Etath di xalapagel, ek lu xalapig axin gusagam bishulavas ekas. [ɛˈtaθ di χalapaˈgɛl | ɛk lu xalaˈpig aˈçin gusaˈgam biʃulaˈvas ɛˈkas]
et-ath di xalap-ag-el | ek lu xalap-ig ax-in gus-ag-am bishul-av-as ek-as
eat-ObjNoun that buy-GERUND-to 1PL NEG buy-able 3SG-ACC go_out-GERUND-ABL cook-PTCP-GEN 1PL-GEN
Skribajon mean vi esas lektant, kar amiki.
Native: American English. Knows: some Hebrew/Judaeo-Aramaic, some Ido, bit of La Esperanton, a couple of Yiddish words, and bits and pieces of others.
Puisque notre 料理人 ga 離réta, la 食bé物 oué qu'on 遣tta 売rie nie, à ga dja 得rë pas est 売ttée. Puisque notre rieaurinine ga hanaréta, la tabémonau oué qu'on yatta ourie ni, à ga dja èrë pas est outtée. [pɥiskœ̈ nɔt ʁjoʊ̯ʁinɪi̯n gɔ anaʁetɔ, la taˈbemɔˌno we kõʊ̃ yat.tɔ ʊʁi ni a: gɔ dʒɔ æɛ̯ʁœ̈ pɔ et ʊt.te] since our cook SUBJ leave.PAST, DEF.f food TOP REL.OBJ 1PL dispatch.PAST sell-STEM ALL 3SG.f SUBJ ADV not be sell-PTPL The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
Last edited by Lao Kou on 02 Apr 2016 13:38, edited 3 times in total.
Wir können das Essen, das wir verkaufen wollten, nicht verkaufen, weil unser Koch verschwunden ist.
[viɐ̯ ˈkʰœnɛn das ˈʔɛsən, das viɐ̯ vɛɐ̯ˈkʰaʊ̯fən ˈvɔltʰɛn, nɪçt vɛɐ̯kʰaʊ̯fən, vaɪ̯l ˈʔʊnzɐ kʰɔχ vɛɐ̯ˈʃvʊndən ʔɪst] 1PL can>1PL DEF.NEUT>ACC food.ACC, REL.NEUT.ACC 1PL sell.INF want.PST>1PL, NEG sell.INF, because 1PL.POSS>MASC.NOM cook.NOM disappear.PP COP>3SG
Chagen wrote:Somewhat of a complex sentence, this'll test your language's method of forming relative clauses and possible participles.
The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
Pazmat: Sunuibor Bentiz Wevōsc cjidim ixsunuovam malf na Weviri Vanpezri eovam. sell-PTCPL.FUT.TRANS food 1PL-LOC be.3SG.NEU-DEON NEG-sell-PTCPL.INTRANS with-reason REL 1PL.POSS-ABSOL cook-person-ABSOL go-PTCPL.INTRANS
(Lit. "The food that was going to be sold by us should be un-sellable with the reason that our cook-person [is] gone)
From this you can really see the massive differences between the old Pazmat and the new one, yet there are some minor vocab similarities.
Incidentally, dāvāt ("because [of that]", lit. "from/of this") is not needed, but it strengthens the sense of "because". You could also use a participle (ceberā jatarerāba).
Nūdenku waga honji ma naku honyasi ne ika-ika ichamase! female-appearance=despite boy-voice=PAT hold boy-youth=TOP very be.cute-3PL Honyasi zō honyasi ma naidasu. boy-youth=AGT boy-youth=PAT love.romantically-3S
La nortura/manjhélye k' on alava vendre â peu pa ettre venduva a koza ke nottron kuixinê / ke nottra kuixinérye l' e ppartu(va). [la.nɔˈty.ʁa/mɑ̃ˈʒe.ʎˑə kɔ.ŋˈvɛ̃n.dʁə ʔɑpˈpa ˈʔɛt.tʁə vɛ̃ˈ ʔaˈ ke.nɔt.tʁɔ̃ŋ.kjyʒˈŋɛː / ke.nɔt.tʁa.kjyʒˈŋe.ʁjə lɛp.pɑˈty(.va)]
DEF-F.C food/food REL.ACC 1P go-IPF-3S sell-INF 3S.F be_able.3S NEG be-INF sell-PSTP-F at cause SBRD 1P-POSS-M.C cook / SBRD 1P-POSS-F.C cook 3S be.3S gone[M](-F) The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
Naye wey khurpīn dhre praykēname the fūthur ēsme praykēnamtā khīte ās jalewū ūșay pertecī.
[ˈnaje wei̯ kʰuɾˈpiːn ðɾe pɾai̯ˈkeːname tʰe ˈfuːtʰuɾ ˈeːsme praɪ̯keːˈnamtaː kʰiːte aːs d͡ʒaˈle.uː ˈuːʃai̯ peɾˈtet͡siː] NEG.COND.3SG.MASC 1PL.NOM AUX.PROG.COND.IPF.1PL from sell.INF REL.INAN.MASC.NOM food.NOM COP.INF sell.GEDV because AUX.AOR.3SG.FEM go_away.PP 1PL.GEN.MASC.NOM cook.NOM The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
New words for this challenge:
praykēname - to sell
Etymology: from kēname "to buy" + prefix pray- "to, front, fronting, getting away"
pertecī - cook
Etymology: from perteme "to cook" + rare person suffix -cī
Salduko genuen janaria ez daiteke sal, gure sukaldaria ez baitago. /s̺alduko genu.en janaɾi.a es̻ daiteke s̺al | guɾe s̺ukaldaɾi.a es̻ baitago/
[s̺alduko ɣenu.en janaɾi.a es̻ taiteke s̺al | guɾe s̺ukaldaɾi.a es̻ paitaɣo]
sal-duko gen-∅-u-en-n janari=a ez d-a-di-∅-te-ke sal | gu-re sukaldari=a ez bait-d-a-go
sell-FUTP 1PL.ERG.3.ABS-SG.ABS-AUX-PST-REL food=ABS.SG NEG 3.ABS.PRS-PRS-AUX-SG.ABS-LNK-POT sell | 1PL-GEN cook=ABS.SG NEG because-3.PRS-PRS-be.SG The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
Last edited by GrandPiano on 06 Dec 2020 22:55, edited 5 times in total.
Yorkish The mat at wi scid selle kan ick forthi the kock's aweʒ.
/t.mat ə wɛi̯ scɪt sɛl kʰan ɪk ˈfɒrθi t.kɒks aˈwei̯/ DEF=food REL 1PL CNTF.AUX sell can NEG | because DEF=cook=be.PRS.3 away The food that we would sell can not because the cook's away.
köre jajära ĝäjotsake v̨ränare kejajäktov̨rätira pämetnokepja meka ĝäjo
The food we will sell, because our cook is not here, cannot be sold.
(it.ACC 2p.NOM sell.FUT) food.ACC (2p.GEN-cook.NOM here.NEG)-because can.NEG sell
Last edited by HaXXi on 06 Mar 2024 21:36, edited 1 time in total.
Zyamo u nanai zi ga nongge zyii ze mwe ne nongge u zyei yu zye zyamo u nganai ngwe.
zyamo u nana=i zi ga nongge zyi=i ze mwe ne nongge u zye=i yu zye zyamo u nganai ngwe
food SIT 1P=COP PST FUT sell GEN.DEF=COP NEG able PASS sell SIT cause=COP SR cause food SIT GEN.1P=COP absent The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
Úl·Ímrıḷîṭıṭ·zîṭamàıka xa·haıhrazíma amǐḷaṭà maì ímrıḷíṭí·zıllııumàk.
[ùɬ‿ˌímrɨ́d͡ɮíˈtʼɛ̀t͡ʃʼíˌtʼɑ̀mɑ̀jɢ χá‿ˌçàjʝràˈʃímˤ áˈmɛ̀d͡ɮɛ́ˌtʼɑ̀ mˤɛ̀ ˈímrɨ́d͡ɮɨ̀ˌtʼɛ́ʒɨ́ɬɨ́jɤ́ˌmɑ̀q] úl=vŕ-mrı<vḷí>ṭ-ìṭ-zı<îṭa>m-à-ıka xa=ha<ıv>h-ra-zím-a ma<ìḷvŕ>ṭ<a>r̀ ma<aı>r̀ vŕ-mrı<vḷí>ṭ-vŕ-zı<l<lı>ı-u>m-à-k because=INV-money<3.ipl>-NEG-give<>-CONC-V2.INV GEN=air<3>-NOM.OBL-INCH-VOL.ACT cook<4.ipl><OBL> food<AGT> INV-money<3.ipl>-ATTR-give<R-<EXCL>-E+>-CONC-VOL.INV The food that we were going to sell can't be sold because our cook is gone.
Edit: Substituted a string instrument for a French interjection.
Isiano neley is hethelenasin, neley is hethelan sanhaynehay, isanharnehay as na aya. [ʔʲíːɕãnɔ néːlejis hɛtʰhelẽ́ːnaɕĩn nélejisʰhéːtʰhɛlãn sãn̥áːjnɛhaj ʔʲisãn̥áːɾnɛhaj ʔasnáːʔaja] food 1p.O 3S sell<IRR><PFV> | 1p.O 3S sell can-NEG | cook-NEG PROX LOC CAUS The food that we were going to sell cannot be sold by us, because there is no cook.