The Snowball Game returns

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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Dormouse559 »

30. S' que t' rêste â lî tout' la journâva, tu ne vindra syantefic ne trôvra in bon fin.
[skəˈtʁɛː.stə ʔɑˈliː tu.tla.ʒuˈnɑː.va |ɛ̃ˈdʁa sjɑ̃n.təˈfik ne.tʁɔˈvʁa ʔɛ̃m.bɔ̃ˈfɛ̃ŋ]
if SBRD 2S stay-SBJV.3S at-DEF.M bed all DEF-F.C day | 2S-NOM neither become-FUT.2S scientist neither find-FUT.2S INDEF.F.N.ACC good.F.N.ACC wife.ACC

If you lie in your bed all day, you will neither become a scientist nor will you find a good wife.

31. Lîsbéta toussa in intran dyun le pìchi par que se mâre sâche qu' l' ettoû la.
[liˈzbe.ta tuˈsa ʔẽ.ɛ̃ˈtʁɑ̃ŋ ˈdjœ̃ŋ ləˈpi.ʃi pɑʁ.ke.səˈmɑː.ʁə ˈsɑː.ʃə klɛˈtuː ˈla]
Elizabeth cough-PST.3S in enter-GER in DEF-F.OBL room-OBL for SBRD 3S-POSS.F.N mother know.PRS_SBJV-3S SBRD 3S.F.NOM be-IPF.3S there

Elizabeth coughed when she entered the room so her mother would know she was there.

New/rethought words
in prep. - in; (+ gerund) while, by
ne … ne … conj. - neither … nor … (conflation < Lt. nec and non)
toussâ v. - cough

For a good long while, I had dropped in from Silvish. But I've decided to see what bringing it back is like.
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Khemehekis »

24. Ar kardass az il wahazas grekhem beven kaluk seldu?
2s think-PRS that who be_able_to-PRS build library before winter
Who do you think can build the library before winter?

25. Peter baizartas ad yayar dyu shara ad wan.
Peter listen-PRS to sing by daughter to 3s
Peter listens to his daughter's singing.

26. Guis id dainas benas ad verim er *uthas os hemeyizas.
feed done_to certain type-PL to bird LOC city-PL NEG allow-PSV-PRS
Feeding certain types of birds in cities is not allowed.

27. Justin bueshas ksakalenes na wiri fubul markam gudum ash shubida na wan.
Justin keep-PRS photograph of man under coat red on refrigerator of 3s
Justin keeps a photograph of a man in a red coat on his refrigerator.

28. Maikros en lem khokem, do wir blatzen e shakti.
movie PST too expensive so 3p stay-PST in house
The movie was too expensive, so we stayed home.

29. Utoyet hir non betzith yer os ded, zha noto ad is.
marry-IMPRTV either for love or NEG at_all VOC child to 1s
Marry for love or not at all, my child.

30. Yakh ar grego*as eramal haliblatzi we, yau ar shan inyos te*asti nan rehinos ashelti venit.
if 2s lie-PRS in_bed all_day ADV then 2s neither become-FUT scientist nor find-FUT wife good
If you lie in your bed all day, you will neither become a scientist nor will you find a good wife.

31. Elizabeth khavasen av wan e*ain kumes do helemas ad wan hauesosen az wan en els.
Elizabeth cough-PST when 3s enter-PST room so mother to 3s know-FUT-PST that 3s PST there
Elizabeth coughed when she entered the room so her mother would know she was there.

32. Vanessa hel *ine karak mui Zach hel oimones wowum mui khetekes fazen argas anayales ehem mem yayaren kalui er maikros.
Vanessa with hair black and Zach with iris-PL blue and freckle-PL do-PST many date-PL after 3p sing-PST together LOC movie
The black-haired Vanessa and the blue-eyed, freckled Zach went on many dates after they sang together in the movie.

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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Iyionaku »

31. Lisala yigarpet nat yipucuret u'iavúm, cara tao méva tyaquinret pi ta bit azifenúm.
[lɨˈsaːlɐ ɕɪ̈ˈxaɾpət nɐt ɕɨpʉˈkuːɾət ʉɪ̯ɐˈʋuːm, ˈkaːɾɐ taʊ̯ ˈmeːʋɐ t͡ʃɐˈkinɾə‿pi ta bɨt ɐˌɟiɸəˈnuːm]
PROP PST-cough-3SG when PST-enter-3SG DEF.INAN=room, so_that 3SG.FEM.POSS mother POT-know-3SG that 3SG.FEM.REC COP.3SG.ANIM here
Elizabeth coughed when she entered the room so her mother would know she was there.

32. Vanesa fecun ʻilanarákan è Sacan fecun gacúmputem è duvan yicurʻi pès yéliuclocan aquis yiádamʻi fecun evaneʻi u cleiti.
[[vɐˈneːsɐ ˈɸeːkʉn ˈʔiːlɐnɐˌɾaːkɐn ɛ ˈsaːkɐn ˈɸeːkʉn gɐˈkuːmˌputəm ɛ ˈduːʋɐn ɕɨˈkuɾʔi pɛs ˈʃeːlɪ̯ʉkˌloːkɐn ˈaːkɨs ˈʃɪ̯aːdɐmʔi ˈɸeːkʉn əʋɐˈneːʔi u ˈklɛɪ̯ti]
PROP with hair.PL-black-PL and PROP with eye.DU-blue-DU and freckle-PL PST-come-3PL towards date-many after sing-3PL with each_other TEMP movie
The black-haired Vanessa and the blue-eyed, freckled Zach went on many dates after they sang together in the movie.

33. Desiý Tyèk ciyaidéspuret ciysceni ti o'garesif aparats, pròstcemernasbit liyd diroupasreyvet ciytó.
[dəˈsa̯iː t͡ʃɛk kɨʃaɪ̯ˌdeːsˈpuːɾət‿ˈa̯iːskəni ti ɔ̈gɐˈɾeːsi ɐˈpaːɾɐt͡s, pɾɔstkəˈmeɾnɐsbɨt la̯iːd dɨˌɾɔʊ̯pɐsˈɾeʃvət ka̯iːtoː]
before Jack NEG-PST-already-drink-3SG cup_full-PL-ENUM three DEF.GEN=coffee at_least, totally-NEG-useful-COP.3SG.ANIM because COND-FUT-wrong-do-COND.3SG everything
Before Jack didn't drink at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Khemehekis »

Iyionaku wrote: 07 Feb 2020 14:38 33. Desiý Tyèk ciyaidéspuret ciysceni ti o'garesif aparats, pròstcemernasbit liyd diroupasreyvet ciytó.
[dəˈsa̯iː t͡ʃɛk kɨʃaɪ̯ˌdeːsˈpuːɾət‿ˈa̯iːskəni ti ɔ̈gɐˈɾeːsi ɐˈpaːɾɐt͡s, pɾɔstkəˈmeɾnɐsbɨt la̯iːd dɨˌɾɔʊ̯pɐsˈɾeʃvət ka̯iːtoː]
before Jack NEG-PST-already-drink-3SG cup_full-PL-ENUM three DEF.GEN=coffee at_least, totally-NEG-useful-COP.3SG.ANIM because COND-FUT-wrong-do-COND.3SG everything
Before Jack didn't drink at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.
What does "before" mean in this sentence? Is it supposed to be:
Earlier, Jack didn't drink at least three glasses of coffee in the morning. You cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.

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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Iyionaku »

Khemehekis wrote: 29 Feb 2020 17:48 What does "before" mean in this sentence? Is it supposed to be:
Earlier, Jack didn't drink at least three glasses of coffee in the morning. You cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.
I'm not a native speaker of English, and sadly, working in a German company surrounded by people who themselves are German, but speak (mediocre) English in every meeting plus having a Spanish boyfriend whose English is not exactly native level either, I see my language skills getting worse and worse on a daily basis. Here is my attempt to fix the sentence so it makes sense (but it could still be unclear or plain wrong):

Before Jack hasn't drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.

I meant that in a perfective way, but on an everyday basis; Jack has to drink three cups (glasses, as cups is not in the wordlist) of coffee every morning AND ONLY THEN he is able to work properly, i.e. doing difficult (heavy, as difficult is not in the wordlist) work.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Dormouse559 »

Iyionaku wrote: 05 Mar 2020 14:24
Khemehekis wrote: 29 Feb 2020 17:48 What does "before" mean in this sentence? Is it supposed to be:
Earlier, Jack didn't drink at least three glasses of coffee in the morning. You cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.
I'm not a native speaker of English, and sadly, working in a German company surrounded by people who themselves are German, but speak (mediocre) English in every meeting plus having a Spanish boyfriend whose English is not exactly native level either, I see my language skills getting worse and worse on a daily basis. Here is my attempt to fix the sentence so it makes sense (but it could still be unclear or plain wrong):

Before Jack hasn't drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.

I meant that in a perfective way, but on an everyday basis; Jack has to drink three cups (glasses, as cups is not in the wordlist) of coffee every morning AND ONLY THEN he is able to work properly, i.e. doing difficult (heavy, as difficult is not in the wordlist) work.
Ah, English doesn't use the negative like that after "before" (heh, after before). It's just "Before Jack has drunk …"
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Khemehekis »

Dormouse559 wrote: 05 Mar 2020 18:35
Iyionaku wrote: 05 Mar 2020 14:24
Khemehekis wrote: 29 Feb 2020 17:48 What does "before" mean in this sentence? Is it supposed to be:
Earlier, Jack didn't drink at least three glasses of coffee in the morning. You cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.
I'm not a native speaker of English, and sadly, working in a German company surrounded by people who themselves are German, but speak (mediocre) English in every meeting plus having a Spanish boyfriend whose English is not exactly native level either, I see my language skills getting worse and worse on a daily basis. Here is my attempt to fix the sentence so it makes sense (but it could still be unclear or plain wrong):

Before Jack hasn't drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.

I meant that in a perfective way, but on an everyday basis; Jack has to drink three cups (glasses, as cups is not in the wordlist) of coffee every morning AND ONLY THEN he is able to work properly, i.e. doing difficult (heavy, as difficult is not in the wordlist) work.
Ah, English doesn't use the negative like that after "before" (heh, after before). It's just "Before Jack has drunk …"
Wow! I didn't know that German would use a negative there. That stumped me. Or you could say "Until Jack has drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning . . ."

I remember the first time I heard a double negative. It was in a Rolling Stones parody I was watching on Sesame Street wherein the puppets sang, "Couldn't get no coöperation if I tried". I interpreted the double negative literally, and thought that was an odd sentiment: Why did they try not to get any coöperation? Why didn't the guy want it?

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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Dormouse559 »

Khemehekis wrote: 06 Mar 2020 03:25Wow! I didn't know that German would use a negative there. That stumped me. Or you could say "Until Jack has drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning . . ."
I wouldn't know, myself, but it's something French does, in formal registers (ne explétif, si ça t'intéresse).

Well, I'll take a turn, with the meaning of 33 clarified.

I'm trying to make a written standard for Silvish, while at the same time thinking about the dialectal variation, which I imagine to be … extensive, so we've got a few examples creeping in of the standard spelling and pronunciation not necessarily matching intuitively. <ch> is pronounced [h] in the variety I'm using. Other varieties use [ʃ], [θ], [ts], even [st]. Luckily, there'll also be a way of transcribing speech.

32. Le Vanessä egguartä e li Zakarîe lintilyeu a ddjeû blô s' vezîrön bîn de koû apré avoû chantâ insimble dyun lu filmö.
[̝ˈnɛ ɛˈʒɑʁ.ta̝ˈʁiː.ə lɛ̃n.tiˈʎˑø ɑˈʒœː blɔː zvəˈziː.ʁɔ̃ ˈbɛ̃ː dəˈkuː a̝ˈpʁe a̝ˈvuː hɑ̃ˈtɑː ɛ̃ˈsɛ̃m.blə ˈdjœ̃ŋ lyˈfil.mə]
DEF.F.N Vanessa black_haired-F.N and DEF.M.N Zachary freckled.M.N to eye.PL blue.M.C 3.REFL see-PST-3P many of time after have-INF sing-PST_PTCP together in DEF-M.C.OBL film

The black-haired Vanessa and the blue-eyed, freckled Zach went on many dates after they sang together in the movie.

33. Avan ke Jâkou l' e bû â mwîn tre vvoûro de kaffé lo matîn, t' lu peu ppa fêri a fêri de travvâ dûro k' î va tou kûversâ.
[a̝ˈvɑ̃ŋ kəˈʒɑː.ku ləˈbyː ɑˈmwɛ̃ː tʁɛˈvuː.ʁə de.kɑˈfe̝ˈtɛ̃ː tly.pœˈpa ˈfɛː.ʁi a̝ˈfɛː.ʁi de.tʁɑˈvɑː ˈdyː.ʁə kiː.va̝ˈtu kyː.vɛˈsɑː]
before SBRD Jack 3S have.3S drink.PST_PTCP at.DEF.M.C least three glass of coffee DEF-M.C morning | 2S 3S.OBL be_able 2S-NEG make-INF to do-INF PART work hard-M.C for 3S.NOM will.3S all do_wrong

Before Jack has drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.

34. Par fêri lo guattel, presa lo ju d' un' oranje e quasa tre ggro-z eu.
[pɑˈfɛː.ʁi lo.ʒɑˈtɛl pʁəˈsa ləˈʒy dy.ŋəˈʁɑ̃ɲ.ʒə e.ha̝ˈsa tʁɛg.gʁəˈzø]
for make-INF DEF-M.C cake | squeeze DEF-M.C juice of INDEF orange and break three large egg.PL

To make the cake, squeeze the juice of one orange and break three large eggs.

New/rethought words
kûversâ v - mess sth up, do sth wrong; dump sth out; flip sth over (< "ass" + versâ "flip")
egguar adj - black-haired (borrowing < PGmc *swartaz)
filmö nmc - film, movie (borrowing < En. film + [masculine suffix])
lintilyeû adj - freckled (< lintîlye "freckle; lentil; lens")
ke cj - because, as, for (also general subordinator, "that")
voûro nmc - glass (< Lt. vitrum)
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Iyionaku »

Khemehekis wrote: 06 Mar 2020 03:25
Wow! I didn't know that German would use a negative there. That stumped me. Or you could say "Until Jack has drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning . . ."

I remember the first time I heard a double negative. It was in a Rolling Stones parody I was watching on Sesame Street wherein the puppets sang, "Couldn't get no coöperation if I tried". I interpreted the double negative literally, and thought that was an odd sentiment: Why did they try not to get any coöperation? Why didn't the guy want it?
Wow, that's interesting! I have never realized that English does not use a negative there. I'll keep that in mind, especially for Yélian - I might not want to copy this inadvertently into my language.

34. Can tyaperviynei u'mesól, særyas u'parm o'lió èpa zadas espanlotani ti.
[kɐn t͡ʃɐpəɾˈva̯iːnɛɪ̯ ʉməˈsoːl, ˈsœɾʃɐs ʉˈpaɾm ɔ̈ˈlɪ̯oː ˈɛpɐ ˈcaːdɐʃ ˈespɐnˌlotɐni ti]
for POT-prepare-2SG DEF.INAN=cake, squeeze-JUS.2SG DEF.INAN=juice DEF.GEN=orange and break_open-JUS.2SG egg.PL-large-PL-ENUM three
To make the cake, squeeze the juice of one orange and break three large eggs.

35. Yiyautetsái vat parmfost u vat ilvatpulvon, pariút carat reo bobas erfostet.
[ɕɨʃaʊ̯ˌtetˈsaːɪ̯ vɐ‿ˈpaɾmost u vɐt ˈilvɐˌpulvɔ̈n, pɐˈɾɪ̯uːt‿ˈaːɾɐt ˈɾeː.ɔ̈ ˈboːbɐʃ əˈɾostət]
PST-very-too-fast-drink.1SG DEM juice-cold TEMP DEM day-hot, therefore now 1SG.POSS head freeze_cold-3SG
I've drunk this cold juice way too fast on this hot day, so my head is freezing right now.
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Khemehekis »

33. Kaluk Jack wakhirenos tized em dabes na tzeimoa kam galir, ar os wahazos mehim wan ad eis nagar khrazdad wakh wan fazek halis kasht we.
before Jack drink-PST-FUT at_least three cup-PL of coffee in morning 2s NEG be_able_to-FUT use 3s for any work heavy-duty as 3s do-STAG everything wrong ADV
Before Jack has drunk at least three glasses of coffee in the morning, you cannot use him for any heavy work as he will do everything wrong.

34. Ad hami id haihas, peshriret welt hes in ezoi mui g*ementet em kehas dom.
for make done_to cake squeeze-IMPRTV juice out_of one orange and break-IMPRTV three egg-PL large
To make the cake, squeeze the juice of one orange and break three large eggs.

35. Is wakhiren ham welt howei shayam lem sheiz we kam ham blahatz tziyim, do bad na is ikhazizas odum umbe.
1s drink-PST this juice cold very too fast ADV on this day hot so head of 1s freeze-PSV-PRS right now
I've drunk this cold juice way too fast on this hot day, so my head is freezing right now.

36. Becky oyezen az wan betzithas khour mui butekhes re argas we de eilag kelmatz er bayis, welas Steve.
Becky say-PST that 3s love-PRS beer and cookie-PL COMP much ADV than anything else LOC world including Steve
Becky said that she loved beer and cookies more than anything else in the world, including Steve.

In Kankonian, since Becky still (supposedly) loves beer and cookies more than anything else, right now, you'd put "love" in the present tense. You wouldn't make it past tense just to agree with "say".

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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Omzinesý »


I'm testing my new auxlang. I will surely not finish all the sentences, but they can be helpful anyways.
Most words are from English anyways.

1. Jim felt a tap on his shoulder, and it was Kate.

2. Ethan apologized for letting his little brother freeze his tongue to the metal bar.
"Ethan", se sowi kosa le ke, sipa nowa matsu, le luka tan i koltu a tika metal.
"Ethan", say sorry because let COMPL, sibling young/new male, let tongue touch at cold to stick metal

a) Le 'let, allow' can be used either with or without the complementizer ke. Without ke it is used in idiomatic phrases like 'to let X touch in cold'.

b) Sipa nowi matsu specifies too much. It would be better to say just sipa.

c) Unproductive morphology:
nowa 'new/young of age'
nowi 'new to you'
olda 'old of age'
oldi 'old to you'

3. The big rock fell down the mountain, killing three people.
Kela masi pol a towa i monti masi wa pa pu san pasa.
stone big roll to down at hill big and make die/stop three person

a) Still unproductive morphology:
kela 'a stone'
kelu 'stone (as material)'

b) Monti means all kinds off hills and mountains.

4. Which gloves shall I wear to the theatre?
Mi supa yu kolu-manu ki?
SG1 should use cloth-hand what

a) Supa is one of the modal auxiliaries. It emphasizes that somebody else wants me to use gloves.

5) I'll help you with your homework, as long as you stop stealing my books.
Mi yol ti i tunu yel ti pu tso nome lenu tesi-tesi te mi.
SG1 help SG2 at work if SG2 stop/die without permission text-REDUPL of SG1

a) I used just the word tunu 'work, task' because it was not specified which kind of homework was meant.

b) Tunu 'work, task' and lenu 'permission' are nominalizations with the suffix -nu of the verbs tu 'do' and le 'allow'.

c) Nome consists of no 'not' and me 'with'.

6. It feels a little wrong, but doesn't his wife look like his mother, just younger?
Fili i unta min. Nofu pusu te si, wina li mama te si, ya? Onli nowa.
feel at bad a_bit. however spouse of SG3, like parent of SG3, yes? only young

a) Luka-Mutu can drop topics. It could also be Mi fili i unta min. 'I feel a bit bad.'

b) Wi means 'to see'. Wina 'to look like' i somehow derived from it, but I'n not sure how productive the process is.

c) Pusu and mama are both gender-neutral. If needed, you can say:
pusi-matsu 'husband'
pusi-femi 'wife'
mama-matsu 'father'
mama-femi 'mother'
Pusu is also very opaque when it comes to the quality of the sexual-romantic relationship.

d) Nofu 'however' consists of no 'not' and fu 'deny'.

e) Polar questions where you guess the answer are formed by adding no 'no' or ya ' yes' to the end of the sentence.

7. When one of the spider-hunting warriors shot a huge spider with an arrow, you could see said spider's head split.

8. Where did you put the vegetable wagon I lent you last week?
Ti pan wakun-feki a ku, mi le tan i lonu i wiki konu?
SG2 put wagon-vegetable to what, SG1 give REL at borrowing at week gone

a) Ku 'what, which' is a demonstrative like mu 'this', tu and su 'that'. With a preposition it usually is translated 'where', as the other demonstratives mean 'here' and 'there' respectively.

b) Le i lonu 'to give in borrowing' -> 'to lend'

9. Christine makes her own pants because all the pants at the store are either too short or too wide.
"Christine", to kolu-peti-mini onu kosa, kolu-peti-mini tutu i puti-efi, mini-feti mal ili masa-osu mal.
"Christine", produce cloth-leg-small own because cloth-leg-small own all at shop-product, short too or wide too



fu 'deny'
ko 'go'
le 'let, allow'
pan 'put'
pa 'make (become, or do)'
pu 'die, stop doing'
pol 'roll'
se 'say, express'
tan 'touch'
tso 'take'
to 'make, produce'
tu 'do, work'
yu 'use'
yol 'help'
wi 'see'

feki 'vegetable'
kela 'a stone'
ki 'what, which, who'
kolu 'cloth'
kolu-manu 'glove'
luka 'tongue, language'
mama 'parent'
manu 'hand'
masi 'big'
mi 'I'
mini 'small'
pasa 'person'
pusi 'spouse'
puti 'shop'
sipa 'sibling'
tesi 'text, book'
ti 'SG2'
tika 'stick'
wakun 'wagon'
wiki 'week'

femi 'female'
feti 'vertical'
fili 'feel'
kelu 'stone, firm (morally)'
koltu 'cold'
lonu 'borrowing'
matsu 'male'
masa 'big'
masa-osu 'wide'
metal 'metal
mini 'small'
mini-feti 'short'
monti 'hill, mountain'
nowa 'new/young of age'
nowi 'new to you'
olda 'old of age'
oldi 'old to you'
osu 'horizontal'
san 'three'
sowi 'being sorry'
supa 'should, be supposed to'
towa 'the area below'
unta 'bad'
wina 'to look like, out-look'

fe 'and then'
kosa 'because'
li 'like'
mal 'too'
me 'with'
min 'a bit'
no 'NEG'
nome 'without'
onli 'only'
wa 'and (not 'and then')
yel 'if'

mi - mu 'I - this'
ti - tu 'you - that'
si - su 'he/she/it - that'
ki - ku 'what/which/who - what, which'
tuti - tutu 'everybody, everything - all'
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Iyionaku »

Khemehekis wrote: 06 Aug 2020 12:24
36. Becky oyezen az wan betzithas khour mui butekhes re argas we de eilag kelmatz er bayis, welas Steve.
Becky say-PST that 3s love-PRS beer and cookie-PL COMP much ADV than anything else LOC world including Steve
Becky said that she loved beer and cookies more than anything else in the world, including Steve.
Is it just a coincidence that the Kankonian word for cookies, butekhes, looks almost the same as the German word Butterkeks "butter cookie"?
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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Khemehekis »

Iyionaku wrote: 10 Dec 2022 12:56 Is it just a coincidence that the Kankonian word for cookies, butekhes, looks almost the same as the German word Butterkeks "butter cookie"?
It is just a coincidence. I knew Butter was "butter" and Keks was "cookie", but I had never encountered the two words put together before.

-es is a plural suffix, and that's where the S comes from; the singular is butekh.

Squirrels chase koi . . . chase squirrels

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Re: The Snowball Game returns

Post by Omzinesý »

I have translated some of them into Dlor. It's time to see how much the language has changed.

Jim mül sro bën lu s-keeb ú sa Keet.
Jim feel COMP touch at DEF-shoulder SG3 Kate.
'Jim felt a tap on his shoulder, and it was Kate.'

Etan bar ro jók mú nam ro kû-bokj s-ni mo raj lu rí-meekj sé íl.
Etan say COMP sorry after let COMP MOUTH-stuck DEF-little male sibling at bar-metal before be.cold
'Ethan apologized for letting his little brother freeze his tongue to the metal bar.'

rí-meekj <- rim + meekj 'bar + metal'
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