I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Thrice Xandvii »

Probably ignorance.
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by GrandPiano »

說 would definitely be better. 說話 is always intransitive (話, which means "speech", acts as the object of 說 "to say").
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Thrice Xandvii »

GrandPiano wrote:說 would definitely be better. 說話 is always intransitive (話, which means "speech", acts as the object of 說 "to say").
Good to know. My Chinese is shitty and woefully insufficient. I'm decent at writing it though!
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Dormouse559 »

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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Imralu »

:con: :png: Wena:

Na i ze nwimu zyu wa i nge mya. I he nge Wena.
1s COP NEG.E understand.AG GEN.C 2s COP communicate.AG GEN.what | COP JUSS.E communicate.AG Wena
I don't understand what you're saying. Please speak Wena.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Ebon »

Sadashivou re so setail neme paleor. Setaya neme Nereifivu.
[ˈsa.da.ʃi.vɔu ɾe suj ˈse.tajl ˈne.me ˈpa.leɔɾ seˈta.ja ˈne.me ˈne.ɾɛj.fi.vu]
understand-NEG.1SG.PRES 1SG DEF say.2SG.PRES 2SG thing-ACC say-IMP 2SG Nereifa-COMITATIVE.ANIMATE
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Nereifa.

In script:
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by mira »

:con: Inyi

apneyitai te iten yeyeyepnepata. Inyi apneyita.
Lit. I do not understand the speaking of you. Speak Inyi.
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Inyi.
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by kiwikami »

:con: Alál

Dzaàltarîrxu Alùlaı. Lıú Alùzlrııá alál!
dz<aà-lat.~a>r̀-í-r̀x.~u.r̀ la<ù>l-ı-a | lıú la<ùz>l-ŕı-ı-á la<á>l
parse<1.3-zero>-STAT-NVOL2.ACT speak<2>-DUR-VOL.ACT | using speak<2.1>-IMP-DUR-VOL2.ACT language<OBL.AUG>
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak to me in Alál!
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.

:eng: :mrgreen: | :fra: [:)] | ASL [:S] | :deu: [:|] | :tan: [:(] | :nav: [:'(]
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by All4Ɇn »

:con: Þrinn
Ig behöße, þat kóðt þu nen. Prattet ängelsk!
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Chagen »


no kirriruuŋŋu un dwama. Kirroŋom kiranayaddi!
no kir-tiru-uŋ-nu un dwam-a Kirroŋa-um kir-a-na<ya>m-di
1S speak-NMLZ-2S.POSS-ACC NEG understand-PFV Kirroŋa-S.OBL speak-PFV-PROL<3S>-IMPERATIVE

(Lit. "I do not understand your speaking. Speak by means of Kirroŋa!")
Nūdenku waga honji ma naku honyasi ne ika-ika ichamase!
female-appearance=despite boy-voice=PAT hold boy-youth=TOP very be.cute-3PL
Honyasi zō honyasi ma naidasu.
boy-youth=AGT boy-youth=PAT love.romantically-3S
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Sglod »

:con: Kâzaron

To (nê) diperta zu moin nisan(ês)a. Kâzaronât diperti!
to (nê) di-pert-a zu moin ni-san-(ês)-a | Kâzaron-ât di-pert-i
NEG (1s.ERG) 2s-say-PRS REL thing.PL 1s-understand-(POT)-PRS | Kâzaron-INS 2s-speak-IMP

/to (ne) dɪˈpœɹta d͡zɯ moin nɪˈʃaːn(eʃ)a ˈkɑːzaɾonɑt dɪˈpœɹtɪ/
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Kâzaron!

:con: Harzôn:

Thô nizain ei diverth zu meini. Harzôn ath ferth!
NEG 1s.understand 3p.INAN 2s.speak REL thing.PL | Harzôn INS speak.IMP
[θʏ nʲɪˈzæɪ̯n ɶʏ̯ ʒɪˈvɶːθ ʒʏ ˈmɶʏ̯nʲɪ ˈx̞äːʒʏn äθ fɶːθ]
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Harzôn!
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Ular

Lăn tā nùngwò má kûng pãm rhóngthŭ lăn. Nūn Jōlár wŏ má!

[lɛ̂̄n tɛ̄ nỳŋʊ̯ɔ̀ mɑ́ kúŋ pɑ̃́m ríŋtʰŷ́ lɛ̂̄n. nȳn jɔ̄lɛ́ɹ ʊ̯ɔ̂́ mɑ́]
1SG TOP say 2SG REL NEG understand 1SG | IMP Ular speak 2SG
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Ular!
Please call me Iyion [ˈiːɕɪ̯ɔ̈n]
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Itlani Jim »

"I don't understand what you are saying. Speak Itlani!

In Itlani:

"Idaova kiinova eypyare, ra-dayaru. Tashe, Itlanizhe eypyate!"
(That which you speak, not-understand-I. Please, in-Itlani speak!")
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Jackk »

:con: Duban

Fa du da yon isa yemban t'are. Emma tu wed Duban!
/fa ˈdu da ˈjon i.sa ˈyem.ban ˌta.ɾe || ˈem.ma ˈtu wed ˈdu.ban/
[fəˌdu ˈdjo.ni.zə ˈyæ̃.bɑ̃ ˌta.ɾə || ˈɛm.mə ˈtu.wɛd ˈdu.bɑ̃]
to 1s neg seen this say-ptcp.psv from 2s.obl || speak imp with Duban
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Duban!
terram impūram incolāmus
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Parlox »


Xoḙǵdoḙon uḱxannaos, oǵdanyos H̭itoymh̭a!
[xoɛg͡doɛon uk͡xɑnɑos, og͡dɑna͡ios hitoa͡imhɑ]
Understand-1ST-NEG say-PRES-2ND, speak-COP-PRES Hitayamian
I do not understand what you are saying, speak Hitayamian! (lit, I understand not you say, be speaking Hitayamia!n)


Uoso ǒsmučkcu monuy̌ınna kǒnu nreu yı, morǰeun Makǔdorın!
[ɯoso ɘsmmɯt͡ʃkjɯ monɯɟina kɘna nɹɛɯ ci, moɹd͡ʒɛɯn makʌdoɹin]
COP-NEG understand word-PLUR(W) you-GEN say i, talk Makonian
I do not understand what you are saying, speak Makonian! (lit, I am not understanding words you say, talk in Makonian!)
:con: Gândölansch (Gondolan)Feongkrwe (Feongrkean)Tamhanddön (Tamanthon)Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic)Yônjcerth (Yaponese)Ba̧supan (Basupan)Mùthoķán (Mothaucian) :con:
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Imralu »

:tan: Swahili:

Sielewi mambo unayosema. Ongea Kiswahili!
si-elew(a)-i mambo u-na-yo-sem(a) | onge(a) Kiswahili
NEG.1s-understand-NEG.PRES matters(6) 2s-PRES-6.REL-say | speak Swahili

I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Swahili!
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Egerius »

:eng: Iċ ne understande naƿiht þe þú sæġst. Spreċ on Ƿesseaxne (, iċ ġebidde þé)!
[ɪt͡ʃ nə ˌʊndəɹˈstɑndə nɑwɪçt θə ðuː sæjst‖ ˈspɹɛk ɔn ˈwɛsˌsæɑ̯k͡snə (| ɪt͡ʃ jəˈbɪddə ðeː)]
I do not understand anything that you say. Speak in West-Saxon (, I beg you)!

I took some liberty while transcribing, assuming that the intervocalic voicing of fricatives may have been active across word boundaries in particles, pronouns, and prepositions.
Éall woruld is bócfell, ǽlc of ús is án stǽr.
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Parlox »

Çu Mënçǔär

Çinǎģuǎu ïçinojpu, ǎvam vëģiwuç Çumënçǔär.
[Sinɑːʙuɑːɯ iːsinɤʟpɯ ɑːvam vɛʙiwɯs sɯmɛnsɯ̽ːɑɹ], or more loosely [Sinagaɤ isinɛlɛpo ɑvɑm vəɹgipos somɛnsoɹ]
Understand-1ST-NEG say-what-2ND.GEN.SING, 1ST.NOM.SING-DEO-COP.PRES speak-PRES new-maroonian
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak New Maroonian.

Ģ is often pronounced as "g" instead of "ʙ" depending on dialect
:con: Gândölansch (Gondolan)Feongkrwe (Feongrkean)Tamhanddön (Tamanthon)Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic)Yônjcerth (Yaponese)Ba̧supan (Basupan)Mùthoķán (Mothaucian) :con:
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Osia »

Modern Lyran

Cʰahįįʔááfcʰaqįįč’á ašfaaq'aq. Šafaat qafaaʔúnʰíí!
cʰahįį-ʔa-a-f-cʰ-qįį-č’a a-š-faa-ʕ-qaʕ. š-faa-rʰ qa-faaʔu-nʰíí
[cʰæhɛ̃ːʔáːɸcʰæqɛ̃ːt͡ʃʼá aʃɸɑːq ‖ ʃaɸaːt qɑɸaːʔón̥íː]
I don't understand what you're saying. Speak Lyran!
(lit. I hear that I don't see the thing that you speak. Speak with our language!)
:eng: : [tick] :esp: : [:S] ASL: [>_<]
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Re: I don't understand what you're saying. Speak English!

Post by Epaqasnwqar »

Täzari wrote: 20 Sep 2014 16:22 :con: Lözusöteli
Besætzinæ hvå/hvad ræbit. Seknekot lözusötelil!

:ain: Aynu
Hemanta e=itak ya k=erampewtek wa. Aynu itak ani itak!

:jpn: Japanese
I saw there is already a translation in Japanese but I think that it should be 日本語話せ instead of 日本語話せ... I'll wait for a native speaker to solve this.

Here I want to try to provide also a Nivkh translation. The only thing I'm not sure about is the usage of the verb "p'ur-" with the name of a language, maybe there is another more appropriate verb. I'll look up for this!

ɲi t̩'i iřt̩p'anp'arad̩ra. ɲivx p'urja!

Usually Nivkh is written using a modified Russian alphabet but I prefer to write it using the IPA alphabet. This is just for my own comfort.
Ni hongo de qaqw be :Nan de mo yyyo, go men Qanji ha deki nay ,Tazari tomodachi shi-tte da naa teba,
Shysham ytah ya quasi [->] ( for my own comfort :mrgreen: yay-syq w-saq-ytah Aynw ytah a=an(r)y a nw-ye p tap ne qar yn-qar=pirqa no w-sa-o-qa-y =an ne e rw-y

Tazari a-ram-w se-qor Pirka nispa qwr can speak write Aynu yeah qan-py qa-ta nep e^as-qay na nep- =an! qwr wa rw-we an-nep-qa wa rwy Who is Pirka ? Qw=an aq ne e-a-pyrqa-re-y-ytah nw-yw-qar wa yn-qar qon rwswy ne -e a-nw -ye p-qar yn-qar yan ro ne -e rw-we wa ...wa ma-nw ne yaq-ne yay ram-w q:s-me we a-e-yay-paq-as-nw yan rwy wa =an qwsw ne na.

I put a lot of effort in writing with out care about mistake w-we-w-pa-pe-qen-w-pa to myself ,no time to scratch my beard yay tom tom =(oshare)yay-re-qy-sar qy-qy-somo na so then yay-a papw ne -e sorry syq-ne-nw-ye-qar qy wa nee-e Nihongo kiray da mon= Sisam ytah ram-w ra-rwtwr-y-ywpwpw.
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