griushkoent conlang thread

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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

* Word-initial phoneme analysis (Part 2)

Now with ~2900 words instead:
p 3.8%
t 3.8%
k 7.6%
s 10.3%
b 1.8%
d 3.6%
g 6.1%
zˤ 2.7%

m 1.1%
n 2.3%
ŋ 0%
ʃ 5.1%
w 0.4%
j 4.4%
ɣ 1.8%
ʒ 2.7%

r 4.5%
tʃ 2.4%
f 1.7%
h 3.6%
l 2.8%
dʒ 3.3%
v 2.7%
θ 1.7%

a 1.7%
i 5.5%
ɔ 2.7%
u 2.9%
ə 2.1%
e 2.9%
Y 0.9%
ɯ 0.9%
Top 5 word-initial phonemes: /s, k, g, i, ʃ/
Bottom 5 word-initial phonemes: /ŋ, w, Y, ɯ, m/
Alright, so apparently, ʃ could be more common than r (random process) word-initially, so the cute coincidence of spelling out griuskant is lost. Overall, the percentages look quite similar with the smaller set, so I guess the "real" initial-word percentages hover near these values without much fluctuation.

Previous standard deviation = 2.13; New standard deviation = 2.08.
Hence, similar percentages in terms of comparison, though the word-initial phonemes themselves are slightly unbalanced. (An "ideal" dataset of these phonemes approach a standard deviation value of 1.9 for rough balance)
Last edited by Reyzadren on 24 Oct 2018 00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »


And we're back to storybooks, next in the collection: sulepstevo riounds.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »


Next storybook: zhevesmoezon riounds.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

* Total phoneme frequency analysis

Upon gathering some passages with over 200000 graphemes from the novels, this Frequentizer app by cedh was used to perform a total phoneme frequency analysis.
As a phonemic language, phoneme and symbol are virtually the same thing, thus, arranged in griuskant script order:
p 1.24%
t 2.77%
k 5.43%
s 6.89%
b 0.616%
d 2.86%
g 2.77%
zˤ 3.09%

m 1.02%
n 4.64%
ŋ 0.288%
ʃ 2.02%
w 0.161%
j 1.12%
ɣ 0.2%
ʒ 3.92%

r 5.93%
tʃ 0.899%
f 0.7%
h 1.18%
l 3.3%
dʒ 1.18%
v 2.75%
θ 1.02%

a 10.1%
i 9.64%
ɔ 3.67%
u 7.09%
ə 4.95%
e 7.34%
Y 0.582%
ɯ 0.66%
Top 5 phonemes: /a, i, e, u, s/ (initial: s,k,g,i,ʃ)
Bottom 5 phonemes: /w, ɣ, ŋ, Y, b/ (initial: ŋ,w,Y,ɯ,m)
Initial-phoneme standard deviation 2.08. Total phoneme standard deviation = 2.77.
Hence, the total phoneme distribution in griuskant is slightly unbalanced. (An "ideal" dataset of this phoneme frequency approach a standard deviation value of 2.2 for rough balance)

[Order comparison]
* Although /a/ forms only 1.7% of initial-phonemes, it forms 10.1% of total phonemes, and is the most frequent total phoneme.
* The most frequent initial-phoneme /s/ forms 10.3% of initial phonemes, but only forms 6.89% of total phonemes.
* /i/ is the most frequent vowel initial-phoneme at 5.5%, but is the 2nd most frequent total phoneme at 9.6%.
* The bottom 3 initial-phonemes /ŋ,w,Y/ are amongst the bottom 4 total phonemes.
* The correlation coefficient between the order of total phoneme and initial-phoneme is 0.44. Therefore, they are not similar.

* Half of all phonemes form 64.2% of total phonemes.
* Half the vowel inventory (all of which are in the top 4 total phonemes) form 34.2% of total phonemes.
* The top 4 consonant total phonemes /s, r, k, n/ form 24.7% of the dataset, and they are present in the spelling of griuskant.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 24 Oct 2018 00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

I repurposed a new page onto my website to showcase the conscript font, this time with a social media style, like a Twitter post/"tweet".

As usual, if there are any problems with viewing the font or loading the page in general, let me know [:D]
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

As you step into one of the many cafes in the Ithalgar hyper-region, you take a glance at what's displayed on a common menu. Inspired by this conversation~


:con: griuskant

shaigaui laezfosend; figlepsauz, juboupsouth, gaiangk, deneshurgaercen.
/'ʃaigaui 'lezˤfɔsənd; 'figləpsauzˤ, 'dʒubɔupsɔuθ, 'gaiaŋk, 'dənəʃurgertʃən/ show.choose-N-PASS-T3; chocolate.cake, "juboup" "pastry", "donut", berry-N.NEG-reveal-N-PASS
Daily selection: Chocolate cake, "juboup pastry", donut, forager's unrevealment.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

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Registrations for the GLE (Griuskant Language Examination) November 2018 session are now open! Test your griuskant proficiency skills. Remember, griuskant is one of the very few conlangs that has an examination board that will certify your abilities. Learn griuskant today with ample resources endorsed by the GLE organisation, including: a complete textbook and several novels for effective study. Boost your university application and gain your imaginary UCAS points.

GLE 210/1 November 2018 Examination Paper
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Goals from last year: Translate 2 books into griuskant.
This year's achievement: Added 8 books in griuskant. Well, guess I overshot that one :P
Goals for next year:

* More books
I have plans to translate 1 more novel from English literature sources, as well as probably making another beginner/kid's book to complement the conlang textbook.
I shall set more modest goals, this time ;)

* Community presence
In light of making griuskant one of the more accessible conlangs, my neocities website shall feature several pages with exciting content, which are entirely in griuskant.
View this journal page, or check out the social media posts.

* Vocabulary storage
There would be labelling versions in my internal files due to searchability; griuskant A or griuskant B. Acceptance, altlang, analogue; Bestiary, base, breakdown; whatever you want to call it. One should not think of them as separate entities, think of them as expansion packs.

* Conlang textbook
Of course, there will be continual updates to the main guide, such as fixing outdated info and improving clarity, eventhough the current edition is already published.

:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

yav arar.
/'jav 'arar/
just do-V-IMP
Just do it!
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Added a new page on my neocities website. It is an animal story.

As usual, this entire section of the site is designed with the griuskant conscript.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »


Translated griuskant storybook: Sougel ual. (Sign of Four; Sherlock Holmes series) [Link 2]
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Corpus Analysis

After analysing several griuskant novels in the collection, the top 30 most commonly used words are shown:
(English; romanised, relative frequency)
3SG; raes, 5153
1SG; aesk, 4670
is; az, 3056
and; un, 2437
REL; zhed, 2274
that; zhae, 1839
then; zher, 1787
NEG; shur, 1583
with; vaezh, 1574
at; vuzh, 1369
to; ki, 1359
during; vozh, 1276
upon; iuz, 1142
2SG; ost, 1018
talk; kiga, 997
this; zhe, 893
COMP; zhaed, 834
as; ik, 819
creature; er, 714
see; jiska, 690
for; hin, 659
but; ut, 640
more; il, 626
already; at, 605
1; raik, 545
got; zida, 541
from; ga, 519
Q?; urva, 488
will; kin, 481
many; is, 460
Well, that's not really surprising. They are mostly pronouns and particles. The only notable noun noun is "creature", while the verbs are "talk", "see" and "got".

Zipf's law

Using the above values in a logarithm plot, a statistical analysis is done to determine if there is a inverse relationship between rank and word frequency, as suggested by Zipf's law with regards to natural languages. This is the result of its linear regression:
The value of R^2, the coefficient of determination, is 0.9536.
This is a strong negative correlation, which means that high X variable scores go with low Y variable scores (and vice versa).
Mathematically, the word frequency distribution in griuskant is in accordance with Zipf's law. Eventhough the word frequency does not exactly halve towards the next rank, its actual formula allows a rather consistent multiplier.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 11 Jun 2020 06:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Conlang audio: griuskant voice sample 2.

:con: griuskant


naertko una taejautylksen aenanboeja. ostes ijjaeiza va?
aesk gaevkia spaezha kuthkuyet zhed reca yaedsyalk, zher yav retor ; krezdalk un puiskdalk un jaepdalk.

naertko una taejautylksen aenanboeja. ostes ijjaeiza va?
/'nertkɔ 'una 'tedʒautYlksən 'enanbɯdʒa. 'ɔstəs 'idʒdʒeizˤa 'va/
milktea and-V peach.glimmerglittershine-PL-N-PASS TR-oolalabsod-V. 2PL advanced-like-V what
Milk/bubble tea with some added peach flavour gives me all the kick I need. What are your favourites?

aesk gaevkia spaezha kuthkuyet zhed reca yaedsyalk, zher yav retor ;
/'esk 'gevkia 'speʒa 'kuθkujət ʒəd 'rətʃa 'jedsjalk, ʒər 'jav 'rətɔr/
1SG difficult-A-V think-V song.title REL have-V animal-PL-word, then just memory-EB-IMP
I struggled to think of a song that has an animal in its title, and then I remembered:

krezdalk un puiskdalk un jaepdalk.
/'krəzˤdalk un 'puiskdalk un 'dʒepdalk/
black.bird and wise.bird and freedom.bird
The Crow, The Owl, and The Dove.

Source: Conlang Conversation Thread [1], [2].
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Narou lash: A collection of texts from all across the narou region. Narou is one of the many countries where griuskant is spoken in the conworld, though it isn't the place/setting that I usually focus on. For classification purposes, this shall be shelved as a "storybook".


Unlike the previous novels as well as the conlang textbook, this book includes many pictures to guide students who are learning griuskant.
Note: Please do not laugh at the (un)suitability of the pictures. Finding rl images to represent a fictional conworld is hard XD
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Summer 2019 griuskant update!

* Bilingual blog
* Corpus data
* Word length
* Frequency list

Bilingual blog

I started a griuskant-English bilingual blog a while back while trying to discipline myself to add something new every week consistently for a season. I decided that I would want to continue with this for another season and see how it goes.

Here are some selected glosses from said blog:

:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

byronae ijpar ela detoshae.
/'bYrɔne 'idʒpar 'əla 'dətɔʃe/
byron-POSS advanced-father quantumstate-V bad.emotion
Lord Byron’s grandfather was having a bad day. [Source: BBC]

causk zaera thakan vaezh hioon.
/'tʃausk 'zˤera 'θakan veʒ 'hiɔɔn/
rain start-V down-V-PASS with few-EB-PASS
Rain started falling as drizzle.

vaeivy tyr diougi zount zheds raes az tyr zhed zidan vuzh puaztaer un snasoen.
/'veivY 'tYr 'diɔugi 'zˤɔunt ʒəds 'res azˤ 'tYr ʒed 'zˤidan vuʒ 'puazˤter un 'snasɯn/
vaeivy pond beautiful-A scene REL-PL 3SG is pond REL got-V-PASS at puaztaer and snasoen.
A beautiful scene of vaeivy lake, whereby it is a lake that is situated in puaztaer and snasoen.

ist ogi tursain lec az suthokath.
/'ist 'ɔgi 'tursain 'lətʃ azˤ 'suθɔkaθ/
most easy-A ingrain-V-A-PASS vegetable is suthokath
The easiest vegetable to be planted is suthokath.

Corpus data

For those who have not seen it, the newest griuskant storybook is narou lash, which is the longest of its kind at 307 pages. Now with over 10 griuskant books in its corpus, it is possible to build a newer updated frequency list, see below. A recalculated phoneme analysis is shown here, arranged by griuskant script order:
p 1.34%
t 2.98%
k 5.60%
s 7.16%
b 0.59%
d 2.80%
g 2.77%
zˤ 3.35%
m 0.85%
n 5.15%
ŋ 0.30%
ʃ 1.90%
w 0.16%
j 1.15%
ɣ 0.30%
ʒ 3.59%
r 5.68%
tʃ 0.93%
f 0.64%
h 1.05%
l 3.27%
dʒ 1.21%
v 2.79%
θ 0.90%
a 9.92%
i 9.05%
ɔ 4.05%
u 6.85%
ə 6.19%
e 6.24%
Y 0.56%
ɯ 0.66%
Most common: /a i s u e/
Least common: /w ŋ ɣ Y b/

As known previously, we see once again that the most and least common phonemes remain the same, meaning that this phoneme frequency is indeed most stable and representative of griuskant.

Word length

With over 750000 phonemes/graphemes and 190000 words in the corpus, it turns out that the average griuskant word length is 3.8, so it's around 4. That looks quite sad for an "agglutinative language", even the word length for English hovers somewhere between 5~8.

Note: 1 phoneme is exactly 1 grapheme in griuskant, so this calculation is valid.

Frequency list

Here are the top 200 most common words in griuskant:
Rank; romanisation; translation
1 aesk 1SG
2 raes 3SG
3 az is
4 un and
5 zhed REL
6 zher then
7 vaezh with
8 zhae that
9 vuzh at
10 ost 2SG
11 ki to
12 shur NEG
13 vozh during
14 zhe this
15 iuz upon
16 ik as
17 kiga talk
18 zida got
19 hin for
20 zhaed COMP
21 raik 1
22 ara do
23 ut but
24 uv all
25 er creature
26 kin will
27 kan can
28 il more
29 jiska see
30 at already
31 vazh attribution
32 ga from
33 vezh because
34 is many
35 oc if
36 reca have
37 zhaeth thing
38 ilz very
39 ur or
40 caus 2
41 shira know
42 daega become
43 urva Q
44 muisk while
45 kana get
46 skuya want
47 uayil only
48 zoti good
49 uvzaei also
50 zhas T0
51 shai now
52 daig about
53 zaeil time
54 uar self
55 iuk in
56 suazh question
57 oev said
58 zira go
59 tulg part
60 gau day
61 ev some
62 oth still
63 yalk word
64 engaen other
65 deg back
66 skans front
67 kon might
68 kiyaez after
69 nast year
70 spaezha think
71 haema feel
72 thusti new
73 flomi small
74 kansh cannot
75 ster hand
76 daeki big
77 zhol through
78 yuhi fast
79 aeist yes
80 gloda seem
81 xaush adjacent
82 hio few
83 shaeta need
84 sula come
85 gayez before
86 va what
87 groug place
88 zhur than
89 zaera start
90 sytrosh country
91 uarki old
92 haub face
93 ist most
94 kiuzh until
95 gathi sure
96 laeza show
97 zheg here
98 aedou again
99 toda put
100 atsou justnow
101 aun eye
102 stens friend
103 caeta read
104 shurv none
105 zhaez therefore
106 raeina hear
107 zhaeg there
108 thak down
109 stevae girl
110 hyl data
111 cauva reach
112 soit quite
113 aeid out
114 paeda sit
115 skisa continue
116 ken must
117 voezh around
118 liuz voice
119 raib house
120 stevo boy
121 koen shall
122 zhosta use
123 shoda meet
124 shaz denial
125 col room
126 ivas something
127 slia try
128 kous times
129 zaefa give
130 uvos always
131 vyzh which
132 asa happen
133 fuiroek child
134 caeimi real
135 nith between
136 kyn ought
137 jaeta lead
138 fliama smile
139 evys various
140 zhoi although
141 rulg heart
142 evas something
143 klitha bring
144 reta memory
145 orshi important
146 par father
147 kanda study
148 gilp door
149 luyia money
150 deti bad
151 tisa cause
152 zhua even
153 shaein near
154 ve why
155 shuig night
156 dutnad body
157 hiraeia follow
158 iv any
159 jithi long
160 kun should
161 hiod 4
162 gauzh since
163 kaensh don't
164 rauk head
165 shilvi normal
166 tuza pass
167 vases matter
168 yoiz ghost
169 coik road
170 kaes fraction
171 shaeiz almost
172 thiafi strange
173 noil afterwards
174 vae how
175 ilzis too
176 stuiha find
177 hetha return
178 shaul name
179 feS subject
180 krezi black
181 esha reverse
182 kauza take
183 kunda stand
184 shuvi enough
185 pliga arrange
186 juva laugh
187 skend suddenly
188 gauska wait
189 kaeir town
190 plud group
191 oezi together
192 kinsh willnot
193 taeyaish opinion
194 guiski white
195 braini clear
196 hangi far
197 kliji short
198 yuji last
199 glot problem
200 jaus leg
Also by knowing these 200 most common words, one can read 60% of all words in all griuskant texts.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 11 Jun 2020 06:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Autumn 2019 griuskant update!

* Bilingual blog
* Audio sample
* Tinycards

Bilingual blog

The griuskant-English bilingual blog has been continuing for 6 months now, let's see if I can keep it going for another season. Here are some recent selected entries and the glosses from the blog:

:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

turtuk ilz gaevki cauvan.
/'turtuk 'ilzˤ 'gevki 'tʃauvan/
turtuk very difficult-A reach-V-PASS
Turtuk is incredibly hard to get to.

[raes kirka aeskes zira un uaya raes trida] aesk kiga.
/'res 'kirka 'eskəs 'zˤira un 'uaja 'res 'trida. 'esk 'kiga/
3SG tell-V 1PL go-V and remain-V 3SG sleep-V 1SG talk-V
“She told us to go away and let her sleep,” I said.

ekaj jashucibae jasheplud un pulwaet oezpaujeplud ruta gaerta dozhdalp ialga 30000 ialgaen vuzh ekaj vuzh voezh 10 xuj jithaen ga sojngip vozh shaigau.
/'əkadʒ 'dʒaʃutʃibe 'dʒaʃəplud un 'pulwet 'ɯzˤpaudʒəplud 'ruta 'gerta 'dɔʒdalp 'ialga 'slidɣudʒ 'ialgen vuʒ vɯʒ 'kerɣudʒ 'dʒiθen ga 'sodʒŋip vɔʒ 'ʃaigau/
ekaj brigade-N-group and pulwaet intra-safe-N-group hardworking-V remove-V bush.conflagration area-V 30000 area-POSS-PASS at ekaj at around 10 tenthousand long-POSS-PASS from sojngip during
The ekaj fire brigade and pulwaet saviour group worked hard to extinguish the bushfire that had an area of 30000 ialgaenin in ekaj around 100000 jithaen from sojngip today.

1 gautulg yurd zhostan hin cauva zhae hilsek.
/'rusk 'gautulg 'jurd 'ʒɔstan hin 'tʃauva 'ʒe 'hilsək/
1 day.part walk use-V-PASS for reach-V that forest
To reach that forest, it takes one 1 hour of walking.

Audio sample

There is now an audio sample for the example text as shown on the griuskant wikipage.
griuskant audio: auryk jiska


{aesk paeda zher xeka shaigauae retzaev thak puathai stomsdratae merg,, vazh veyeti ovush. muisk drat puatha, aesk kansh odyua spaezha zhaed raes ijjiska aesk un ciaza aeskae shaihaem. uts zhe auryk zhuica. raes zhuica vaezh vaezhon zhed erounde aeskes shur shoitshira, un raes jiska. raes jiska, kon vaezh peshdutnadtulg zhed az iuk skarg, ur kon vaezh vaezhon zhed aesk kansh oshefa. oc aesk koen oshefa vaezhon zhed zhe groug zhuica, raes kyn az xoshoshef ur jefnegriound cithia. aesk shira zhe ; zhe xosh skisan zher yuhi daega detxosh. un auryk oth jiska un gauska.}

/'esk 'peda ʒər 'ɣəka 'ʃaigaue 'rətzˤev θak 'puaθai 'stɔmsdrate 'mərg, vaʒ 'vəjəti 'ɔvuʃ. muisk 'drat 'puaθa, 'esk 'kanʃ 'ɔdjua 'speʒa ʒed 'res 'idʒdʒiska 'esk un 'tʃiazˤa 'eske 'ʃaihem. 'uts 'ʒə 'aurYk 'ʒuitʃa. 'res 'ʒuitʃa 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'ərɔundə 'eskəs 'ʃurʃɔitʃira, un 'res 'dʒiska. 'res 'dʒiska, 'kɔn 'veʒ 'pəʃdutnadtulg ʒəd azˤ iuk 'skarg, ur 'kɔn veʒ 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'esk 'kanʃ 'ɔʃəfa. ɔtʃ 'esk 'kɯn 'ɔʃəfa 'veʒɔn ʒəd 'ʒə 'grɔug 'ʒuitʃa, 'res 'kYn azˤ 'ɣɔʃɔʃəf 'tʃiθia. 'esk 'ʃira 'ʒə. 'ʒə 'ɣɔʃ 'skisan ʒər 'juhi 'dega 'dətɣɔʃ. un 'aurYk 'ɔθ 'dʒiska un 'gauska/

I sit and write today's entry under the canopy of a swaying palm tree. What a tender illusion. As the palm sways, I can't help but think it is observing me and reacting to my moods. Somehow this island lives. It lives in a way we human inhabitants are not yet aware of, and it watches. It watches, perhaps through sensory organs in the plants, perhaps in ways I can't imagine. If I could imagine how this place lives, it would be the imaginings of a dream or a fairy tale gone awry. I do know this--as this dream continues, it is quickly becoming a nightmare. And still the island watches and waits.


The griuskant conlang now is available on Tinycards. Try the app and learn 150 simple words by recognising poorly scribbled griuskant script symbols. Also has romanisation for convenience.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Winter 2019 griuskant update!

* Vector font
* Song in griuskant
* vurshzuik riounds
* High school syllabus
* Bilingual blog

Vector font

There is now a vector font for the griuskant conscript. Previously, the raster font looks somewhat pixellated, especially at large sizes. Now, with this new font, there is also clarity in some symbols.
Before: Old font. After: New font, see below.


More pictures below in the spoiler. Alternatively, click here.









Song in griuskant

Instead of the usual voice sample, here is a griuskant song. Romanised lyrics are shown below. Actual lyrics here.

jiskar raes muirand vuzh zhaeg
aesk jaeiza talsi ren
ara zhae raesae skuyen
ik yurksi vazh gena
shur shaeta targia ivis

aesk skuya raesae zhuic
zher aesk kin ilz jaepia
aesk skuya raesae zhuic
kin daega engaen aesk

jiskar raes zidan saethcol
silshaei ren un uv
houta kaung vozh uvs nilith
un gitaeij vozh uvs shuig
kyn az zoti zhae

aesk skuya raesae zhuic
zher aesk kin ilz jaepia
aesk skuya raesae zhuic
kin daega engaen aesk

zoec myndoran
klust kin zirsand
aesk kin yav suada ivas
zher zotzhaeiga
koen yeczaeila
zhae yav kin asa

aesk skuya raesae zhuic
zher aesk kin ilz jaepia
zher uvas kin skend daega iki
aesk koenaae kandaezhen

aesk skuya raesae zhuic
aesk skuya raesae zhuic
aesk skuya raesae zhuic
aesk skuya raesae zhuic

ilz diougi un kliabi
aesk skuya raesae zhuic

For those of you who watch movies, here is a griuskant cover of a Disney song. Actual scene (2:30).
Romanised lyrics below. Actual lyrics here.

ost talz jiska ilz diougi ikenshuig urva ?
kan shaeiz saeza ilz kliabi muiriai and
vozh aesk jiska ostae fliam zher
ou ou ou
aesk kinsh skuya britha vozhon
haemon iuzan aesk az shira zhe

zhe az uv daezharendaens
zhe az uv daezharendaens
zheg az groug zhed aesk koen ounda
zheg az aesk thafaae evis
zhe az uv daezharendaens

vurshzuik riounds

Many short reading texts were uploaded onto my personal website that is fully written in griuskant. All of them have been compiled into a single book, entitled vurshzuik riounds, totalling more than 300 pages.


Web-to-print storybook: vurshzuik riounds.

High school syllabus

To show that griuskant has enough vocabulary and is versatile to describe technical things, a sample syllabus from the narou region summarises the contents that students learn in their final year of high school. The syllabus is accompanied with its translation in English.

viarg. Compare: Geography GCSE. (page 9 onwards)

Why take only 1? Have a look at the full range of syllabus specifications that have also been translated into griuskant:

Image Image Image Image Image

* kleshfesh. Unfortunately, General Studies was removed from the A-levels recently, so no translation source is provided.
* aeving. GCSE Mathematics. (page 12 onwards)
* duyaeij. GCSE Biology. (page 17 onwards)
* saewais. GCSE Chemistry. (page 17 onwards)
* aerk. GCSE Music. (page 12 onwards)

Bilingual blog

The griuskant-English bilingual blog has been continuing for 9 months now, with only 3 more months to complete a year. Here are some recent selected entries and the glosses from the blog:

:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

tashkaent zhed az uzbaekistanae zhaunkaeir daega 7E souviaeti kaeir zhed daerkand Zas slorushzhound vozh 1977E nast.
/'taʃkent ʒəd azˤ 'uzˤbekistane 'ʒaunkeir 'dega 'kife 'sɔuvieti 'keir ʒəd 'derkand ʒas 'slɔruʃʒɔund 'vɔʒ 'ruskʃuarkifkife 'nast/
tashkent REL is uzbekistan-POSS main-town become-V 7-POSS soviet-A town REL building-V-PASS-T3 T0 train.station during 1977-POSS year
In 1977, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, became the seventh Soviet city to have a metro built.

kufaishyae liuz un raes shodaae ivisae hauksa muisk raesesae hod skisan ki gawaush.
/'kufaiʃYe 'liuzˤ un 'res 'ʃɔdae 'ivise 'hauksa 'muisk 'resese 'hɔd 'skisan ki 'gawauʃ/
kufaishy-POSS voice and 3SG meet-V-POSS somebody-POSS disappear-PL-V while 3PL-POSS step continue-V-PASS to hall
Kufaishy’s voice, and that of whoever he’d encountered, faded away as their footsteps receded down the hall.

2 yurde tuza venten zhed glaesha tagnar ziagsae zountenae hauli daerk zheds az vuzh 1 nulgdaerkmisk vuzh kathuko coik vuzh tagnar kaeirzhaungroug vozh shaigau.
/'θɯk 'jurdə 'tuzˤa 'vəntən ʒəd 'gleʃa 'tagnar 'zˤiagse 'zɔuntəne 'hauli 'derk ʒəds azˤ vuʒ 'rusk 'nulgderkmisk vuʒ 'kaθukɔ 'tʃɔik vuʒ 'tagnar 'keirʒaungrɔug/
2 walk-V pass-V draw-N-PASS REL appearance-V tagnar region-PL-POSS scene-N-PASS-POSS famous-A building REL-PL is at 1 shop.building.wall at kathuko road at tagnar during now-day
2 pedestrians passed by the murals of iconic buildings around tagnar district on a wall of a shop building at kathuko street in downtown tagnar city.

1 thusti kande sula ki munt vaezh maul un maulthakia.
/'rusk 'θusti 'kandə 'sula ki 'munt veʒ 'maul un 'maulθakia/
1 new-A study-N come-V to study with shy and shy.down-A-V
A new student came to school with shyness and he lowered his head.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 26 Feb 2024 06:37, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Spring 2020 griuskant update!

* Bilingual guide
* Immersive video game
* Translation blog

Bilingual guide


So far, anyone who is interested in reading griuskant texts only has the novels which are completely in the griuskant script without translation, or uses the main griuskant textbook which has all example sentences with the romanisation, gloss and translation. Now, there are 2 additional bilingual guides that provide a more compact approach, ie just the actual griuskant conscript and the English translation.

Students learn foreign languages better when there are lots of sample sentences with translations.
Kaelais Heroes ; The first book has a narrative format: a collection of short stories for the reader to follow along.
Sentence Bank ; The second documentation contains over 1500 sample sentences for students to practise. Also, these texts have a more "altlangy" approach, and are selected based on the proficiency level of the GLE, or equivalent to the GCSE.
Both are suitable for those who want more guided translations than just reading the novels, but without additional romanisation and gloss as in the textbook.

Alternate version:

Immersive video game

Play the griuskant video game: uhifeuarzag.
Immerse yourself with fine storytelling with words, pictures, sounds and interaction. All conversation texts and the GUI are in griuskant.

Download the file. (Windows; 37 MB)

Translation blog

The griuskant-English bilingual blog now has weekly posts for 1 whole year. This blog will be on a slight hiatus, and its content might be merged with other sections elsewhere. Here are some recent selected entries and the glosses from the blog:

:con: griuskant (without the conscript)

kon az zhae glaibia daega paegerkgroug.
/'kɔn az ʒe 'glaibia 'dega 'pegərkgrɔug/
might is that suitable-A-V become-V
Perhaps that’s fitting for a secret site.

raes yavjiska shaeini shurfikain hilsek.
/'res 'javdʒiska 'ʃeini 'ʃurfikain 'hilsək/
3SG just-see-V near-A NEG-familiar-V-A-PASS forest
He glanced at the unfamiliar forest around him.

ut caeim az rulghaemon krajand iuz haema shurvas vozh telnek arsa shur ijshira ur boski shurjiskshera fuiroek vozh sula ki erae raib.
/ut 'tʃeim az 'rulghemɔn 'kradʒand iuz 'hema 'ʃurvas vɔʒ 'təlnək 'arsa 'ʃur 'idʒʃira ur 'bɔski 'ʃurdʒiskʃəra 'fuirɯk vɔʒ 'sula ki 'əre 'raib/
but real is heart.feel-EB-PASS lie-V-PASS-T3 upon feel-V nothing during parent V-IMP-PL-V NEG advanced-know-V or accidentally-A child during come-V to N-IMP-POSS house
But in actuality, in your heart, you are lying if it felt no hurt when the mother and father pretended to not understand or accidently unattended to the child when arriving to a person’s house.

ogath zhed az raesae juisk uayil az er zhed kinsh keda vithrau vaezh klijshaul.
/'ɔgaθ ʒəd az 'rese 'dʒuisk az 'ər ʒəd 'kinʃ 'kəda 'viθrau veʒ 'klidʒʃaul/
ogath REL is 3SG-POSS partner only is N-IMP REL willnot call-V vithrau with
Ogath, his girlfriend is only a person who does not call vithrau with a nickname.

Also, just a reminder that in addition to the blog, I also post conlang stuff onto my personal website and Frathwiki. Plus, the front page of this thread is edited whenever there is a new update with new links etc.
If you want me to feature your conlang or your presence on my site, just ask.
Last edited by Reyzadren on 19 Mar 2022 13:04, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by lsd »

impressive progression...
I hadn't seen the new font...
strangely, I regret the old very digital aspect...
the new one seems to be on wood or some other hard surface (like runes)...
do you have a cursive for handwriting ....
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

I keep both fonts on my computer just in case I need them [:)]
No, cursive handwriting does not exist for this language in the conworld.
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Re: griuskant conlang thread

Post by Reyzadren »

Summer 2020 griuskant update!

* Book: skuipzag
* Book: aronszag
* Book: zhuwep
* High school syllabus
* Conworld info

Book: skuipzag


A traveller explores narou and decides to write down what he sees.

Book: aronszag


Youngsters found a book lying around in narou. (Many pictures!)

Book: zhuwep


A short brochure for students at the CEFR B2 level.

High school syllabus


Previously, several syllabi were translated into griuskant. Physics is now included amongst them.
haeskip. Compare: Physics GCSE. (page 18 onwards)

Conworld info

There is now some information about the conworld where griuskant resides in. Wiki page: aseritonum country.

Aseritonum is one of the many countries in its associated world that uses griuskant as its official language. Like many places in the world, both magic and technology are utilised widely. It is known for being the origin of the discovery of skaedrous. Although it is geographically located far away from other notable lands, it is actually a very connected place on the waypoint plane, receiving numerous international travellers regularly. Its capital is eraethysoer.
[Article continues here]
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