it rains
Re: it rains

Re: it rains

Ko keli engo.
PFV cease rain
[kɵ̞ ˈkᵊe̞ːl̻i ˈe̞ːŋʷɵ̞]
Lio, e tinni engo melle.
NEG PROG fall rain still
[ˈl̻iːe̞ e̞ː ˈt̻in̻ːi ˈe̞ːŋʷɵ̞ ˈmʲe̞l̻ːe̞]
Re: it rains

Lòi pi to oró.
rain PRF stop fall
It stopped raining.
No, lòi tá oró.
NEG | rain EMPH fall
No, it is still raining.
Re: it rains

Jgout wneung gnop dua.
rain fall stop PERF
Aakuoo, wneung wui daak.
Re: it rains

A: Balemhotater wa.
bale-mho-tater wa.
until.complete-nonself-rain DECL.exclamative.
B: Tshã perowa.
tSã pero-wa.
and.while.that ongoing-DECL.exclamative
At work on Apaan: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4799
Re: it rains
A: Vado halunas. B: Na, sunam vadana.
A: Rain.gerund stop/die-3sg.PST. B: Neg, still(be.PST) rain-3sg.PRES
A: Rain/Fall, (it) ceased/stopped/died. B: No, (it) still rains/falls.
A: Rain.gerund stop/die-3sg.PST. B: Neg, still(be.PST) rain-3sg.PRES
A: Rain/Fall, (it) ceased/stopped/died. B: No, (it) still rains/falls.
Sikatāyām kaṇam lokasya darśasi, svargam phale vanye ca.
See a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Ānantam tava karatalena darasi, nityatām ghaṇṭabhyantare ca.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
See a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Ānantam tava karatalena darasi, nityatām ghaṇṭabhyantare ca.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
Re: it rains

Susya zonis nef. Mau, vav su.
rain-SUPINE be.PST-PTCPL stop. NEG more rain
Nūdenku waga honji ma naku honyasi ne ika-ika ichamase!
female-appearance=despite boy-voice=PAT hold boy-youth=TOP very be.cute-3PL
Honyasi zō honyasi ma naidasu.
boy-youth=AGT boy-youth=PAT love.romantically-3S
female-appearance=despite boy-voice=PAT hold boy-youth=TOP very be.cute-3PL
Honyasi zō honyasi ma naidasu.
boy-youth=AGT boy-youth=PAT love.romantically-3S
Re: it rains
A:šem mu-abi /ʃɛm mu'ʔäbi/
rain stop-fall
"rain ceases to fall"
B:n, šem abi rika'i /ņ ʃɛm 'äbi ɾi'käʔi/
no(interjection) rain fall continue
"no, rain continues to fall"
A:šem mu-abi /ʃɛm mu'ʔäbi/
rain stop-fall
"rain ceases to fall"
B:n, šem abi rika'i /ņ ʃɛm 'äbi ɾi'käʔi/
no(interjection) rain fall continue
"no, rain continues to fall"
Rhûnido, my conlang :)
Re: it rains

Cesis pluvar. No, ankore pluvas.
[ˈtsesis pluˈvaɾ | no aŋˈkore ˈpluvas]
Skribajon mean vi esas lektant, kar amiki.
Native: American English. Knows: some Hebrew/Judaeo-Aramaic, some Ido, bit of La Esperanton, a couple of Yiddish words, and bits and pieces of others.
Native: American English. Knows: some Hebrew/Judaeo-Aramaic, some Ido, bit of La Esperanton, a couple of Yiddish words, and bits and pieces of others.
Re: it rains
Xiro hutatutixek.
rain go.down-EPEN-stop-3SG
Mat, hutamnek.
no, go.down-PROG-3SG
rain go.down-EPEN-stop-3SG
Mat, hutamnek.
no, go.down-PROG-3SG
Last edited by zyx3166 on 20 Aug 2013 13:20, edited 1 time in total.
Re: it rains
A: Pepelet blòte! B: Nil, blòtel kum.
stop-PST.3SG rain-INF | NEG, rain-3SG still
A: It's stopped raining! B: No, it's still raining.
A: Pepelet blòte! B: Nil, blòtel kum.
stop-PST.3SG rain-INF | NEG, rain-3SG still
A: It's stopped raining! B: No, it's still raining.
reírítí lixa kisti o lixati reí kisti · the river god controls the fish and the fish control the river – otísil (pdf)
Re: it rains

peŗai danau toni.
/peɻa͡i danau toni/
peŗ(ei)-ai da-nau ton-i
rain-DEF.NOM NEG-now fall-3s.IMP
It's stopped raining.
da, peŗai tonal teni du.
/da | peɻa͡i tonal teni du/
da peŗ(ei)-ai ton-al ten-i du.
NEG rain-DEF.NOM fall-INF hold-3s.IMP NEG
No, it's still raining.
descendant - Standard Chüi Baris
ganots i peʒ toni.
/ganots‿i pɛʃ‿toni/
ganot-s i peʒ ton-i
stop-3s.PST SUBD rain.NOM fall-3s.PRES
It's stopped raining.
téns i peʒ toni, duda.
/tens‿i pɛʃ‿toni | duda/
tén-s peʒ ton-i duda
continue-3s.PST SUBD rain.NOM fall-3s.PRES NEG.AUG
No, it's still raining.
Colloquial Chüy Bariz
dany peʒezs.
/danə pɛʒɛsː/
dany peʒ-∅-ez-s
It's stopped raining.
tömī/tenī peʒezs, dudy.
/tœmij/tenij pɛʒɛsː | dudə/
tömī/tenī peʒ-∅-ez-s dudy
No, it's still raining.
terram impūram incolāmus
hamteu un mont sug
let us live in a dirty world
hamteu un mont sug
let us live in a dirty world
Re: it rains

雨 (amée) [ˈame] - rain (f.)
止më (yamë) [ˈyamœ̈] - stop, cease
降rë (fourë) [ˈfʊu̯ʁœ̈] - fall
A: L'雨 ga 止nda.
[ˈlame gɔ ˈyandɔ]
DEF rain SUBJ stop.PAST
A: It('s) stopped raining.
B: Non, l'雨 ga 降rë encore.
[nõʊ̃, ˈlame gɔ fourë ãˈkɑɔ̯ʁ]
no, DEF rain SUBJ fall still
B: No, it's still raining.
A: L'amée ga yanda.
B: Non, l'amée ga fourë encore.
☯ 道可道,非常道
☯ 名可名,非常名
☯ 名可名,非常名
Re: it rains
A: It stopped raining. B: No, it still rains.
In Queranaran, there's no "dummy subject" -- raining is said to be done by the Weather Queen(*), so (and also leaving out any obligatory/optional evidential apparatus):
A: pwe-derí hwessasamray ulmang
/pwɜdɜri hwɜssäsämräj ʉlmäŋ/
ERG-3sf.PROX cease-ADV rain-IMPF
or alternatively
pwe-herí ulmang
/pwɜhɜri ʉlmäŋ/
ERG-3sf.DIST rain-IMPF
The first literally means "she here and now ceasingly rainings" while the second means "she over yonder is continuing to rain (while obviously no longer raining here)".
B: erhr, yung: pwe-derí ululmang
/er̥ jʉŋ pwɜdɜri ʉlʉlmaŋ/
FILLER but.surely 3sf-PROX EMPH-rain-IMPF
Umm, surely she is continuing raining.
ulmain: to be raining; root reduplication here indicates emphatic continuance
hwessain: to end or cease; a kind of compound verb can be created by placing the modifying verb in its corresponding adverbial form
-samray: adverbial termination
derí: 3sf-PROX
herrí: 3sf-DIST
"The sixth person refers to non-personal animate entities. For example, trees, lower animals, water spilling over a falls, soup boiling over and the like. As with the third person, there is here also a deictic distinction of proximal and distal. While it might seem natural for weather phenomena to be of the sixth person, in fact such agents as cause rain or snow or wind -- the Weather Queens -- are referred to by the third person pronouns."
In Queranaran, there's no "dummy subject" -- raining is said to be done by the Weather Queen(*), so (and also leaving out any obligatory/optional evidential apparatus):
A: pwe-derí hwessasamray ulmang
/pwɜdɜri hwɜssäsämräj ʉlmäŋ/
ERG-3sf.PROX cease-ADV rain-IMPF
or alternatively
pwe-herí ulmang
/pwɜhɜri ʉlmäŋ/
ERG-3sf.DIST rain-IMPF
The first literally means "she here and now ceasingly rainings" while the second means "she over yonder is continuing to rain (while obviously no longer raining here)".
B: erhr, yung: pwe-derí ululmang
/er̥ jʉŋ pwɜdɜri ʉlʉlmaŋ/
FILLER but.surely 3sf-PROX EMPH-rain-IMPF
Umm, surely she is continuing raining.
ulmain: to be raining; root reduplication here indicates emphatic continuance
hwessain: to end or cease; a kind of compound verb can be created by placing the modifying verb in its corresponding adverbial form
-samray: adverbial termination
derí: 3sf-PROX
herrí: 3sf-DIST
"The sixth person refers to non-personal animate entities. For example, trees, lower animals, water spilling over a falls, soup boiling over and the like. As with the third person, there is here also a deictic distinction of proximal and distal. While it might seem natural for weather phenomena to be of the sixth person, in fact such agents as cause rain or snow or wind -- the Weather Queens -- are referred to by the third person pronouns."
Last edited by elemtilas on 22 May 2016 01:54, edited 1 time in total.
Re: it rains
Heltid yös Rean üv. Nej, dröjse yœs Rean nœptan.
Hold-PST DEF.N.PL.SUB rain<PL> ADV | fall<PRS> DEF.N.PL.SUB rain<PL> ADV
It has stopped raining. No, it’s still raining.
(And boy, did it rain last night!
Heltid yös Rean üv. Nej, dröjse yœs Rean nœptan.
Hold-PST DEF.N.PL.SUB rain<PL> ADV | fall<PRS> DEF.N.PL.SUB rain<PL> ADV
It has stopped raining. No, it’s still raining.
(And boy, did it rain last night!
![O.O [O.O]](./images/smilies/icon_eek2.png)
Re: it rains
Giraʕa heslune. Nu, Giraʕa sa yebonek ʕai.
<Rain Goddess> cease<PLUP>3SG | NEG <Rain Goddess> ADV become<PRS>3SG ADV
Lit. Muna-Gaira has ceased. No, Muna-Gaira still becomes yet more.
Giraʕa heslune. Nu, Giraʕa sa yebonek ʕai.
<Rain Goddess> cease<PLUP>3SG | NEG <Rain Goddess> ADV become<PRS>3SG ADV
Lit. Muna-Gaira has ceased. No, Muna-Gaira still becomes yet more.
- Dormouse559
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- Location: California
Re: it rains

Il ne pleut plus. Non, il pleut encore/toujours.
/il nə plø ply | nɔ̃ il plø ɑ̃kɔʁ tuʒuʁ/
3SG.M NEG rain no_longer. no 3SG.M rain still/still

La pluza á pres fini. Non, quo pluv togzonre.
[la ˈploː.za ɛ pɾɛ ˈfeː.ŋɪ | ˈnõː kʊ̯ɔ ˈploː tɔˈʒõː.ɾə]
DEF-F rain have.3SG take.PST_PTCP end-OBL. no 3SG rain still
Re: it rains

(ti) bi lalu
(PRF) stop rain
kka, ahe tei lalu
NEG, POS still rain
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: it rains

A: Pérfaldet. B: Iep, sipuyefaldet.
[ˈpɛrɸɐldət. jɛp, sɪ̆ˌpʊʃəˈɸaldət]
Stop-rain-3SG; no, still-rain-3SG

Tijöt safnungely sihündas. Jë, dez süfnaly.
[t͡ɪøt ʃaɸnuŋ.ˈŋɛʎ ʃihʏnˈdaʃ. jə, dɛs ʃʏfˈnaʎ]
3SG.NEUT rain.ACC PST-stop-SUB.3SG-INTR. No, still rain-SUB.3SG-INTR

Shext taxlal. Heh, E shels shext taxlal.
[ʂɛxt ˈtɑxlɑl. hɛh, ɛ ʂɛls ʂɛxt ˈtɑxlɑl]

यें आगिमू नोफेमे. यें नू, तीमि नोफेमे.
Yem āgimū nēpheme. Yem nū, tīmi nēpheme.
[jĕm aːˈɣĭmuː ˈneːpʰĕm. jĕm nuː, ˈtiːmĭ ˈneːpʰĕm]
have-3SG stop.PPST rain.INF. have-3SG NEG.PPST, PROG.PRE.3SG rain.INF

Ton pis'e shoto. Ka shoto, ton no pis'e.
[tʰɔn ˈpisɛː ʃɔːtʰɔː kʰaː ʃɔːtɔː, tʰɔn nɔː ˈpisɛː]
3 rain stop. NEG stop, 3 still rain
Please call me Iyion [ˈiːɕɪ̯ɔ̈n]
Re: it rains

Envergil su. - Mi, envergan fe kun.
/ɛn'vɛːrgil 'suː || 'miː | ɛn'vɛːrgan 'fɛː 'kun/
En-verg-il su-ø. Mi, en-verg-an fe k-un.
3SG-rain-PST stop-MOD. no, 3SG-rain-PRS still all-TMP.
It stopped raining. - No, it rains still all.