Edit: It's not a conworld. It's a container for conlangs.
Cásenec [ˈcəː.çə.ɲəʔ] is the conworld that I started few days ago. I realised that "fun facts" are the best method of describing conworlds. So I start with...Cásenec Fun Fact #1
One of southern languages, Nénnec [ˈɲəɲ.ɲəʔ], has only 8 phonemes:
/p c~ʔ/ p c
/ɸ ç/ f s
/m ɲ/ m n
/ə əː/ e a
Stress is irregular and marked with acute accent. /c/ has allophone [ʔ] word-finally.
This language evolved from Ŋalnut, which had pretty normal consonant inventory. There are the sound changes from Ŋalnut to Nénnec:
/pʰ p tʰ t kʰ k ʔ/ > /ɸ p ç c ç c ∅/
/s h/ > /ç ∅/
/m n ŋ/ > /m ɲ ɲ/
/r l j w/ > /ɲ ɲ ç ∅/
/a i u/ > /ə ə ə/
/aa ai au/ > /əː əçə əː/
/ia ii iu/ > /əçə əçə əçə/
/ua ui uu/ > /əː əçə əː/
Combinations vowel+nasal changed into /əː/ (before /l/ and /r/ changed into nasals).
Ŋalnut has very untypical accent:
-if word has /a/, first /a/ is accented;
-else, if word has /u/, first /u/ is accented;
-else, first /i/ is accented.
This accent preserved in Nénnec as an irregular accent.