Reflections of Reflections
We are gazing into water. In it, we see ourselves and each other, leaning over the edge of the water-fractured bridge. Ruya's reflection turns to mine and says something. Mine looks up at the sky, or perhaps he sees water, for who really knows what he is perceiving?

Disaki kuy Disaki
Insun sunnag etuynas dar. Kribarag, ukreyg insun uynas dar, sunnas-kassak nedskus-aydig nesak ukrey gasekes dar. Ruya kuy disak inusnu basa, asau. Inusnu bertekeg uynas dar, ad sunnag uynas tugni ban ─ antuk nayes-radyeskug teradyes tunni.
insun sunna-g et-uyna-s dar / kribar-ag ukri-y-g insun uyna-s dar / sunna-s-kas-sak ned-sku-s-aydi-g nesak ukri-y gasek-es dar / Ruya kuy disak inus-nu basa asau / inus-nu bertek-eg uyna-s dar / ad sunna-g uyna-s tu<g>ni ban / antuk nayes-radye-sku-g te-radye-s tunni
1pl.1 drinkable.water-4 much-see-3 IMPF / each.other-4 self-PL-4 1pl.1 see-3 IMPF / drinkable.water-3-fracture-PART cross-EXP.IN-3-edge-4 over self-PL lean-3 IMPF / Ruya INAL.REV reflection 1sg.3-IN.POS.PRO sky-4 see-3 IMPF / 3sg.HUM drinkable.water-4 see-3 be.able.to<4> XOR / no.one 3sg.HUM-3-perceive-EXP.IN-4 much-percieve-3 be.able.to
That was the most exhausting thing I've ever had to gloss.
Translation challenge 27%