Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
The world has triple solar eclipses. Basically when the two largest moons and a planet (known as Irema whose correct pronounciation depends on the dialect) all block out the sun something happens (and yes they are all true solar eclipses). This has occured 4 times so far and happen approximately once every 50'000 years.
First: Creation of the world where the spirits of the sun and moon as well as order and chaos convened to create the main planet of the system.
Second: Battle of the two great dragon's of the world the twin dragon's of dark and light
Third: Sundering this happened during the time of the elves and split the continents apart (before there were 3 but now there are 9). Results in the creation of Sea of Stars or more precisely turns that into an ocean. This event happening is also caused partially by the elves trying to make the event go in their favour. Also this is probably the time humans appear.
Fourth: Various things happen depending on the world but in the region i am focusing on the gate's between the demon and mortal realms open again leading to mass upheavel as well as the invasion of several people's who felt wronged by the region's nations.
(This is in the same world my team's CBB relay languages are in btw)
The world has triple solar eclipses. Basically when the two largest moons and a planet (known as Irema whose correct pronounciation depends on the dialect) all block out the sun something happens (and yes they are all true solar eclipses). This has occured 4 times so far and happen approximately once every 50'000 years.
First: Creation of the world where the spirits of the sun and moon as well as order and chaos convened to create the main planet of the system.
Second: Battle of the two great dragon's of the world the twin dragon's of dark and light
Third: Sundering this happened during the time of the elves and split the continents apart (before there were 3 but now there are 9). Results in the creation of Sea of Stars or more precisely turns that into an ocean. This event happening is also caused partially by the elves trying to make the event go in their favour. Also this is probably the time humans appear.
Fourth: Various things happen depending on the world but in the region i am focusing on the gate's between the demon and mortal realms open again leading to mass upheavel as well as the invasion of several people's who felt wronged by the region's nations.
(This is in the same world my team's CBB relay languages are in btw)
Artima and Sylvans
The name of the Star this world orbits (or more precisely sun since they are differentiated) is Artima from Arbanian.
Created by the god of the hunt so A) he could have children of his own and B) to eventually grant him a wife from one of them after the progenitor goddess of the elves rejected him. They are around 10 feet tall with with furry features and faces in between those of dog's and cats. They share his natural portfolio with fondness for keeping all sorts of animals as pets as well as an inclination towards hunting as well as battle but unlike say Elves their moods do not shift with the seasons. So far in keeping with the second aspect i have decided they would probably punish crimes against women such as murder or rape more harshly.
The name of the Star this world orbits (or more precisely sun since they are differentiated) is Artima from Arbanian.
Created by the god of the hunt so A) he could have children of his own and B) to eventually grant him a wife from one of them after the progenitor goddess of the elves rejected him. They are around 10 feet tall with with furry features and faces in between those of dog's and cats. They share his natural portfolio with fondness for keeping all sorts of animals as pets as well as an inclination towards hunting as well as battle but unlike say Elves their moods do not shift with the seasons. So far in keeping with the second aspect i have decided they would probably punish crimes against women such as murder or rape more harshly.
Races of the World
Some of the were created by god's like Elves, Sylvans, Dwarves (created by the god of the forge) and the ancient Starkin (created by the goddess of magic). Others like Catkin and Foxkin are the result of spirits wanting to inhabit this world. Still others like humans origins are unknown.
Also some details about Arbania

Linguistic evidence suggest Arbanians came to the east at a later date then its relatives so they probably didn't oust the original demon worshippers from the land. Regardless they have a similar culture and worship the dragon god of light and probably various other miscellany good gods. Other native practices include the worship of the sun goddess and of course worship of Arbanus. The most important religous figure in Arbania is the High Priestess of the Sun which has a similar position amongs the Ninise and possibly other related peoples. Notably is arcane magic is banned due to its association with demons as well as not to disturb the ancient creatures which lie under the land. Other miscellany is the isles to the east is Independent and given to the Elves although this will not last long due to them allowing people from the Wizard's republic to settle there.
Also some details about Arbania

Linguistic evidence suggest Arbanians came to the east at a later date then its relatives so they probably didn't oust the original demon worshippers from the land. Regardless they have a similar culture and worship the dragon god of light and probably various other miscellany good gods. Other native practices include the worship of the sun goddess and of course worship of Arbanus. The most important religous figure in Arbania is the High Priestess of the Sun which has a similar position amongs the Ninise and possibly other related peoples. Notably is arcane magic is banned due to its association with demons as well as not to disturb the ancient creatures which lie under the land. Other miscellany is the isles to the east is Independent and given to the Elves although this will not last long due to them allowing people from the Wizard's republic to settle there.
Re: Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
This world has a lot of potential. I'm impatiently waiting for more details! ![:) [:)]](./images/smilies/icon_smile2.png)
![:) [:)]](./images/smilies/icon_smile2.png)
Re: Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
If you want to contribute to it you can always sign up for
More details about Arbania
The annal of kings was started on the date of 0 the first recorded date in Arbanian history. It served as a record of the remembered rain of the previous High Kings of Arbania as well as details of the lesser kings under them. Arbania seems to have been unified in a distant past which is recorded in the annals of the Sun Elves along with a few primitive word forms mostly in the dialect of Imexi although it was indistinguishable from surrounding dialects and rendered as Mesiša. But the records are fragmentary so the Arbanians invented new parts to it, some of which are presumably accurate. It is no longer believed that the Arbanian speakers themselves are the ones who drove out the demon worshippers so the early mythic history of the Early Arbania history is doubtful but details of how the kingdom was unified by the high priestess of the sun from which the term Nala Tes Ttiim “nation of the sun” is derived. She appointed a high king from her followers and it is likely his line still runs to this present day as well as appointing seven more kings under him to rule the disparate regions. The kings of Imexi and Arasi were of these elected but others passed through multiple lines. She held veto power over many of the decisions in the fledgling Arbanian state and the early Codex of the Priestesses’ of the Sun were codified in Sun Elven and translated back into Arbanian when they developed their own syllabary. The system of independent kings and a first amongst equals priestess of the sun has parallels amongst the Ninisi where the chiefs of each clan discuss matters with each other at appointed councils where the high priestess of the sun amongst them acts as an equal to them. The Annals of Kings were soon joined by the Annals of the Sun which details the holy factions such as paladin orders as well as the priestesses of the sun and the Annal of the Elves which details the accounts of the elves. The Foreign Annals or Annals of the Wizards is at this point being composed detailing the relationship between Arbania and other nations especially the Magocracy to the south amongst the snow.
The annal of kings was started on the date of 0 the first recorded date in Arbanian history. It served as a record of the remembered rain of the previous High Kings of Arbania as well as details of the lesser kings under them. Arbania seems to have been unified in a distant past which is recorded in the annals of the Sun Elves along with a few primitive word forms mostly in the dialect of Imexi although it was indistinguishable from surrounding dialects and rendered as Mesiša. But the records are fragmentary so the Arbanians invented new parts to it, some of which are presumably accurate. It is no longer believed that the Arbanian speakers themselves are the ones who drove out the demon worshippers so the early mythic history of the Early Arbania history is doubtful but details of how the kingdom was unified by the high priestess of the sun from which the term Nala Tes Ttiim “nation of the sun” is derived. She appointed a high king from her followers and it is likely his line still runs to this present day as well as appointing seven more kings under him to rule the disparate regions. The kings of Imexi and Arasi were of these elected but others passed through multiple lines. She held veto power over many of the decisions in the fledgling Arbanian state and the early Codex of the Priestesses’ of the Sun were codified in Sun Elven and translated back into Arbanian when they developed their own syllabary. The system of independent kings and a first amongst equals priestess of the sun has parallels amongst the Ninisi where the chiefs of each clan discuss matters with each other at appointed councils where the high priestess of the sun amongst them acts as an equal to them. The Annals of Kings were soon joined by the Annals of the Sun which details the holy factions such as paladin orders as well as the priestesses of the sun and the Annal of the Elves which details the accounts of the elves. The Foreign Annals or Annals of the Wizards is at this point being composed detailing the relationship between Arbania and other nations especially the Magocracy to the south amongst the snow.
Re: Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
What mapping tool are you using?
Re: Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
It's not that good when free doe but i have access to my brother's version.
Re: Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
Thanks. I need to make a map of Yih at some point.
Re: Foxcatdog's unnamed fantasy world scratchpad
Arbanus's worship is deeply entertwined with fertility as well as other aspects such as nature, the hunt and war. Fertility manifests directly in Arbanian religion to him where priests act as spiritual fathers and actual fathers are expected to perform rites for their kids. Other fringe fanatics see him as destined to eventually end up with the mother of the elves and seek union between the Sylvans and the Elves.