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The king and the god

Posted: 05 Apr 2019 21:10
by alynnidalar
:eng: English
Once there was a king. He was childless. The king wanted a son. He asked his priest: "May a son be born to me!" The priest said to the king: "Pray to the god Werunos." The king approached the god Werunos to pray now to the god. "Hear me, father Werunos!" The god Werunos came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a son." "Let this be so," said the bright god Werunos. The king's lady bore a son.

:con: Tirina
Idarato sa. Ton towuskalin. Totifıdlin sa tern. Toalenahida nuri ahalen ne (Miswuskale uye onid tern!) Toalenahida ahalen nuri sa (Mispa'al nuri dini Werunos.) Tomekearnda sa eso dini Werunos onid enpa'al nuri dini. (Mispela, hetan Werunos!) Toasinasda dini Werunos nuri dinili. (Todohitifıd frosa?) (Totifıd tern.) (Mofranisale lid) toalenahida dini derder Werunos. Nawuskada sitedanil ni sa tern.
idarato sa
previously monarch

ton to-wuska-lin
NEG MASC-give_birth-HAB

to-tifıd-lin sa tern
MASC-want-HAB monarch son

to-alenahi-da nuri ahalen ne | mis-wuska-le uye tern
MASC-say-PST to priest 3SG.MASC.POSS | ANIM.IMP-give_birth-FUT 1SG.MASC son

to-alenahi-da ahalen nuri sa | mis-pa'al nuri dini Werunos
MASC-say-PST priest to monarch | ANIM.IMP-pray to spirit Werunos

to-mekearn-da sa eso dini Werunos onid en-pa'al nuri dini
MASC-approach-PST monarch to spirit Werunos for GER-pray to spirit

mis-pela | hetan Werunos
ANIM.IMP-listen | father Werunos

to-asinas-da dini Werunos nuri dinili
MASC-enter-PST spirit Werunos at spirit_world

to-dohi-tifıd frosa
MASC-INTERR-want what

to-tifıd tern
MASC-want son

mo-franisa-le lid | to-alenahi-da dini derder Werunos
ANIM-occur-FUT DET.ANIM | MASC-say-PST spirit bright Werunos

na-wuska-da sitedanil ni sa tern
FEM-give_birth-PST spouse of monarch son

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 03 May 2019 02:24
by Reyzadren
:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

zidat saeth.
/'zidat 'seθ/
got-V-PST king
Once there was a king.

raes shur reca fuiroek.
/'res 'ʃur 'rətʃa 'fuirɯk/
3SG NEG have-V child
He was childless.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 23 Jun 2019 00:56
by Mándinrùh
Image Ecclesiastical Atili

Syája kóso míwa, jyózu nizitkokógzul kóvim. Jyo kimvívsos vína bígzus, "Vósdoso ë itä máziti kokóvikti, ómë iváhsoto?" "Iléwam o, kwánë Wéjunos isúkham etkelnesvísoto etvósmo, edulémzu malónvivni’ dä!" Kwánsol, jyo vobjasviúnkon la kultéï házo Wejunósal. Undén, sa bon nulaívi vobjasviúnvis Wéjunos dë. "Ómë etvóso?" kelnesvívsos Wéjunos dë. "Ivóso ë ítä máziti kokóvikti." "Ivahvahsóban!" Jyöy léne dulévivsi dyo mazitilízu.

Hear it read out loud!
In the glosses, I use the underlying forms without reflecting synchronic sound changes, while the top line sentences are written so as to be closer to the realized pronunciation.

* DIM: Diminutive
* SIMUL: Simultaneous aspect, indicating that two clauses happen at the same time
* items with asterisks indicate agreement with a particular noun class

Syája kóso míwa, jyózu nizitkokógzul kóvim.
/'se̯a.ʁa 'kʰ 'mi.o̯ɑ | 'ʁʲo.zu nɪ.zɪtʰ.kʰɔ'kʰoɡ.zul 'kʰo.vim/
syaja ko-so miwa jyo-zu ni-zi-t-ko-ko-g-zu-l ko-vi-m
time stand-3*SO long_ago king-IND NEG-person-DIM-APPL.LOC-stand-PASS-INF;IRR-ADJ stand-3*SO-SIMUL
There was a time long ago, when there was a childless king.

Jyo kimvívsos vína bígzus, "Vósdoso ë itä máziti kokóvikti, ómë iváhsoto?"
/ʁʲo kʰɪm'viv.sos ' 'biɡ.zus ‖ ' e 'i.tʰa 'ma.zi.tʰi kʰɔ'kʰo.vikʰ.tʰi | ' ɪ'vǎχ.só.tó/
jyo kim-vi-v-so-s vi-na bigzus vos-d-so e ita mazi-t ko-ko-vi-k-t ome i-vah-so-t
king say-3*VI-3*VI-3*SO-PFV 3*VI-GEN priest want-CVB;PURP that my man-DIM APPL.LOC-stand-3*VI-1-IRR what 1-do-3*SO-IRR
The king said to his priest, "I wish that I would have a son; what should I do?"

“Iléwam o, kwánë Wéjunos isúkham etkelnesvísoto etvósmo, edulémzu malónvivni’ dä!"
/ɪ'le.ɔ̯ɑm'o: | 'ko̯ɑ.ne 'u̯e.ʁu.nos ɪ'su.k͡χam ɛtʰ.kʰɛl.nɛs'ʰo ɛtʰ' | ɛ.du'lem.zu mə''da:/
i-lewa-m -o, kwane Wejunos i-sukha-m et-kelnes-vi-so-t et-vos-m et-dule-m-zu malon-vi-v-n-t da
1-love-NMLZ-VOC if Werunos 1-worship-NMLZ 2-ask-3*VI-3*SO-IRR 2-want-NMLZ 2-conceive-NMLZ-IND give-3*VI-3*VI-2-IRR certainly
"O king, if you ask the god Werunos about your desires, he should surely give you a son."

Kwánsol, jyo vobjasviúnkon la kultéï házo Wejunósal.
/'kɔ̯ɑn.sol | ʁʲo vɔb.ʁə'uŋ.kon kʰul'tʰe.i la 'χa.zo u̯ɛ.ʁu'
kwansol jyo vobjas-vi-un-kon la kulte-i hazo Wejunos-al
therfore king walk-3*VI-APPL;LOC-3*KON to church-GEN house Werunos-ADJ
Therefore, the king walked to Werunos’ church house.

Undén, sa bon nulaívi vobjasviúnvis Wéjunos dë.
/un'dɛn | sa bon nu' vob.ʁəs.vɪ'un.vis 'u̯e.ʁu.nos de:/
undén sa bon nulai-vi
then above from star-DISTR fly-3*VI-LOC-3*VI-PFV Werunos god
When he arrived, from above the stars came the god Werunos.

"Ómë etvóso?" kelnesvívsos Wéjunos dë.
/' ɛtʰ' ‖ kɛl.nɛs'viv.sos 'u̯ɛ.ʁu.nos de:/
ome et-vos-so kelnes-vi-v-so-s Wejunos de
what 2-want-3*SO ask-3*VI-3*VI-3*SO-PFV Werunos god
"What do you want?" asked the god Werunos.

"Ivóso ë ítä máziti kokóvikti."
ɪ' e 'i.tʰa 'ma.zi.tʰi kʰɔ'kʰo.vikʰ.tʰi
i-vos-so e ita mazi-t ko-ko-vi-k-t
1-want-3*SO that my man-DIM APPL.LOC-stand-3*VI-1-IRR
I wish that I would have a son.

"I will see it done!"

Jyöy léne dulévivsi dyo mazitilízu.
/ʁʲoj ' du' djo ma.zɪ.tʰɪ'li.zu/
jyo-i lene dule-vi-v-si dyo mazi-t-ili-zu
king-GEN wife birth-3*VI-3*VI-PFV soon man-DIM-DIM-IND
The king's wife soon gave birth to a baby boy.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 13 Mar 2021 11:57
by Omzinesý
It still lacks some morphology - especially of verbs.

Once there was a king. He was childless. The king wanted a son. He asked his priest: "May a son be born to me!" The priest said to the king: "Pray to the god Werunos." The king approached the god Werunos to pray now to the god. "Hear me, father Werunos!" The god Werunos came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a son." "Let this be so," said the bright god Werunos. The king's lady bore a son.

Logii nayusa pattoÎ.
[lo'ɣi: næ'juzæ pat'toʟ]
loki nacu-sa patto-Î
once rule-ACTOR_NMLZ exist.PST-RAT.SG3.M
'Once there was a king.'

Oyare punodex pattotssoasu.
[o'jæɾe pu'noðex pat'tot͡ssɒ̝:zu]
o-ca-re puno-tex patto-ssɒ̝ɒ:-su
3-OBL-to child-PART exist-NEG-RAT.PL
'He did not have any children'

Nayusaire teebaa ÎattuÎ.
[næ'juzæɾe te:'βæ: ʟæt'tuʟ]
nacusa-i-re teepa Îattu-Î
ruler-OBL-to son.NOM please-RAT.SG3.M
'He wanted a son.'

Kosu'erouxu peerenn: "teebadexxu 'umikkiÎ".
[ko'zuʔʔerouxu pe:'ɾeŋ | te:'βæðexxu ʔu'mikkilʟ]
kosu-'-'ero-u-xu peerenn | teepa-tex-xu 'umi'-ki-Î
'He asked his priest(s) if any son would be born to him.'

Kosu'ero nayusaxurre coppaÎ: "Uberunoxkosuire mehuyoppa".
[ko'zuʔʔeɾo næ'juzærre cop'pæʟ | u'werunoxkozuiɾe me'ɦuyoppæ]
kosu''ero nacusa-xu-'-re copp-a-Î | Uperunos-kosu-i-re me'u-copp-o
priest king-his-OBL-to request-PST-SG3.M Werunos-god-OBL-DAT good-ask-IMPER.SG2

Nayasa kosuire paatssamaÎ mehuyoppima.
[næ'juzæ ko'zuiɾe pæ:t͡s'sæmæʟ me'ɦujoppimæ]
nacusa kosu-i-re paassam-a-Î me'ucopp-ima-∅
king good-OBL-to turn-PST-SG3M prey-OPTAT-SS

"Korjedumo, Uberunosnuulo!"
[kor'ɟeðumo | u'weɾunosnu:lo]
korc-et-um-o | uperunos-nu:lo
hear-INTENSIVE-sg1-IMPER.SG2 | Werunos-father
'Listen to me, Werunos-father.'

Uberunoxkosu podellaben sonnaÎ.
[u'weɾunoxkozu po'ðellaβen sonnæʟ]
uperunos-kosu potol-:a-pen sonn-a-Î
Werunos-gad sky-OBL-from move_down-PAST-SG3M
'Werunos-gad came down from the heaven.'


"Teebaa ÎattumuÎ."
[te:'βæ: ʟæt'tumuʟ]
teepa Îattu-m-u-Î
son please-SG1-∅-SG3M
'I want a son.'

"Noppuimaa", siinoyadex Uberunoxkosu colaÎ.
[nop'puimæ: | si:'nojaðex u'weɾunoxkozu co'laʟ]
noppu-ima-: | siinoca-tex uperunos-kosu col-a-Î
happen-OPTAT-sg.IRRAT | brightness-PART Werunos-god say-PST-SG3M
'That shall happen, the god said.'

Nayusa' mettoo teebau umittal.
[na'jusa met'to: te:'βæu u'mittæl]
nacusa-' metto teepa-u u'mi-t-a-l
king-GEN wife son-ACC be_born-CAUS-PST-SG3F
'The king's wife bore a son.'

In words "logii", "teebaa", the second vowel lengthens because final, stressed syllable cannot be just one mora.
Word "peerenn" [pe:'ɾeŋ] is a consonant stem, i.e. its gender agreement is fusional, "peeren" [pe:'ɾen] being its feminine form.
The lang has not phoneme /w/. In the name Werunos, it is replased by /up/ which is pronounced [uw].
The last morpheme in "Îattungitsse", is glossed as 'what' but it means 'something' in non-interrogative clauses.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 28 Mar 2021 16:29
by spanick

Śreśa taivatśa

Śreśa as da. Pavit na dar da. Śreśa suyu vaś da. Sa yaśthor śapha praś da, “Jana me ta suyu!” Yaśthor śreśa ta śvad da, “Phrajau taiva Varuna.” Śreśa taiva Varuna phraja da ja nu taiva Varuna phrajau. “Ślau me, phatar Varuna!” Taiva Varuna tśau śapha jam da. “Śit śvaś thuś?” “Me suyu vaś.” “Sa ja val,” taiva śarś Varuna śvad da. Śreśa photnya sa suyu jana da.
Śreśa taiva=tśa
king god-and

Śreśa as da.
king COP PST

Pavit na dar da.
child NEG have PST

Śreśa suyu vaś da.
king son want PST

Sa yaśthor śapha praś da, “Jana me ta suyu!”
3S priest of ask PST give.birth 1S to son

Yaśthor śreśa ta śvad da, “Phrajau taiva Varuna.”
priest king to say PST pray god Werunos

Śreśa taiva Varuna phraja da ja nu taiva Varuna phrajau.
king god Werunos to-go PST now god Werunos to-pray

“Ślau me, phatar Varuna!”
hear 1S father Werunos

Taiva Varuna tśau śapha jam da.
god Werunos sky from come PST

“Śit śvaś thuś?”
what INT=want 2S

“Me suyu vaś.”
1S son want

“Sa ja val,” taiva śarś Varuna śvad da.
3S so FUT god bright Werunos say PST

Śreśa photnya sa suyu jana da.
king lady 3S son give.birth PST

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:16
by Dormouse559
:con: Ilóhsa (Might be Ilóhra now?)

Mallóvan halus

Malluvanda. Eininutralum. Šinunžaš mallóvan kaši. Ambuþòmimi luþarummu: "Laġenéþit kašike!" Mallóvano lóðat ambuþi: "Virumbalo laġatotioréndul." Halo toutiorinduteþo oulimbahtit mallóvan Virumbalu. "Laġakivulku, Virumbat!" Širiġgavéršila iršòmiš Virumbal. "Šinunžal þahevu?" "Šinunža kaši." "Laġanèššaš," lóðat kurna Virumbal. Einéþiot malluvanum manònzi kaši.

Mallóvan halus
[malˈlovan ˈhalus]
mallóvan hal=us
king god=and

Once there was a king.

He was childless.

Šinunžaš mallóvan kaši.
[ʃiˈnund͡ʒaʃ malˈlovan ˈkaʃi]
šiné-unda-t mallóvan kaš-ui
want-PRG-3S king son-ACC
The king wanted a son.

Ambuþòmimi luþarummu: "Laġenéþit kašike!"
[ambuˈθɔmimi luθaˈrummu | laŋeˈneθit ˈkaʃike]
ambóþ-avi<m-im> lóþaru-t=m-u | laġa-éinéþi-i-t kaši=k-òu
priest-DAT<3S-GEN> ask-3S=3S-ACC | IMP-be_born-PLU-3S son=1S-DAT
He asked his priest: "May a son be born to me!"

Mallóvano lóðat ambuþi: "Virumbalo laġatotioréndul."
[malˈlovano ˈloðat ˈambuθi | viˈrumbalo laŋatoti̯oˈrendul]
mallóvan-òu lóþa-t ambóþ-i | Vérun=hal-òu laġa-tòutiòurénd-l
king-DAT say-3S priest-NOM | Werunos=god-DAT IMP-pray-2S
The priest said to the king: "Pray to the god Werunos."

Halo toutiorinduteþo oulimbahtit mallóvan Virumbalu.
[ˈhalo tou̯ti̯orinˈduteθo ou̯limˈbaːtit malˈlovan viˈrumbalu]
hal-òu tòutiòurénd-éu-t=hèiþ-òu oulimbahti-t mallóvan Vérun=hal-u
god-DAT pray-GNO-3S=SBRD-DAT approach-3S king Werunos=god-ACC
The king approached the god Werunos to pray now to the god.

"Laġakivulku, Virumbat!"
[laŋakiˈvulku viˈrumbat]
laġa-kéu-éu-l=k-u | Vérun=hat
IMP-hear-GNO-2S=1S-ACC | Werunos=father.VOC
"Hear me, father Werunos!"

Širiġgavéršila iršòmiš Virumbal.
[ʃiriŋgaˈverʃila irˈʃɔmiʃ viˈrumbal]
širiġga-éršila iršòm-t Vérun=hal
heaven-ABL come_out Werunos=god
The god Werunos came down from heaven.

"Šinunžal þahevu?"
[ʃiˈnund͡ʒal ˈθahevu]
šiné-unda-l þahèi-u
want-PRG-2S what-ACC
"What do you want?"

"Šinunža kaši."
[ʃiˈnund͡ʒa ˈkaʃi]
šiné-unda-œ kaš-ui
want-PRG-1S son-ACC
"I want a son."

"Laġanèššaš," lóðat kurna Virumbal.
[laŋaˈnɛʃʃaʃ | ˈloðat ˈkurna viˈrumbal]
laġa-nèiš-ta-t | lóþa-t kurna Vérun=hal
IMP-happen-PLU-3S | say-3S bright Werunos=god
"Let this be so," said the bright god Werunos.

Einéþiot malluvanum manònzi kaši.
[ei̯ˈneθi̯ot malluˈvanum maˈnɔnd͡zi ˈkaʃi]
éinéþiòu-t mallóvan-um manònz-i kaš-ui
give_birth_to-3S king-GEN lady-NOM son-ACC
The king's lady bore a son.
This translation gave me a chance to think about the language's mood prefixes. I've known they exist since very early on, but I didn't actually decide on most of them until now. You'll see a lot of the imperative marker laġa- here because it marks optative expressions as well as commands.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 26 Jun 2021 08:34
by VaptuantaDoi
My first translated text in Čəsač, probably subject to major changes at any time. I just adapted the god's name to Čəsač so I wouldn't have to work on culture and stuff.

Čəñə əsiʔse tuʔ ñiksuþnə. Əsñəne ñə kəson. Čəñə čəse ñi to čəsačan bəčtən: “A ñane kəson usəñča su bə!” Čəsača čəse čəñən: “Əñəsiheñ bəčteñi Benunos.” Añe čəñən Benunosnə u ko ñi bot ñi. Čəse ñi to Benunosnə: “A kosañ Benunosa ñeč!” Añe Benunosnə səknan kus o čəse ñi to ñi: “Ñəneñ kən?” Čəse ñi to: “Əsñənəh kəsoñča.” Benunosa bəʔ čəse ñi to: “Əñəsnes kəson bən” Kokneþ use čəñən un əñan kəso.

IPA and sentence-by-sentence glosses:
Čəñə əsiʔse tuʔ ñiksuþnə.
[ˈtʃʉɲɵ ˈʔʉsiʔse ˈɲiksuθnɵ]
čəñinə əs-sinese-Ø tuʔ ñi-kəsuto-nə
king PAST.IMPFV.-live-3 without PL.-child-DAT
A king lived, without sons

Əsñəne ñə kəson.
[ˈʔʉzɲʉne ɲʉ ˈkʉsɔn]
əs-ñəene-Ø ñə kəsuto-nə
PAST.IMPFV-have.desire-3 3SG child-DAT
He wanted a son.

Čəñə čəse ñi to čəsačan bəčtən: “A ñane kəson usəñča su bə!”
[ˈtʃʉɲɵ ˈtʃʉse ɲi to ˈtʃʉsɐtʃɐn ˈbʉtʃtʉn | ʔɐ ˈɲɐne ˈkʉsɔn ˈʔusʉɲtʃɑ su ˈbɵ]
čəñinə čəsese-Ø ñi to čəsəkaču-nə bəčete-nə: “a ñane-Ø kəsuto-nə usəte-nə-ča su bə
king ask-3 3SG.DAT about person-DAT religious-DAT: INTERJ. give.birth-3 child-DAT woman-DAT-PROX INSTR 1SGPOSS.
The king asked this to a priest: ‘Oh that a child is birthed by my wife!’

Čəsača čəse čəñən: “Əñəsiheñ bəčteñi Benunos”
[ˈtʃʉsɐtʃɐ ˈtʃʉse ˈtʃʉɲʉn | ˈʔʉɲʉsihɪɲ ˈbʉtʃtɪɲi ˈbɪnunɔs]
čəsəkaču-ča čəsese-Ø čəñinə-nə: əñə-səsikeke-ñə bəčete-ñə-ñi benunos
person-PROX ask-3 3SG.DAT king-DAT: “NPAST.PFV.-pray-2 god-DAT-DIST Werunos”
The person asked this to the king: ‘Go and pray to the god Werunos’

Añe čəñən Benunosnə u ko ñi bot ñi.
[ˈʔaɲe ˈtʃʉɲʉn ˈbɪnunɔsnɵ ʔu ko ɲi ˈbɔt ɲi]
anuñe-Ø čəñinə-nə benunos-nə u ko ñi botə-Ø ñi
walk-3 king-DAT Werunos-DAT to so.that 3SG pray 3SG.DAT.
The king walked to Werunos so that he could pray to him

Čəse ñi to Benunosnə: “A kosañ Benunosa ñeč!”
[ˈtʃʉse ɲi to ˈbɪnunɔsnɵ | ʔɐ ˈkɔsaɲ ˈbɪnunɔsɑ ˈɲɪtʃ]
čəsese-Ø ñi to benunos-nə: a kosuča-ñə benunos-ča ñeč
ask-3 3SG.DAT about Werunos-DAT: INTERJ think-2 Werunos-PROX 1SGDAT.EMPH
He asked this to Werunos: ‘Listen to me!’

Añe Benunosnə səknan kus o čəse ñi to ñi: “Ñəneñ kən?”
[ˈʔɐɲe ˈbɪnunɔsnɵ ˈsʉɡnɐn kʉs o ˈtʃʉse ɲi to ɲi | ˈɲʉnɪɲ kʉn]
anuñe-Ø benunos-nə səkənə-nə kuse o čəsese-Ø ñi to ñi: ñəene-ñə ke-nə
walk-3 Werunos-DAT sky-DAT from.above and ask-3 3SG.DAT about 3SG.DAT: have.desire-2 REL DAT?
Werunos came down from up in the sky and asked this to him: ‘To what do you have desire?’

Čəse ñi to: “Əsñənəh kəsoñča.”
[ˈtʃʉse ɲi to | ˈʔʉzɲʉnʉh ˈkʉsɔɲtʃɑ]
čəsese-Ø ñi to benunos-nə: əs-ñəene-ko kəsuto-nə-ča
ask-3 3SG.DAT about: PAST.IMPFV-have.desire-1 child-DAT-PROX
He then asked this: ‘I want a child.’

Benunosa bəʔ čəse ñi to: “Əñəsnes kəson bən”
[ˈbɪnunɔsɑ ˈbʉʔ ˈtʃʉse ɲi to | ˈʔʉɲʉznɪs ˈkʉsɔn bʉn]
benunos-ča bənə čəsese-Ø ñi to: əñə-sinese-Ø kəsuto-nə bən
Werunos-PROX bright ask-3 3SG.DAT about: NPAST.PFV.-live-3 child-DAT 2SG.POSS
Bright Werunos then said this: ‘Your child is going to exist’

Kokneþ use čəñən un əñan kəso.
[ˈkɔknɪθ ˈʔuse ˈtʃʉɲʉn ʔun ˈʔʉɲɐn ˈkʉso]
kokneþ usəte čəñinə-nə un ən-ñane-Ø kəsuto
after woman king-DAT of PAST.PFV.-give.birth-3 child
Afterwards, the king’s wife gave birth to a child.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 04 Oct 2021 13:15
by Iyionaku
:con: Paatherye

Satu thēma kenyīne sē rēgișane. Īmūne yuwē ēyeme sīn phuren. Me rēgișane dīthūne sē sēnur. Yuwē perkūne dhrayer șayīni, "Sem sēnur ner krāti weye beremtā!" Ma șayīn hritīne mem rēgișanu: "Gwītheles mē dīr Hrēres." Me rēgișane khursīne he mi dīsa Hrēres phayra mrēdheme dhrā. "Rayarmes ner, piteryē Hrēreyē!" Me dīr Hrēres khursīne phēm gerdhari. "Day dēthe kesē?" - "Ēku sējas sē sēnur." "Dēn șayīke", hritīne me yephās dīr Hrēres. Mey rēgișanu dūnum berūna sē sēnur.

A few notes to the text:
  1. Elfish society is matrilinear, so the king would only be second-in-command (behind his wife) and he would also wish for a daughter. I didn't change it though, and he wishes for a son in my text. The priest, however, is female in my text.
  2. What I did change though was the name of the god, as it didn't fit with Elfish phonology. I used the Elfish fire god Hrēres instead.
  3. Note that there are two verbs for "to pray", mrēdheme and gwētheme. The latter one is only used in imperatives.
  4. Also note how the god is referred to with his vocative form Hrēreyē. In their brief exchange, to express "to want", the god uses the verb deytheme whereas the king uses the more polite form sējame.
Satu thēma kenyīne sē rēgișane. Īmūne yuwē ēyeme sīn phuren.
[ˈsatu ˈtʰeːma kenˈiːne seː reːˈɣiʃane | iːˈmuːne ˈju.eː ˈeːjeme siːn ˈpʰuren]
Once there was a king. He was childless.

Me rēgișane dīthūne sē sēnur. Yuwē perkūne dhrayer șayīni, "Sem sēnur ner krāti weye beremtā!"
[me reːˈɣiʃane ðiːˈtʰuːne seː ˈseːnuɾ | ˈju.eː peɾˈkuːne ˈθɾajeɾ ʃaˈ.iːni, "sem ˈseːnuɾ neɾ ˈkɾaːti ˈweje peˈremtaː]
The king wanted a son. He asked his priest: "May a son be born to me!"

Ma șayīn hritīne mem rēgișanu: "Gwītheles mē dīr Hrēres."
[ma ˈʃa.iːn hɾiˈtiːne mem reːˈɣiʃanu: "gwiːˈtʰeles meː ðiːɾ [ˈhɾeːɾes]]
The priest said to the king: "Pray to the god Werunos."

Me rēgișane khursīne he mi dīsa Hrēres phayra mrēdheme dhrā.
[me reːˈɣiʃane kʰuɾˈsiːne he mi ˈðiːsa ˈhɾeːres ˈpʰai̯ɾa ˈmɾeːðeme θɾaː]
The king approached the god Werunos to pray now to the god.

"Rayarmes ner, piteryē Hrēreyē!" Me dīr Hrēres khursīne phēm gerdhari.
[raˈjarmes ner, piˈterjeː hreːɾeyeː | me diːɾ ˈhɾeːres kʰurˈsiːne pʰeːm ˈɣeɾθari]
hear.IMP.2SG 1SG.DAT, father.VOC PROP.VOC | DEF.MASC.NOM god.NOM PROP go.PRET.3SG onto=DEM heaven.ABL
"Hear me, father Werunos!" The god Werunos came down from heaven.

"Day dēthe kesē?" - "Ēku sējas sē sēnur."
[ðai̯ ˈðeːtʰe ˈkeseː↗︎ | ˈeːku ˈseːd͡ʒas seː ˈseːnuɾ]
"What do you want?" "I want a son."

"Dēn șayīke", hritīne me yephās dīr Hrēres. Mey rēgișanu dūnum berūna sē sēnur.
[ðeːn ʃaˈ.iːke, hɾiˈtiːne me jeˈpʰaːs ðiːɾ ˈhɾeːɾes | mei̯ reːˈɣiʃanu ˈðuːnum peˈruːna seː ˈseːnuɾ]
that_way happen.OPT.3SG, say.PRET.3SG DEF.MASC.NOM bright.NOM god.NOM PROP | DEF.MASC.GEN king.GEN wife.NOM bear.PRET.3SG.FEM INDEF.MASC.ACC son.ACC
"Let this be so," said the bright god Werunos. The king's lady bore a son.
New words for this challenge:
gwētheme - to pray (suppletive stem of mrēdheme for imperative)
Etymology: from PIE *gʷʰedʰ- "to seek help, to ask for"

dīr - god (neutral)
Etymology: from PIE *dyew- "heaven", cf. Latin deus

gardha - heaven, paradise, place where the gods reside
Etymology: from PIE *gʰerdʰ- "to enclose, encircle", cf. English garden

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 06 Oct 2021 16:27
by Omzinesý
Iyionaku wrote: 04 Oct 2021 13:15
  1. Elfish society is matrilinear, so the king would only be second-in-command (behind his wife) and he would also wish for a daughter. I didn't change it though, and he wishes for a son in my text. The priest, however, is female in my text.
I think, in a matrilinear society, there can well be a male king, but he would would wish for a child for his sister. I'm not saying that your Elfish society should be like that.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 06 Oct 2021 22:30
by eldin raigmore
Omzinesy is right, Iyionaku.
Matrilineal and matriarchal are not synonyms.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 03 Nov 2021 20:44
by prettydragoon
:con: Rireinutire

The story has been subtly localised to be comprehensible for a general Rireinukave audience.

nesi yakive: ñope yakive: poyamu netekive: huno kohaña mimokive:
- poya maha vopaka':
koha nesiña sunokive:
- ta Veruno-hasena mipeka':
nesi Veruno-hasena siseyekive hii hasena siro mipekihuve:
- ta mana moka' Veruno-emo':
Veruno-hase sosure hevo tukive:
- ta yokina netekayo:
- poyamu netekava:
- siki site yaka': miña Veruno-hase sunokive:
ita nesi poyamu vopatakive::
nesi ya-ki-ve ||
queen.NOM be-PST-HSY ||

ñope ya-ki-ve ||
childless.NOM be-PST-HSY ||

poya-mu nete-ki-ve ||
daughter-ACC want-PST-HSY ||

huno koha-ña mimo-ki-ve ||
ones.own priest-COM ask-PST-HSY ||

poya ma-ha vopa-ka-' ||
child.NOM 1S-ADE be.born-PRS-IMP ||

koha nesi-ña suno-ki-ve ||
priest.NOM queen-COM say-PST-HSY ||

ta Veruno-hase-na mipe-ka-' ||
2S.NOM Veruno-goddess-PTV pray-PRS-IMP ||

nesi Veruno-hase-na sise-ye-ki-ve hii hase-na siro mipe-ki-hu-ve ||
queen.NOM Veruno-goddess-PTV near-go-PST-HSY that goddess-PTV now pray-PST-SBJV-HSY ||

ta ma-na mo-ka-' Veruno-emo-' ||
2S.NOM 1S-PTV hear-PRS-IMP Veruno-mother-VOC ||

Veruno-hase sosu-re hevo tu-ki-ve ||
Veruno-goddess.NOM heaven-ELA down come-PST-HSY ||

ta yoki-na nete-ka-yo ||
2S.NOM what.Q-PTV want-PRS-Q ||

poya-mu nete-ka-va ||
daughter-ACC want-PRS-SENS ||

siki site ya-ka-' || miña Veruno-hase suno-ki-ve ||
this.NOM thus be-PRS-IMP || bright Veruno-goddess.NOM say-PST-HSY ||

ita nesi poya-mu vopa-ta-ki-ve
and.then queen.NOM daughter-ACC bear-PST-HSY
There was a queen. She was childless. The queen wanted a daughter. She asked her priest: "May a child be born to me!" The priest said to the queen: "Pray to the goddess Veruno" The queen approached the goddess Veruno to pray now to the goddess. "Hear me, mother Veruno!" The goddess Veruno came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a daughter."
"Let this be so", said the bright goddess Veruno. And then the queen bore a daughter.

(Veruno is an adaptation of the name Werunos, not an actual Rireinu goddess.)

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 04 Nov 2021 21:10
by Omzinesý
prettydragoon wrote: 03 Nov 2021 20:44 :con: Rireinutire

The story has been subtly localised to be comprehensible for a general Rireinukave audience.

nesi yakive: ñope yakive: poyamu netekive: huno kohaña mimokive:
- poya maha vopaka':
koha nesiña sunokive:
- ta Veruno-hasena mipeka':
nesi Veruno-hasena siseyekive hii hasena siro mipekihuve:
- ta mana moka' Veruno-emo':
Veruno-hase sosure hevo tukive:
- ta yokina netekayo:
- poyamu netekava:
- siki site yaka': miña Veruno-hase sunokive:
ita nesi poyamu vopatakive::
nesi ya-ki-ve ||
queen.NOM be-PST-HSY ||

ñope ya-ki-ve ||
childless.NOM be-PST-HSY ||

poya-mu nete-ki-ve ||
daughter-ACC want-PST-HSY ||

huno koha-ña mimo-ki-ve ||
ones.own priest-COM ask-PST-HSY ||

poya ma-ha vopa-ka-' ||
child.NOM 1S-ADE be.born-PRS-IMP ||

koha nesi-ña suno-ki-ve ||
priest.NOM queen-COM say-PST-HSY ||

ta Veruno-hase-na mipe-ka-' ||
2S.NOM Veruno-goddess-PTV pray-PRS-IMP ||

nesi Veruno-hase-na sise-ye-ki-ve hii hase-na siro mipe-ki-hu-ve ||
queen.NOM Veruno-goddess-PTV near-go-PST-HSY that goddess-PTV now pray-PST-SBJV-HSY ||

ta ma-na mo-ka-' Veruno-emo-' ||
2S.NOM 1S-PTV hear-PRS-IMP Veruno-mother-VOC ||

Veruno-hase sosu-re hevo tu-ki-ve ||
Veruno-goddess.NOM heaven-ELA down come-PST-HSY ||

ta yoki-na nete-ka-yo ||
2S.NOM what.Q-PTV want-PRS-Q ||

poya-mu nete-ka-va ||
daughter-ACC want-PRS-SENS ||

siki site ya-ka-' || miña Veruno-hase suno-ki-ve ||
this.NOM thus be-PRS-IMP || bright Veruno-goddess.NOM say-PST-HSY ||

ita nesi poya-mu vopa-ta-ki-ve
and.then queen.NOM daughter-ACC bear-PST-HSY
There was a queen. She was childless. The queen wanted a daughter. She asked her priest: "May a child be born to me!" The priest said to the queen: "Pray to the goddess Veruno" The queen approached the goddess Veruno to pray now to the goddess. "Hear me, mother Veruno!" The goddess Veruno came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a daughter."
"Let this be so", said the bright goddess Veruno. And then the queen bore a daughter.

(Veruno is an adaptation of the name Werunos, not an actual Rireinu goddess.)
What does HSY mean?

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 05 Nov 2021 05:19
by eldin raigmore
Probably a HEARSAY evidential.
But I’m not the one you asked.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 05 Nov 2021 22:27
by prettydragoon
Omzinesý wrote: 04 Nov 2021 21:10
prettydragoon wrote: 03 Nov 2021 20:44 :con: Rireinutire

The story has been subtly localised to be comprehensible for a general Rireinukave audience.

nesi yakive: ñope yakive: poyamu netekive: huno kohaña mimokive:
- poya maha vopaka':
koha nesiña sunokive:
- ta Veruno-hasena mipeka':
nesi Veruno-hasena siseyekive hii hasena siro mipekihuve:
- ta mana moka' Veruno-emo':
Veruno-hase sosure hevo tukive:
- ta yokina netekayo:
- poyamu netekava:
- siki site yaka': miña Veruno-hase sunokive:
ita nesi poyamu vopatakive::
nesi ya-ki-ve ||
queen.NOM be-PST-HSY ||

ñope ya-ki-ve ||
childless.NOM be-PST-HSY ||

poya-mu nete-ki-ve ||
daughter-ACC want-PST-HSY ||

huno koha-ña mimo-ki-ve ||
ones.own priest-COM ask-PST-HSY ||

poya ma-ha vopa-ka-' ||
child.NOM 1S-ADE be.born-PRS-IMP ||

koha nesi-ña suno-ki-ve ||
priest.NOM queen-COM say-PST-HSY ||

ta Veruno-hase-na mipe-ka-' ||
2S.NOM Veruno-goddess-PTV pray-PRS-IMP ||

nesi Veruno-hase-na sise-ye-ki-ve hii hase-na siro mipe-ki-hu-ve ||
queen.NOM Veruno-goddess-PTV near-go-PST-HSY that goddess-PTV now pray-PST-SBJV-HSY ||

ta ma-na mo-ka-' Veruno-emo-' ||
2S.NOM 1S-PTV hear-PRS-IMP Veruno-mother-VOC ||

Veruno-hase sosu-re hevo tu-ki-ve ||
Veruno-goddess.NOM heaven-ELA down come-PST-HSY ||

ta yoki-na nete-ka-yo ||
2S.NOM what.Q-PTV want-PRS-Q ||

poya-mu nete-ka-va ||
daughter-ACC want-PRS-SENS ||

siki site ya-ka-' || miña Veruno-hase suno-ki-ve ||
this.NOM thus be-PRS-IMP || bright Veruno-goddess.NOM say-PST-HSY ||

ita nesi poya-mu vopa-ta-ki-ve
and.then queen.NOM daughter-ACC bear-PST-HSY
There was a queen. She was childless. The queen wanted a daughter. She asked her priest: "May a child be born to me!" The priest said to the queen: "Pray to the goddess Veruno" The queen approached the goddess Veruno to pray now to the goddess. "Hear me, mother Veruno!" The goddess Veruno came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a daughter."
"Let this be so", said the bright goddess Veruno. And then the queen bore a daughter.

(Veruno is an adaptation of the name Werunos, not an actual Rireinu goddess.)
What does HSY mean?
As eldin noted already, HSY is hearsay evidential. In Rireinutire grammar, HSY is used for information gained from external sources (hearsay, reporting, tradition, etc.). (The other two evidentials in Rireinutire are SENS (sensory, information gained from firsthand observation) and INFR (inferential, information gained from deduction).)

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 11 Feb 2022 11:46
by Iyionaku
This is the third time I've translated this story and I still wonder: Where is the story? Someone asks for something and just... gets it? Where is the twist? Or is the twist exactly that it just so happened? [o.O]

:con: Yélian

Piytat vut ciavet bravo. Cibet îyin. A'bravo ivabet napor. Barcet pès to iagul, »Napori mia pès rat dirorabratsvælit!«. A'iagul celcet pès bravo, »Erbat pès devin Werunos.«. A'bravo amet a'devin Werunos èpa erbet pès tem. »Rat riys, sa vutret, pèno Werunos!«. A'devin Werunos supincuret at vendó. »Pe ivabei?«, »Ivaselai napor«. »Branit rouruntet«, a'devinale Wernuos bicet. An'aivalta o'bravo bratsbocet napor.
Piytat vut ciavet bravo. Cibet îyin. A'bravo ivabet napor.
[ˈpa̯iːtɐt vut ˈkɪ̯aːʋə‿ˈbɾaːʋɔ̈ | ˈkiːbət ˈiːɕɨn | ɐˈbɾaːʋɔ̈ ˌiʋɐˈbet ˈnaːpɔ̈d̟]
earlier_time 3SG.INDEF exist-3SG king | NEG-have.3SG child-PL | DEF.ANIM=king VOL-have.3SG son
Once there was a king. He was childless. The king wanted a son.

Barcet pès to iagul, »Napori mia pès rat dirorabratsvælit!« A'iagul celcet pès bravo, »Erbat pès devin Werunos.«
[ˈbaɾkə‿pɛs to ˈɪ̯aːgʉl, "ˈnaːpɔ̈ɾɨ ˈmiː.ɐ pɛs ɾa‿dɨɾɔ̈ɾɐˈbɾat͡svœlɨt | ɐˈɪ̯aːgʉl ˈkelkə‿pɛs ˈbɾaːvɔ̈, "ˈeɾbɐ‿pɛs ˈdeːʋɨn vəˈɾuːnɔ̈ʃ]
ask-3SG towards 3SG.MASC.POSS priest, "son-ENUM one towards 1SG.OBL COND-FUT-PROP-born-COP.COND.INV.3SG.ANIM | DEF.ANIM=priest answer-3SG towards king, "pray-JUS.3SG towards god PROP
He asked his priest: "May a son be born to me!" The priest said to the king: "Pray to the god Werunos."

A'bravo amet a'devin Werunos èpa erbet pès tem. »Rat riys, sa vutret, pèno Werunos!«
[ɐˈbɾaːvɔ̈ ˈaːmət ɐˈdeːʋɨn vəˈɾuːnɔ̈ʃ ˈɛpɐ ˈeɾbət pɛs tem "rat ra̯iːs, sɐ ˈvutɾət, ˈpɛnɔ̈ vəˈɾuːnɔ̈ʃ]
DEF.ANIM=king call-3SG DEF.ANIM=god PROP and pray towards 3SG.MASC.OBL | 1SG.OBL hear.JUS.2SG, 2SG INT, father PROP
The king approached the god Werunos to pray now to the god. "Hear me, father Werunos!"

A'devin Werunos supincuret at vendó. »Pe ivabei?«, »Ivaselai napor.«
[ɐˈdeːʋɨn vəˈɾuːnɔ̈ʃ ˌsuːpɨŋˈkuːɾət ɐt vənˈdoː | pə ˌiʋɐˈbɛɪ̯ | ˌivɐˈseːlaɪ̯ ˈnaːpɔ̈d̟]
DEF.ANIM=god PROP down-come-3SG from heaven | what VOL-have-2SG | VOL-get-1SG son
The god Werunos came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a son."

»Branit rouruntet«, a'devinale Wernuos bicet. An'aivalta o'bravo bratsbocet napor.
[ˈbɾaːnɨt ɾɔʊ̯ˈɾuntət, ɐˈdeːʋɨˌnaːlə vəˈɾuːnɔ̈ʃ ˈbiːkət | ɐnaɪ̯ˈʋalta ɔ̈ˈbɾaːʋɔ̈ bɾɐt͡sˈboːkət ˈnaːpɔ̈d̟]
like_this_universally FUT-happen-3SG | DEF.ANIM=god-bright PROP say-3SG | DEF.ANIM=wife DEF.GEN=king born-become-3SG son
"Let this be so," said the bright god Werunos. The king's lady bore a son.

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 13 Feb 2022 19:54
by Dormouse559
Iyionaku wrote: 11 Feb 2022 11:46 This is the third time I've translated this story and I still wonder: Where is the story? Someone asks for something and just... gets it? Where is the twist? Or is the twist exactly that it just so happened? [o.O]
Well, the Proto-Indo-Europeans very rudely didn't write down any of their stories, so we have to make do [:P]

Re: The king and the god

Posted: 13 Feb 2022 21:48
by eldin raigmore
Possibly it’s just part of the story, for instance, the beginning.
It might be a bit much to ask us all to translate the entire story, particularly if it is novelette or novella length.

Then again, if the story is meant to be myth or legend, there may not have been any twist or conflict the original language speakers put into it. The publishing industry didn’t have quite the same editorial influence before the invention of writing.