Nınuıntı is spoken by the Nınuıtuıc, a race of tribal islanders that inhabit the southernmost stretch of the Sōkoa archipelago/empire. Apart from that, I still know relatively little about them.
Phoneme inventory
/h k t p ŋ n m r l/ <h c t p g n m r l>
/a i* u/ <a ı u>
*this phoneme is represented by /ı/ below, in line with Nınuıntı orthography. It just makes things easier.
Syllable structure is (C1)V(C2) where C2 can only be a nasal or /l/ word-medially and any consonant save /h ŋ r/ word-finally.
Permissible clusters:
nasal + stop at same PoA
lateral + stop
Sequences of vowels are unrestricted and resolved as follows:
/aa/ > [aː]
/ıı/ > [iː] and optionally [jiː] word-initially
/uu/ > [uː] and optionally [wuː] word-initially
/aı/ > [e]
/au/ > [o]
/uı/ > [we], /uıı/ > [wiː]
/ıu/ > [jo], /ıuu/ > [juː]
/ua/ > [wa]
/ıa/ > [ja]
/uau/ -> [wo]*, [uwo]**
/ıaı/ -> [je]*, [ije]**
**not word-initially
Longer strings of vowels are possible, provided at least every third vowel is ı or u resolved as a glide, e.g.
aıua [ewa], aaıuu [aːjuː], aaıuua [aːjowa], etc.
- Stops are unvoiced word-initially. They may be lightly aspirated.
- Stops are generally voiced in all medial positions, be it intervocalically or after a nasal.
- Stops are unreleased word-finally.
- /k/ is palatalised to [c] [ɟ] before /ı/.
- /t/ is palatalised to [t͡s d͡z] before /ı/.
- /h/ is palatalised to [ç] before /ı/.
- /n/ is palatalised to /ɲ/ before /ıa ıı ıu/ and optionally before single /ı/
- /r/ is [r~ɾ] word-initially and [ɾ] between vowels. /r/ shifts to /l/ before /ıa/ /ıu/ (and so pronounced [ʎ]).
- /l/ is [l] before a stop, /u/ and word-finally. It is [ʎ] before /ı/. It never occurs before /a/.
- Short vowels are optionally realised as [ɐ ɪ ʊ], whereas long vowels are always pronounced [aː iː uː]. I've sort of gotten into the habit of transcribing Nınuıntı short vowels using [ɐ ɪ ʊ], and I'll keep on doing so here.
Pitch Accent
I'm thinking of devising a Japanesey pitch-accent system, but haven't figured it out yet. In the meantime, let all words be lightly accented on the last syllable with a slight rise in pitch.
Sample Vocabulary
aaıuna [aːjonɐ] v imp if only
cınıunııt [cɪɲoɲiːt̚] adj small
garantıtaı [ŋɐɾɐnd͡zɪde] n idleness, laziness
huıcu [hwegʊ] n bird
ıtıupaı [ɪd͡zobe] n carelessness
naılıtılıc [neʎɪd͡zɪʎɪk̚] n sea turtle
Nınuıntı [nɪnwend͡zɪ] n the Nınuıntı language
tacaıuııut [tɐgewejot̚] n piglet
0 gımııl
1 aac
2 ual, uanu
3 pun
4 paı
5 hıcı
6 huı
7 ıuta
8 tuıca
9 cunun
10 tuc
Hopefully, I'll get the next post up later on or tomorrow.
All comments/criticism/suggestions welcome, as always!