Winter 2019 griuskant update!
* Vector font
* Song in griuskant
* vurshzuik riounds
* High school syllabus
* Bilingual blog
Vector font
There is now a vector font for the griuskant conscript. Previously, the raster font looks somewhat pixellated, especially at large sizes. Now, with this new font, there is also clarity in some symbols.
Old font. After: New font, see below.
More pictures below in the spoiler. Alternatively, click
Song in griuskant
Instead of the usual voice sample, here is a
griuskant song. Romanised lyrics are shown below. Actual lyrics
For those of you who watch movies, here is a
griuskant cover of a Disney song. Actual
scene (2:30).
Romanised lyrics below. Actual lyrics
vurshzuik riounds
Many short reading texts were uploaded onto my
personal website that is fully written in griuskant. All of them have been compiled into a single book, entitled vurshzuik riounds, totalling more than 300 pages.
Web-to-print storybook:
vurshzuik riounds.
High school syllabus
To show that griuskant has enough vocabulary and is versatile to describe technical things, a sample syllabus from the narou region summarises the contents that students learn in their final year of high school. The syllabus is accompanied with its translation in English.
viarg. Compare:
Geography GCSE. (page 9 onwards)
Why take only 1? Have a look at the full range of syllabus specifications that have also been translated into griuskant:
kleshfesh. Unfortunately, General Studies was removed from the A-levels recently, so no translation source is provided.
GCSE Mathematics. (page 12 onwards)
GCSE Biology. (page 17 onwards)
GCSE Chemistry. (page 17 onwards)
GCSE Music. (page 12 onwards)
Bilingual blog
The griuskant-English
bilingual blog has been continuing for 9 months now, with only 3 more months to complete a year. Here are some recent selected entries and the glosses from the blog:

griuskant (without the conscript)
tashkaent zhed az uzbaekistanae zhaunkaeir daega 7E souviaeti kaeir zhed daerkand Zas slorushzhound vozh 1977E nast.
/'taʃkent ʒəd azˤ 'uzˤbekistane 'ʒaunkeir 'dega 'kife 'sɔuvieti 'keir ʒəd 'derkand ʒas 'slɔruʃʒɔund 'vɔʒ 'ruskʃuarkifkife 'nast/
tashkent REL is uzbekistan-POSS main-town become-V 7-POSS soviet-A town REL building-V-PASS-T3 T0 train.station during 1977-POSS year
In 1977, Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, became the seventh Soviet city to have a metro built.
kufaishyae liuz un raes shodaae ivisae hauksa muisk raesesae hod skisan ki gawaush.
/'kufaiʃYe 'liuzˤ un 'res 'ʃɔdae 'ivise 'hauksa 'muisk 'resese 'hɔd 'skisan ki 'gawauʃ/
kufaishy-POSS voice and 3SG meet-V-POSS somebody-POSS disappear-PL-V while 3PL-POSS step continue-V-PASS to hall
Kufaishy’s voice, and that of whoever he’d encountered, faded away as their footsteps receded down the hall.
2 yurde tuza venten zhed glaesha tagnar ziagsae zountenae hauli daerk zheds az vuzh 1 nulgdaerkmisk vuzh kathuko coik vuzh tagnar kaeirzhaungroug vozh shaigau.
/'θɯk 'jurdə 'tuzˤa 'vəntən ʒəd 'gleʃa 'tagnar 'zˤiagse 'zɔuntəne 'hauli 'derk ʒəds azˤ vuʒ 'rusk 'nulgderkmisk vuʒ 'kaθukɔ 'tʃɔik vuʒ 'tagnar 'keirʒaungrɔug/
2 walk-V pass-V draw-N-PASS REL appearance-V tagnar region-PL-POSS scene-N-PASS-POSS famous-A building REL-PL is at 1 shop.building.wall at kathuko road at tagnar during now-day
2 pedestrians passed by the murals of iconic buildings around tagnar district on a wall of a shop building at kathuko street in downtown tagnar city.
1 thusti kande sula ki munt vaezh maul un maulthakia.
/'rusk 'θusti 'kandə 'sula ki 'munt veʒ 'maul un 'maulθakia/
1 new-A study-N come-V to study with shy and shy.down-A-V
A new student came to school with shyness and he lowered his head.