Language practice thread 2

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Re: Language practice thread

Post by All4Ɇn »

shimobaatar wrote: 21 Feb 2018 04:42私は牛肉も鶏肉もいいと思います。
Watashi wa gyūniku mo toriniku mo ī to omoimasu.
I think that beef and chicken are both good.
ダメ!側を選択しなくていけないよ [xP]
Dame! Gawa wo sentaku shinakute ikenai yo
No! You have to pick a side
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by alynnidalar »

Oki. Yornas.
okay | pig
Okay. Pork.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

All4Ɇn wrote: 21 Feb 2018 07:10
shimobaatar wrote: 21 Feb 2018 04:42私は牛肉も鶏肉もいいと思います。
Watashi wa gyūniku mo toriniku mo ī to omoimasu.
I think that beef and chicken are both good.
ダメ!側を選択しなくていけないよ [xP]

Dame! Gawa wo sentaku shinakute ikenai yo
No! You have to pick a side
でも、つまらないですよ。 [:P]
Demo, tsumaranai desu yo.
But that's boring.
alynnidalar wrote: 21 Feb 2018 16:25 Oki. Yornas.
okay | pig
Okay. Pork.
Kono gengo wa nan desu ka?
What language is this?

Watashi wa hontō ni butaniku no daifan ja nai desu.
I'm actually not a huge fan of pork.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by ixals »

Znex wrote: 19 Feb 2018 22:19 Eine Art Drohnung?? Nein, nein! Ich war allzu zwanglos, aber gar nicht drohend!
A threat! No, no! I was overly casual, but never threatening!
Ben “tehdit” demek istemedim, ama en uygun kelimeyi bilmedim.
I didn't mean "threat" but I didn't know the most suitable word.

"Don't you dare try not to invite us! [:P]". Mehr wie eine spielerische "Drohung" halt, nichts Ernstes.
More like a playful "threat", nothing serious.

shimobaatar wrote: 21 Feb 2018 17:20 私は本当に豚肉の大ファンじゃないです。
Watashi wa hontō ni butaniku no daifan ja nai desu.
I'm actually not a huge fan of pork.
Domuz eti hoşuma de gitmiyor.
I don't like pork either.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by alynnidalar »

Whoops. I posted thinking this was the Conlang Conversation Thread! Ignore me...
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Dormouse559 »

Ouah ! Quand j'ai envoyé ma petite invitation de mariage, je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'elle déclenche une telle polémique.
Wow! When I sent my little wedding invitation, I didn't expect it to spark such controversy.

C'est soit le pouvoir de l'amour soit le pouvoir de la nourriture.
It's either the power of love or the power of food.

shimobaatar wrote: 21 Feb 2018 04:42¿De qué hablaron en estas programas de ciencia?
What did they talk about on these science shows?

Y por favor, no diga usted "de ciencia". [:P]
And please, don't say "about science".
De la science.
About science.

Mais à vrai dire, j'ai du mal à me rappeler toutes les émissions que j'ai vues.
But to be honest, I'm having trouble remembering all the shows I saw.

Ah, dans une émission, des scientifiques ont mis des caméras sur des animaux pour étudier leur comportement.
Oh, one show was about scientists outfitting animals with video cameras to study their behavior.

Je me suis surtout intéressé à une partie sur des chiens gardiens de troupeau en France.
I was particularly interested in a segment on livestock guardian dogs in France.

Un défenseur de l'environnement voulait utiliser les images pour démontrer l'utilité de ces chiens pour les bergers français.
A conservationist wanted to use the footage to convince French shepherds of guardian dogs' usefulness.

Le but ultime : promouvoir une méthode de protéger les moutons des loups sans tuer les loups.
The ultimate goal being to promote a way of protecting sheep from wolves without killing the wolves.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by All4Ɇn »

Ich weiß nicht warum, aber ich fange an, -g als [x~ç] in Wörtern wie Weg und Prag auszusprechen. Ich bin ja kein Deutscher, geschweige denn ein Nordländer.
I don't know why but I'm starting to pronounce -g as [x~ç] in words like Weg and Prag. I'm not even German, much less a Northerner.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Creyeditor »

Karena itu jauh lebih gampang [:D]
Because this is so much easier [:D]

Dan, maaf sa koreksi, kata yang benar itu 'Norddeutscher', bukan 'Nordländer'.

And it is 'Norddeutscher', not 'Nordländer'

Kalau di logat jerman utara itu /nɔːɾɔɪ̯t͡ʃɐ/. Kayaknya.
If you want to pronounce that like a northerner, it's something like /nɔːɾɔɪ̯t͡ʃɐ/.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Alessio »

A-v vój cunter na fôla in mudněṡ.
I want to tell you a joke in Modenese (dialect of the Emilian language).

I gh' ěr'n in trî vampîr ch'i gh'avîven dimóndi fâm, mo i ěren ed quî ch'i bàven sǒl al sanghev dal věrgini.
There were three very hungry vampires, the kind of vampires that will only drink a virgin's blood.

Un al dîṡ: "dai dai, counta gninta stêr chè a dscàrer, mè a vâg e quàl ch'a cât a cât".
One says: "come on, it's useless to stay here and talk, I'll just go and see what I can find".

Al partés *GNAAAAAOUN* cumpagna un râż, zinc minût e al tǒrna indě coun dal sanghev d'intǒren dla bàca.
He leaves running *WHEEEEEE* at the speed of sound and comes back after five minutes, with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Bein? Ě-t catê gninta?" "Sè" al dîṡ - "vdîv cla muntâgna là? Lè sàta a gh'è un vilâg', l'è pin ed żuvnôti!"
"So? Found anything?" "Yes" he says - "can you see that mountain over there? There's a village nearby, it's full of maidens!"

"Valà ca adêsa a vâg a zerchêr anca mè" al dîṡ al secànd, e anca ló al partés *GNAAAAAOUN* e al tǒrna indrě dàp děṡ minût, coun la bàca tóta insanguinêda.
"Well then it's my turn to go look for blood" says the second, and he too leaves running *WHEEEEE* and comes back after ten minutes, his mouth covered in blood.

"Sócia ragâz mo'c bvûda! Vdîv cla muntâgna là?" "Oi" "Bein, lè sàta, da cl'êtra pêrt, a gh'è un êter vilâg', tót pin ed ragazêli mâi tuchêdi!"
"Wow, what a drink! Can you see that mountain?" "Yep" "Well, on the other side of it there is another village, full of untouched girls!"

"Vâca bein adêsa a vâg a bàver anca mè" al dîṡ al těrz. Al partés in svělt *GNAAAAAAAOUN* e dàp gnanc dû minût l'è bêle turnê indrě, coun tóta la ghégna pîna 'd sanghev dapartót.
"Well I really need to go drink myself" says the third one. He leaves as fast as the other ones *WHEEEEEEEE* but after less than two minutes he's already back, his face completely covered in blood everywhere.

"Bein mo indù ě-t e-stê da catêr acsè bein?" i gh'e-dmanden chi êter.
"Where the heck did you go to find that much blood?" the others ask.

"Vdîv cla muntâgna là?" al dmanda. "Oi." "Ecco, mè an l'ò mìa vésta."
"Can you see that mountain?" he asks. "Yeah." "Well, I didn't see it."
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

Dormouse559 wrote: 22 Feb 2018 06:46 Ouah ! Quand j'ai envoyé ma petite invitation de mariage, je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'elle déclenche une telle polémique.
Wow! When I sent my little wedding invitation, I didn't expect it to spark such controversy.

C'est soit le pouvoir de l'amour soit le pouvoir de la nourriture.
It's either the power of love or the power of food.
¿Tal vez es el poder de nuestro amor de la comida? [:P]
Maybe it's the power of our love for food?
Dormouse559 wrote: 22 Feb 2018 06:46 De la science.
About science.
Ay dios mío… :roll: [xD]
Oh my god…
Dormouse559 wrote: 22 Feb 2018 06:46 Mais à vrai dire, j'ai du mal à me rappeler toutes les émissions que j'ai vues.
But to be honest, I'm having trouble remembering all the shows I saw.
Totalmente comprensible. Pero suenan interesantes.
Totally understandable. They sound interesting, though.

Alessio wrote: 01 Mar 2018 20:45 A-v vój cunter na fôla in mudněṡ.
I want to tell you a joke in Modenese (dialect of the Emilian language).
I gh' ěr'n in trî vampîr ch'i gh'avîven dimóndi fâm, mo i ěren ed quî ch'i bàven sǒl al sanghev dal věrgini.
There were three very hungry vampires, the kind of vampires that will only drink a virgin's blood.

Un al dîṡ: "dai dai, counta gninta stêr chè a dscàrer, mè a vâg e quàl ch'a cât a cât".
One says: "come on, it's useless to stay here and talk, I'll just go and see what I can find".

Al partés *GNAAAAAOUN* cumpagna un râż, zinc minût e al tǒrna indě coun dal sanghev d'intǒren dla bàca.
He leaves running *WHEEEEEE* at the speed of sound and comes back after five minutes, with blood dripping from his mouth.

"Bein? Ě-t catê gninta?" "Sè" al dîṡ - "vdîv cla muntâgna là? Lè sàta a gh'è un vilâg', l'è pin ed żuvnôti!"
"So? Found anything?" "Yes" he says - "can you see that mountain over there? There's a village nearby, it's full of maidens!"

"Valà ca adêsa a vâg a zerchêr anca mè" al dîṡ al secànd, e anca ló al partés *GNAAAAAOUN* e al tǒrna indrě dàp děṡ minût, coun la bàca tóta insanguinêda.
"Well then it's my turn to go look for blood" says the second, and he too leaves running *WHEEEEE* and comes back after ten minutes, his mouth covered in blood.

"Sócia ragâz mo'c bvûda! Vdîv cla muntâgna là?" "Oi" "Bein, lè sàta, da cl'êtra pêrt, a gh'è un êter vilâg', tót pin ed ragazêli mâi tuchêdi!"
"Wow, what a drink! Can you see that mountain?" "Yep" "Well, on the other side of it there is another village, full of untouched girls!"

"Vâca bein adêsa a vâg a bàver anca mè" al dîṡ al těrz. Al partés in svělt *GNAAAAAAAOUN* e dàp gnanc dû minût l'è bêle turnê indrě, coun tóta la ghégna pîna 'd sanghev dapartót.
"Well I really need to go drink myself" says the third one. He leaves as fast as the other ones *WHEEEEEEEE* but after less than two minutes he's already back, his face completely covered in blood everywhere.

"Bein mo indù ě-t e-stê da catêr acsè bein?" i gh'e-dmanden chi êter.
"Where the heck did you go to find that much blood?" the others ask.

"Vdîv cla muntâgna là?" al dmanda. "Oi." "Ecco, mè an l'ò mìa vésta."
"Can you see that mountain?" he asks. "Yeah." "Well, I didn't see it."
Jeje. [B)]

Aressio, daiichi no gengo wa nan desu ka?
Alessio, what's your first language?
The user formerly known as "shimobaatar".
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by All4Ɇn »

shimobaatar wrote: 01 Mar 2018 22:14セィ
Je crois que les Japonais sont plus susceptibles d'utiliser «シ» ici. Bien que «ティ» soit assez commun, je ne peut pas en dire autant de «セィ». Mais je suis pas de tout un expert.
I believe that the Japanese are more likely to use シ here. Even though ティ is pretty common, I can't say the same for セィ. But I'm not at all an expert

Shimo, do you know how to type ティ on a keyboard? I can only type テイ and チ.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by GrandPiano »

All4Ɇn wrote: 02 Mar 2018 00:37シモさんはキーボードで「ティ」を打ち方を知りますか?僕は「テイ」と「チ」をしか打てません。
Shimo, do you know how to type ティ on a keyboard? I can only type テイ and チ.
Boku no IME de wa, "teli" ka "texi" ka "thi" de utemasu.
On my IME, you can type it with "teli", "texi", or "thi".

(Chinami ni, "shitte imasu ka" no hou ga "shirimasu ka" yori ii to omoimasu)
(By the way, I think that "shitte imasu ka" would be better than "shirimasu ka")
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by All4Ɇn »

GrandPiano wrote: 02 Mar 2018 04:05僕のIMEでは、「teli」か「texi」か「thi」で打てます。
Boku no IME de wa, "teli" ka "texi" ka "thi" de utemasu.
On my IME, you can type it with "teli", "texi", or "thi".
Merci beaucoup!!!! [:D]
Thanks so much!!!!
GrandPiano wrote: 02 Mar 2018 04:05[(ちなみに、「知っていますか」のほうが「知りますか」よりいいと思います)
(Chinami ni, "shitte imasu ka" no hou ga "shirimasu ka" yori ii to omoimasu)
(By the way, I think that "shitte imasu ka" would be better than "shirimasu ka")
Ah ouais tu as raison. J'oublie toujours.
Ah yeah you're right. I always forget that.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

All4Ɇn wrote: 02 Mar 2018 00:37
shimobaatar wrote: 01 Mar 2018 22:14セィ
Je crois que les Japonais sont plus susceptibles d'utiliser «シ» ici. Bien que «ティ» soit assez commun, je ne peut pas en dire autant de «セィ». Mais je suis pas de tout un expert.
I believe that the Japanese are more likely to use シ here. Even though ティ is pretty common, I can't say the same for セィ. But I'm not at all an expert
All4Ɇn wrote: 02 Mar 2018 00:37 シモさんはキーボードで「ティ」を打ち方を知りますか?僕は「テイ」と「チ」をしか打てません。
Shimo, do you know how to type ティ on a keyboard? I can only type テイ and チ.
No sé tampoco. Copié y pegué el "ィ".
I don't know, either. I copied and pasted the "ィ".

Las soluciones de GrandPiano funcionan para mí, pero no entiendo "IME".
GrandPiano's solutions work for me, even though I don't know what "IME" means.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by GrandPiano »

shimobaatar wrote: 02 Mar 2018 20:08Las soluciones de GrandPiano funcionan para mí, pero no entiendo "IME".
GrandPiano's solutions work for me, even though I don't know what "IME" means.
「IME」は「input method editor」の略語です。
"IME" wa "input method editor" no ryakugo desu.
"IME" stands for "input method editor".

"inputto mesoddo" to onaji imi desu.
It means the same thing as "input method".
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

¿Qué es la diferencia entre ése y un teclado?
What's the difference between that and a keyboard?
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by GrandPiano »

shimobaatar wrote: 03 Mar 2018 01:09 ¿Qué es la diferencia entre ése y un teclado?
What's the difference between that and a keyboard?
Hay cuatro métodos de entrada instalados en mi computadora: Un método de entrada inglés, un método de entrada chino, un método de entrada japonés y un método de entrada español.
There are four IMEs installed on my computer: An Engish IME, a Chinese IME, a Japanese IME, and a Spanish IME.

Solo uso un teclado.
I only use one keyboard.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by zyma »

Sō desu ka? Naruhodo… tabun. Chotto wakarimasu.
Is that so? I get it… maybe. I kind of understand.

No sé mucho de la tecnología.
I don't know a lot about technology.

Cuando quiero escribir en japonés en mi computadora, necesito que seleccionar un icono que se parece la bandera estadounidense cerca de la parte superior de mi pantalla.
When I want to type in Japanese, I have to select an icon that looks like the American flag near the top of my screen.

Cuando lo hago, un menú aparece, y puedo seleccionar un icono con el carácter de hiragana para "a".
When I do that, a menu appears, and I can select an icon with the hiragana character for "a".

Entonces, puedo usar mi teclado inglés para escribir en japonés. Mi computadora convierte letras latinas a hiragana, katakana, o kanji. Puedo seleccionar una de opciones varias generalmente.
Then, I can use my English keyboard to write in Japanese. My computer converts Latin letters into hiragana, katakana, or kanji. I can usually select one of several options.

Por ejemplo, cuando escribir "hito", puedo seleccionar "ひと", "ヒト", o "人".
For example, when I write "hito", I can select "ひと", "ヒト", or "人".

Supongo que esta función es probablemente un "IME", o algo similar.
I guess that this function is probably an "IME", or something similar.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Znex »

Ah, das ich finde zu kompliziert. Ich brauche eine Netztastatur, wie in
Eh, I find that too complicated. I use an internet keyboard, like on

Freilich, es dauert schon eine lange Weile, aber ich weiß nicht, was ich sonst machen soll.
Admittedly it does take a long while, but I don't know what else to do.
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Re: Language practice thread

Post by Iyionaku »

Znex wrote: 05 Mar 2018 09:31 Ah, das finde ich zu kompliziert. Ich brauche eine Netztastatur, wie in
Eh, I find that too complicated. I use an internet keyboard, like on
Znex, 总是重视動詞第二順位吧 [;)]
Znex, zǒngshì zhòngshì dòngcí dì-èr shùnwèi ba!
Znex, always pay attention to the V2 word order ;)
Please call me Iyion [ˈiːɕɪ̯ɔ̈n]
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