Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by Ambrisio »

Дорообо again, loftyD!
дьиэгэ (? - are wide vowels the same as long vowels/diphthongs?)
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »

Дорообо! Бүгүн хайдах олороҕут?

Yes, the material I'm reading and studying says that wide vowels are the front vowels < э и ө ү >.
Therefore narrow vowels are < а ы о у >
Ambrisio wrote:
1) ойуҥҥа [Correct]
2) куоракка [Correct. You got the assimilation right]
3) сирэйгэ [Correct]
4) дьиэгэ [Incorrect. Correct Answer: Дьиэҕэ ]
5) учууталга [Correct]
6) бөлкөйгө [Correct]
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by Ambrisio »

So it's just a front/back thing.
Бүгүн хайдах олороҕут?
I really need to build my vocab, so I can respond in Sakha.
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »

Don't worry about responses just yet!
Once I've covered a bit more in Sakha, such as possessives and tenses, then I will set an easy translation challenge. :)

Next lesson will be the Ablative Case.
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by Gusismail2 »

Үтүө күнүнэн күндү доҕоттрорум !

Бииргэ үлэбитэххэ биһиги сахалыы билинии тупсариахпыт. Мин эмиэ саха тылыни үөрэнэччи. ол гынан баран миэхэ сахалыы кэпсэтэр киһим суох иһин билигин сахалыы кыратык да саҥарабын. миэхэ көмөлөр саналаах киһи манна баар дуо ?

Hello everyone,

If we work together we'll upgrade our skills in Sakha. I also happened to learn the language, but there's no one to whom I could speak Sakha daily so as for now I know it just abit. Is there anyone who can help me ?
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by zyma »

This is so awesome! I'm sad I've never seen these teach and share threads before.
Edit: Time to go back and check my answers!
Lesson 1:
1) Convert түспүт саамыр into IPA /tyspyt saːmɯr/
2) Convert суоллар уһун into IPA /suolːar uhun/
3) Convert /min kyølge baɾdɯm/ into Sakha Orthography. мин күөлгэ бардым
4) Convert /ytylyge suox taxsɯma/ into Sakha Orthography. үтүлүгэ суох тахсыма
Am I correct in assuming that double consonants in the orthography, such as the лл in суоллар, are pronounced as geminates?
Edit: Looking back, you told Ambrisio that /suollar/ was correct, as opposed to /suol:ar/. What's the difference?

Lesson 2:
1) Convert the nouns provided to their plural form.
тыал (tıal): wind тыаллар (tıallar): winds
моҕотой (moğotoy): chipmunk моҕотойдор (moğotoydor): chipmunks
bөдөҥ (bödöñ): strong bөдөҥнөр (bödöñnör): strengths(?)
тиис (tiis): tooth тиистэр (tiister): teeth
The translation given for bөдөҥ is "strong", but if these are nouns, is it supposed to be "strength"? Or am I missing something?

Lesson 3:
1) түөрт + түөрт = ??? аҕыс
2) биэс + икки = ??? сэттэ
3) икки * биэс = ??? уон
4) уон - сэттэ = ??? үс
5) алта - үс = ??? үс

Lesson 4:
1) What is 99 in Sakha? тоҕус уон тоҕус
2) What is 156 in Sakha? сүүс биэс уон алта
3) What is 6149 in Sakha? алта тыһынча сүүс түөрт уон тоҕус
4) уон тыһынча - биэс тыһынча алта сүүс сүрбэ үс? түөрт тыһынча үс сүүс сэттэ уон сэттэ
5) туох үс тыһынча биэс сүүс түөрт уон икки Aаҥл тылаҕа? three thousand five hundred forty-two
I definitely couldn't give you exact glosses of туох, Aаҥл, and тылаҕа, but I'm pretty sure I know approximately what the question was asking.
Edit: Ambrisio's answer was алта тыһынча (биир) сүүс түөрт уон тоҕус. Does it matter whether or not you include the биир in there? I'd guess not.

Lesson 5:
1) Ойун Ойуҥҥа
2) куорат куоракка
3) Сирэй Сирэйгэ
4) Дьиэ Дьиэҕэ
5) учуутал учууталга
6) бөлкөй бөлкөйгө
What do these words mean? What is the "template" for Sakha noun declension? Would case suffixes come before or after number suffixes?

It's truly a shame that it's been about a year since this thread updated. Sakha is a really cool language! I hope these lessons continue someday, but if not, hopefully I can find ways to teach myself Sakha.

Thanks for the start, loftyD!
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by Xonen »

While I share the sentiment that this is indeed rather awesome, I'm afraid it's perhaps best not to hold your breath waiting for answers: [:S]
loftyD's profile wrote:Last visited: Thu 14 Nov 2013
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by zyma »

Xonen wrote:While I share the sentiment that this is indeed rather awesome, I'm afraid it's perhaps best not to hold your breath waiting for answers: [:S]
loftyD's profile wrote:Last visited: Thu 14 Nov 2013
Yeah, I figured as much. Thanks for confirming it, though. Hopefully I'll have luck Googling resources.
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »

Hi guys!

I apologise for my long absence.

I will continue with this thread in due course and will respond to Shimobaatar's post subsequently.

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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »

shimobaatar wrote:This is so awesome! I'm sad I've never seen these teach and share threads before.
Edit: Time to go back and check my answers!
Lesson 1:
1) Convert түспүт саамыр into IPA /tyspyt saːmɯr/
2) Convert суоллар уһун into IPA /suolːar uhun/
3) Convert /min kyølge baɾdɯm/ into Sakha Orthography. мин күөлгэ бардым
4) Convert /ytylyge suox taxsɯma/ into Sakha Orthography. үтүлүгэ суох тахсыма
Am I correct in assuming that double consonants in the orthography, such as the лл in суоллар, are pronounced as geminates?
Edit: Looking back, you told Ambrisio that /suollar/ was correct, as opposed to /suol:ar/. What's the difference?

Lesson 2:
1) Convert the nouns provided to their plural form.
тыал (tıal): wind тыаллар (tıallar): winds
моҕотой (moğotoy): chipmunk моҕотойдор (moğotoydor): chipmunks
bөдөҥ (bödöñ): strong bөдөҥнөр (bödöñnör): strengths(?)
тиис (tiis): tooth тиистэр (tiister): teeth
The translation given for bөдөҥ is "strong", but if these are nouns, is it supposed to be "strength"? Or am I missing something?

Lesson 3:
1) түөрт + түөрт = ??? аҕыс
2) биэс + икки = ??? сэттэ
3) икки * биэс = ??? уон
4) уон - сэттэ = ??? үс
5) алта - үс = ??? үс

Lesson 4:
1) What is 99 in Sakha? тоҕус уон тоҕус
2) What is 156 in Sakha? сүүс биэс уон алта
3) What is 6149 in Sakha? алта тыһынча сүүс түөрт уон тоҕус
4) уон тыһынча - биэс тыһынча алта сүүс сүрбэ үс? түөрт тыһынча үс сүүс сэттэ уон сэттэ
5) туох үс тыһынча биэс сүүс түөрт уон икки C? three thousand five hundred forty-two
I definitely couldn't give you exact glosses of туох, Aаҥл, and тылаҕа, but I'm pretty sure I know approximately what the question was asking.
Edit: Ambrisio's answer was алта тыһынча (биир) сүүс түөрт уон тоҕус. Does it matter whether or not you include the биир in there? I'd guess not.

Lesson 5:
1) Ойун Ойуҥҥа
2) куорат куоракка
3) Сирэй Сирэйгэ
4) Дьиэ Дьиэҕэ
5) учуутал учууталга
6) бөлкөй бөлкөйгө
What do these words mean? What is the "template" for Sakha noun declension? Would case suffixes come before or after number suffixes?

It's truly a shame that it's been about a year since this thread updated. Sakha is a really cool language! I hope these lessons continue someday, but if not, hopefully I can find ways to teach myself Sakha.

Thanks for the start, loftyD!

Lesson 1 answers are correct.

The point regarding the word суоллар (roads) and its dubious IPA for the double l. I personally now don't think there's a difference, so what I said to Ambrisio at the time was a load of rubbish. /suolːar uhun/ or /suollar uhun/ is fine.

Lesson 2 answers are correct.

When the word бөдөҥ is in its plural form, it means "the people who are strong", or the "strong ones".

Lesson 3 answes are correct.

Lesson 4 answes are correct.

туох means "what?" and Aаҥл тылаҕа means "In English", so yeah you got the idea :)

Lesson 5 answers are correct.

I thought I provided glosses for the words: (nvm)
1) Ойун Ойуҥҥа - to the shaman
2) куорат куоракка - in the city
3) Сирэй Сирэйгэ - on the face
4) Дьиэ Дьиэҕэ - in the house (This word is a borrowing from Mongolian)
5) учуутал учууталга - to the teacher
6) бөлкөй бөлкөйгө - on the islet

The order of nouns is like this: <number> <noun><nominative-plural><other-noun-case>
I.e. "On the five mountains" : Биэс хайаларҕа

Unfortunately, in my absence, there are hardly any sources for Sakha grammar or any audio samples.

I will try and aim to produce some more audio over the next coming lessons, so you can actually hear what it sounds like.
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by zyma »

Hi, it's nice to see you back! Thanks for clearing some of those things up! [:)]
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »

As promised in my last post of yesteryear, I present the next lesson on the Sakha language about the ablative case.

A major difference with Sakha compared to other Turkic languages such as Turkish and Crimean Tatar, is that the ablative is not used to convey the meaning of the comparative. In Sakha, there is a special comparative case that deals with this.

As with the locative/dative, there are various allomorphs that can be added to a noun.

There are two major conditions and each has 4 sub conditions for which to apply the correct morpheme.

Condition 1 : AWD (After Vowels And Diphthongs)
Condition 2: AAC (After Any Consonant)

If AWD :

a) back except /o/
b) front except /ø/
c) /o/ only
d) /ø/ only

If a, then add <ттан>
If b, then add <ттэн>
If c, then add <ттон>
If d, then add <ттөн>

If AAC :

a) back except /o/
b) front except /ø/
c) /o/ only
d) /ø/ only

If a, then add <тан>
If b, then add <тэн>
If c, then add <тон>
If d, then add <төн>

Some examples:

балыктан куттанар: He is scared of fish.
Уоспаттан өлбүттэрэ: They died from smallpox.
Дьиэттэн таҕыстылар: They went out of the house.
Сөмөлүөттөн кэлдим: I came off the plane.

Word Gloss:

Сөмөлүөт: Aeroplane
кэлдим: I came
балык: fish
Хомуур: harvest
баарды: There were


1) Translate into Sakha: "The horse came from the meadow". [Hint: Ат is horse and ходуһа is meadow]
2) Translate into Sakha: "There were potatoes from the harvest". [Hint: хортуоппуй is potato]
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »


Happy New Year to everyone!

I've managed to get some time and record some sentences in Sakha for you.

Download here: http://www.c9m.co.uk/media/sakha-sentences.mp3

Sentences in Written Sakha:

Уута Аҕал! : Give (me some) water!

Эдэр атта аҕалиҥ: Give me a young horse!

Почта Сөмөлүөтүнэн кэллэ: The mail came by plane.

Мин килиэби быһаҕынан быһабын: I cut bread with a knife.

Эһэ бөрөлүүн охсуотулар: The bear fought with the wolf.

Бу ыт аттааҕар түргэнник сүүрэр: This dog runs faster than a horse.
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by zyma »

Lesson 6:
1) Translate into Sakha: "The horse came from the meadow". [Hint: Ат is horse and ходуһа is meadow]

ат ходуһаттан кэлдим

Two questions (sorry if these have been answered before; it's been a long time since I've have the opportunity to read through this thread): What is Sakha word order, and what exactly does "кэлдим" mean? You have it translated as "I came", but I couldn't find a way to make it "it came", because the subject of the first exercise sentence is "the horse", not "I".

2) Translate into Sakha: "There were potatoes from the harvest". [Hint: хортуоппуй is potato]

хортуоппуй хомууртан баарды

A similar question to the one above, I suppose: How do verbs in Sakha work? Am I overlooking the post on this, or have we not gotten there yet?
loftyD wrote:Уута Аҕал! : Give (me some) water!

Эдэр атта аҕалиҥ: Give me a young horse!

Почта Сөмөлүөтүнэн кэллэ: The mail came by plane.

Мин килиэби быһаҕынан быһабын: I cut bread with a knife.

Эһэ бөрөлүүн охсуотулар: The bear fought with the wolf.

Бу ыт аттааҕар түргэнник сүүрэр: This dog runs faster than a horse.
Interesting! If you have the time, could you maybe provide glosses for these (and other sentences in the future)?

Thanks again for continuing these lessons!
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by loftyD »

shimobaatar wrote:Lesson 6:
1) Translate into Sakha: "The horse came from the meadow". [Hint: Ат is horse and ходуһа is meadow]

ат ходуһаттан кэлдим

Two questions (sorry if these have been answered before; it's been a long time since I've have the opportunity to read through this thread): What is Sakha word order, and what exactly does "кэлдим" mean? You have it translated as "I came", but I couldn't find a way to make it "it came", because the subject of the first exercise sentence is "the horse", not "I".

2) Translate into Sakha: "There were potatoes from the harvest". [Hint: хортуоппуй is potato]

хортуоппуй хомууртан баарды

A similar question to the one above, I suppose: How do verbs in Sakha work? Am I overlooking the post on this, or have we not gotten there yet?

loftyD: 1) Sorry I thought I had used this form of the verb previously, I will cover the tenses soon. кэлди is the form I was looking for.
2) This is correct.

I will cover the glosses in the next lesson for you :)
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Re: Саха Тыла үөрэн! Learn Sakha!

Post by zyma »

loftyD wrote:
shimobaatar wrote:Lesson 6:
1) Translate into Sakha: "The horse came from the meadow". [Hint: Ат is horse and ходуһа is meadow]

ат ходуһаттан кэлдим

Two questions (sorry if these have been answered before; it's been a long time since I've have the opportunity to read through this thread): What is Sakha word order, and what exactly does "кэлдим" mean? You have it translated as "I came", but I couldn't find a way to make it "it came", because the subject of the first exercise sentence is "the horse", not "I".

2) Translate into Sakha: "There were potatoes from the harvest". [Hint: хортуоппуй is potato]

хортуоппуй хомууртан баарды

A similar question to the one above, I suppose: How do verbs in Sakha work? Am I overlooking the post on this, or have we not gotten there yet?

loftyD: 1) Sorry I thought I had used this form of the verb previously, I will cover the tenses soon. кэлди is the form I was looking for.
2) This is correct.

I will cover the glosses in the next lesson for you :)

Thanks! [:D]
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
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