I am a dangerous fellow...

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I am a dangerous fellow...

Post by kiwikami »

I've been rereading the Animorphs books. Again.


You do not know me, but I am a juvenile delinquent. I do not trust authority figures, I probably will not graduate from high school, and statistics say my present rowdiness and vandalism will likely lead to more serious crimes. I am a dangerous fellow, and I am causing mayhem in this store. There. I have now shamelessly destroyed the symmetry of this shelf, undoing hours of labor by underpaid store employees. If you could see me, you would be frightened.

:con: Alál

Ḷuùzmǐtı : ḷí·mas á·sám kısu·húmal.
['t͡ɬfoʃmedi t͡ɬi mɐs a sam ˌkɛzʊ'çumǝl]
You do not know me, but I am a juvenile delinquent.

Hamẓǐtıh mlúr : Is·Muàktuhàr·hamàx xatı muzìktàh : Ahà·ráa ráxa·ramut ıs·Ḷamîssıà xatı âul·hulı xaxa ız·Ṭamıtlısraıḳàma Kamuxlısraıḳàma.
[çɐm't͡ʃedɪç m̩'ɬur : ɛs m̩'vɑqtʊˌçɑrʝǝˌmɑχ 'xɐdɪ mɔ'ʃektɑç : ɐ'çɑra 'raɣǝrǝmʊt ɛs t͡ɬɐ'misjɑ 'xɐdɪ a'ol 'çɔɮɪ xɐɣ ɛʃ 'tʼɐmɪtɬɪsrǝjˌɴɑm 'kɐmʊxɬɪsrǝjˌɴɑm]
I do not trust authority figures, I probably will not graduate from high school, and statistics say my present rowdiness and vandalism will likely lead to more serious crimes.

Á·sám kaha xàxxàm : Ur·Mtazır·mıtırıá mrısaṭ.
[a sam kɐʝ ǝ'χɑχɑm : ɔr m̩'tɐʒɪrmɪdɪrˌja m̩rɛzǝʔ]
I am a dangerous fellow, and I am causing mayhem in this store.

Ràṭ. Izìt·Kuǎxsulsǎ kama xa·ḷumàut ımàıẓ : Mamımzıḳràx ıs·uṭìrluràaı sıáz xa·ṭumaıl mrısaṭ îmrıhrıktıṭìurak.
[ǝ'rɑʔ : ɪ'ʃet 'kfɑχsuɬˌsɑa kɐm xɐ t͡ɬɔ'mɑft ɪ'mɑjt͡ʃ : 'mɐmɪmʃɪŋrɑχ ɛs 'ftʼerɬʊˌrɑhɪ sjaʃ xɐ 'tʼɔmǝjl m̩rɛzǝʔ im'reçrɪktɪˌtʼevrǝk]
There. I have now shamelessly destroyed the symmetry of this shelf, undoing hours of labor by underpaid store employees.

Kaùztìtı mulas Suùzxùlı.
['qʕ̞oʃtedɪ 'mɔɮǝs 'sfoʃxoɮɪ]
If you could see me, you would be frightened.
ḷu<vùz>m-ìt-í ḷí mas á sa<á>m kısu·húm<a>l
know<2.1>-neg-stat however that.obl cop 1<obl> child+barbarian<obl>
You do not know me, but I am a child-vandal.

ha<am>ẓ-ìt-í-h mlu<ú>r...
trust<1.4pl>-neg-stat-vol.act authority<pat>...
I do not trust authority...

...ıs mu<và-ktv>h-àr-ham-à-x xı<a.#ı>t muzìkt<à>h...
...during graduate<1.3-neg>-hyp-graduate-conc-vol.act rain<obl> high.school<pat>...
...it is likely I will not graduate high school...

...ahà r<a.#a>ŕ ráxa·ram<u>t ıs lı<amv-ŕ>s-sì-à xı<a.#ı>t á-ùl hı<u.#ı>l xa<a.#a>x ız ṭı<amv>t-ls-raı-ḳàm-a ku<amv>x-ls-raı-ḳàm-a
...according.to this<obl> population+math<obl> during become<1.4pl-pl>-fut-conc rain<obl> cop-more crime<pat> threat<obl> with bite<1.4pl>-nom.v.agt-pres-freq-vol.act destroy<1.4pl>-nom.v.agt-pres-freq-vol.act
...According to social statistics, it is likely that my going about being confrontational and destructive will turn into more dangerous crimes.

á sa<á>m ka<a.#a>h xa<àx>x-vr̀-m ur mtı<azv>rmıtır-ı-á mrıs<a>ṭ
cop 1.obl person<obl> threatening<4>-attr-stat : inside wreak.havoc<1>-dur-evol.act store<obl>
I am a threatening person and I am wreaking havoc inside this store.

ràṭ ız-ìt ku<và>x-sù-ls-à-á ka<a.#a>m xa ḷum<àu>t mı<àı>ẓ...
intj with-neg destroy<1.3>-excessive-pres-conc-evol.act mercy<obl> ben symmetry<pat> shelf<obl>...
Aha! I have just mercilessly and excessively destroyed the symmetry of this shelf...

...mı<amv-1zvḳ>r-à-x ıs ṭu<ì-ŕ>l-rà-ı-a sı<ıá>z xa ṭum<aı>l mrıs<a>ṭ í-mrı<ìh-ŕ-ktı>ṭ-vr̀-ura-k
...reverse<1.4pl-many.o>-conc-vol.act during work<4-pl>-nom.v.pat-dur-vol.act long.time<obl> ben employee<agt> store<obl> inv.vol-pay.for<4.4-pl-neg>-attr-sufficient-inv.vol
I reversed the extensive work done over a long period of time by underpayed employees of this store.

ka<vùz>t-ìt-ı mulas su<vùz>x-ùl-ı
see<2.1>-neg-dur that.aff. fear<2.1>-aff-dur
You cannot see me, but if you could, you would fear me.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

:eng: :mrgreen: | :fra: [:)] | ASL [:S] | :deu: [:|] | :tan: [:(] | :nav: [:'(]
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Re: I am a dangerous fellow...

Post by Dormouse559 »

Image Silvish

Vou mme konessé pà, me jjho sui jheunou delinkâ. Jho me meffizo dî ffaro d' otoretà, î s' mélye ke jho guavanyï pà mon diplomo d' lisé é, slon la sstatistika, mon komportamen d' avezyeû e de vandalo amenarà probablamen de krimo myeu ggravo. Jho sui tipo danjhiryeû e jho faço d' ravajho dyen çui magazin. Vellé. Jh' e dettrui sen vragonyï la simetri de çett' ettajhirye, ense voidyan d' eura d' la labeû d' emploiyeu souppeyeu. S' ke vou mme visé, vo-z avré peû.

Vou mme konessé pà, me jjho sui jheunou delinkâ.
[vum.me.ko.ŋɛˈse ˈpa | mɛd.d͡ʒo.sjyˈʒø.ŋu de.lɛ̃ˈkɑː]
2.FORM 1S.ACC know-2.FORM NEG | but 1S.NOM be.1S youth-NOM delinquent.NOM.M.N

You do not know me, but I am a juvenile delinquent.

Jho me meffizo di ffaro d' otoretà …
[ʒo.me.mɛˈfiːz diˈfɑːʁ do.tɔʁˈta]
1S.NOM 1S.REFL not_trust-1S of-DEF.M PL-beacon of authority

I do not trust authority figures …

… î s' mélye ke jho guavanyï pà mon diplomo d' lisé …
[ʔiˈsme.ʎˑə ke.ʒo.gaˈva.ɲˑi ˈpa mɔ̃n.diˈplɔːm dliˈse]
3S.NOM 3S.REFL be_probable-3S SBRD 1S.NOM gain-PRS_SBJV NEG 1S-POSS.M.C diploma of high_school

… I probably will not graduate from high school …

… é, slon la sstatistika, mon komportamen d' avezyeû e de vandalo amenarà probablamen de krimo myeu ggravo.
[ˈʔe | ˈslɔ̃ŋ lɑs.sta.tiˈsti.ka | mɔ̃ŋ.kɔ̃m.pɔʁ.taˈmɛ̃ŋ dɑvˈzjœː e.de.vɑ̃ˈdɑːl a.me.ŋaˈʁa pʁo.ba.blaˈmɑ̃ŋ dəˈkʁiːm mjœˈgʁɑːv]
and according_to DEF.F.C PL-statistic | 1S.POSS-M.C behavior of rowdy_person-ACC and of vandal-ACC lead-FUT-3S probably PART crime COMP serious-M.C

… and statistics say my present rowdiness and vandalism will likely lead to more serious crimes.

Jho sui tipo danjhiryeû e jho faço d' ravajho dyen çui magazin.
[ʒo.sjyˈtiːp dɑ̃ɲ̟.ʒiˈʁjœː | ʔɛ.ʒˈfɑːs dʁaˈvɑːʒ ˈdjɛ̃ŋ ʃy.ma.gaˈzɛ̃ŋ]
1S.NOM be.1S guy dangerous.M.C | and 1S.NOM do.1S PART mayhem in DEM-OBL.M.C store

I am a dangerous fellow, and I am causing mayhem in this store.

Vellé. Jh' e dettrui sen vragonyï la simetri de çett' ettajhirye, ense voidyan d' eura d' la labeû d' emploiyeu souppeyeu.
[vɛˈle | ʒe.dɛˈtʁy ˈsɛ̃ŋ vʁaˈgo.ɲˑi la.simˈtʁi de.ʃɛt.tɛt.taˈʒi.ʁjə | ˈʔɛn.sə vuˈdjɑ̃ŋ ˈdœ.ʁa dla.laˈbœː dɛ̃m.pluˈjø sup.pəˈjø]
voilà | 1S.NOM have.1S destroy-PST_PTCP without shame-OBL DEF-ACC.F.C symmetry of DEM-F shelf-ACC | thus void-GER PART hour of DEF-ACC.F labor of employee-ACC underpaid-ACC.M.N

There. I have now shamelessly destroyed the symmetry of this shelf, undoing hours of labor by underpaid store employees.

S' ke vou mme visé, vo-z avré peû.
[ske.vum.me.viˈse | vo.zavˈʁe pœː]
if SBRD 2.FORM 1S.ACC see-IPF_SBJV-2.FORM | 2.FORM have-COND-2.FORM fear

If you could see me, you would be frightened.
I had decided that jhen means "person" in Silvish, but I ended up using a different word to translate "fellow". So I don't forget, the words for person/people in Silvish are jhen and mondo. Like the Romance reflexes of Lt. persona, jhen is feminine gender (and common gender), regardless of who it refers to. It can be pluralized, especially when considering a specific group of people. Mondo means "people"; it is singular and takes masculine-common gender agreement. It sees use when speaking about people more generally.

New/rethought words
avezyéro nmn, avezyéra nfn - rowdy person, annoying person (< avezyê "to be rowdy/annoying" < VL *adacidare, cf. Fr. agacer)
faro nmc - lighthouse, (lit. or fig.) beacon (borrowing < Lt. pharus)
faro d' otoretà nmc - authority figure (lit. "beacon of authority")
jhen nfc - person (< Lt. gens)
jheunou delinkâ nmn, jheuna delinkanta nfn - juvenile delinquent (calque < Fr. jeune délinquant[e])
s' melyê v - (impers., refl.) be likely (reanalysis < Proto-Silvish *sẹmẹiliẹ́r [< VL *similiare] based on s' posê "be possible")
slon prep. - (+ ACC) according to (< Lt. secundum, cf. Fr. selon)
Vellé ! interj. - Voilà! Here! Here it is! etc. (< vé lé "see there", cf. Fr. voilà)
voidyê v - to empty; undo; render moot/useless (< voidyo "empty (adj)")
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Re: I am a dangerous fellow...

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Yélian

Sat ciquinro, cut re vutret, re bai térnisoryeʻal. Cipecrîyai gándanoran, rocebiteistureai u'secarúi, èpa bar tabeliatan, reo lacadápito è tempúrianasé liydevon rîyatsgautri ternaunbegitan. Bai brodtaruy, èpa rogautrai værcær pun vat lovenúm. Blidas. Carat yiceʻurdatselicai æ'litalcasor o'pàcat, fécunat yinacratai edutslocan o'martal o'livelorpiritpèsperatsan. Vigo rat dityavalvem, difalîyvem.

Sat ciquinro, cut re vutret, re bai térnisoryeʻal.
[sat‿ɨˈkinɾo, kʉt ɾe ˈvutɾət, ɾə baɪ̯ ˈteɾnɨsɔ̈ɾˌʃeːʔɐl]
2SG.OBL NEG-know-INV.1SG, but 1SG INT, 1SG COP.1SG juvenile_delinquent
You do not know me, but I am a juvenile delinquent.

Cipecrîyai gándanoran, rocebiteistureai u'secarúi, èpa bar tabeliatan, reo lacadápito è tempúrianasé liydevon rîyatsgautri ternaunbegitan.
[kɨpəkˈɾiːɕaɪ̯ ˈgandɐnɔ̈ɾɐn, ɾɔ̈kəˌbiːtɛɪ̯stʉˈɾeːaɪ̯ ʉsəkɐˈɾuː, ˈɛpɐ bad̟ tɐˈbeːlɪ̯ɐtɐn, ˈɾeː.ɔ̈ ˌlaːkɐˈdaːpɨtɔ̈ ɛ təmˈpuːɾɪ̯ɐnɐˈseː la̯iːˈdeːʋɔ̈n ˌɾiːɕɐt͡sˈgaʊ̯tɾi ˈternaʊ̯nˌbeːxitɐn]
NEG-trust_in-1SG authority_figure-PL, FUT-unlikely-graduate-1SG DEF.INAN=school, and from statistic-PL, 1SG.POSS rowdiness and vandalism likely EVID_AUD-cause-3PL crime.PL-severe-COMP-PL
I do not trust authority figures, I probably will not graduate from high school, and statistics say my present rowdiness and vandalism will likely lead to more serious crimes.

Bai brodtaruy, èpa rogautrai værcær pun vat lovenúm.
[baɪ̯ ˈbɾoˌdaːɾʉʃ, ˈɛpɐ ɾɔ̈ˈgaʊ̯tɾaɪ̯ ˈvœɾkəd̟‿ʉn vɐt ˈloːʋəˈnuːm]
COP.1SG guy-dangerous, and FUT-cause-1SG chaos in DEM shop
I am a dangerous fellow, and I am causing mayhem in this store.

Blidas. Carat yiceʻurdatselicai æ'litalcasor o'pàcat, fécunat yinacratai edutslocan o'martal o'livelorpiritpèsperatsan.
[ˈbliːdɐʃ | ˈkaːɾɐt ɕɨˌkəˈʔuɾdɐt͡səˈliːkaɪ̯ əˌliːtɐlˈkaːsɔ̈d̟ ɔ̈ˈpɐkɐt, ˈɸeːkʉnɐt ɕɨnɐˈkɾaːtaɪ̯ ˈeːdʉt͡sˌloːkɐn ɔ̈ˈmaɾtɐl ɔ̈lɨˈʋeːlɔ̈ɾˌpiːɾɨpɛsˈpeːɾɐt͡sɐn]
look-JUS.2SG | now PST-shameless-destroy-1SG DEF.CONC=symmetry DEF.GEN=shelf, with_that PST-undo-1SG hour-many DEF.GEN=troublesome_work DEF.GEN=store_worker-bad-pay-ADZ-PL
There. I have now shamelessly destroyed the symmetry of this shelf, undoing hours of labor by underpaid store employees.

Vigo rat dityavalvem, difalîyvem.
[ˈviːxɔ̈ ɾa‿dɨt͡ʃɐˈʋalvəm, dɨɸɐˈliɕvəm]
if 1SG.OBL COND-POT-see-COND.2SG, COND-be_afraid-COND.2SG
If you could see me, you would be frightened.
New words for this challenge (a lot! that was hard.):
térnisoryeʻal [ˈteɾnɨsɔ̈ɾˌʃeːʔɐl] - juvenile delinquent
Etymology: ternis "criminal (action) + person suffix -or + yeʻal "young, youthful"

pecrîya [pəkˈɾiːɕɐ] - to trust (in reason)
Etymology: pec-, a prefix indicating dares + rîya "to hear"
USAGE NOTES: There is another word acya, which is used for general trusts, as in "I trust you"

cándanor [ˈkandɐnɔ̈d̟] - authority figure
Etymology: candan "advice" + person suffix -or

lacadápito [ˌlaːkɐˈdaːpɨtɔ̈] - rowdiness
Etymology: laca "to hit" + dápito, a new morpheme that will likely stay isolated for this single word.

tempúrianasé [təmˌpuːɾɪ̯ɐnɐˈseː] - vandalism
Etymology: from tempúrian, an old nomadic people that were infamous for causing mayhem in Yélian cities, plus the behavioral suffix

brod [ˈbɾod] - guy, mate, fellow (col.)
Etymology: malapropism from broya "man"

ceʻurdats [kəˈʔuɾdɐt͡s] - shameless, shamelessly
Etymology: from ce, a negative prefix + urda "be ashamed" + -ts, an adjectivizer.

litalcasar [ˌliːtɐlˈkaːsɐd̟] - symmetry
Etymology: from lital "mirror-, mirroring" + casar "order"

livelor [lɨˈʋeːlɔ̈d̟] - store worker, retail worker, direct vendor
Etymology: from lovenúm "store" + "tivelor" "worker"
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: I am a dangerous fellow...

Post by prettydragoon »

:con: Rireinutire

ta mana nanakaseva· sika kukorositipiñi yakava: to husikavekaruna rutakaseva· to sevevituñiti otisore mekitukasevo· to tokikuna sunokave hii mano siropu to poyapuru to rokukiña sevevituñiti nihema sitira yuhakave: hetañara kaveño yakave· ita siki tuñaha rotukiñana niikava: sate: rero siki rapano kaitamemu rohonopoti muñakiri· ararehiñi tuñateepiñino meterurupu teemu hetihokivo: soo ta mamu neata hopokahuvo niyi heyasukahuvo:

ta mana nanakaseva· sika kukorositipiñi yakava:
/tɑ ˈmɑnɑ ˈnɑnɑkɑˌsevɑ | ˈsikɑ ˈkukoɹoˌsitiˌpiŋi ˈjɑkɑvɑ/
ta ma-na nana-ka-se-va | sika kukoro-siti-piñi ya-ka-va ||
2S.NOM 1S-PTV know-PRS-NEG-SENS | but youth-crime-AGZ.NOM be-PRS-SENS ||

You do not know me, but I am a juvenile delinquent.

to husikavekaruna rutakaseva· to sevevituñiti otisore mekitukasevo· to tokikuna sunokave hii mano siropu to poyapuru to rokukiña sevevituñiti nihema sitira yuhakave:
/to ˈhusiˌkɑveˌkɑɹunɑ ˈɹutɑkɑˌsevɑ | to ˈseveˌvituŋiti ˈotisoɹe ˈmekitukɑˌsevo | to ˈtokiˌkunɑ ˈsunokɑve hiː ˈmɑno ˈsiɹopu to ˈpojɑpuɹu to ˈɹokuˌkiŋɑ ˈseveˌvituŋiti ˈnihemɑ ˈsitiɹɑ ˈjuhɑkɑve/
to husi-kavekaru-na ruta-ka-se-va | to sevevituñi-ti otiso-re mekitu-ka-se-vo | to tokikuna suno-ka-ve hii ma-no siropu to poya-pu-ru to rokukiña sevevituñi-ti nihe-ma siti-ra yuha-ka-ve ||
and authority-figure-PTV trust-PRS-NEG-SENS | and likely-ADVZ high.school-ELA graduate-PRS-NEG-INFR | and statistics.NOM say-PRS-HSY that.CONJ 1S-GEN present and girl-ADJZ-NMZ.NOM and vandalism.NOM likely-ADVZ serious-COMP crime-INE lead-PRS-HSY ||

I do not trust authority figures, I probably will not graduate from high school, and statistics say my present rowdiness and vandalism will likely lead to more serious crimes.

hetañara kaveño yakave· ita siki tuñaha rotukiñana niikava:
/ˈhetɑˌŋɑɹɑ ˈkɑveŋo ˈjɑkɑve | ˈitɑ ˈsiki ˈtuŋɑhɑ ˈɹotuˌkiŋɑnɑ ˈniːkɑvɑ/
hetañara kave-ño ya-ka-ve | ita siki tuña-ha rotukiña-na nii-ka-va ||
dangerous woman-DIM.NOM be-PRS-HSY | and.then this store-ADE mayhem-PTV cause-PRS-SENS ||

I am a dangerous fellow, and I am causing mayhem in this store.

sate: rero siki rapano kaitamemu rohonopoti muñakiri· ararehiñi tuñateepiñino meterurupu teemu hetihokivo:
/ˈsɑte || ˈɹeɹo ˈsiki ˈɹɑpɑno ˈkɑitɑmemu ˈɹohoˌnopoti ˈmuŋɑˌkiɹi | ˈɑɹɑˌɹehiŋi ˈtuŋɑˌteːpiŋino ˈmeteˌɹuɹupu ˈteːmu ˈhetihokivo/
sate: rero siki rapa-no kaitame-mu rohonopo-ti muña-kiri | ara-rehi-ñi tuña-teepiñi-no mete-ruru-pu tee-mu hetiho-ki-vo ||
that.way.ADV || now this shelf-GEN symmetry-ACC shameless-ADVZ destroy-GER | under-pay-PPP store-employee-GEN many-hour-ADJZ labour-ACC undo-PST-INFR ||

There. I have now shamelessly destroyed the symmetry of this shelf, undoing hours of labor by underpaid store employees.

soo ta mamu neata hopokahuvo niyi heyasukahuvo:
/soː tɑ ˈmɑmu ˈneɑtɑ ˈhopokɑhuvo ˈniji ˈhejɑsukɑhuvo/
soo ta ma-mu nea-ta hopo-ka-hu-vo niyi heya-su-ka-hu-vo ||

If you could see me, you would be frightened.

Translation challenge 78/100
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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