The bear and the two friends

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The bear and the two friends

Post by Imralu »

Edit: As Iyionaku pointed out, it's more convenient for everyone to have the story in one block, so here it is:
Once upon a time, there were two friends, Ron and John. They decided to travel and see the world together. One day, they decided to go to the forest. The forest was very big and they knew that anything bad could happen to them at any time. They promised each other that they would stick together in case anything bad happened to them. Suddenly, they heard a terrifying roar and then saw a big bear coming in their direction. They were seized by fear. Ron ran quickly and climbed a tree which was nearby, leaving John behind. John didn't know how to climb the tree so he asked Ron: "Can you help me climb the tree? The bear is going to eat me! Please, help me!" I can't come down! The bear is getting close. And there's no space up here. Now, go and find a place to hide. Ron didn't help John, but John was a clever child. At school, he heard the teacher say that bears don't eat dead meat. So, using his wisdom, he lay down on the ground without breathing, pretending to be dead. The bear came near to where he was lying. It sniffed at his ears and slowly left that place because bears don't touch dead meat. After the bear left, his friend came down from the tree and asked John. "What did the bear say into your ear? "The bear told me not to listen to fake friends who leave me at a time of problems."

Here is the video where I got this from. The subtitles might be a little bit different than my translation.

:tan: Swahili

I hear a few non-standard pronunciations in the video: hivo for hivyo, katafte for katafute and unaeza for unaweza. Also, it sounds like the narrator lisps at times, saying thana instead of sana, but that could just be an audio issue.

Dubu na marafiki wawili.
dubu na ma-rafiki wa-wili
bear(CL9) COM CL6-friends(CL10) CL2-two
The bear and the two friends.

Hapo zamani za kale kulikuwa na marafiki wawili, Ron na John.
hapo zamani z-a kale ku-li-ku-w(a) na ma-rafiki wa-wili | Ron na John
DEM.MED.CL16 old.times(CL10) CL10-GEN old.times CL17-PST-EXT-be COM CL6-friends(CL10) CL2-two | Ron COM John
Once upon a time, there were two friends, Ron and John.
("At that time in the old times of old, imprecise place had two friends, Ron with John.")

Waliamua kusafiri na kuona dunia pamoja.
wa-li-amu(a) ku-safiri na ku-on(a) dunia pa-moja
CL2-PST-decide INF(CL15)-travel COM INF(CL15)-see world(CL9) CL16-one
They decided to travel and see the world together.
("They decided to travel with to see the world together.")

Siku moja, waliamua kwenda msituni.
siku Ø-moja | wa-li-amu(a) kw-end(a) msitu-ni
nychthemeron(CL9) CL9-one | CL2-PST-decide INF(CL15)-go forest(CL3)-LOC(CL16/17/18)
One day, they decided to go to the forest.

Msitu huo ulikuwa mkubwa sana na walijua jambo lolote baya linaweza kuwatendekea wakati wowote.
msitu huo u-li-ku-w(a) m-kubwa sana na wa-li-ju(a) jambo l-o-l-ote Ø-baya li-na-wez(a) ku-wa-tend(a)-ek(a)-e(a) wakati w-o-w-ote
forest(CL3) DEM.MED.CL3 CL3-PST-EXT-be CL3-big very COM CL2-PST-know abstract.thing(CL5) CL5-any1-CL5-any2 CL5-bad INF(CL15)-CL2-act-MEDIOPASS-APPL time(CL11) CL11-any1-CL11-any2
The forest was very big and they knew that anything bad could happen to them at any time.

Waliahidiana ya kwamba watakuwa na muungano iwapo lolote baya litawatendekea.
wa-li-ahidi-an(a) y-a kwamba wa-ta-ku-w(a) na muungano i-w(a)-po l-o-l-ote Ø-baya li-ta-wa-tend(a)-ek(a)-e(a)
CL2-PST-promise-RECIP CL9-GEN C CL2-FUT-EXT-be COM alliance(CL3) CL9-be-CL16.REL CL5-bad CL5-FUT-CL2-act-MEDIOPASS-APPL
They promised each other that they would stick together in case anything bad happened to them.
("They promised each other of that they will have an alliance in case anything bad will happen to them")

Ghafla wakasikia mngurumo wa kutisha na wakaona dubu mkubwa akija upande wao.
ghafla | wa-ka-siki(a) mngurumo w-a ku-tish(a) na wa-ka-on(a) dubu m-kubwa a-ki-j(a) upande w-ao
suddenly | CL2-CONSEQ-hear roar(CL3) CL3-GEN INF(CL15)-intimidate COM CL2-CONSEQ-see bear(CL9) CL1-big CL1-SITU-come direction(CL11) CL11-GEN.CL2
Suddenly, they heard a terrifying roar and then saw a big bear coming in their direction.

Walipatwa na woga.
wa-li-pat(a)-w(a) na woga
CL2-PST-obtain-PASS COM fear(CL14)
They were seized by fear.

Ron alikimbia haraka na kupanda mti ulio karibu akimwacha John nyuma.
Ron a-li-kimbi(a) haraka na ku-pand(a) mti u-li-o karibu a-ki-mw-ach(a) John nyuma
Ron CL1-PST-run(.from) fast COM INF(CL15)-climb tree(CL3) CL3-be.REL.PRES-CL3.REL near CL1-SITU-CL1-leave John behind
Run ran quickly and climbed a tree which was nearby, leaving John behind.

John alikuwa hajui kupanda mti hivyo akamuuliza Ron:
John a-li-ku-w(a) h-a-ju(a)-i ku-pand(a) mti hivyo a-ka-mu-uliz(a) Ron
John CL1-PST-EXT-be NEG-CL1-know-NEG.PRES INF(CL15)-climb tree(CL3) DEM.MED.CL8 CL1-CONSEQ-CL1-ask Ron
John didn't know how to climb the tree so he asked Ron:

"Unaweza nisaidia kupanda mti? Dubu atanila! Tafadhali, nisaidie!"
u-na-wez(a) (ku)-ni-saidi(a) ku-pand(a) mti | dubu a-ta-ni-l(a) | tafadhali | ni-saidi(a)-e (INF(CL15)-2S-help INF(CL15)-climb tree | bear(CL9) CL1-FUT-1S-eat | please | 1S-help-SBJV
"Can you help me climb the tree? The bear is going to eat me! Please, help me!"

"Siwezi kushuka! Dubu anakaribia. Na hapa juu pamejaa."
si-wez(a)-i ku-shuk(a) | dubu a-na-karibi(a) | na hapa juu pa-me-jaa INF(CL15)-descend | bear(CL9) CL1-PRES-draw.near | COM DEM.PROX.CL16 top(CL9) CL16-PRF-fill(INTR)
I can't come down! The bear is getting close. And there's no space up here.
("I can't descend. The bear approaches. And up here has filled up.")

"Haya nenda katafute pale pako pa kujificha."
haya nenda ka-tafut(a)-e pale p-ako p-a ku-ji-fich(a)
now.then go(IMP) CONSEQ-seek-SBJV DEM.DIST.CL16 CL16-GEN.2S CL16-GEN INF(CL15)-REFL-hide(TR)
Now, go and find a place to hide.
("Now then, go and then find your "there" of hiding oneself.)

Ron hakumsaidia John, lakini John alikuwa ni mtoto mwerevu.
Ron h-a-ku-m-saidi(a) John | lakini John a-li-ku-w(a) mtoto mw-erevu
Ron NEG-CL1-NEG.PST-CL1-help John | but John CL1-PST-EXT-be child(CL1) CL1-clever
Ron didn't help John, but John was a clever child.

Shuleni alisikia mwalimu akisema ya kwamba dubu hawali mizoga.
shule-ni a-li-siki(a) mwalimu a-ki-sem(a) y-a kwamba dubu ha-wa-l(a)-i mizoga
school(CL9)-LOC(CL16/17/18) CL1-PST-hear techer(CL1) CL1-SITU-say CL9-GEN C bears(CL10) NEG-CL2-eat-NEG.PRES carcasses(CL4)
At school, he heard the teacher say that bears don't eat dead meat.

Hivyo, akitumia hekima yake, alilala chini kwenye ardhi bila kupumua akijifana kuwa amekufa.
hivyo | a-ki-tumi(a) hekima y-ake | a-li-lal(a) chini kw-enye ardhi bila ku-pumu(a) | a-ki-ji-fany(a) ku-w(a) a-me-ku-f(a)
DEM.MED.CL8 | CL1-SITU-use wisdom(CL9) CL9-GEN.3S | CL1-PST-lie.down down CL17-ORNATIVE earth(CL9) without INF(CL15)-breath | CL1-SITU-REFL-do INF(CL15)-be CL1-PRF-EXT-die
So, using his wisdom, he lay down on the ground without breathing, pretending to be dead.

Dubu alikuja karibu na alipolala.
dubu a-li-ku-j(a) karibu na a-li-po-lal(a)
bear(CL9) CL1-PST-EXT-come near COM CL1-PST-CL16.REL-lie.down
The bear came near to where he was lying.

Alinusa masikio yake na polepole akaondoka pale kwa sababu dubu hawashiki mizoga.
a-li-nus(a) masikio y-ake na polepole a-ka-ondok(a) pale kw-a sababu dubu ha-wa-shik(a)-i mizoga
CL1-PST-smell(TR) ears(CL6) CL6-3S COM slowly CL1-CONSEQ-leave DEM.DIST.CL16 CL15/17-GEN reason(CL9) bears(CL10) NEG-CL1-grasp-NEG.PRES carcasses(CL4)
It sniffed at his ears and slowly left that place because bears don't touch dead meat.

Baada ya dubu kuondoka, rafiki yake alishuka kutoka mti na kumuuliza John:
baada y-a dubu ku-ondok(a) | rafiki y-ake a-li-shuk(a) ku-tok(a) mti na ku-mu-uliz(a) John
after(CL9) CL9-GEN bear(CL9) INF(CL15)-leave | friend(CL9) CL9-GEN.3S CL1-PST-descend INF(CL15)-go.out tree(CL3) COM INF(CL15)-CL1-ask John
After the bear left, his friend came down from the tree and asked John.

"Dubu alikuambia nini sikioni?"
dubu a-li-ku-ambi(a) nini sikio-ni
bear(CL9) CL1-PST-2S-tell what ear(CL5)-LOC(CL16/17/18)
"What did the bear say into your ear?

"Dubu aliniambia nisisikize marafiki wa uongo wanaoniacha wakati wa shida."
dubu a-li-ni-ambi(a) ni-si-sikiz(a)-e ma-rafiki w-a uongo wa-na-o-ni-ach(a) wakati w-a shida
bear(CL9) CL1-PST-1S-tell CL6-friends(CL10) CL2-GEN lie/falsehood(CL14) CL2-PRES-CL2.REL-1S-leave time(CL11) CL11-GEN problems(CL10)
"The bear told me not to listen to fake friends who leave me at a time of problems."
Last edited by Imralu on 10 Apr 2018 05:53, edited 2 times in total.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, AG = agent, E = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: The bear and the two friends

Post by Iyionaku »

:chn: Mandarin (attempt, corrections welcome)

Cóngqián, yǒu liǎng ge péngyǒu, Luō'ēn hé Yuēhàn.
earlier_times, have two CL friend, Ron and John
Once upon a time, there were two friends, Ron and John.

Tāmen juédìng yīqǐ lǚxíng kànjiàn shìjiè.
3PL decide together travel see-COMPL world
They decided to see the world together.

Yītiān, tāmen juédìng qù sēnlín.
one_day, 3PL decide go forest
One day, they decided to go to the forest.

Sēnlín hěn kuān suǒyǐ tāmen zhīdào suíshí huì yùshàng huài de shìqíng.
forest very big so 3PL know at_any_time can occur_upon bad ATTR thing
The forest was very big and they knew that anything bad could happen to them at any time.

Tāmen túrán tīngjiàn ge hào jiēzhe kànjiàn wǎng tāmen pǎo de dàxióng.
3PL suddenly hear CL roar afterwards see towards 3PL run ATTR big_bear
Suddenly, they heard a terrifying roar and then saw a big bear coming in their direction.

Tāmen pà suǒyǐ jìngzhǐ.
3PL frightened therefore still
They were seized by fear.

Luō'ēn pǎo de kuài, páshàng yīkē jìn shù, liúxià Yuēhàn.
Ron run ATTR fast, climb one-CL close tree, leave_behind John
Ron ran quickly and climbed a tree which was nearby, leaving John behind.

Yuēhàn méiyǒu zhīdào zěnmeyàng páshù, suǒyǐ wèn Luō'ēn:
John NEG_PST know how climb_tree, therefore ask Ron
John didn't know how to climb the tree so he asked Ron:

"Nǐ néng bāng wǒ páshù ma? Xióng yào chī wǒ! Bāng wǒ ba!"
2SG can help 1SG climb_tree PART | bear FUT eat 1SG | help 1SG PART
"Can you help me climb the tree? The bear is going to eat me! Please, help me!"

"Bù kěyǐ xiàqù! Xióng zài jìnqián. Zài zhèr shàngmiàn méiyǒu zúgòu de dìfāng. Zhǎo yīgè yǐncángsuǒ."
NEG may come_down | bear PROG come_close | at here on_top not_have enough ATTR space | search one-CL place_to_hide
"I can't come down! The bear is getting close. And there's no space up here. Now, go and find a place to hide."

Luō'ēn méi bāng Yuēhàn, bùguò Yuēhàn shì cōngmíng de háizi.
Ron NEG_PST help John, however John COP clever ATTR child
Ron didn't help John, but John was a clever child.

Zài xuéxiào lǐ, tā tīngdàole lǎoshī shuō xióng bù chī shītǐ.
at school in, 3SG.MASC hear-COMPL-PERF teacher say bear NEG eat corpse
At school, he heard the teacher say that bears don't eat dead meat.

Yòng tā zhìhuì, tā wú hūxī tǎng zài dìshàng, jiǎzhuāng sǐle.
use 3SG.MASC wisdom, 3SG.MASC without breathe lie at ground_top, pretend be_dead
So, using his wisdom, he lay down on the ground without breathing, pretending to be dead.

Xióng lái Yuēhàn tǎngzhe de dìfāng. Tā xiù tā ěrduǒ, ránhòu mànde zǒu chūqù yīnwèi xióng bù pèng shītǐ.
bear come John lie-PROG PART place | 3SG.NEUT sniff 3SG.MASC ear, afterwards slow-ADV walk away because bear NEG touch corpse
The bear came near to where he was lying. It sniffed at his ears and slowly left that place because bears don't touch dead meat.

Xióng lí yǐhòu, tā péngyǒu xiàlái wèn Yuēhàn.
bear leave after, 3SG.MASC friend come_down ask John
After the bear left, his friend came down from the tree and asked John.

Xióng gàosùle nǐ shénme a?
bear tell-PERF 2SG what PART
"What did the bear tell you?"

“Tā gàosùle wǒ bù tīngjiǎng zài wéixiǎn de shíjiān liúxià de húpéng-gǒuyǒu”
3SG.NEUT tell-PERF 1SG NEG listen at danger GEN time leave_behind PART false_friend
"The bear told me not to listen to fake friends who leave me at a time of problems."
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Lao Kou
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Re: The bear and the two friends

Post by Lao Kou »

Image Géarthnuns

Chí Aidals zhö Chaul Zhömauíörsauzh

Írfust ferü, saul zhömauíörsauzh, Rons zhö Íöhans, lü miçnakh. Ban lé ba aubüpímath kfö chö öbelöbsöt hauí ba veth gnaröl. Se dalthsev sírethev, ban lé cha hansav
ba kadiz gnaröl. Cha hans lé kfazhen theu nöi, kfö ban lé, gü shahöcheths vebuten lé banaz tsoftö ba mnaizekh nzhí höimprekh sho, sferül. Ban lés, gü shahöcheths vebuten lé banaz haumnaizekh sho, ban lé bas vgéf heganekh sho, höibökh sho, ftel.

Mbüva'u, ban lé sü bmauksüt eblüvagakhnalöküt shal, kfö lé mente chau ftégözalörsaut sí aidalsís gaterelís banakh fko tel. Ban lét che kfarethsen mnüdzervezh. Rons lé azöna'u shöz, kfö lé sau bursaut ftégöraut höi Íöhansat rhötauzala'u rhkovöz. Íöhaps lé vau bumsaut ba rhkovöz göbrekh, gaiçö san lé Ronsak hereçkeveçö henéçaf:

„Öçek la sít höi chau bursaut vdöirha ban rhkovöz hökalokh? Chí aidals lí sít glozh! Sít hükupaz, híhílel!”

„Fí la ba malothauth kalokh! Chí aidals la ftégöz, kfö fí graiçefs la va hengedípsav miçnakh. De, öçek la sa míközdínsat bas zhdazh hükadiz.”

Rops lé Íöhapsat kupaz, arkfö Íöhans lé söi séklets saunghet nöi. Chau marsauv, san löi chau öinörsaun, gü vík aidafsíp la fak tartopsach höiglozh sho, íaushal. Gaiçö, chau ngagíörsaut hinalön, san lé chau zarsauv, höi pfauíedozhala'u kfö bö mensfaikh zhvöthala'u malofazh. Chí aidals lé cha dínsav, chanav san lé fazh sho, ftégöz. Síl lé chöl éjebsödh sanabödh böbarasuth kfö lé cha hereçkedínsav, vaçte vík aidafsíp la fak tartopsach glozh sho, ngga'u hepalenguf. Içteshtanö chí aidals löi palenguf sho, chau zhömauíörs lé Íöhansas chau bursauv malothauth kfö sanak hereçkeveçö néçaf:

„Chí aidals lé chö éjebsöv öçkeböv cheveçö höngamath?”

„Síl lé, gü fí la fauk zhömauíömsauch ríomauch, chauraup la sít sük tlaurédheksüd ktu panten sho, ba jnésul höidaikh sho, ngamath.”

Chí Aidals zhö Chaul Zhömauíörsauzh
DEF bear-NOM and DEF.DUAL friend-NOM.DUAL
The Bear and The Two Friends

Írfust ferü, saul zhömauíörsauzh, Rons zhö Íöhans, lü miçnakh.
once-ADV once-ADV (=once.upon.a.time), INDEF.DUAL friend-NOM.DUAL, Ron-NOM and John-NOM, AUX.TRANSC
Once upon a time, there were two friends, Ron and John.

Ban lé ba aubüpímath kfö chö öbelöbsöt hauí ba veth gnaröl.
3DUAL-NOM AUX.PAST PTCL travel.together and DEF world-ACC together-ADV PTCL see decide
They decided to travel and see the world together.

Se dalthsev sírethev, ban lé cha hansav ba kadiz gnaröl.
INDEF day-LOC one-LOC, 3DUAL-NOM AUX.PAST DEF forest-LOC PTCL go decide
One day, they decided to go to the forest.

Cha hans lé kfazhen theu nöi, kfö ban lé, gü shahöcheths vebuten lé banaz tsoftö ba mnaizekh nzhí höimprekh sho, sferül.
DEF forest-NOM AUX.PRES big-NOM very-AdADJ be, and 3DUAL-NOM AUX.PAST, CONJ anything-NOM bad-NOM AUX.PAST 3DUAL-DAT any.time-ADV PTCL happen ADV be.possible-DISC PTCL, know
The forest was very big and they knew that anything bad could happen to them at any time.

Ban lés, gü shahöcheths vebuten lé banaz haumnaizekh sho, ban lé bas vgéf heganekh sho, höibökh sho, ftel.
They promised each other that they would stick together in case anything bad happened to them.

Mbüva'u, ban lé sü bmauksüt eblüvagakhnalöküt shal, kfö lé mente chau ftégözalörsaut sí aidalsís gaterelís banakh fko tel.
sudden-ADV, 3DUAL-NOM AUX.PAST INDEF roar-ACC terrify.PRES.CAUS.PTPL-ACC hear, and AUX.PAST then DEF approach.PRES.GER-ACC INDEF bear-GEN big-GEN 3DUAL-POST in.the.direction.of see
Suddenly, they heard a terrifying roar and then saw a big bear coming in their direction.

Ban lét che kfarethsen mnüdzervezh.
They were seized by fear.

Rons lé azöna'u shöz, kfö lé sau bursaut ftégöraut höi Íöhansat rhötauzala'u rhkovöz.
Ron-NOM AUX.PAST quick-ADV run, and AUX.PAST INDEF tree-ACC near-ACC PTCL John-ACC leave.behind.PRES.PTPL-ADV climb
Ron ran quickly and climbed a tree which was nearby, leaving John behind.

Íöhaps lé vau bumsaut ba rhkovöz göbrekh, gaiçö san lé Ronsak hereçkeveçö henéçaf:
John didn't know how to climb the tree so he asked Ron:

„Öçek la sít höi chau bursaut vdöirha ban rhkovöz hökalokh? Chí aidals lí sít glozh! Sít hükupaz, híhílel!”
2SG-NOM AUX.PRES 1SG-ACC PTCL DEF tree-ACC help-ADV PTCL.CAUS climb | DEF bear-NOM AUX.FUT 1SG-ACC eat | 1SG-ACC help-IMP, please-HORT
"Can you help me climb the tree? The bear is going to eat me! Please, help me!"

„Fí la ba malothauth kalokh! Chí aidals la ftégöz, kfö fí graiçefs la va hengedípsav miçnakh.
"I can't come down! The bear is getting close. And there's no space up here.

De, öçek la sa míközdínsat bas zhdazh hükadiz.”
Now, go and find a place to hide.”

Rops lé Íöhapsat kupaz, arkfö Íöhans lé söi séklets saunghet nöi.
Ron-NOM.NEG AUX.PAST John-ACC.NEG help, but John-NOM AUX.PRES INDEF child-NOM clever-NOM be
Ron didn't help John, but John was a clever child.

Chau marsauv, san löi chau öinörsaun, gü vík aidafsíp la fak tartopsach höiglozh sho, íaushal.
At school, he heard the teacher say that bears don't eat dead meat.

Gaiçö, chau ngagíörsaut hinalön, san lé chau zarsauv, höi pfauíedozhala'u kfö bö mensfaikh zhvöthala'u malofazh.
so-ADV, DEF wisdom-ACC use.PRES.PTPL-NOM, 3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF ground-LOC, PTCL hold.breath.PRES.PTPL-ADV and PTCL-PRESPRF be.dead pretend.PRES.PTPL-ADV lie.down
So, using his wisdom, he lay down on the ground without breathing, pretending to be dead.

Chí aidals lé cha dínsav, chanav san lé fazh sho, ftégöz.
DEF bear-NOM AUX.PAST DEF place-LOC, REL-LOC 3SG AUX.PAST lie PTCL, approach
The bear came near to where he was lying.

Síl lé chöl éjebsödh sanabödh böbarasuth kfö lé cha hereçkedínsav, vaçte vík aidafsíp la fak tartopsach glozh sho, ngga'u hepalenguf.
3SG-NOM AUX.PAST DEF.DUAL ear-LOC.DUAL his-LOC.DUAL sniff and AUX.PAST DEF there-LOC , [/size]because DEF.PL.NEG bear-NOM.NEG AUX.PRES INDEF.PL.NEG carcass-ACC.PL.NEG eat PTCL, slow-ADV leave-CONCL
It sniffed at his ears and slowly left that place because bears don't touch dead meat.

Içteshtanö chí aidals löi palenguf sho, chau zhömauíörs lé Íöhansas chau bursauv malothauth kfö sanak hereçkeveçö néçaf:
after-CONJ DEF bear-NOM AUX.PASTPRF leave PTCL, DEF friend-NOM AUX.PAST John-GEN DEF tree-LOC come.down and 3SG-DAT thus ask
After the bear left, his friend came down from the tree and asked John:

„Chí aidals lé chö éjebsöv öçkeböv cheveçö höngamath?”
DEF bear-NOM AUX.PAST DEF ear-LOC your-LOC how say-INTERR
"What did the bear say into your ear?

„Síl lé, gü fí la fauk zhömauíömsauch ríomauch, chauraup la sít sük tlaurédheksüd ktu panten sho, ba jnésul höidaikh sho, ngamath.”
"The bear told me not to listen to fake friends who leave me at a time of problems."
Posts: 2103
Joined: 25 May 2014 14:17

Re: The bear and the two friends

Post by Iyionaku »

I'm not sure if I did the challenge before the board was pruned, but alas, here we go again.

:con: Yélian

Miats siy yéliunlocan vut ciavet ifreni prena, Ròin è Tòin. Lobaʻi pi rolorenʻi èpa rorucanvalʻi u'mancie.
U ilvat lobaʻi pi rocurʻi pès abaró. Naibicʻi pès evaneʻi pi rocrucanbul vigo ciytpirit dùiruntvet pès cenʻit. U vito rîyʻi carcalgáronas èpabetál blidʻi groanlota céviter palpet pès cenʻit. Liyd crival ocebernasasti. Ròin tetpalpet betál linaroanet abároirin, iuvat Tòin naʻivit. Tòin ciquinret otéi dityalinaroanvet an'abár, pariút barcet Ròin, »Barcai rat baldei can tyalinaroanai an'abár? Romuyo a'groan! Acat, rat baldas!«
»Re cityasupincurai! A'groan oirincuret, èpa nais vut ciet celém. Carat, perapuivas ʻitanúm!«
Ròin cibaldet Tòin, cut Tòin bit îyilego. Pun secarúi, an'oyor yirîyatsbicet pi a'groan cimuyʻi u'badesolkats. Karet agiret to oyauk èpa ebit pas pastor fum cisimet èpa permendret pi olkatsbit. A'groan oirincuret pès stat dès Tòin ebiet. A'groan éveret to reim èpabetál enetmauset liyd a'groan citriypʻi u'badesolkats.
Aquis a'groan yimauset, to ʻifran supincuret at abár èpa barcet Tòin, »Pe a'groan yibicet pun sao rei?«
»A'groan rat yicandreyet pi cimegcariyas pès ifrenupan cénvitan rat civuvʻi u piyta o'rimorin.«

Miats siy yéliunlocan vut ciavet ifreni prena, Ròin è Tòin.
[ˈmiː.ɐt͡s sa̯iː ˈʃeːlɪ̯ʉnˌloːkɐn vʉt‿ɪ̯aːʋət ˈiːɾəni ˈpreːnɐ, ˈɾɔʊ̯n ɛ tɔʊ̯n]
once before moon-many, 3SG.INDEF exist-3SG friend.PL-ENUM two, PROP and PROP
Once upon a time, there were two friends, Ron and John.

Lobaʻi pi rolorenʻi èpa rorucanvalʻi u'mancie.
[lɔ̈ˈbaːʔi pi ɾɔ̈lɔ̈ˈɾenʔi ˈɛpɐ ɾɔ̈ˌɾuːkɐnˈvalʔi ʉˈmaŋkɪ̯ə]
decide-3PL that FUT-travel-3PL and FUT-together-see-3PL DEF.INAN=world
They decided to travel and see the world together.

U ilvat lobaʻi pi rocurʻi pès abaró.
u ˈilvɐt lɔ̈ˈbaʔi pi ɾɔ̈ˈkuɾʔi pɛs ɐbɐˈɾoː]
TEMP day decide-3PL that FUT-go-3PL towards tree-COL
One day, they decided to go to the forest.

Naibicʻi pès evaneʻi pi rocrucanbul vigo ciytpirit dùiruntvet pès cenʻit.
[naɪ̯ˈbikʔi pɛs əʋɐˈneʔi pi ɾɔ̯ˈruːkɐɱbʉl ˈviːgɔ̈ ˈka̯iːˌpiːɾɨ‿duːˈɾuntvə‿pɛs ˈkenʔɨt]
promise-3PL towards each_other that FUT-CONT-together-COP.3PL if thing-bad COND-happen-COND.3SG towards 3PL.OBL
They promised each other that they would stick together in case anything bad happened to them.

U vito rîyʻi carcalgáronas èpabetál blidʻi groanlota céviter palpet pès cenʻit.
[ʉ ˈviːtɔ̈ ˈɾiːʃʔi ˈkaɾkɐlˌgaːɾɔ̈nɐʃ ˌɛpɐbəˈtaːl ˈblidʔi ˈgɾoː.ɐnˌloːtɐ ˈkeːʋɨtəd̟ ˈpalpə‿pɛs ˈkenʔɨt]
TEMP suddenly hear-3PL roar-terrifying and_then see-3PL bear-big REL.ANIM run-3PL towards 3PL.OBL
Suddenly, they heard a terrifying roar and then saw a big bear coming in their direction.

Liyd crival ocebernasasti. Ròin tetpalpet betál linaroanet abároirin, iuvat Tòin naʻivit.
[la̯iːd‿ˈɾiːʋɐl ɔ̈kəˌbeɾnɐsˈasti. ɾɔʊ̯n tə̆ˈpalpə‿bəˈtaːl ˌlinɐˈɾɔ̈.ˈaːnət ɐˈbaːɾɔʊ̯ɾɨn, ˈɪ̯uːʋɐt tɔʊ̯n nɐˈʔiːʋɨt]
because_of fear CONT-immovable-stay-3PL | PROP fast-run-3PL then high-climb-3SG tree-nearby, by_that PROP leave_behind-INV.3SG.ANIM
They were seized by fear. Ron ran quickly and climbed a tree which was nearby, leaving John behind.

Tòin ciquinret otéi dityalinaroanvet an'abár, pariút barcet Ròin,
[tɔʊ̯n kɨˈkinɾət ɔ̈ˈtɛɪ̯ dɨt͡ʃɐˈlinɐɾɔ̈ˈanvət ɐnɐˈbaːd̟, paˈɾɪ̯ʉ‿ˈbaɾkət ɾɔʊ̯n]
PROP NEG-know-3SG how COND-POT-high-climb-COND.3SG DEF.ANIM=tree, therefore ask-3SG PROP
John didn't know how to climb the tree so he asked Ron:

»Barcai rat baldei can tyalinaroanai an'abár? Romuyo a'groan! Acat, rat baldas!«
[ˈbaɾkaɪ̯ ɾa‿ˈbaldɛɪ̯ kɐn t͡ʃɐlinɐɾɔ̈ˈaːnaɪ̯ ɐnɐˈbaːd̟? ɾɔ̈ˈmuːʃɔ̈ ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn! ˈaːkɐt, ɾɐ‿ˈbaldɐʃ]
ask-1SG 1SG.OBL help-2SG for POT-high-climb-1SG DEF.ANIM=tree | FUT-eat-INV.1SG DEF.ANIM=bear! please, 1SG.OBL help-JUS.2SG
"Can you help me climb the tree? The bear is going to eat me! Please, help me!"

»Re cityasupincurai! A'groan oirincuret, èpa nais vut ciet celém. Carat, perapuivas ʻitanúm!«
[ɾe kɨt͡ʃɐˌsuːpɨnˈkuːɾaɪ̯! ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn ˌɔʊ̯ɾɨnˈkuːɾət, ˈɛpɐ naɪ̯s vʉt‿ˈiː.ət‿əˈleːm | ˈkaːɾɐt, pəɾɐˈpuːʋɐʃ ˈʔitɐˈnuːm]
1SG.NOM NEG-POT-down-go-1SG | DEF.ANIM=bear close-come-3SG, and up_here 3SG.INDEF not_exist-3SG space | now, INGR-look_for-JUS.2SG hideout
"I can't come down! The bear is getting close. And there's no space up here. Now, go and find a place to hide."

Ròin cibaldet Tòin, cut Tòin bit îyilego. Pun secarúi, an'oyor yirîyatsbicet pi a'groan cimuyʻi u'badesolkats.
[ɾɔʊ̯n kɨˈbaldət tɔʊ̯n, kʉt tɔʊ̯n bɨt ˈiːʃɨˌleːgo | pʉn səkɐˈɾuː, ɐnˈoːʃɔ̈d̟ ɕɨˌɾiːʃɐt͡sˈbiːkə‿pɨ ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn kɨˈmuʃʔi ʉˈbaːdəˌsolkɐt͡s]
PROP NEG-help-3SG PROP, but PROP COP.3SG.ANIM child-intelligent | in school, DEF.ANIM=teacher PST-EVID-say-3SG that DEF.ANIM=bear.PL NEG-eat-3PL DEF.INAN=meat-dead
Ron didn't help John, but John was a clever child. At school, he heard the teacher say that bears don't eat dead meat.

Karet agiret to oyauk èpa ebit pas pastor fum cisimet èpa permendret pi olkatsbit.
[ˈkaːɾət ɐˈxiːɾət tɔ̈ ˈoːʃaʊ̯k ˈɛpɐ ˈeːbɨ‿pɐʃ ˈpastɔ̈d̟ ɸʉm kɨˈsiːmət ˈɛpɐ pəɾˈmendɾə‿pi ˈolkɐt͡sbɨt]
following use-3SG 3SG.MASC.POSS wisdom and lie_down-3SG on ground while NEG-breathe-3SG and INGR-pretend-3SG that dead-COP.3SG.ANIM
So, using his wisdom, he lay down on the ground without breathing, pretending to be dead.

A'groan oirincuret pès stat dès Tòin ebiet.
[ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn ˌoʊ̯ɾɨnˈkuːɾə‿pɛs stat dɛs tɔʊ̯n ˈeːbɪ̯ət]
DEF.ANIM=bear close-come-3SG towards place REL.LOC PROP lie-3SG
The bear came near to where he was lying.

A'groan éveret to reim èpabetál enetmauset liyd a'groan citriypʻi u'badesolkats.
[ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn ˈeːʋəɾət tɔ̈ ɾɛɪ̯m ˌɛpɐbəˈtaːl ˌeːnətˈmaʊ̯sət la̯iːd ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn kɨˈtra̯iːpʔi ʉˈbaːdəˌsolkɐt͡s]
DEF.ANIM=bear sniff-3SG 3SG.MASC.POSS ear-DU and_then slow-leave-3SG because DEF.ANIM=bear.PL NEG-touch-3PL DEF.INAN=meat-dead
It sniffed at his ears and slowly left that place because bears don't touch dead meat.

Aquis a'groan yimauset, to ʻifran supincuret at abár èpa barcet Tòin, »Pe a'groan yibicet pun sao rei?«
[ˈaːkɨs ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn ɕɨˈmaʊ̯sət, tɔ̈ ˈʔiːɾɐn ˌsuːpɨnˈkuːɾət ɐt ɐˈbaːd̟ ˈɛpɐ ˈbaɾkət tɔʊ̯n, "pe ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn ɕɨˈbiːkə‿pʉn saʊ̯ ɾɛɪ̯]
after DEF.ANIM=bear PST-leave-3SG, 3SG.MASC.POSS friend down-come-3SG from tree and ask-3SG PROP, "what DEF.ANIM=bear PST-say-3SG in 2SG.POSS ear
After the bear left, his friend came down from the tree and asked John. "What did the bear say into your ear?"

»A'groan rat yicandreyet pi cimegcariyas pès ifrenupan cénvitan rat civuvʻi u piyta o'rimorin.«
[ɐˈgɾoː.ɐn ɾɐt ɕɨkɐndˈɾeːʃə‿pi kɨməgɐˈra̯iː.ɐʃ pɛs ˈiːɾəˌnuːpɐn ˈkenvɨtɐn ɾɐt kɨˈʋuvʔi u ˈpa̯iːtɐ ɔ̈ɾɨˈmoːɾɨn]
DEF.ANIM=bear 1SG.OBL PST-advise-3SG that NEG-PERM-listen-JUS.1SG towards friend.PL-wrong-PL REL.ANIM.3PL 1SG.POSS leave-3PL TEMP time DEF.GEN=problem-PL
"The bear told me not to listen to fake friends who leave me at a time of problems."
New words for this challenge:
naibica [naɪ̯ˈbiːkɐ] - to promise
Etymology: from the prefix nai- "connecting" + bica "to say"
There existed an older word sværa, obviously inspired by English "to swear" - too obviously for my taste, so it became an obsolete word now.

ocrucanba [ɔ̯kˈɾuːkɐnba] - to stick together, hold together
Etymology: continuative prefix oc- + rucan "together" + copula verb balia. Most Yélians propably wouldn't perceive that as a lexeme, but I do for my lexicon.

cebernas [kəˈbeɾnɐʃ] - immovable, immobilized
Etymology: negative classifier prefix ce- + bernas "movable"

ʻitanúm [ʔitɐˈnuːm] - hideout, hiding place
Etymology: from ʻita "to hide" + locative nominalizer suffix -núm

permendra [pəɾˈmendɾɐ] - to pretend, deceive
Etymology: ingressive prefix per- + mendra "to be in the shadows"

évera [ˈeːʋəɾɐ] - to sniff
Etymology: From a root *hvr, cognates include avár "cat", but also ʻifran "friend"
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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