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Classical Ħanese/Proto-Kanic version 2.0

Posted: 15 Sep 2021 03:57
by Shemtov
This is a redo of a language that I tried to create before. This is the language of The Kan Kingdom (Native name Ħa̠n) which was influencial on the Nihon-Suomi Kingdom, which became one of the dominant groups of the Fuhe-Suomi. It also gave rise to the Kanic languages, minority languages in northeastern Fuhe, and on the Island of Waan.
This post will focus on the phonology and phonotactics. The language is Monosyllabic, of the Chinese/Vietnamese type.

/p ɓ t tʰ ɗ t͡s t͡sʰ ʈ ʈʰ ʈ͡ʂ ʈ͡ʂʰ t͡ɕ t͡ɕʰ k kʰ ɠ/ <p b d t đ ż c dr tr żh ch ɟ q g k ĝ>
/m n ɳ ɲ ŋ/ <m n nr nh ng>
/f v s z ʂ ʐ ɕ ʑ x ɣ h ɦ/ <f v s z sh zh x j ħ ğ h ɦ>
/l/ <l>
/w j/ <w y>

/i y u ɯ e o ə ɛ œ ɔ ʌ a/ <i ü u ư ê ô ă e ö o ơ a>
/i: y: u: ɯ: e: o: ɛ: œ: ɔ: ʌ: a:/ <ii üü uu ưư êê ôô ee öö oo ơơ aa>
/ui ue uo uə uɛ uɔ uʌ ua/ <ui uê uô uă ue uo uơ ua>
/ui: ue: uo: uɛ: uœ: uɔ: uʌ: ua:/ <uii uêê uôô uee uoo uơơ uaa>
/ iu iɯ ie io iə iɛ iœ iɔ iʌ oa/ < iu iư iê iô iă ie iö io iơ ia>
/iu: iɯ: ie: io: iɛ: iœ: iɔ: iʌ: ia:/ < iuu iưư iư iêê iôô iee iöö ioo iơơ iaa>
/iə yə uə ɯə eə oə / <iiă üă uă ưă eă oă>
/i:ə y:ə u:ə ɯ:ə e:ə o:ə/ <iiă üüă uuă ưưă eeă ooă>
/uiə ueə uoə / <uiă ueă uoă>
/ui: ue: uo: / <uiiă uêêă uôôă uee uoo uơơ ua>
/ iuə iɯə ieə ioə / < iuă iưă ieă ioă >
/iu:ə iɯ:ə ie:ə io:ə/ < iuuă iưưă iưă ieeă iooă>
/ɯi ei oi əi ɛi œi ɔi ʌi ai/ < ưi êi ôi ăi ei öi oi ơi ai>
/ u:i ɯ:i e:i o:i ɛ:i œ:i ɔ:i ʌ:i a:i/ < uui ưưi êêi ôôi eei ööi ooi ơơi aai>
/ eu ou əu ɛu œu ɔu ʌu au/ < êu ôu ău eu öu ou ơu au>
/e:u o:u ɛ:u œ:u ɔ:u ʌ:u a:u/ <êêu ôôu eeu ööu oou ơơu aau>
/ uei uoi uəi uɛi uɔi uʌi uai/ < uêi uôi uăi uei uoi uơi uai>
/ ue:i uo:i uɛ:i uœ:i uɔ:i uʌ:i ua:i/ < uêêi uôôi ueei uooi uơơi uaai>

/ ieu iou iəu iɛu iœu iɔu iʌu oau/ < iêu iôu iău ieu iöu iou iơu iau>
/ ie:u io:u iɛ:u iœ:u iɔ:u iʌ:u ia:u/ < iêêu iôôu ieeu iööu ioou iơơu iaau>

/˥ ˩ ˥˩/ <V V̠ V̀> (The contour tone cannot occur on short vowels)

Permitted finals: /m n ŋ p t k/

EDIT: Vowel and tone inventories changed, see next post

Re: Classical Ħanese/Proto-Kanic version 2.0

Posted: 17 Sep 2021 03:23
by Shemtov
I changing the tone system, using the vowel <a> as the orthographic example: ˥ ˧ ˩ ˧˩ <ā a a̠ à>
I'm also reducing the triphthongs, so there are no "long" triphthongs, so new vowel system:
/i y u ɯ e o ə ɛ œ ɔ ʌ a/ <i ü u ư ê ô ă e ö o ơ a>
/i: y: u: ɯ: e: o: ɛ: œ: ɔ: ʌ: a:/ <ii üü uu ưư êê ôô ee öö oo ơơ aa>
/ui ue uo uə uɛ uɔ uʌ ua/ <ui uê uô uă ue uo uơ ua>
/ui: ue: uo: uɛ: uœ: uɔ: uʌ: ua:/ <uii uêê uôô uee uoo uơơ uaa>
/ iu iɯ ie io iə iɛ iœ iɔ iʌ oa/ < iu iư iê iô iă ie iö io iơ ia>
/iu: iɯ: ie: io: iɛ: iœ: iɔ: iʌ: ia:/ < iuu iưư iư iêê iôô iee iöö ioo iơơ iaa>
/iə yə uə ɯə eə oə / <iă üă uă ưă eă oă>
/i:ə y:ə u:ə ɯ:ə e:ə o:ə/ <iiă üüă uuă ưưă eeă ooă>
/uiə ueə uoə / <uiă ueă uoă>
/ui: ue: uo: / <uiiă uêêă uôôă uee uoo uơơ ua>
/ iuə iɯə ieə ioə / < iuă iưă ieă ioă >
/ɯi ei oi əi ɛi œi ɔi ʌi ai/ < ưi êi ôi ăi ei öi oi ơi ai>
/ u:i ɯ:i e:i o:i ɛ:i œ:i ɔ:i ʌ:i a:i/ < uui ưưi êêi ôôi eei ööi ooi ơơi aai>
/ eu ou əu ɛu œu ɔu ʌu au/ < êu ôu ău eu öu ou ơu au>
/e:u o:u ɛ:u œ:u ɔ:u ʌ:u a:u/ <êêu ôôu eeu ööu oou ơơu aau>
/ uei uoi uəi uɛi uɔi uʌi uai/ < uêi uôi uăi uei uoi uơi uai>
/ ieu iou iəu iɛu iœu iɔu iʌu iau/ < iêu iôu iău ieu iöu iou iơu iau>

Re: Classical Ħanese/Proto-Kanic version 2.0

Posted: 01 Oct 2021 00:57
by Shemtov
The Noun Phrase part 1:
Plurality is optionally marked. There are two ways of marking plurality: For sentient beings, the particle fāang is used:
Dừi fāang
person PLR

Vi̠iă fāang
woman PLR

Ĝùuă fāang PLR
"Younger brothers"

Note that this is never used in reference to superiors, and is almost always used in reference to inferiors.

Non-sentients may be pluralized by reduplication:

Possession is marked by the particle shen:

Nhùeă shen sīik-sīik
king POSS horses
"King's horses"

Re: Classical Ħanese/Proto-Kanic version 2.0

Posted: 03 Oct 2021 19:54
by Shemtov
Between numbers and demonstratives, there are measure words.
Common Measure words:
People (neutral): Żien
Male people (polite): Nruôô
Female people (Polite): Wừư
Animals: Lu̠m
Reptiles, rodents and land arthropods: Trớp
Edible water animals: Bü̠ă
Edible plants: Fằk
Precious stones: Lư̠ưp
Things with writing: Lău

This/these: Níaa
That/those: Drêng

Numbers 1-10:
1. Ưit
2. Nhắi
3. Za̠an
4. Síiă
5. Ğờu
6. Lừưăk
7. Siêt
8. Fằt
9. Gö̠u
10. ːQi̠ưư

Re: Classical Ħanese/Proto-Kanic version 2.0

Posted: 12 Oct 2021 01:13
by Shemtov
There are a few sets of pronouns, based on politeness.
The simple pronouns, used for talking to equals:
1P sing: Nhàu
1P plr: Nhàu-fāang
2P sing: Nrừă
2p plr: Nrừă-fāang
3P sing: Trừă
3p plr: Trừă-fāang

The polite pronouns are constructions of long phrases. I will give examples in the singular:
Polite level 1:
1P : Nha̠u-nrừă-shen-vet
Lit "I, your slave"
2P : Nrừă-nhàu-shen-ba̠an
Lit "You, my master"

Polite level 2:
1P : Nha̠u-drêng-nruôô-dừi-shen-vồt-shen-vet
Lit "I, that man of honor's slave

Polite level 3:
1P: Níaa-żien-dừi-drêng-nruôô-dừi-shen-vồt-shen-vet
Lit. "This person, that man of honor's slave"