Weird Dream Thread

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Weird Dream Thread

Post by zee »

Here you can post if you have any weird or significant dreams (*ahem*kiwikami*ahem*). Just for fun, really :3

I suppose I shall start with one which I had when I was a bit younger:
I was going to a large warehouse with my friends but once I got inside, they were gone. I continued walking along a corridor when I saw a large monster, with similar looks to abzorbaloff* except with no faces on his body, who picked me up and tickled me until I nearly urinated. Luckily, I kicked him. I then ran down the corridor and got to a swimming pool. Then my mother walked up and accidentally cut her hand. There was a large hole in her hand and blood was gushing out literally like a water fountain. Although she said 'Its okay - I'm fine'. Eitherway, I ran back, avoided the tickle-monster and ran out of the warehouse just before waking up.

* Abzorbaloff
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by DanH34 »

Fair enough, I'll play.

The other night, I dreamed that I was trapped in some sort of school building that was apparently a utopia, but in fact secretly run by a cabal of fascists.

In order to escape, I had to feign being in a coma due to a sugar overdose (because that's a thing in my mind, apparently), which involved hiding behind some bin bags in a stairway for some reason, and be dragged bodily outside by somebody. I woke up as soon as the car in which we were escaping pulled away.

This is the first dream I've remembered in years.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ànradh »

I don't tend to remember dreams beyond fragments, and these fade unless I write them down.
My two weirdest dreams I've had recently must be the ones in which I (or some dream figure) seemingly composed lyrics in them...

On the back of an old dentist bill, alongside notes reminding me that I want Dvoen to use Gaelic's gender paradigm and that I want to include 'surtur' as a word in Iriex:

"And the kings, they let us down
Without a whisper of a sound
The rats have gone to ground
And the pussycat’s fucked the hound
This is the end and it's all coming down again
This is the end".

These were sung by a girl that I don't recognise, but whose voice is identical to that of my college band's female lead. I was on a stage that reminded me of the one my punk group gigged on at Rockers bar. I was on guitar, so it appears I was in a band playing at a venue, but that’s all I remember.

On the ripped-off back page of a college pamphlet about bursaries, under a note reminding me about a dentist appointment (coincidently a later appointment than that of the bill.):

"We are dark embittered things
Angels of torn and blackened wings
Who turn our gaze to rising star
As elders range now from afar
Coming not to, in supplication, sing
But witness the beheading of their king."

This muttered by me while waiting in what resembles the back stage area of the Cathouse, another venue I previously played. As to what context, I have no idea; this is all I remember.

It interests me to note that these 'dream lyrics' are rather different from my usual writing style.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Daqinam wrote:(*ahem*kiwikami*ahem*)
Oh, boy. Here we go, my favorite ones:

A number of sea creatures are gathered in a circle on the ocean floor. There is a starfish crawling across the sand inside the circle. Sebastian, from The Little Mermaid, is speaking. He says something like this (it's gotten fuzzy over the years): "We raised her as our own," (images, like a movie reel, of a dark-haired young girl standing in a doorway and running through a field) "then we buried her in her home." The scene cuts back to the circle of animals, and they sing in a rising chorus "It can't be the baby, it can't be the baby, it can't be the baby... Julia!"

Fell off a cliff onto an island inhabited by werewolves. Running through the woods, stumbled upon an old shack. Inside the shack was a ratty bed, a sink, and a clock on the wall. The handles of the sink (the HOT and COLD ones) were four-pronged, and the prongs were clicking together. The clock had no hands.

10 years old: Lost on a beach, looking for a hotel, with serious deja vu. My mother is there, but she's hiding behind a palm frond. Small crabs with British accents keep harassing me for directions, and they don't pay attention when I tell them I don't know where I am anyways.

Chased by Voldemort through a Wal-Mart with a big CVS sign out front. Rescued by a guy named Arnold, who was from the Babysitter's Club. He took me to their secret hideout, where the rest of the members of the club had been turned into babies. Arnold was the only adult there, so when the authorities came to arrest them for treason, he was the only one tried and sentenced to death. I went to attend his hanging, when he revealed his deepest, darkest secret: he's half flying carpet. So he's basically a carpet, with a head and arms and legs. He and I escaped by swinging on the nooses.

Trapped in a military base surrounded by a thirty-foot-high wooden fence. My best friend had mysteriously gained a pair of twin brothers, who turned into fish in her garage. We had to escape, so we climbed the scaffolding to find the jet packs that would take us to the other side of the fence where a helicopter was waiting for us. Otherwise the place would explode.

Went to an amusement park where the water slides were sentient and kept encouraging children to ride them. There were no lines because none of the other kids could decide which of the slides to ride first. I didn't want to ride and spent the entire dream walking around underneath the slides while they tried to win me over.

A magician was lonely so he transfigured his pet bird into a small boy and dug a new home underground. I was a spelunker who found them one day, and the boy helped me escape by having me jump on a giant trampoline mushroom through a hole in the ceiling. Oh, the the hole could talk. But it didn't say anything.

I was aware that I was dreaming, but didn't seem to care. I was trying to convince a sailor to let me borrow his ship and sail to the end of the world, but I was lazy, and I had to will myself to make the effort to talk to him. As I did so, small gauges appeared in midair indicating how hard I was trying.

The boat is sinking, and I am turned into a five-year-old boy because it is the only way for me to enter the boat and rescue my aunt's fishing rod, which she doesn't want to lose.

I am being hunted and stalked by velociraptors who live in a garden outside of my grandmother's house. To be fair, this was a nightmare, and easily the worst I've ever had. I don't know if you know what it's like to be hunted, but now I do. I pilfered a bottle of pheromones, supposed to make me smell repulsive to them, from my cousin (who was eaten by a T-Rex that could play UNO), and hid in a cupboard. See, it was a game. Every day, I and a bunch of other kids would live lives of luxury in this house. Then, once a day, an alarm would sound, and a dinosaur would be released from the pen in the garden. Sometimes we were lucky and it was harmless. Other times, we would all die. I woke up when the raptor dragged my friend out fro the cupboard, where she was hiding with me. She was kicking and screaming and I had to wrestle the pheromone bottle from her arm, which was promptly not attached to her. When I woke up, I was sweaty and unable to move. I realized that it was a dream, but I was also 100% aware that when I went back to sleep, I would be back there, in that cupboard, about to die. So I lay there for five minutes plotting out what I was going to do. Then, I fell asleep, and promptly did it. I escaped and ran to a beach house where the raptor turned into Velma from Scooby Doo, and the rest of the dream was happy nonsense.

I am watching a space shuttle launch. It tips over in midair and crashes. Paramedics pull Winnie the Pooh out on a stretcher.

I fall off a dock and die. Heaven is a giant hot tub. (It's worth noting that I was fully convinced, upon awakening, that I actually had died and had been given a second chance as a ghost.)

Elmo rises through the sky, holding onto balloons. I grab his leg and find myself in Middle Earth, where I have to lead my band of adventurers through a dark and scary cave. Then the cave is a lumber mill, but there are alligators in the water troughs. I have to toss garlic in the water, timing it right so that the gators go for the garlic and not for my friends.

I have wings and am performing acrobatic maneuvers through a cartoon landscape covered in those 3D pipes from that Windows screensaver. You know the one.

I was cursed by a genie (that looked like the one from the Sims 2) and now everything I touch turns into a small troll with three eyes. Then I am put into a hot air balloon, up where I can't touch anything, and I make myself useful to the world because I'm so high up that I can spot U-boats (apparently this is during WWII) in the ocean over which I am apparently floating.

There is a map with a small moving picture of a boat on it. Children's voices in the background are singing "Marco Polo, da deedle-dee deedle-dee doo..."

I am on a magical island, and everyone lives in a tree house. The Doctor (tenth) is there to save the world, but refuses to let me help. He makes me sit in a tree house, behind a bunch of boxes, until the danger is over.

I am Spider-Man. I was playing softball with Danny Phantom in a field, when suddenly a policeman runs up to me and tells me there is an emergency. I swing up to the Empire State Building. It turns out that there is a tiny little man with dynamite strapped to his body standing on the very top of the Empire State Building with his hands over his head. Balanced on his fingertips is another Empire State Building, full size. I promptly wake up.

I attend a carnival where seven random people are transformed into dragons. I volunteer to be one of them, but one of the others turns evil and starts burning everything down. I run to safety with my friend Z, and we go to her house, which is somehow also a public laundromat. Out the back door, we are on a cliff, below which is the neighborhood where all the rich people live. The evil dragon is burning it down.

Godzilla is attacking a massive underground city, and I can only save everyone by donning a jet pack and flying up to distract him, sacrificing myself in the process. I do so, but am promptly saved by Optimus Prime, who throws himself in Godzilla's path shouting "No, Sam, I want to sacrifice myself again!" in a chipmunk voice. The battery on my jetpack runs low and I land on his head just as Godzilla bites the rest of him off. His last words are lost forever because I don't speak German. I am now in a nurse's uniform, taking care of all the people Godzilla has hurt and nearly eaten. One of them is in love with me, but I don't reciprocate their feelings because their head is on backwards.

I have beaten Slender, and am throwing a party, when some of the balloons escape up the chimney (I don't know where we got a chimney) and start floating away. I am distraught, and call my friend who is a plumber to get them back.

I got lost going to class and found myself in an abandoned Hagrid's Hut, next to a lake where tall people go to party all night. I am too short to get in, so I run back into the forest. I am now in a small town that I have to explore. I am looking for Easter eggs that someone hid, but one of them is in a mailbox that I can't open, so I run around looking for a crowbar to open it with. I never find one.

I am in college, my dorm room has a wooden piano mounted on the wall, and the professor is taking the entire class to outer space. We go up, orbit the Earth, and then have to come down in separate capsules. The parachute on mine breaks, and the others are all lamenting the fact that I'm going to die, but I'm just smiling calmly and laughing at them, because I like the sensation of freefall. I open the capsule because it's getting too hot in there, and somehow don't burn up in the atmosphere. I don't really know what happens then, because then I'm in a small cafe spying on a young man who is being hit on by our professor, who is both male and a talking stuffed bunny.

These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head.

This is not counting the 50+ bomb-related dreams that I have had and remember in the last ten years. They're my phobia, and the source of... well, every nightmare save for that dinosaur one. But they are almost always pretty weird. One involved a Russian satellite crashing on a hilltop, but when I climbed up, all that was there was a chocolate bar and a ticking bomb with three seconds left on the timer. I didn't stick around and eat the chocolate. Interestingly, I always wake up before the bomb explodes - no exceptions. Hm...
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »



Hollywood is definitely not worthy of you all.

Though, while reading, I imagine the dreams in a kind of Coraline/Nightmare before Christmas/Rankin-Bass animagic style of presentation. Probably the only thing that comes close to capturing the oneiric spell you have woven.

I have a couple of zingers. I will share in due time.


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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Batailleur »

I once kept a dream journal.

Then I read it once fully awake.

I no longer keep a dream journal.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by lolbot720 »

Time for random.

I'm in a museum with my dad, but I get bored and walk off. I apparently went somewhere I shouldn't have, because a lion was sent after me by the police. After fighting it off with my bare hands (like a baws), I hit some random people with a shelf. At this point, the dream becomes 3rd person, 2D and 8-bit. I am now Super Mario, except in purple rather than red, and I am in one of the underground sections, running away from the Grim Reaper. The last I recall is falling into a hole.

I'm apparently taking part in a scientific experiment. A friend of mine injects some foil into my hand, and I am left with a large lump on it. After this, for some reason, I go off with another friend onto the Conveyor-Belt-Maze. Through powers I, to this day, do not understand, we get lost despite there only being one possible route (it wasn't even really a maze). We give up, and get on a bus. On the bus, I am given surgery, and I discover that my hand not only contains foil, but also some animals, wool, and Yahweh, who launches a large yellow blob of what I believe to be earwax at me.

I am in town. A large boulder starts rolling through town. I run away. It somehow becomes round and shiny. I continue to run through town, being followed by the destructive ball. I then find myself in a dojo that has no floor, only dangling wooden fixtures. I wake up.

[note: this is more of a hallucination, seeing as there was no transition from dream to awake] I wake up after an actual dream which I now cannot remember. I put in my headphones and listen to a song (specifically,To Glory). I go to my ears to adjust my headphones, and discover that I am not wearing any. The music stops. I also discover that my iPod isn't on. I am now certainly awake, and very confused.

That's just the main ones that I recall.
Working on a conlang only known as Nāfkak. That's about it, really. I'm lurking around in places, but I don't post all that often (almost a year to achieve 20 posts). Perhaps that might change.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Oooh, last night my stepfather sold his soul (I don't remember for what - to save us or give us happy lives or something), and we had hours to find it before he was dragged to Hell. We didn't find it because it was hidden in a basket in the Smithsonian archives, guarded by a mummy, and we didn't have enough time to go through the whole place. So my mother rented a convertible and drove us around for one last happy night together, and she drove the car into the ocean, where we floated drinking beer and watching my stepfather's last sunset. He was wearing a white robe at this point, and had a beard. Then hellhounds came FOR, and the last thing I remember before I woke up was a howling dog and a red version of a green flash.

Depressing. Hm.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Some clarifications, s'il vous plait:

1) What kind of basket was it?
2) Incan/Egyptian/Other Ethnicity Mummy?
3) Was the gender of the Mummy discernible? If so, what was it?
4) Did the Mummy speak / Groan/Screech incomprehensibly / Was silent?
5) Even though it was "sunset", was it actually day or night?
6) was your step-father's beard his natural hair color, or some other color?
7) Were you floating on the surface of the water or under water?
7.2) What color/tint was the water?
8) In addition to the white robe, did your step-father have some kind of footwear?
9) How many hellhounds: 2~3 hellhounds / ten~dozen hellhounds / an enormous number (Googol/mole)
10) What color were the eyes of the hellhounds?
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Lambuzhao wrote:Some clarifications, s'il vous plait:

1) What kind of basket was it?
2) Incan/Egyptian/Other Ethnicity Mummy?
3) Was the gender of the Mummy discernible? If so, what was it?
4) Did the Mummy speak / Groan/Screech incomprehensibly / Was silent?
5) Even though it was "sunset", was it actually day or night?
6) was your step-father's beard his natural hair color, or some other color?
7) Were you floating on the surface of the water or under water?
7.2) What color/tint was the water?
8) In addition to the white robe, did your step-father have some kind of footwear?
9) How many hellhounds: 2~3 hellhounds / ten~dozen hellhounds / an enormous number (Googol/mole)
10) What color were the eyes of the hellhounds?
1) A tall, elongated wicker one.
2) Not sure - I never saw it, I just knew it was there.
3) See above.
4) Didn't hear anything... that I recall.
5) It was day, but it seemed an appropriate, sunset-y sort of time of day.
6) Gray-brown, a little lighter than his hair actually is, and a bit grayer.
7) On the surface. In our convertible. Which had cupholders attached to the trunk.
7.2) Ah... dark black/brown, now that I think about it. Not really blue. (Question 7.2. Nice.)
8) I don't think so, no.
9) About a dozen, maybe more.
10) I didn't see them - they were invisible. Only my stepfather could see them. As they dragged him to Hell. Painfully. Agonizingly. You know, I actually love my stepfather very, very much. I wonder what Freud would have to say about this one...

"hellhounds came FOR" should be "hellhounds came for him." Not sure where that came from.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

I'm on a roll here - last night I had two:

1) I dreamed that I was pregnant, of all things, and that I had a craving for Oreos. The rest of the dream consisted of me eating Oreos. They tasted pretty good for, you know, imaginary cookies.

2) Ah... obviously my Supernatural obsession has been taken to another level, because this dream was entirely that. Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Zachariah, Lucifer, Anna, and a bald guy I didn't recognize (though I knew he was an angel) had all come to Earth entirely lost their memories. Sam and Dean were relishing the fact that the apocalypse was now probably not going to happen (hard to have an archangel deathmatch when the archangels are sitting in a restaurant chatting and bonding over pumpkin pie.) Meanwhile, I found a glass bowl inscribed with Enochian lettering in the bald guy's truck, and confronted him about it. He said he was starting to remember a few things, like how he had a whole bunch of brothers who all hated each other. He didn't know we knew they were angels, so Sam eventually got tired of him and said something along the lines of, "Yeah, we get it, heaven and hell and brotherly anti-love, now would you tell us what's going on?" The bald guy grumbled something mysterious and walked away. We followed him to the restaurant, showed everyone the bowl, they realized they could read Enochian, they regained their memories, Lucifer and Michael started trying to claw each others' eyes out, and I broke the bowl to used the sharp edges as a weapon in case one Mr. Morningstar decided he wanted to kill me.
I went through this perfectly calmly in the dream, but then the bald guy caught my eye and winked, and I woke up throwing my arms above my head, as if to shield myself from something.

Go figure.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Ànradh »

I have to admit, I'd be rooting for Lucifer. There's something about the underdog...
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

kiwikami wrote:I'm on a roll here - last night I had two:

1) I dreamed that I was pregnant, of all things, and that I had a craving for Oreos. The rest of the dream consisted of me eating Oreos. They tasted pretty good for, you know, imaginary cookies.

2) Ah... obviously my Supernatural obsession has been taken to another level, because this dream was entirely that. Uriel, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Zachariah, Lucifer, Anna, and a bald guy I didn't recognize (though I knew he was an angel) had all come to Earth entirely lost their memories. Sam and Dean were relishing the fact that the apocalypse was now probably not going to happen (hard to have an archangel deathmatch when the archangels are sitting in a restaurant chatting and bonding over pumpkin pie.) Meanwhile, I found a glass bowl inscribed with Enochian lettering in the bald guy's truck, and confronted him about it. He said he was starting to remember a few things, like how he had a whole bunch of brothers who all hated each other. He didn't know we knew they were angels, so Sam eventually got tired of him and said something along the lines of, "Yeah, we get it, heaven and hell and brotherly anti-love, now would you tell us what's going on?" The bald guy grumbled something mysterious and walked away. We followed him to the restaurant, showed everyone the bowl, they realized they could read Enochian, they regained their memories, Lucifer and Michael started trying to claw each others' eyes out, and I broke the bowl to used the sharp edges as a weapon in case one Mr. Morningstar decided he wanted to kill me.
I went through this perfectly calmly in the dream, but then the bald guy caught my eye and winked, and I woke up throwing my arms above my head, as if to shield myself from something.

Go figure.
ABout dream #1 - Oreos?! Num num num!!! I think I would get pregnant just from eating oreos. Enough said. [xP]

About dream #2 - Have you ever read Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by
Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett? :wat:
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Lambuzhao wrote:About dream #2 - Have you ever read Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by
Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett? :wat:
No, but having just Googled it, I believe it is both right up my alley and exactly my cup of tea. (Oh, look at that, two idioms and a bit of slang - no one who lived a hundred years ago would be able to understand that entire sentence. I feel oddly proud.)

This book... I must read this book. I am getting this book.

Oh, great Lambuzhao, patron saint of conlanging, lava lamps, obscure references, interesting vocabulary words, and book recommendations, I bow down to thy brilliance!
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Aw, garsh! [:$]
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Xing »

Some time ago I had a dream in which I was chased by a creepy woman with a plastic back chanting that I was the prophet of grammar, and that it was my task to bring grammar to the people.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Lambuzhao »

Wow. Usually the Oracle at Delphi makes you visit her. She came to you, then. In a dream, no less. Not too shabby, Xing.

Was she old and creepy, or just creepy?

Was it day or night?

Was it winter or summer, or neither?

Did you fulfill the oracle in your dream?

Do you feel you are fulfilling it in the waking state?

Has she ever visited again? With the same prophecy or a different one?

When you say "her back was plastic" was -
a) Her flesh, seemlessly molded to her, that just looked/behaved in a plasticky fashion?
b) her back made of plastic chips, plastic wrap, or some other kind of incongruous, not particularly chine-related, but definitely plastic, substance?

Just some food for thought.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by kiwikami »

Right. Obviously something keeps interrupting me during REM, because I had and remembered another dream last night. Well, two, actually.

This first one started on a sort of high-tech, future-y cruise ship. My stepfather was there (with his soul, incidentally) as was my mother, though she stayed in her cabin for most of it because she had a migraine. We were sailing through... a bad place. It wasn't very specific, but it was kind of the Bermuda Triangle of evil. Bad things happened in this patch of water. Twilight Zone-style bad. So I'm strolling around on deck and I look at the horizon and I see these... black blobs. I point them out to some random guy (he was in a tweed jacket with long brownish hair) and he lent me a quarter to use the little pay-for telescope thingies they had on the side of the ship. The blobs were no more distinct than they were up close. But they were only to the north (which, due to the dream's messed up cardinal directions, was 90 degrees away from the south). We were going north. The man and I reasoned that either they'd reach us eventually or we'd get close enough to see what they are.
So then we went our merry ways, and I just remembered that I had to feed the puppy I'd smuggled on board, or it would starve. So I ran to a different deck and found the poor puppy (a little cocker spaniel), who was still alive, in my backpack. I gave it a bit of dog food, but the thing was hyper enough that it kept escaping and running around the place. It wasn't supposed to be on board, so I had to catch it before the crew found out. I also had a couple of stuffed animals (also puppies) from when I was little, in a bag.
To make a long story short, the captain spoke over the intercom, saying that we all had to get inside quickly. There was something bad coming, and some kind of evil force would corrupt whatever was outside. So we all ran in, but my backpack was too heavy to pick up, so I put the puppy in the bag where my stuffed animals were and moved them to my backpack. Later, when we came out again, those stuffed animals had turned into very real, very alive, very hungry demonic puppies. Glowing red eyes and the works. Yep.

Second dream: In an Orwellian business place sort of thing, I am attempting to infiltrate their upper floors by posing as someone who works there. (I am also, apparently, the Eleventh Doctor, but I don't really realize this until later when I get a 3rd-person view of what's going on.) I bluff my way past the guards, sneak into the elevator with two others... and the elevator somehow recognizes that I'm not supposed to be there. It starts flashing error codes on the floor and ceiling, and then shoots off like a rocket. Up. Like... "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator" kind of up. We break through the roof of the building and are shot about half a mile into the air (according to the altimeter on the wall) and the other two people in the elevator (a man and woman who both work for the agency I'm pretending to be a part of) are scrambling to find the button or switch that will somehow save them. I manage to break through the wall, revealing a button that when pressed transforms the elevator into a biplane. Which I then fly. In third person (as 11). And presumably land, though I don't dream that bit.
The dream skips to the next day, where the woman in charge of the business/agency/Big-Brother-Is-Watching-You sort of place is confronting one of her underlings about me. I overhear her talking about how I'm a fake and a spy, because when I filled out the "application," I skipped all the questions about Greek gods. Obviously, I'm a phony. :wat:
Cue epic chase through hallways that look like something out of a five-star hotel, culminating in another elevator. Which malfunctions just like the first one. With the same two people in it. I save them again (though I appear to have reverse-regenerated [degenerated?] into the Ninth Doctor) and promptly crash the plane into the side of a mountain, revealing that the whole thing was a simulation meant to gauge whether or not I could join their agency. Of course, since I was a spy in the simulation, they realized that I was... ah... a spy. So they tried to arrest me. Then they got struck by lightning.
Then I woke up.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by lolbot720 »

Well, a couple nights ago, I dreamt I was exploring a cave with a group of people. We'd been fighting off some creatures that vaguely reminded me of Aliens (Aliens as in from the Alien films, not just any random aliens). I went up to the surface for a reason I don't completely recall, and went to monitor the stuff in the Mission Control room. At this point, a really small person with an evil expression on his face and black skin (not black as in race, as in pitch black) that looked similar to the not-quite-Aliens came up to the door. I assumed he wasn't a particularly nice person, and thus I shut the door. His evil expression became even creepier, and I started floating. I opened the door to the telekinetic, because I was scared of what would happen to me. He asks me to pass him the "large rolling ball", which I assume means the bowling ball, which is for some reason in the room. I passed him it. At this point, I woke up.

I'm now scared of what a telekinetic can do with a bowling ball, especially since I think he's working with the not-quite-Aliens.
Working on a conlang only known as Nāfkak. That's about it, really. I'm lurking around in places, but I don't post all that often (almost a year to achieve 20 posts). Perhaps that might change.
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Re: Weird Dream Thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

The main character is played by Bridgit Mendler*, from the Disney sitcom "Good Luck Charlie", and she's going on a theme park ride based on a horrific monster from a movie. The monster looks like a giant water snake with pitch-black scales. Bridgit travels through the claustrophobic subterranean tunnels that lead to the ride, but she never gets there because the monster comes to life and attacks. The narrow passages become large enough to hold a gigantic angry water snake and fill with water. Then, as she tries to protect herself, Bridgit realizes that she has powers to control electricity and that electricity is the only thing the horror monster is vulnerable to. She defeats it and goes on her way. Then, the monster returns, and Bridgit apparently defeats it again. But it comes back to life, this time with a head on each end of its body. It rushes forward to attack, as deadly as ever. I wake up.

* Actually, it's not that simple. I was the main character until the monster showed up, then I switched to an observer position like I was watching a movie, and Bridgit Mendler became the main character.
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