Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

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Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

When I work on a particular aspect of a conlang, I find that it's very useful to get refreshers on the topic in questions - and there's no better than something like an episode of Conlangery; a piece of pure audio that can be easily integrated into largely mindless activities like dishwashing, taking a walk or watering plants in the garden.

However, the Conlangery website makes it a bit difficult to find all episodes related to a particular topic even with the tags, and I often spend a lot of time searching - so I decided to just fix the problem once and for all and make an ordered list. I've made it mainly for myself, but I thought others might have use of it too.

That said, here's some notes.
1) I didn't re-listen to every episode while making the list, and grouped them based on the title and the descriptions. So, some of them might end up recategorized if I listen to them again and find they don't fit the group. If you find that an episode is in the wrong group, let me know and I might change it.
2) Some of the groups are broader than others - I didn't see the point of having groups with only a few episodes, or a group with too many.
3) My understanding of terminology is quite likely not as good as it could be, so you might find some of the category titles unfitting. Feel free to let me know if you think a title change, or a recategorization on that basis is in order.
4) My main interest was in episodes about conlanging theory and practice, and related natural linguistics. As a result, I've not been too discerning about grouping anything I found to be outside of that.
5) Instead of ordering the groups alphabetically, I prefered to order them roughly in the sequence I would likely need them in (e.g. start with phonology, move on to basic grammar, etc...), or by general saliency. Within a group, I tried to keep the order chronological. This is mainly motivated by older episodes making references to earlier ones.
6) Some categories have inevitable overlap, so putting one episode into one or the other is less of an assertion on my part, and more of a choice made because it needed to be done.

PDF file of this list: Link


Last Updated : 2nd May 2024

01 - Why Conlang?
02 - Promoting Your Conlang
03 - The Good And The Bad
04 - Getting Started
10 - Organization, Computers and Conlanging
15 - Getting Out Of Creative Ruts
70 : Practicum : The Pitfalls of Frameworks
78 - How to Read Linguistics Papers
83 - Conlanging Through Translation
92 - The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
116 - The Conlangers Bookshelf
118 - Linguistics Databases
133 - Language and Identity
135 - Using Linguistic Theory for Conlanging
SHORTS 29 - Reflections of a PhD Graduate
SHORTS 30 - Revising a Grammar
SHORTS 37 - Infinite Fractal Complexity

29 - Sound Systems and Romanization
33 - Supgrasegmentals
37 - Phonological Processes
48 - Designing a Sound System
74 -Vowel Harmony
81 - Tone
123 - Stress Systems
129 - Non Vocal Languages
SHORTS 26 - Phonix
SHORTS 28 - Fuzzy Phonetics
George's talk at LCC 10 ("Conlanging with a metrical grid") (VIDEO)
Making vowel charts with dice (VIDEO)

51 - Language History
SHORTS 08 - A Pahran Grammaticalization Idea

06 - Linguistic Typology
11 - Nonconfigurationality
36 - Morphosyntactic Alignment
47 - Practicum : Isolating and Analytic Languages
64 - Head Marking vs Dependent Marking
68 - Agglutination
80 - Zonal Auxlangs
89 - Polysynthesis
23 - Alien Languages
96 - Weird Ideas for Auxlangs
101 - Pidgins and Creoles
SHORTS 15 - Mixed Languages
152 - Whistle Registers (with Logan Kearsley)

07 - Word Creation
27 - Irregularity
38 - Derivational Morphology
39 - Noun Incorporation
54 - Reduplication
56 - Growing A Lexicon
59 - Loan Words
SHORT 03 - Expanding your Lexemes
SHORTS 07 - When Do You Insert Your Infix
99 - Nonconcatenative Morphology

Word Classes
20 - Ideophones
22 - Pronouns
28 - "Correlatives"
30 - Numeral Systems
31 - Demonstratives
32 - Evidentials
42 - Practicum: Getting Rid of Adjectives
41 - Discourse Particles
43 - Adpositions
SHORTS 05 - Classification
87 - Quantifiers and Determiners
110 - Copulae
120 - Adjectives
134 - Converbs
140 - Word Classes with William Croft

34 - Gender and Noun Classes
49 - The Noun Phrase
96 - Where did my Nominative go?
SHORTS 18 - Noun Classification in Palikur
125 - Grammatical Number

14 - Verb Framing and Postural Verbs
16 - Tense
17 - Aspect
18 - Mood
25 - Grammatical Voice
55 - Practicum : Getting Rid of Tense
SHORTS 12 - Verbs in Uskra
106 - Auxiliary Verb Constructions
113 - Applicatives

Syntax and Syntactic Relationships
19 - Role Marking
24 - Possession
26 - "Emphasis"
35 - Practicum: Getting Rid of Case Marking
53 - Topicalization
57 - Animacy and Agency
58 - Things You Can Do With The Middle Voice
62 - Practicum : Anaphora and co-reference
72 - Relative Clauses
108 - Obviation

Misc Grammar
44 - Negation
45 - Questions
76 - Definiteness
150 - Associated Motion

General Semantics
08 - Kinship Terms
09 - Formality and Register
12 - Personal Names
66 - Conceptual Metaphors
SHORTS 09 - Hello and Goodbye
SHORTS 10 - Phrasebook : How Do You Say..?
SHORTS 11 - Phrasebook : What Time Is It?
104 - Spatial Metaphors for Time
137 - Telicity and Lexical Aspect
145 - Building with Polysemy
SHORTS 34 - Musings on Etymology

Conculture, Conworlding and Con-Semantics
SHORT 01 - Date and Time in Tagalog
13 - Profanity, Insults and Taboo words (NSFW)
SHORT 04 - Episode 13 Outtakes
21 - Poetry
40 - Dialects and Kunstsprachen
46 - Conlanging for Conworlds
SHORT 02 - George's Favorite Chengyu
SHORTS 06 - Borrowing Cultural Concepts
85 - Multilinguial Conworlds
94 - Face and Politeness
SHORTS 13 - Etymology Maps
SHORTS 17 - Eating Wine and Drinking Noodles
SHORTS 19 - Kinship in Henan Mandarin
127 - Language Policy
SHORTS 25 - Listen like a Conlanger : Specialized Terms
143 - Music of Aeniith
SHORTS 31 - Listen Like a Conlanger : Child Language
147 - Naming a Disease
SHORTS 38 - Listening Like a Conlanger at Work
SHORTS 39 - Listening Like a Conlanger : Word Avoidance on the Internet

05 - Scripts and Writing
50 - The Technology of Literacy

Community and Misc
52 - Conlangery at the Movies
90 - Mailbag 1
SPECIAL - Changing of the Guard at the LCS
103 - Mailbag 2
SHORTS 17 - Lexember 2014
SHORTS 20 - Lexember 2015 Highlights
SHORTS 21 - What To Do After Lexember
119 - Paramount v Axanar
SPECIAL 2 - Too Like The Lightning
SHORTS 22 - Axanar Update
SHORTS 23 - Lexember 2016 Reflections
SHORTS 24 - Personal Conlanging Progress (Middle Pahran)
131 - The Seventh Language Creation Conference
SHORTS 27 - Lexember 2017 Wrap-up

141 - The Eighth Language Creation Conference
SHORTS 32 - Lexember Themes
144 - Conlanging for Dungeons and Dragons
SHORTS 33 - More Personal Conlanging
SHORTS 35 - You Need a Conlang
SHORTS 36 - Another Personal Project Update
159 - Can ChatGPT create a language? (VIDEO)

111 - Interview with JS Bangs
112 - The Conlanging Film with Britton Watkins
97 - Interview with Britton Watkins
100 - Interview with Christine Schreyer
130 - Interview with Kaye Boesme
138 - Jesse Sams and Conlangs in the Classroom
142 - Mike McCubbins on Anasazi (comic)
146 - LangTime Studio
148 - Interview with Lauren Gawne
151 - Jasper Charlet and Conlang Opera
154 - David and Jessie Talk Kopikon(VIDEO)
155 - On Rasharnian (from Immortals of Aveum) (VIDEO)
156 - Interview with Biblaridion (VIDEO)
157 - CD Covington's Guide to Linguistic Worldbuilding
158 - Marc Okrand on Klingon and Conlanging
160 - Talking Movie Conlanging with Paul Frommer (VIDEO)
161 - Cursed Conlanging with Agma Schwa (VIDEO)
162 - Interview with Artifexian (VIDEO)
163 - Jessie Peterson's Conlang Year (VIDEO)

--- Featured conlang sections from earlier episodes. Timestamp for section start is indicated in parentheses:
01 - Fearyan (20:58)
02 - Na'vi (20:35)
03 - Ithkuil (21:15)
04 - Jameld (20:10)
05 - Rangyayo (31:20)
06 - Láadan (22:45)
07 - Toki Pona (34:40)
08 - Tepa (21:20)
09 - Teonaht (39:50)
10 - Alurhsa (39:05)
11 - Ayeri (27:10)
12 - Kazea (34:50)
13 - Lé (1:00:05)
14 - Cenyani (29:55)
15 - Tmaśareʔ (26:35)
16 - Klingon (35:45)
17 - Siwa (34:30)
18 - South Eresian (41:20)
19 - Okuna [ex-Tokana] (30:05)
20 - Old Albic (22:40)
21 - Kēlen (37:10)
22 - Baranxe’i (37:25)
23 - Ebisédian (26:40)
24 - Abakwi (22:40)
25 - Tseeyo (39:20)
26 - Yivrian (24:40)
27 - Esperanto (34:20)
28 - Gomain (32:10)
30 - Wenedyk (36:30)
31 - Quenya (24:30)
32 - Talossan (37:45)
33 - Kamakawi (39:45)
34 - Taruven (41:35)
35- Txtana (32:25)
37 - Novegradian (32:00)
38 - Proto-Deithas (36:58)
39 - Gevey (35:00)
40 - Anawanda (49:20)
42 - Lojban (35:33)
43 - Junen Rhá (49:46)
44 - Brithenig (38:58)
46 - Iŋomœ́ (57:00)
47 - Taila (57:50)
48 - Volapük (53:50)
49 - gjâ-zym-byn (30:28)
50 - Qakwan (1:28:20)
51 - Dimana Lokud (55:55)
53 - Talmit (35:15)
55 - K’tlê (28:00)
56 - Dothraki (58:45)
57 - Interlingua (49:00)
59 - Kebreni (56:50)

--- Full episodes on specific conlangs start here:
62 - amman îar
65 - Tayéin
67 - Alũbetah
69 - Asha'ille
73 - Khangaþyagon
75 - Alashian
77 - Fairylang
82 - Rikchik
84 - Delason
86 - Himmaswa
91 - Srínawésin
102 - Afrihili
107 - Moten
109 - Kataputi
115 - Tsolyáni
117 - Kash
121 - Trigedasleng
122 - Brooding
128 - Lingua Philosophica
135 - Nymeran with Colm Doyle
149 - Interview with Kenan Kigunda - and his conlang Zevy

--- Featured natlang sections from earlier episodes. Timestamp for section start is indicated in parentheses:
29 - Mutsun (42:00)
36 - Ngarla (36:20)
41 - Nootka and Makah (39:38)
45 - Early and Middle Welsh (42:40)
54 - Sandawe (45:02)
58 - Burushaski (43:30)

--- Full episodes on specific natlangs start here:
63 - Kuot
71 - Ogami
79 - Cherokee
88 - Ancient Greek
93 - Basque/Euskara
98 - Menya
105 - Navajo/Diné
114 - Thai
124 - Old Irish
126 - Hoocąk
132 - Coptic
139 - Ainu

2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 1
2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 2
2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 3
2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 4

Tongues & Runes
T&R 000
T&R 001
T&R 002
T&R 003
T&R 004
T&R 005
T&R 006
T&R 007
T&R 008
T&R 009
T&R 010
T&R 011
T&R 012
T&R 013
T&R 014
T&R 015
T&R 016
T&R 017
T&R 018
T&R 019
T&R 020
T&R 021
T&R 022
T&R 023
T&R 024
T&R 025
T&R 026
T&R 027
Last edited by Nel Fie on 02 May 2024 18:46, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Omzinesý »

I think that message could be pinned.
My meta-thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5760
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Creyeditor »

Impressive work [:)]
There are some minor things that I would probably sort in a different category. Applicatives are not a word class but a morphological category that is usually marked on verbs, for instance. I would probably also sort the grammar/morphosyntax part a bit differently, but this might be a matter of taste.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Thank you very much!
I added a link to a viewable/downloadable PDF file, right on top of the list. I'll do my best to keep it up-to-date
Creyeditor wrote: 21 Jun 2022 17:14 [...]Applicatives are not a word class but a morphological category that is usually marked on verbs, for instance. I would probably also sort the grammar/morphosyntax part a bit differently, but this might be a matter of taste.
Good catch - I moved the applicatives episode to the verb category (if you agree with that).
As for any other recategorisation or grouping changes, you're welcome to make suggestions! I did the best I could, but my understanding of linguistic terminology and the underlying branches is still fresh and shaky, so getting corrected on useage would be a good learning opportunity - and likely an improvement of the list itself.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Khemehekis »

Another tip: You might want to know it's "Rikchik", not "Rikchick".

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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Khemehekis wrote: 01 Aug 2022 03:50 Another tip: You might want to know it's "Rikchik", not "Rikchick".
Good catch! Fixed it in the post - the pdf will have to wait a tad longer because I've been adding onto it.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

UPDATE: I added all the conlangs and natlangs that preceded the format change in episode 60, which were featured as a sub-section of a particular episode. You'll find them listed at the beginning of the "Conlangs" and "Natlangs" lists respectively, with the number of the episode, the name of the featured language, and a timestamp in parentheses showing more or less when the section starts in the episode. The update is included in the PDF, so download it again if you want an up-to-date file.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Omzinesý »

Is there some problem in the page or do I just lack some audio player?
My meta-thread: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5760
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Khemehekis »

Another typo to fix up:
141 - The Eigthh Language Creation Conference

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

My Kankonian-English dictionary: Now at 108,000 words!

31,416: The number of the conlanging beast!
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Omzinesý wrote: 17 Sep 2022 02:20 Is there some problem in the page or do I just lack some audio player?
No, you are correct - there is currently an issue with the website. I already notified them about it a few days ago, but no idea if and when it'll be fixed.
Khemehekis wrote: 17 Sep 2022 04:06 Another typo to fix up:
141 - The Eigthh Language Creation Conference
Good catch, thank you! I'll fix that.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Edit: As of 19/10/2022, the information in this post is no longer relevant - all episodes should be available on the website, and there is no need to send downloaded episodes to Conlangery. I'm leaving the post as is for archival reasons.

An update in regards to the episodes not available: Conlangery just issued a statement that there's been a mess-up regarding the hosting. You can read the details in the Twitter thread here.

There is, however, an important call-up as part of it: some of the episode audio files might have been lost, at least on their side. So, if you've downloaded any and still have them, please get in touch with Conlangery - they might have need of you sending them some if not all files you may have.
They haven't stated what the best avenue for contact is, but I'd assume using their contact e-mail address given on the website would be best. You can find it here: Link (last line of the second paragraph of the post.)
Last edited by Nel Fie on 19 Oct 2022 09:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Crisis Averted - and good news! All episodes of Conlangery have been restored and are now again available on the site. At least one external archive has also been created in case something like this happens again - I don't know if anything more formal will be created, but for the time being, you can contact Slorany (link to their Twitter profile) to access it.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Conlangery just released a new episode about Whistle Registers, with guest Logan Kearsley. I've added it to the list under "Typology" (although it operates more like a register in natural languages), both here in the thread and the pdf file.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

A new episode was released: 153 - Information Structure with Aidan Aannestad

I added it to the list and pdf file under the "Syntax and Syntactic Relationships" section since that seemed the most fitting (the second category, specifically). Feel free to suggest a better section if I got it wrong, though.
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

A new episode is out! Wherein George talks with David J. Peterson and Jessie Sams about their upcoming conlanging convention: Kopikon!
And in a new development, it was recorded with video, and also uploaded as such to YouTube. You can find a link on the episode's page on the Conlangery website, but I've also added a "(VIDEO)" tag after the relevant episodes. And the .pdf is of course updated to match.

Summary of additions:

George's talk at LCC 10 ("Conlanging with a metrical grid") (VIDEO)

Community and Misc.
154 - David and Jessie Talk Kopikon(VIDEO)

2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 1
2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 2
2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 3
2022 Conlangery Lexember Stream 4
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Added the two latest new episodes under the Community section. The pdf is also updated:

155 - On Rasharnian (from Immortals of Aveum) (VIDEO)
156 - Interview with Biblaridion (VIDEO)
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

I've added the most recent Conlangery content, though there might no longer much need for it for a variety of reasons.

George recently started a new livestream series under the Conlangery brand called "Tongues & Runes". Hosted on YouTube, he creates conlangs for the Dungeon & Dragons universe, with audience participation via chat. I've added existing episodes in their own little section, though this might not be necessary since finding them on the Conlangery YouTube channel is pretty easy, in comparison to the official website of the podcast (and improving on that was the whole point of this thread).

Aside from this, George recently announced his decision to switch the podcast to a new format, dedicating it exclusively to interviewing guests, sometimes on specific topics if appropriate. Since I don't know exactly how topically coherent those episodes will be going forward, I'm listing them under their own group for the time being.

The PDF is updated, additions to the list are:

Tongues & Runes
T&R 000
T&R 001
T&R 002
T&R 003

2023-Reformat: Guest Interviews
157 - CD Covington's Guide to Linguistic Worldbuilding
158 - Marc Okrand on Klingon and Conlanging
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Re: Conlangery Podcast - All episodes grouped by topic

Post by Nel Fie »

Conlangery has an event coming up that might be of interest and entertainment to many here: A conlang-heavy D&D one-shot, streamed live.

Players will be:

George Corley
Agma Schwa
David J. Peterson

and Joey Windsor will be the DM.

George Corley made an announcement short about it, the livestream itself will take place here:

The Xeshor Tablet (Tongues and Runes D&D One Shot)

... on the 17th of May, at 1PM CT (roughly in the evening if you're in Western or Central Europe).

Aside from that, I've taken the time to update the episode list. I also rearranged it a bit, mainly by grouping all interviews in one section. I've also added a "last date changed" line, mainly for the benefit of the pdf.

New additions are the Tongues & Runes episodes 4 to 27, an episode about whether ChatGPT can create a conlang, and interviews with Paul Frommer, Agma Schwa, Artifexian and Jessie Peterson. There's also a small video about how to create a vowel chart with dice.
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