(C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Salmoneus »

Creyeditor wrote: 06 Dec 2023 09:21 It's not really a republic at the earlier stages of history, but it was established in response to a monarchy, so I will call it republic. It probably could be called a councilist elective aristocratic monarchy with a palace economy, too.
That's literally exactly what a republic usually is: an elective monarchy (or in the classical world sometimes a dyarchy) constrained by a strong aristocracy acting through constitutionally-protected councils, usually with some theoretical-but-only-occasionally-important appeal to democracy to bolster its legitimacy.

That describes both the Italian republics (Venice, Florence, Sienna, Pisa, Genoa, etc) and the classical republics (Rome, Carthage, etc).

[which would tempt me to give your archwizard a republican title, like "Doge" or "Suffete" or "Consul"...]
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Creyeditor »

Glenn wrote: 09 Dec 2023 06:56
Creyeditor wrote: 06 Dec 2023 09:21 @Kenir, Sal, Shimo: Thanks for the input. I might go with Archwizard. Bit of background: this is about the Wizard Republic (or Republic of Wizards)* on Fredauon. They are more technologically advanced than their immediate southern neighbours, which is why most exonyms are based on terms for wizards(...)

Are they called "wizards" only because of their advanced technology, or is there magic (in the fantasy sense) involved as well?
I guess that's Clark's third law in action: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". Or maybe Niven's law: "Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology."

*It's not really a republic at the earlier stages of history, but it was established in response to a monarchy, so I will call it republic. It probably could be called a councilist elective aristocratic monarchy with a palace economy, too.
That sounds quite interesting! Does that mean that there is a governing council of aristocrats who elect a monarch, or something else? If the economy is described as a palace economy, that implies a system that is quite centralized; is this the case?
Yes, and at that stage, the council of aristocrats consists of heads of the aristocratic families, who elect the 'archwizard' among themselves. The heads of the aristocratic families, which each control a certain area, are at some point all appointed by the current archwizard. Regarding the palace economy: At earlier stages it's pretty centralized because it doesn't cover a very big area. As the republic grows in size, the systems becomes slightly more federal with regions, provinces, and districts having their own 'palaces'.
Salmoneus wrote: 09 Dec 2023 15:34 That's literally exactly what a republic usually is: an elective monarchy (or in the classical world sometimes a dyarchy) constrained by a strong aristocracy acting through constitutionally-protected councils, usually with some theoretical-but-only-occasionally-important appeal to democracy to bolster its legitimacy.

That describes both the Italian republics (Venice, Florence, Sienna, Pisa, Genoa, etc) and the classical republics (Rome, Carthage, etc).

[which would tempt me to give your archwizard a republican title, like "Doge" or "Suffete" or "Consul"...]
I thought I remembered you say, that in a republic, there is no single person responsible for all areas of government, but I might remember it wrong. Well, the archwizard is responsible for all areas of government, as well as appointing the members of the aristocrat council (with certain conditions and quotas).
The democratic element is only later introduced when the system becomes more of a bureaucracy through a stage with meritocratic elements. At first, people can join aristocratic families if they prove 'worthy'. Later, the system is substituted by a system of facultative education that leads into a career as a civil servant. Then civil servants elect leaders through a councilist system. This means that 'anyone can become archwizard if they study hard and work hard and are elected by their fellows'. I guess this could count as democratic legitimation.
I might consider "Consul" as the translation of an earlier title that comes before the endonym translated as president. Titles can change after all.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Creyeditor »

Vlürch wrote: 09 Dec 2023 14:48 Not sure if this is a quick question, but it doesn't feel worth making a new thread for, especially since I know it almost certainly doesn't have an objective answer since it's already unrealistic to begin with, and pretty much anything can be handwaved, but... if you took landforms (ie. an archipelago that's IRL waaaayyy underwater) and made it so that it's above the surface (ie. as if the sea level was thousands of metres lower, but only at that point... as in the land was elevated by that much, not that the sea level was lowered)... if the shape of the coastlines is about the same as it would be if the sea level was lowered, is it way too unrealistic for the actual landforms and geology and whatnot on the surface to be different from what would exist if the sea level was lowered?

If that's confusing, I guess a picture is worth a thousand words:
The left one is at least more or less what the actual topography under the water is like, the right one is what I came up with (some of the smaller islands are blank because I haven't been arsed with them yet) when I figured the handwave of "if I'm selectively making some land elevated by 2500+ metres, I can do whatever I want with its topography" was good enough. Every colour corresponds to about 100 metres, except the darkest green being anything under 50 metres, starting from dark green and going up to white and then to red and darker to purple as the highest if it's not obvious. I didn't include rivers, but there are a bunch of them; the huge gorge is important, unless it's too unrealistic and I should scrap it... I see what could be a gorge IRL as well, just going south instead of north and much less extreme (and maybe potentially with enough weathering, another one going in the same direction as the anything-goes gorge), and I'll use any handwave I can to justify having it.

Now, obviously the left one is more realistic in terms of terrain while the right one is literally just "HUGE MOUNTAINS LOL" (aside from a few coincidental similarities to the IRL topography), and I might end up going with some kind of compromise between the two in any case (even though I've grown attached to the right one tbh lol), but like... is there any realistic justification for it? Like, was my original handwave reasonable in the sense that the geology of the region would be so different that it doesn't matter how much is changed? My only concern with that is the coastlines matching an arbitrary IRL hypothetical sea level change, since it makes it taking a sea level in a way that's "realistic" and then going "anything goes" with the details above the surface. I'll admit part of the reason I'd prefer not to just go with the IRL topography is that I spent at least a week drawing the anything-goes topography pretty much pixel by pixel, then spent like 15 minutes on the IRL topography... because I thought "I'll obviously prefer what I came up with", and I do, but there are some things about the IRL topography that I prefer. Also, I just really like the idea of a ridiculous mountain range in the middle of the island.

I mean, I know a mountain massif that goes up to 5200 metres on an island around the same size as Taiwan is kinda ridiculous, but would volcanism be possible to handwave that? The two main "bulges" being extinct-ish volcanoes (in the sense that the main mountains aren't gonna just explode and destroy the world or whatever, but that there's still volcanism all along the slopes and whatnot) that kinda just went ham long enough ago and for a long enough time that it resulted in this kind of formation? The southern one has a small crater in it near the peak because of a recent eruption (in the 7th century), but that's meant to be like VEI4; if I'd have to go with the IRL topography, then it'd just be one of the many smaller mountains that erupted.

I'm 99.999999999% certainly doing "anything goes" for the rest of the archipelago because I've spent way too many months on what's IRL Broken Ridge and Ninety East Ridge to just scrap all of it, but this one island (and the smaller islands around it) is the most important and I don't know if the whole "HUGE MOUNTAINS LOL" stands out as too unrealistic? IRL it's the Amsterdam-Saint Paul Plateau, which is volcanic, so... unless I'm even stupider than I think I am, wouldn't that mean it'd just require a whole lot more volcanism? I mean, even on top of the already required whole lot more volcanism to get the whole thing's elevation raised by 2500 metres.

Since I'm already asking about this, I might as well ask if it's realistic that the northeast would have a tropical climate with rainforests and stuff, the south and western coast would have an oceanic or temperate climate and the western highlands would have some kinda semi-desert climate? The rest of the world is the same as IRL except for some minor differences in a few things just because (at least for now), so the climate is supposed to be exactly the same as IRL. I don't really understand how the climate works so I don't know what the climate would actually be like, but my logic is that southern Australia is ridiculously hot and it's about the same latitude; New Zealand apparently has some tropical parts too but is mostly oceanic and Amsterdam Island is oceanic, and I'm pretty sure the mountains would cause a rainshadow, so I don't think it'd be unrealistic?

This is getting pretty long so I'm not gonna ask about any conculture stuff, although I'd have some questions about that too... but well, those I can at least handwave as all this extra land even just existing changing things somewhat, even if it didn't really have much effect elsewhere, which might be unrealistic, but whatever.
This reminds me of Inversia, Siphonia and related conworlds.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Khemehekis »

Creyeditor wrote: 09 Dec 2023 23:36 This reminds me of Inversia, Siphonia and related conworlds.
Whoa! I just read about Siphonia after hearing about it for the first time, and it blew my mind!

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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Ok, I have two questions: 1, does this site allow worlds that consist of fanfictions of a franchise, and 2, does this site allow you to ask opinion-based questions (i.e. questions with a wide variety of potentially valid answers or where every answer’s equally valid)? I’m asking because rn I’m looking for a site that does both.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Arayaz »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 19 Dec 2023 02:44 Ok, I have two questions: 1, does this site allow worlds that consist of fanfictions of a franchise, and 2, does this site allow you to ask opinion-based questions (i.e. questions with a wide variety of potentially valid answers or where every answer’s equally valid)? I’m asking because rn I’m looking for a site that does both.
Welcome to the board!

I have no idea about the first, but I'd expect so, if enough of the content is original or creative. As for the second, absolutely!
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Ok, I’m still going to wait for a more definitive answer to the first question, then, but it’s pleasant to hear that there’s a possibility that creativity / originality makes fanfiction worlds acceptable here. My world is a cross fanfiction of the Ultraman and Godzilla franchises, and a few others, and at least in regards to Ultraman… it is very far from conventional, but in a way that I think works.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by sangi39 »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 19 Dec 2023 02:44 Ok, I have two questions: 1, does this site allow worlds that consist of fanfictions of a franchise, and 2, does this site allow you to ask opinion-based questions (i.e. questions with a wide variety of potentially valid answers or where every answer’s equally valid)? I’m asking because rn I’m looking for a site that does both.
To question 1, we don't have a specific rule against or, or any vague guidelines preventing it either. I guess as long as you're open about it being fanfiction, and what it's fanfiction of, you're all good (that way you're avoiding breaking House Rule 6: "Do not lie" at the very least, by being up front about stuff like that)

To question 2, absolutely, we encourage asking questions. Just be mindful of House Rule 3: "Tread lightly around sensitive subjects" (which goes for everyone who might want to answer as well) if a topic you want to ask about might potentially be on the contraversial or heated side of things

Other than that, welcome to the Board, and hope you have a nice time here [:)]
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by lurker »

Do I need something analogous to the Carboniferous period to justify the presence of fossil fuels? Can the same plastics we use IRL be made without using petroleum products?
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by eldin raigmore »

lurker wrote: 23 Dec 2023 22:34 Do I need something analogous to the Carboniferous period to justify the presence of fossil fuels?

Loosely, yes. But it doesn’t have to be too analogous!

lurker wrote: 23 Dec 2023 22:34 Can the same plastics we use IRL be made without using petroleum products?

Loosely, probably so. But it’d take some thought to come up with an alternative!
Maybe use polymers with a lot of silicon in them?
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by lurker »

eldin raigmore wrote: 24 Dec 2023 21:34 Loosely, yes. But it doesn’t have to be too analogous!
Perhaps a better idea is to have the microbes that consume dead plant matter never evolve in the first place. I wonder if that would make wood a "forever chemical" like plastics are here on Earth.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by sangi39 »

Aren't bioplastics a thing?

I'm not sure if they're strictly speaking any more difficult to make that petroleum-derived plastics, though. Like, the raw materials are pretty common as far as I can tell (and seem more sustainable and renewable), but is it the case that they're less common a result of difficulties of production, or is it just that because basically all plastics are derived from petroleum, the manufacturing process (infrastructure, resource gathering, allocation of research funds, etc.) for bioplastics is simply underdeveloped as a result?

They came around relatively early too, e.g. the last 19th to early 20th century, and Wikipedia at least notes Parkesine, derived from cellulose, as the first man-made plastic, meaning bioplastic manufacture predates petroleum-derived plastic manufacturing?
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Arayaz »

  • Are oases permanent? If not, how often do they form, and how long do they last?
  • What size is an average oasis?
  • What percentage of a desert should be covered by oases?
  • Would any people inhabit non-oasis areas of a desert?
  • On average, are oases close enough together to travel between two of them in a single day?
Thanks for any help yall can offer!
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Creyeditor »

I really want to know the answer to question 3. I remember that you could build desserts that solely consist of Oasises in Civ IV.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by sangi39 »

Creyeditor wrote: 11 Jan 2024 12:05 I really want to know the answer to question 3. I remember that you could build desserts that solely consist of Oasises in Civ IV.
At least for the Sahara and Middle East it looks like it's maybe about 0.05% (Wikipedia has 1million hectares of oasis for the Sahara and Middle East. Google says the Sahara is 920million hectares, and the FAO has the Middle East down as 1100million hectares), but I imagine it varies a fair bit from desert to desert based on geology

As for timescales, Wikipedia, again, suggests "[o]ases often have human histories that are measured in millennia", so they seem pretty stable on human timescales
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by lurker »

Could you achieve self sustaining agriculture in a zero-G environment?
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Arayaz »

lurker wrote: 11 Jan 2024 17:39 Could you achieve self sustaining agriculture in a zero-G environment?
Do you mean for a scientifically advanced society, or for people who happen to live in zero-G?
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by lurker »

Arayaz wrote: 11 Jan 2024 18:24
lurker wrote: 11 Jan 2024 17:39 Could you achieve self sustaining agriculture in a zero-G environment?
Do you mean for a scientifically advanced society, or for people who happen to live in zero-G?
A scientifically advanced society that lives in zero G.
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by Arayaz »

lurker wrote: 11 Jan 2024 18:28
Arayaz wrote: 11 Jan 2024 18:24
lurker wrote: 11 Jan 2024 17:39 Could you achieve self sustaining agriculture in a zero-G environment?
Do you mean for a scientifically advanced society, or for people who happen to live in zero-G?
A scientifically advanced society that lives in zero G.
I mean, have they always been there?
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Re: (C&C) Q&A Thread - Quick questions go here

Post by lurker »

Arayaz wrote: 11 Jan 2024 18:40
lurker wrote: 11 Jan 2024 18:28
Arayaz wrote: 11 Jan 2024 18:24
lurker wrote: 11 Jan 2024 17:39 Could you achieve self sustaining agriculture in a zero-G environment?
Do you mean for a scientifically advanced society, or for people who happen to live in zero-G?
A scientifically advanced society that lives in zero G.
I mean, have they always been there?
pretty much yes. About 95 thousand years.
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