The Many Islands (Comments Encouraged)

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More info on the Court of Storms

Post by thethief3 »

Ghost Theater of the Court of Storms
The Nō Kamī or Ghost Theater is a seasonal performance usually performed during the winter to stave off the influence of spirits and beastfolk. Participants both humans and dogs wear masks and the dogs circle around the human performers while representing the beastfolk’s two legged form while the human performer steps into the background and the dog takes their place when they want to represent an animal form. The theater usually revolves around the change of seasons and the revival of spring as well as many tales of beastfolk concern although these matters are kept secret to humans. At the end of each performance blood is usually spilled and in that moment actually spirits are summoned, turning off all the lights and allowing them to make way with any of the performers or participants. If the spirits do not come a sacrifice is performed to appease them and in later times the spirits would simply select from among the performers if they deemed one worthy.

Ghost Pacts
Pacts formed with spirits usually beastfolk (who in the court of storms have become more spirit like) the term Nō Jirekana is literally translated as ghost soul debt and the second element is often used in secular society for pacts which fall out of the norm although these carry a lighter punishment if broken then say if a warrior betrays his lord. Regardless in the case Ghost Pacts if the pact is broken the spirit will often kill the offender. Ghost Pacts are usually not made and in later times they were only made by outsiders such as warriors who had lost their lord, younger sons of nobles who were not deemed fit to inherit and lords who craved more power then they had. Such pacts were always signed in blood and were often made on the full moon.

The Great Forest
One of the three largest forests in the territory of the Court of Storms. It divided the largest island nearly in two except for a passageway which was nearly as haunted. It was protected by the great Beastfolk known only by her title Forest Queen and she enacted tribute in blood on all who wanted to pass through her forest. She presided over the forest’s court which consisted of beastfolk and spirits as well as a few dogs and wolves. It wasn’t always so great but it grew in size after a human army lost a battle against Beastfolk led by a spirit of the earth. She pronounced her daughter queen after she won and ever since the forest has been ruled by its queen who is benevolent to all who seek her aid if they have not terrorised the earth.
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Re: The Many Islands (Comments Encouraged)

Post by Visions1 »

I've finished looking over the - I suppose I'll call it the mythological section.
I'm not into high fantasy, but either way, I really like it! It seems like a great world for a campaign or novel.
My only criticism is that it needs more commas.

I hope you have more stuff to post. I want more!
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Re: More info on the Court of Storms

Post by Visions1 »

The use of Japanese is a little stilted, but I'm enjoying this. Please post more.
thethief3 wrote: 02 Feb 2024 03:20 although these matters are kept secret to humans.
How do they hide them - especially if they need human actors?

Also, why is blood so important? I find it interesting that it's sacrificed so much from living individuals - like by the Aztecs.
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Re: More info on the Court of Storms

Post by thethief3 »

Visions1 wrote: 15 Feb 2024 09:22 The use of Japanese is a little stilted, but I'm enjoying this. Please post more.
thethief3 wrote: 02 Feb 2024 03:20 although these matters are kept secret to humans.
How do they hide them - especially if they need human actors?

Also, why is blood so important? I find it interesting that it's sacrificed so much from living individuals - like by the Aztecs.
Human's don't know what the beastfolk are up to as their matters are kept secret.
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Re: The Many Islands (Comments Encouraged)

Post by Visions1 »

So if I'm understanding correctly, the Dogfolk just tell them the choreography, saying "Well, these plays are really important to us - oh, and we'll pay you," and the humans go along, not really realizing just how significant this is. Sounds interesting.
What parts would they need to know more about? Less about? What happens if they mess up a part?
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Re: The Many Islands (Comments Encouraged)

Post by thethief3 »

They don't pay for them and the humans choreograph them and create the stories. It's just to gain their favour. Note beastfolk in these lands are much closer to spirits.
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The Twin Sisters

Post by thethief3 »

During the Third Age long after such events as the death and resurrection of the god of light and the creation of the sun there came a time where Humans and Beastfolk were fully separated. In this time on the Isles of Meadows a woman of the Foxfolk gave birth to twin daughters who liked to play together as soon as they had two legged forms. Eventually it was discovered the older of the two had powers over water specifically to change its shape and form as well as its very nature. First she evaporated it much to the dismay of her villagers but then she solidified it. Eventually she grew cold and weary and her power greater so she fled the village but not before her power cursed the land with the first winter. Her sister followed and her friend did too when she didn’t return after a few days. She eventually found her on the Isles of the North and she begged her to stop the curse that she brought to the land but in doing so she accidentally awoke her fury and she froze her. Following her trail her friend found her frozen and with his own feelings for her he kissed her awakening her own powers and creating spring and eventually summer. He married her and came to dwell on the same island they were born on before ascending to the stars, the twins as the sisters of summer and winter and him as the caretaker of spring.
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The First Sabiry

Post by thethief3 »

In time many humans on the Island of Black Land grew unsatisfied with their governance and so they set sail towards the Isles of the North. There they found the land abundant in the summer but filled with ice and snow in all other seasons. They begged the local Beastfolk for a cure but it was not until ten winters later when the people had been diminished that a woman decided to expose herself to the cold for a night. She emerged transformed her bronze skin and hair golden and yellow and her eyes no longer green but a light blue. She gave birth later blessed by the cold and her daughters enchanted those who married them into being the same colour as them. In time they practiced their own ritual of leaving out the babies in their first winter so they would be the same colour as them and resistant to the cold. And so they became the Sabiry although this was long before they gained their customary culture of raiding and pillaging led by the heads of clans.
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The Time Before

Post by thethief3 »

The codex of the sky, a sacred book of the previous religious practices of the great Narie of the continent to the southeast of the Isles of Cats and Southwest of the Court of Storms tells of how the world came to be as revealed to them by the Daughter of the Sky. It tells of how long ago the great mother grew lonely so decided to create children. First she wished for a great child of expansive power and so came to be the daughter of the sky who was previously worshiped by the Narie. Her will was iron and with it she formed the bounds of the world although they were always constantly expanding. She did not like to play very shortly after her birth so she then created her next daughter the sea who she gave her secrets and desires and created a serene child who kept much close to her. She too grew unkind to her mothers desire to play with her too quickly so she created another, the fertile earth who was abundant and fertile and had many things to give. She played with her to her satisfaction but eventually she felt like she wasn’t enough for this world so lastly she created her son the light pure. He sang with pure voice and entertained his mothers desires for he was gifted with everlasting love. Together these four children created the world creating space and sea and raising the first islands among them the Isles of Jewels, the Isles of the North (where the Sabiry now dwell), the Isles of Meadows, the Island of Black Land and the Isles of Cats. Lastly the Son of Light filled the world with his power lighting the lamps on the trees. In the secret tongue she weaved the spirits and so began the first age when Humans and Beastfolk existed as one and light was ever present.
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