followed by a vowel, but since AR is usualy pronounced /a:/ or /A:/, yu need a consonantal R thare, otherwize speekers from other languages wil think the 'bar' is a 'ba', and that doesnt meen ennything in europix (as far as i know). So britis hav to say 'bar' with an american accent, germans with a francian accent. Other peeple who hav to change thare R ar brazilis, who say initial R or RR inside the word as /h/. They hav to try to say it as the portugalis or the francis, or as menny of them do wen the letter isnt followed by a vowel, rather like an /x/ (barcos = "barrkus"). Or as a R with a single flap.

labah - thare ar 3 localizers: 'hir', 'tam' and 'labah'. 'Hir' meens 'heer', 'tam' is a mor genral word, it meens 'thare', it can be quite neer or not so neer: tam na haus (wen i'm in the house), tam in el ocno (thare by the window), tam na table. Or wen something is neer to the person i'm talking to but not neer to me, or at the telefone, say wen i'm in Moscow and yu in New York: Com is la weda tam? (how is the wether there in New York?). 'Labah' is far, something like 'over thare': Labah na montan, labah in Australia.
Zé do Rock
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Joined: 12 Jul 2018 18:22

Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


Hoy algunas frases e definiciones famosas o minos famosas:

Amig - Un amigi ver é la personi ki sa todo sobre ti e meme so laike ti.
Chef - é akele ki chega cedo cuando tu chega tard e chega tarde cuando tu chega cedo.
Dod - Plotzlir dod is wen a menshi dai one la helpe der doctoren.
Diplomat - it is la personi ki thinks twice pre li sei nothing.
Vesel - La problema de vivre alon ist ki ist tujurs notre fois de laver la vesel - Al Bernstein.
Ering - Ering is humano, mas finding algui ki oni can culpar is todavía mas human.
Hapi - Hapi
ine afτό pu θα σinidiτopiσeτe ότi iσaστan τoρa.
Idiot - Un verr idiot é un sujeito ki in una frase co dople sentido comprende nenhun dos dois.
Jurie - A jurie is a personi grupa ki shal entshaide welche saide la best advocati hat.
Moni - Moni is non al na laif, there is oso visa e mastercard.
Parachut - La parachut ist la seule moyen de transport ki cand il foncciona no, tu arriv a tai destinacion plus vite.
Respondas - Is frustrale cuando tu sa todas las respondas, mas nadie ist interesad in cuestionarte.
Scrivi - Een originale scrivi is degene waarvan nimand ontdekt de wie li ha copir het.
Telefon - El important é no sabing, mas ter la fone numero de kem sa.
Zait - La zait can bin a wonderale curi, is aber auk a bochale cosmetikeri.
TV - Televicion is a wonderal invencion, if yu close yur oyos, yu think yu’r lissening to la radio.
Marihuana - La
scientis ha dicuvret ki la chocolat afecte la memore de la meme modus ki marihuana. Lis ont oso dicuvret ki ai diverso caracteristicas in comun inter la do substances, mas lis can no se rapeller kels lis etaient.


ki/dat - In inglish (y aleman) tu can decir "I know that she was heer", mas tu tamben can decir "I know she was heer", e lo mismo hapen in europix. Normalik escojes la forma mas cort, aunque in frases mas complicat is no malo tener la ki/dat pra separar las frases. Is é la nasc réamhshocraithe 'ki', agus 'dat' pre ghutaí.

dople - La sufixo pra palavras multiplicat é -ple: dople, triple, fople, petaple, seisple, sedeple, oitople, naineple, tiple, dotiple, stople, mileple.

jurie - La prononciacion de J /Za/ is wie das S in inglishe 'vision' e 'usual', also /Z/, aber oni can es nach el inglishe modus prononcere, also as /dZ/, wie in jeep, jet.

best - Normali la comparativ is co 'plu' maakt, superlativo co 'maxi': Peter is plu mega ki Paul, mas among pigmis Paul is la maxi mega. Ta aplies pro 'mau' (bad), too: Ta milk is plu mau ki dat wiski, this milk is worse than that wisky. La pest is la maxi mau pandemie. Mas na caso de bon/dobro/gude, la formas sont 'beta/er" et 'beste'. Si, ai 3 palabras pro 'good': la romanisk ord bon, la slavski ord dobro, la germanish ord gud: Las ha todas la same significado, bom. Fül dich libre, lis nach beliben zu benutzen. Normalik europix ha kein sinonime con exactli la glike bedüd, aver in düsse fall dat ha.

dai - An otre caso wer an identico sinonim is possible: ou ai un mot sintetico mas oni can construir oso un mot composee. 'Dai' is la palabra pro 'morirse', mas oni can tamben decir 'mortei', "tornarse mort".


Today some famus and less famus quotations and definitions.

Frend - A real frend is the person who noes evrything about yu and stil likes yu.
Boss - It is the guy who always comes erly wen yu arrive late, and always comes late wen yu arrive erly.
Deth - Sudden deth is wen a person dies without the doctors help.
Diplomat - It is the person who thinks twice befor saying nothing.
Dishes - The problem of living alone is that it is always our turn to wash the dishes.
Erring - To err is human, but finding somebody to blame is stil mor human.
Happy - Happy is wat yu wil realize yu wer now.
Iddiot - An iddiot is a guy who heers a sentence with a dubble sense and doesnt understand enny of them.
Jury - A jury is a group of peeple who has to decide wich side has the best lawyer.
Money - Money is not evrything in life, thare is also visa and mastercard.
Parachute - The parachute is the only meens of transport ware if it doesnt work, yu get faster to your destination.
Answers - It is frustrating wen yu hav all the answers and nobody is intrested is posing yu the questions.
Writer - An original writer is one ware nobody finds out who he coppied it from.
Tellefone - The important thing is not to know, it is to hav the fone number of someone who noes.
Time - Time can be a wonderful heeler, but it is also a louzy esthetician.
TV - Television is a wunderful invention, if yu close your eyes yu think yu’r listening to the radio.
Marijuana - Sientists found out that choclat afects our memory in the same way as marihuana does. They also found out that thare ar other common caracteristics, but they cant remember wat they wer.


ki/dat - In inglish (and german) yu can say "I know that she was heer", but yu can also say "I know she was heer". The same happens in europix, and normaly yu choos the shorter form, but in mor complicated sentences it is not bad to hav the ki/dat to seprate them. The default conjunction is 'ki', and it is 'dat' befor vowels.

dople - The suffix for multiplicated words is -ple: dople, triple, fople, petaple, seisple, sedeple, oitople, naineple, tiple, dotiple, stople, mileple.

jurie - The pronunciation of J is as the S in vision and usual, that is /Z/, but yu can pronounce it the inglishe way, as /dZ/, as in jeep, jet.

best - Normaly the comparativ is made with plu, superlativ with maxi: Peter is plu mega ki Paul, mas among pigmis Paul is la maxi mega. This aplies for 'mau' (bad), too: Ta milk is plu mau ki dat wiski, this milk is worse than that wisky. La pest is la maxi mau pandemie. But in the case of bon/dobro/gude, the forms ar 'beta/er" and 'beste'. Yes, thare ar 3 words for 'good': the romanic word bon, the slavic word dobro, the germanic word gud. They hav all the same meening. Feel free to use them as yu like. Normaly europix doesnt hav sinnonims with the same meening, but in this case it has.

dai - Another case ware an identical sinnonim is possible: wen thare is a sinthetic word but one can bild a composed word, too. 'Dai' is the word for 'die', but one can also say 'mortei', "to become ded".
Zé do Rock
Posts: 180
Joined: 12 Jul 2018 18:22

Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »


A cara entra in un aviao e finde su assento - neben a blonda. La plane takes of, e la guy sees the oportunitee to fa som extra moni. Lo demand ela:
"Oye, tu kieres no plei a juego de conocimiento co mi?"
"Oh, no, in realitee mi
volevo dormire, e..."
a bon negócio pro ti! Mi frage dich alg, e wenn du canst non antworten, du pei mir fünf dolar. Den stels du a frag, e wenn mi can non antern, mi pei di fif hunnerd dolar!"
La blonda
thinks for a mini wail abaut la proposal, and accepta la dil. Alors lo pose la premiere cuestion:
"Cual is la capitale de Laos?"
Ela no meme
razmišlja o ta, ela zna non odgovor, pa vadi iz džepa novčanicu de 5 dolar e da mu je.
"Agor é tua vez", la cara diz.
"Hm, OK: was hat fo noga, erclime la berg e comme co tri noga bak?"
kerl ha no la minst idee, denkt febreli na över el anter - nix. La blonda has fel asleep, la guy takes his laptop e serches for an answer na net - nuthing! Na fin lo reveille ela et pei 500 dolars. E lo pregunt:
"Tagad mi gribu zināt! O ke ki ha fo noga, sobe la montan e volta co tri???"
La blonda, one ain secundo nachzudenken, nimmt wida fünf dolar aus der pok e da si ihm.


blonda - la female sufix is -a. La manale sufix ist -o. La neutrale sufix is -i, pero eso is solo pro vivale binis. Aliter la sufixo pro neutris ist -U. Mi laike voyagas, eu gosto de mulheres viajantes. Mi laike voyagis, ich mag reisende. Mi laike voyagus, ik mag reisen.

La sufixo pro blanco personis co diferente her colores is -et: braunet ist a blanco personi co la braune cheveux, a negreti ha des negro cheveux, a redeti ha des rede cheveux. Si estás hablando de una mujer, adicion un -a: brauneta, negreta, redeta. Tik pople co geltonus plaukus ha speciale žodį: blond. Pro pessonis con una certo pele color existe non um specifico sufix, tu simplik usa el adjectivo mais -a, -i or -o: a negra is a fema co negro pel, a brauno is a man co braune pel, a blanki a personi co blanco pel.

Im inglishe is worder co la stam 'negr-' maist politicli necorrect, in manche andre sprachen genauso, maist wegen el inglish influens. In espanian is dat el ainzige word pro la color 'swart', in portugalian dat is ok kent, ofshon dat is no das fakenste word pro la color. It can bin used in a negativo sens, but oso in a positivo sens, laike "minha nega" (mai negro girl), wich is usee pro "mai girlfrenda" (independentlik of la girlfrenda pele color). De toute fasson la mot ist la plus internacional pour ce coulor, et presque ales europis can le comprendre - meme hungaro, una lingua ki importa super poco palabras af otre linguas, ha la palabra 'néger'.

Gelo pel pro estasis wart no bruukt, da lis ha non anner pele color as europis: dependli la climat, somis ar paler, somis ar browner, as in Europa, e la color changes from summa to winta. "Asian" signifi rien non plu, a continente co ces dimenciones ha toute pople tipes, inclusive des blonds israelis ou russis de Vladivostok. Mem 'asiaticos orientales' resuelve no la problem: Brasil ha la gréisste japaniano colonie ausserhalb vu Japan, an ai och chinan e koriano nokommen, nach ëmmer Dir cant no nennen lis 'westasiater': lis naseram in Brasil, lis is sudamerikis. E wen du in Kasakhstan bist, wirst du sen dass ain halft is "normale blankis", co round ogen, und el andre halfte hat slitzogen - lis belong no to diverso culturas, disse diferenz is pro jüm wi bi la canadis la diferenze tüshen blondis e negretis. E yu can no sei ki la populacion is formee bai "blankis" e 'westasis'. Ales kazakhis sont des central asiatiques. So el unico solucion ki mi encontré fué llamar lis 'slitis' (slit eyes = ojos rasgados). Blankis e slitis. Valaki vitatkozhatna ki la blankis is a szemük formájával kell nevezni, tehát "roundis"-nak? La problem é ki el afrikis tambem ha rondos olhos, e mi tou no falando de lis akie.

Rede pele funccionirt auch no - wenn algi ha rede pel, den sünd dat prinsipali la blankis, non el indianers. 'Indian' doesnt werk either, cose we hav India-indis-el indiano cultur. 'Indigenis' marche no plus, il signifi les populations originales dans tous les continents - in Европа тiе bi bile nеаndертаlцiте...

Agor ai la sugestion de se chamar el indios poplos de 'first nations', 'primeras naciones', mas como mi devo contar cuando mi vi dos indios in cima de una montan? Mi ha 2 erste nacionen sen? Aver mi seeg no 2 hele nacionen, mi seeg blot 2 person! Not to menciona la facto dat the exprecion is non used in otre nacionale linguas like espanian e portugalian. De toute fasson, les indienis eux-memes had jamais un mot pour ales poplos du continent in oposicion aux envahisseurs europans, et si mi inventais un neuvo mot, sa serait non plus a solucion, parce ke mi suis un sudameriki af europano desendence... so mi solo cambié un poco la tradicionale palabra: indien, con E. Pople af India huma 'indis', e ġejjin af el 'indiano cultur'. Indios da America is 'indienis', e lis ven af el 'indienano' cultur (indien+ano), ou af una delas, ja ki la cultur af a canadano trib é probabli bene diferent af el inca ou da yanomami cultur.


A guy enters a plane and finds his seet - beside a blonde. The plane takes off, and the guy sees the oportunity to make some extra money. He asks her:
"Listen, dont yu want to play a nollege game with me?"
"Oh, no, actualy i'd like to sleep, and..."
"Its a good deel for yu! I make a question, and if yu cant answer it, yu pay me 5 dollars. Then yu make a question, and if i cant answer it, i pay yu 500 dollars!!"
The blonde thinks a bit about it, and accepts the deel. So he poses the first question:
"Wats the cappital of Laos?"
She doesnt think about it, she doesnt know the answer, piks up a 5 dollar bil from her pocket and givs it to him.
"Now it is your turn", the guy ses.
"Hm, OK: wat has 4 legs, climes up the mountan and comes bak with 3 legs?"
The guy doesnt know it, starts thinking feeverly about it, cant think of an answer. The blonde got asleep, he opens his laptop and serchs for it - nothing! After all he wakes her up and givs her 500 dollars. He ses:
"Now i want to know! Wat has four legs, climes up the mountan and comes bak with 3 legs???"
The blonde, without losing a seccond with thinking, takes another 5 dollar bil from her pocket and givs it to him.


blonda - the feminin suffix is -a. The masculin suffix is -o. The neutral suffix is -i, but this is only for living beings. Otherwise the suffix for neutral things is -U. Mi laike voyagas, i like travling wimmen. Mi laike voyagis, i like travlers. Mi laike voyagus, i like travels.

The suffix for wite persons with difrent hare collors is -et: braunet is a wite person with brown hare, a negreti has blak hare, a redeti has red hare. If yu mean a woman, ad an -a: brauneta, negreta, redeta. Only persons with yellow hare hav a special word: blond. For persons with a certan skin color thare is no specific suffix, u just use the adjectiv plus -a, -i or -o: a negra is a woman with blak skin, a brauno a man with brown skin, a blanki a person with wite skin.

In inglish, words with the stem 'negr-' ar usualy politicly incorrect, in some other languages it has sometimes a neggativ conotation too, especialy by the inglish influence. In espanian it is the only word for the color 'black', in portugalian it is noen too, altho it is not the mane word for the color. It can be used in a neggativ sense, but also in a positiv sense, like "minha nega" (my negro girl), wich is used for "my girlfrend" (no matter wat the girlfrends skin color is). Ennyway it is the most international word for the color, and neerly evry european person can understand it - eeven hungarian, a language that imports very few words, has the word 'néger'.

Yellow skin for eest asians isnt used, since they dont hav other skin color than europeans: some ar paler, some ar browner, as in Europe, depending on the lattitude and the seeson. "Asian" doesnt meen ennything either, such a huge continent has all sorts of peeple, including blond israelis or russians from Vladivostok. Eeven 'west asians' doesnt solv the problem: Brazil has the biggest japanese collony outside of Japan, and thare ar also chinese and korean descendants, stil yu cant call them 'west asians': they wer born in Brazil, they ar sudamerikis. And wen yu'r in Kazakhstan, yu'l see that half the population is "normal wite", with round eyes, and the other half has slit eyes - they dont belong to difrent cultures, the eye difrence is equivalent to the difrence in Canada between blond and blakhared peeple, just one of sevral fisical feetures. And yu cant say that the population is formd by "wites" and 'west asians'. All kazakhs ar central asians. So the only solution i found for it was calling them 'slitis'. Blankis and slitis. Som-one could argu that also the wites should be calld by the form of thare eyes, thus 'roundis'? The problem is that also afrikis hav round eyes, and they'r not ment heer.

'Red skin' for american indians doesnt work either, if someone could be calld red skin, it would be the wites, not the american indians. 'Indian' doesnt work either, becaus we hav India-indis-el indiano cultur, it aplies only for the cuntry India. 'Indigenis' is another wrong expression: it meens the original population, in enny continent, so in Europe they would be the neandertals...

Now thare is the proposal to call them 'first nations', but how should i say if i see two indians on a mountan? I saw 2 first nations? But i didnt see 2 whole nations, i just saw two persons! Not to mention the fact that the expression isnt used in other national languages like espanian and portugalian. Ennyway, the american indians themselvs never had a word for them all in oposition to the wite invaders, and inventing a compleetly new word wouldnt solv the problem, at leest if i was the inventor, since i'm not an american indian... so i just changed a bit the traditional word: indien, with E. Peeple from India ar indis, and they come from the indiano culture. American indians are 'indienis', and they come from the indienano (indien+ano) culture, or one of them, since the culture in a canadian tribe was probbably quite difrent from the inca culture or the yanonami culture in the Amazon reegion.
Zé do Rock
Posts: 180
Joined: 12 Jul 2018 18:22

Re: europidjin? euroblabla? europex?

Post by Zé do Rock »

English version further down.


Mi was not hir for a bene longo temp! Tro dinges a fa... De cualquier manera mi ha no mo chistes frescos pro cont, so mi decidí conta storis sobre la 151 landes donde mi ja estuve. Normali keliaudavau autostopu. Mi va fazer la ding in alfabetal orden, la geograficos nomes ist de acordo co main internacionale sistem, ke usa la locale nom. El erste land wer Afghanistan, ma da mi war encora no. Ok non in dat twede, Aiti - last ano mi was in Dominicana, e woled to go tam co la bus, ma la laste bus had bi kidnapee, so they ]stopd la service. Albania veni plus lat, come son originale nom ist Shqiperia. Den ven Algerie - el arabiano nome valami olyasmi, mint az Al-Jazair, ma mi no veszem fel la locale nomes, ha non a latin alfabet használják, mivel túl sok eltérés van az átírásokban. Nesse caso mi pego la nome na coloniale lingua, ke é francian, ou seja, Algerie. Com es is a stori die in Niger, Benin e Togo waitaget, mi wa finie la stori bald. In mai buk ai encor a bisschen arabian influens in el ortografie, aber in disem fall würd es la stori zu ser vercomplik. La stori passeer pre a longo temp.

Mi ha sei dat, ma mi wa sei it again: mi ecris na cinq basico lingua portugalian, alman, inglishe, francian, espanian et parfes un otre lingua (in ese cas a traduicion de google) e mi forvandler dem gradvist til europix. Come nós istamos na fase R, mi usa las letras af A til R (mi füge si ain, change si o neme si aus) üm se in disse direccion to ferwanneln. Wordes in bold ar already europix wordes, wordes in italic wa become europix wordes, but ar encora no perfect europix wordes.

At la tunisian-algeriano border a belgo da mi a ride, lo wole to crosa la Sahara e sel his picap in West Africa. Parfes lo ha du mauvais humour super souvent. Lo espera de mi mas ke mi bi preparee pro da. Lo саkа ke mi pei la half de тrошоцiте de bеnзin. Normali mi faria isso, clar, mas nessa voiag in volta do mundo mi go bai carona, e isso seria no carona, si mi pagasse. Mi versuche helpe lo con andre mini dinges, mi far auch, und imediatli lo startet, mi wie a sclavi zu behandeln. Dat mi wol ok no. In Ouargla, wo la road de Tunis meets la road af Algers e dey go togeda to la sud, mi go of, otrewize mi wa no keep ta Sahara trip in goode memory. La voyage continuh, af oasis a oasis. La carretera ha muchos holes, normali la pople solo usa la pro orientacion, pro evita ke lleguen a un otre part o ni lleguen. Huwa dejjem aktar artab li ssuq in ir-ramel or in iż-żrar.

Mi pensava ke oasis parecem bene diferentes, pleni palmas, riachos burbulhantes, in outre vordes mi pensava ke les parecem mini paradisos. E nau das, si is generali bene smutal e dustale citis. A camion farer take mi co lo, lo hat a gigantale canadano MACK, du bruks egentlig a lift, üm to la cabina to cam. La felow e his camion wou bi perfect in eni Convoy film. Lo court avec plus ke 100 km p/h com un fou furieux a travers la desert, sur la dunas et wadis, ke bi des fleuves sekee. Tienes ke holde ben, e meme so tu can non evita ke a veces te golpees tai cabeza na techo. Na vecher reiden we no, dar lo prepar a deliciare picnik, gewoon la lekkerste cuscus ke je can imagin.

In a momento lo pergunta si mi take drogas. Mi sei lo ke mi manchmal etwas nem, wen pople ofre mi sie. Dat is bon, uns warneemfiltre pro a tempo long uttosetten, dat opent dain ogen pro la no practisco dingen. And it da yu some goode plasu. Sans dut, sist com avec la feu, la voitures, com al: si tu take demasiad or erali, tu can dai. Meme co vann: acua é super necessaria, mas si tu take demais, tu afog. Da war mem a tipo ki suizid beging, bai drinke dutzenas litre wassa par dei. Lo sei e smüstert, oui oui, la jeunesse! Lo means mi yung e hav encora sili idees? Mi argument a po plus ke sa ha po relacion avec mai jeunesse, jusqua ce ke lo prends a gigantale joint de sa pok. E lo dice ke lo tampoco is tan viejo. Zabawne, muzulmanie często zabraniają alcolu (choć mamy od nich słowo), crziścijanie zabraniają drog. El alcol fa meio stupid, drogas generali fa mais inteligent, mesme si el inteligence frecuentlik é medio sili.

In Algerie ha wir la same linguistisco constelacion wi in Maroc e Tunisia: el oficiale sprak is arabian, ma vele pople spikt encora francian. La franciano ke they spik is clar, much clarer dan in France. Come partut in Africa. La R is generali pronuncee co la lingua, com in italian.

mai la sud, cu atât pople sunt mai întunecați. Mesme ke se vid imigrad arabis, el originale populacion é formee bai tuaregis, ki bi ben oscuros ou pretos, mas no de la negro rass. Si sind nur stark sonnengebrointe waisse - mal si blank e ferb ire her blond, e du hast a swerigi. In Tamanrasset, el últim oasis in Algerie, is el end af el asfaltee careter. Теpеr bуdет сеriо. Od hir pra frent tu can no voiag alon ao sud, tu tem ke se registra na police delegacia e voiag in comboi. E bald mi find ainen, natüralik el ainzigen in dise dei. Se sünd 5 autos. Do de them bilong to a swisso, and a german girl ki lo met na feri is driving the otre car pro lo. La fille has no carta de conduire internacional, alors ela ha des problemas avec la police la touto temps. Mi tengo un, so ke od aora mi conduzc. La nom i zvico ist Vontkomm, la nom i vajzës ist Mabon. A gente las, e fica divertido. Oni go snel, con üba 100 km p/h, was bene fil is na sand o kis o was auk ima. La hele temp een vun el autos bleevt na sand steken, ali mutt help, el auto ruttokregen, oni mutt la sand üm la reifen wegmaken, e wenn mööglig la hole co stenen füllen, e shuven. We hav to do it 25 times par dei in medio, 5 times par car. Si oni etait dans un solo voiture, il fodre ke oni le fa cinq fes par dei, mas cada fes il sere bocu plus dur enlever la voiture du sand.

Viagamos por a longo tempo sin ke la deserto chang. Ma dopo al, to chang. As vezes tu solo vi hai montes in volt, as vezes é alu tao plano ke tu can no cre tain olhos. In ale richtungen nix as das flache horizont, oni denkt es is ain optisc ilusion. Mannigmal du go dei longli, on en enzig högel to seen, nix is haia ke dai kni. Mostlik oni see non eni vegetacion, sometemp oni see some grass, sometempo cacti. Pres des oasis tu vis des palmas. E a veces tu vi camelis, centenas kilometros del próximo pueblo e la próxima fuent. Zanje ni nič bolj normale ke dat. Na noite a gente para, pro tak a banio de bald e manj.

nächt is cold. Dat is novembre, dat is oton, mem wenn hir ai nix ke can fal. Yu wakei e starte la dei con a jaket, an oura later yu take la jaket of, ma kip la pulova, jast pre midei yu take la pulover of, jast dopo midei yu oso take la shirt of. Si tu is a man. Asta mas o minos 4 oras, na dopo te pones la camisa, na dopo la sueter... Illalla, kun el autot ja ihmiset pitävät taukoa, finali mi can injoi autiomaasta. É a silence maravilhos. Mi can la stimmen de la pople hören, ma wen mi go a bisschen waita, mi hör nix mor aussa main atem. So mutt sik dat Nirvana fölen, co la diferenze ke du na Nirvana ok dain atem no hörst. The aer is extremli pur, e mi neva hav seen so meni stelas in mai laif, just la Milky Wei has miliones de them. Ils sont tant etelas ke mi pensa ke la ciel ist a tet, a tet af etelas. Ciel, aer, aren e piedras. So po elemento, ma so mycket de dem!

Tu vi mais mirage ke in una montacion line. La ganze horizont is pleni lacos, forestas, citis. Mannigmal dat is blot a högel ke du denkst is a forest or a citi. Meibi la cerebro is just not used not to see a forest or a citi for so a longo temp, so it builds its owne forestas e citis e lacos, mi supone thare is certli some wishale seeing in dat. Et ai oci la fisico fenomen avec la chaud aero na soil.

Vontkomm ha problemas co
nosostros dos. Mabon'a arabayı tekrar da çünkü lo göre manio gibi sürüyordum. Mesme ke lo laicou no la maner af ela conduzir tambem. Es is reali no simple. Wenn du go to snel, canst du brek el ax. If yu drive too slow, yu can strande na sand super isili. Et ist no facile finde la corecto vitesse in inter. Bon, is su auto.

Ai no
dоrоgi hir, тіlkи сlіdи віd шин, іnоdі сто метrів, іnоdі кіlометr шиrоkий . Tu vai dirigindo como da e trai perde no la trass e el outre autos de vist. Wen du go dru bergiges land, das can hapen laicht. In disse fall is dat beste ding to fa stoping e töven til el anners finde di. Yu can go of la car, gook around, clim a hil ma perde no your owne car de site.

La Sahara ist a cemeteri de voitures, probabli la plus mega du mond. No mucho resta de los autos exepto sus corpos desnus. Хоць pустыnia выgliadае мorтв, nасаmrech яnа pleni жыццia. Fora la camelis ai chacalis, scorpionis, lígardis e serpentis. Hir dei ha no stradas, ma lis ha wegelagerer. Lis kaamt na noit e neemt dain Unimog camion awei. And if yu hav a problema co your car, yu can reed it in eni travel guidor: stei toujours dans or around tai voiture. Siempre y cuando tu encora tengas uno. В prотивеn сlуchai pоpитаiте a миnуваch kdе е сlеdваchата bеnзиnостаncia o сlаdоlеden саlоn.

La principal exportacion producato do land é petrol. Apropoh, mi tenho mai propria classificacion pro la mund: dri welten co 60 land cad, und a forale welt co la 17 armsten landern. Algerie is unnere twede weld.


na dopo - in inglish oni sei "After i went home, the disaster happend". Si tu veux dire ke a ding a se passé dopo a ding s'est passee, tu sei "Afterwards i went home...". Mas si fué na pre, tu can no decir "Beforwards i went home", tienes ke decir algo como "Befor that, i went home." So adverbier can refere to vad kommer nestli, de er "opent" pro vad kommer nestli, o de can bin "isolee", "uafhængige" af la rest, e na naturale sprog bruger du en anden metodo to at diferentiere dem pro ale tilfælde - "He saw a car in the front of the sine", or "In the front he saw a sign". In europix el adverbis is "open" ao ke folo, lis si refer ao ke folo, e si tu ker isola les, tu tem ke por 'in' ou 'na' pre el adverb. Dopo mi ha go dom, la dizastre hapenou. Wenn du si isola wolst: Na dopo, mi ha go dom e la dizastre hapenou. Lo vidou el auto fronte la signal. Na fronte, lo vidou a signal.

Apropoh, there is no fixo regla pro la posicion af an adverb. In princip, sa devrait bin au debut or in el endu de la sentence, so ke il perturba no la secuence subjecto-verb-object. Mas si is importante sabing a ke se refer el adverb, ello debria veni dopo la palabra a ke se refer.

kidnap - kas inimrööv e kaaperdamine tähendavad erinevaid dinges või näiteks tegevust? Necessitamos diferentes vordes pro las? Bon, in prinzip was chang is el object: in one caso yu force a personi to go to a place li doesnt wole to go, in the otre caso yu force a ding, a vehiclo, to go to a ]place ke was non its destinacion. 15 europano lingua fa non a diferenciacion inter la do conceptos et utilisent la meme mot, 15 font a diferenciacion. Y in ese caso mi decidí opta pro la solucion mas simple, so ke ai solo un palabra pro aprender: kidnap.

no mo(r) - la leξi pro «periσσoτero» inai normali «plu-s»: Do plu doz is fo (2+2=4). Uma sentensa como "Mi vole no plu" signifi ke mi kero no mais ke mi tenho. Werend 'mo-r' is wen du etwas stopst: 'Mi vole no mo' bedüd dat du stope wat to wol. In inglishe yu wou sei "I dont want mor (than that)" and "I dont want it enny mor". In franciano la mot ist la meme cand ecrit, "plus", mas si tu vole le dire na senso de 'plu-s', tu prononces la finale S, na caso de 'mo-r' tu le fas no: je ne veux pluS, je ne veux plu.

sili - stupid, dum (american), silly: necesitamos diferentes palabras pro estos conceptos, or uno seria suficient? Claro ke google þýðingar ha mikla huglægni, þær depende de ki þýddi ordin, samt segon google þýðingar, do lingua ha mismunandi orde pro la tri þeirra, do lingua haf annað ord pro "stupid" (el outre dos is egual), sede sprachen hab ain anderes word pro 'dumb', sede sprachen hab ain anderes word pro 'silly', e zwölf sprachen sei, si bin ale das sam. Clar, se bedüd in prinzip ale dat sam, "non inteligent". But at leest in portugaliano, wen yu sei 'stupid', yu sei it con a lot af anger, agressivitee. 'Dum' sonn un po plus neutral, et 'silly' ist kelke ding ke tu sei a un kid, ou pour a sorte de kidale comportement, et il can hav mem un amigale conotacion, mi supon. Y ai también la palabra 'idiot', ke oni también usa in un agresivo ton. In inglish (e mi supone na maggior parte delle lingue), 'stupid' é normalik usee solo com adjectiv, 'idiot' solo como substantiv, mesme existindo tambem la vord 'idiotic'. 'Stupid' is a word ke na romanisco sprachen und in inglish existirt, deutshe hat es auch, ma da wird das word rada rarli benutzt, und es wür comish clinge zo seijing, "Du bist stupide!" - mi neem mal an, dat is dat sam in el anere germanishe spraken. Funny enuf, 'idiot' is wel noen in neerly cad europano lingua, ma na source lingua, grekian, it doesnt hav la same sens as in al otre linguas, it signifis 'privat'. Bon, normali mi evita having sinonimos in europix, mas dans la cas af a so importante concepto, mi ha decidee les havoir al: stupid e idiot, pro regañar, 'dume' pro a mas "neutrale" ton, e "sili" na mas "infantile" sens. Pridjevi bi stupido, idiotale, dume e sili, (neutral), imenice bi stupidi, idioti, dumi e siliji.

lingua - como mi ha sei, normali nos evitamos vordes ke ha mais ke un significado, mas 'lingua' é el organ usee pro la comunicacion e é la comunicacion mem, e na maiorie das europano linguas é assim, entao é assim in europix tambem.


Not been heer for quite a long time! Too much stuf to do... Ennyway i dont hav fresh jokes ennymor, so i decided to tel stories about the 151 cuntries i'v been in. Usualy i was hitchhiking. I wil do it alfabeticly, the geografic names ar acording to my international sistem, that takes the local name. The first cuntry would be Afghanistan, but i havnt been thare yet. Nor in the seccond one, Aiti (Haiti) - last yeer i was in Dominicana, and wanted to go thare with the bus, but the last bus had been hijakd, so they stopd the service. Then comes Algerie - the name in arabic is something like Al-Jazair, but i dont take the local names wen they dont use the roman alfabet, since thare is too much variation in the transcriptions. In this case i take the name in the colonial language, wich is french, thus Algerie. Since it is a story that goes on in Niger, Benin and Togo, i'l soon finnish the story. In my book thare is some arab influence in the spelling, but in this case it would complicate matters too much. The story happend long time ago, in the 80s.

I sed this, but its been a long time ago, so i'l say it again: i write in the 5 basic languages portuguese, german, english, french, spanish and sometimes another language (in this case a google translation), and transforming them graddualy in europix. Since we'r by fase R, i use letters from A to R (inserting them, changing them or taking them out) to change them in that direction. Words in bold ar already europix words, words in italic wil become europix words, but aint perfect europix words yet.

At the tunisian-algeriano border a belgiano guy givs me a ride, he wants to cross the Sahara and sel his pik-up truk in West Africa. He gets quite il-temperd sometimes very offen. He expects mor from me than i’m prepared to giv. He wants that i pay haf of the gas expenses. Usualy i would do it, of corse, but in this trip of mine around the world i want to hitchhike, and this wouldnt be hichhiking enny mor, if i pay. I try to help him with other little things, i drive too, and imeediatly he begins treeting me as a slave. I dont want that either. In Ouargla, ware the rode from Tunis meets the rode from Algiers and they go together to the south, i get off, otherwize i wont keep this Sahara trip in good memry. The jurny goes on, from oasis to oasis. The rode has menny potholes, usualy people just use it as an orientation mark, to avoid that they end up ariving someware else or not ariving at all. It is always softer to drive on the sand or on the gravel.

I thaut oasis would look quite difrent, with menny palmtrees, rushing creeks, in other words i thaut they wer little paradises. And now this, they’r usualy quite dirty and dusty cities. A truk driver givs me a lift, he has a huge canadan MACK, yu actualy would need an ellevator to get to the cabbin. The fellow and his truk would be perfect in enny “Convoy” film. He races with mor than 100 km p/h like an amok runner thru the desert, over dunes and wadis, wich ar the dried up rivers. Yu’ve got to hold fast and stil sometimes yu cant avoid hitting your hed in the ceeling. In the eevening we dont drive, thare he prepares a nice piknik, just the best couscous yu can imagin.

Once he asks me if i take drugs. I tel him that i do it sometimes, wen peeple offer me. It is good to put our perception filter out of action for a wile, wich meens opening your eyes for the non practical things. And it givs yu some good plesure. Of corse, it is like fire, like cars, like evrything: if yu take too much of it or yu take it the wrong way, yu can di. Eeven with water: water is very necessary, but if yu drink too much of it, yu drown. And thare was one guy who comitted suicide drinking dozens of liters of water evryday. He ses and smiles, oui oui, la jeunesse! He meens i’m yung and stil hav silly ideas? I argue a bit mor that this hasnt much to do with my youth, until he pulls a huge joint from his pocket. He ses then that he’s not that old either. Funny, the moslems offen prohibbit alcohol (altho we hav the word from them), the cristians prohibbit drugs. Alcohol makes stupid, drugs generaly make mor intelligent, eeven if it is offen a rather silly intelligence.

In Algerie we hav the same linguistic constelation as in Maroc and Tunisia: the oficial language is arabian, but menny peeple stil speek francian. The franciano they speek is cleer, much cleerer than in France. As evryware in Africa. The R is mostly pronounced with the tung, as in italian.

The further south, the darker the peeple. Although yu see quite a few “immigrated” arabis, the original population is formd by touaregis, who ar quite dark or blak. But they dont belong to the neegro race, they'r strongly suntand wites - paint them wite and thare hare blond, and yu'r got a swede. In Tamanrasset, the last oasis in Algerie, it is the end of the paved rode. Now it wil get seerius. From heer yu cant just drive further south alone, yu hav to register at the poleece station and travel in a convoy. And i soon find one, of corse the only one in this day. They’r 5 cars. Two of them belong to a swisso, and a german girl he met on the ferry-bote is driving the other car for him. The girl doesnt hav an international drivers license, so she has problems all the time with the poleece. I hav one, so i drive now. The swissos name is Vontkomm and the girls name is Mabon. We start and hav good fun. Yu drive fast, with over 100 km p/h, wich is quite a lot on sand or gravel or roks or watever. All the time one of the cars gets stuk in the sand, evrybody has to help to get the car out, taking the sand off around the tires, getting some stones wen thare ar stones, and pushing it. We hav to do it 25 times a day on avrage, 5 times per car. If we wer in only one car, we’d hav to do it only 5 times a day, but evry time would be much harder to get the car out.

We drive for quite a long time without the desert changing. But it does change, after all. Sometimes yu see nothing but hi mountans around, sometimes it is so flat that yu can hardly beleev your eyes. In evry direction nothing but the flat horizon, yu think it is an optical ilusion. Sometimes yu drive for days without seeing a single hil, nothing hier than your nee. Mostly yu dont see enny vegetation, sometimes yu see some grass, sometimes cacti. Neer the oasis yu see palmtrees. And sometimes yu see cammels, hundreds of kilometers from the next village and the next wel. Nothing mor normal for them than this. In the eevening we stop, hav a “shower” from the bucket and eet.

The nites ar cold. It is novembre, it is the fall, altho thare is nothing to fall heer. Yu wake up and start the day with a jacket, an our later yu take the jacket off but keep the pullover, just befor noon yu take the pullover off, just after noon yu also take the shirt off. If yu’r a man. Until 4 PM or so, then yu put your shirt on, then the pullover... In the eevening, wen the cars and the peeple ar having a brake, i can finaly enjoy the desert. It is a wonderful silence. I can heer peeples voices, but if i walk away a few hundred meeters, i dont heer ennything enny mor exept my breth. This is how Nirvana must feel like, with the diference that in the Nirvana yu dont heer your own breth either. The are is extreemly pure, and i'v never seen so menny stars in my life, just the Milky Way has millions of them. So menny that i think the sky is a ceeling, a star ceeling. Sky, are, sand and stones. So few ellements, but so much of them!

Yu see as menny mirages as in an assembly line. The hole horizon is crawling with lakes, forests, cities. Sometimes it is just a hil yu think it is a forest or a city. Maybe the brane is just not used not to see a forest or a city for such a long time, so it builds its own forests and cities and lakes, i supose thare is certanly some wishful seeing in it. And thare is the fysical fenommenon with the hot are at the ground.

Vontkomm has problems with both of us. He givs Mabon the car again, becaus i was driving like a maniac, in his opinnion. Altho he didnt like the way she drove either. It’s realy not eesy. If yu drive too fast yu can brake the axis. If yu drive too slow yu can get stuk in the sand very eesily. And it is not eesy to find the rite speed inbetween. Wel, it is his car.

Thare isnt enny rode heer, only tire traks, sometimes 100 meeters, sometimes a kilometer wide. Yu drive as yu can and try not to lose the trak and the other cars from site. Wen yu drive thru mountaneus cuntry this happens quite offen. In this case the best thing to do is to stop and wate til the others find yu. Yu can get off the car, look around, clime a hil but dont lose your own car of site.

The Sahara is a car cemmetery, probbably the biggest in the world. Not much is left of the cars exept thare naked boddies. Although the desert looks ded, it is actualy full of life. Beside cammels thare ar jaccals, scorpions, lizards and snakes. They dont hav hiways heer, but they do hav hiwaymen. They come in the nite and take your Unimog truk away. And if yu hav a problem with your car, yu can reed it in enny travel guide: stay always in or around your car. Provided yu stil hav one. Otherwize ask a passer-by ware the next gas station or icecreem parlor is.

Algeria exports mainly oil. By the way, i hav an own economic classification for the world: 3 worlds with 60 cuntries eech, and then a fourth world with the 17 poorest nations. Algeria is low seccond world.


na dopo - in english yu say "After i went home, the disaster happend". If yu want to say that after something happend, yu went home, yu say "Afterwards i went home...". But if it is befor, yu cant say "Beforwards i went home", yu hav to say something like "Befor that, i went home." So adverbs can refer to wat comes next, they ar "open" to wat comes next, or they can be "isolated", "independent" of the rest, and in natural languages yu use a difrent method to diferentiate them for evry case - "He saw a car in the front of the sine", or "In the front he saw a sign". In europix the adverbs ar "open" to wat comes next, they refer to wat comes next, and if yu want to isolate them, yu hav to put "in" or "na" befor the adverb. Dopo mi ha go dom, la dizastre hapenou. If yu want to "isolate" it: Na dopo, mi ha go dom e la dizastre hapenou. Lo vidou el auto fronte la signal. Na fronte, lo vidou a signal.

By the way, thare is no fix rule for the position of an adverb. In principle, it should be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence, so that it dusnt disturb the sequence subject-verb-object. But if it is important to know to wat word the adverb refers, it should come after the word it refers to.

kidnap - do kidnapping and hijacking meen difrent things, or, say, activities? Do we need difrent words for them? Wel, in principle wat changes is the object: in one case yu force a person to go to a place she doesnt want to go, in the other case yu force a thing, a vehicle, to go to a place wich wasnt its destination. 15 european languages dont make a diferentiation between the 2 concepts and use the same word, 15 do make a diferentiation. And in this case i decided to opt for the simpler solution, so thare is only one word to lern: kidnap.

no mo(r) - the word for 'more' is usualy 'plu-s': Do plu doz is fo (2+2=4). A sentence like "Mi vole no plu" meens that i dont want mor than wat i hav. Wile 'mo-r' is wen yu stop something: Mi vole no mo' meens that yu stopd wanting something. In english yu'd say "I dont want mor (than that)" and "I dont want it enny mor". In french it is the same written word, "plus", but wen yu say it in the sense of 'plu-s' yu pronounce the final S, in the case of 'mo-r' yu dont: je ne veux pluS, je ne veux plu.

sili - stupid, dum (american), silly: do we need sevral words for them, or would one word do it? Of course google translations hav a lot of subjectivity, they depend on who translated the words, ennyway acording to google translator, 2 languages hav difrent words for the 3 of them, 2 languages hav a difrent word for stupid (the other 2 being the same), 7 languages hav a difrent word for dum, 7 languages hav a difrent word for silly, and 12 languages say they'r all the same. Of course they all meen basicly the same, "not intelligent". But at leest in portuguese, wen yu say 'stupid', yu say it with a lot of anger, a lot of agressivity. 'Dum' sounds a bit mor neutral, and 'silly' is something yu say to a kid or to some kind of childish behavior it can hav eeven a frendly conotation, i guess. And then thare is the word 'idiot', wich yu usualy use with a certan agressiv tone, too. In english (and i guess in most languages), 'stupid' is usualy used only as an adjectiv, 'idiot' only as a noun, eeven if thare is the word 'idiotic', too. 'Stupid' is a word that exists in the romanic languages and english, german has it but it is rather rarely used, and it would sound strange to say "Du bist stupide!" (yu'r stupid), i guess it is the same in the other germanic languages (they rather use it befor an adjetiv, for example a stupide aktivität). Funny enuf, 'idiot' is wel noen in neerly evry european language, but in the source language, greek, it doesnt hav the same sense as in all other languages, it meens 'private'. Wel, usualy i avoid having sinnonyms in europix, but in this case of such an important concept, i decided to hav them all: stupid, idiot, for scolding, 'dume' for a rather "neutral" tone and "sili" in the rather "childish" sense. The adjectivs ar stupido, idiotale, dume e sili, the (neutral) nouns ar stupidi, idioti, dumi e siliji.

lingua - as i sed, usualy we avoid words having mor than one meening, but 'lingua' is the organ used for comunication and it is the comunication itself, and in most european languages the word for tungue is also the word for language, and this is the same in europix.
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