Coloquialism 1: Synonyms for "To get drunk"

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Coloquialism 1: Synonyms for "To get drunk"

Post by Plusquamperfekt »

S = standard
COL = colloquial
V = slightly vulgar
V+ = extremely vulgar

English: "to get drunk"

sich betrinken (S)
sich besaufen (COL) = to get very drunk
saufen (gehen) (COL)
sich einen zwitschern (COL)
sich volllaufen lassen (COL) = to get extremely drunk
sich einen hinter die Binde kippen (COL)
zu tief ins Glas schauen (COL) = to get too drunk

English: "to be drunk"

betrunken (S)
voll (wie ein Eimer) (COL)
sternhagelvoll (COL)
hackedicht (COL)
dicht (COL)
blau (COL)
besoffen (V)
angeheitert (COL) = tipsy
angetrunken (S) = tipsy
abstürzen (COL) = to get completely wasted (until passing out)

English: "booze-up" (the activity of getting very drunk)

das Gelage (COL)
das Besäufnis (COL)
das Saufgelage (COL)
das Komasaufen (COL) = binge-drinking
der Absturz = binge-drinking until vomitting and passing out

English: "a drunk" (an alcoholic)

der Alkoholiker (S)
der Trinker (S)
der Alki (COL)
der Säufer (COL)

English: "a pub crawl"

die Kneipentour (S)
die Sauftour (COL)

English: "alcohol"

der Alkohol (S)
der Alk (COL)
der Schnaps (COL) <= hard liquor
der Fusel (COL) <= cheap alcohol that will give you headaches

I would like to see how many synonyms there are in English, French, Spanish and Polish.
Last edited by Plusquamperfekt on 22 Apr 2022 20:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coloquialism 1: Synonyms for "To get drunk"

Post by Plusquamperfekt »

Short explanation:

The reason I created this thread is that I find it very hard to learn colloquialisms when studying foreign languages. Of course, you can look up every word in a dictionary, but you never know if an expression is still used or already dated, as many dictionaries contain slang from the 1980s, but not from today's youth. So I thought about making a little series in which we will cover the most important slang words that are used today.
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Re: Coloquialism 1: Synonyms for "To get drunk"

Post by Khemehekis »

Drunk (in English): wasted, toasted, sloshed, sozzled, slxppy, blotto, loaded, smashed, red-eyed

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

My Kankonian-English dictionary: 88,000 words and counting

31,416: The number of the conlanging beast!
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