Three moronic sentences

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Re: Three moronic sentences

Post by Arayaz »

1. Who drinks no wine, hurts himself.
2. The teacher told a story about men without heads.
3. Horatius' dreams are beautiful, but he does not like them because Cornelia is not in them.

:bra: Portuguese
Quem não bebe vinho, se machuca.
who NEG drink-3sg.PRES wine / REFL hurt-3sg.PRES

A professora contou uma história sobre homens sem cabeças.
DEF.FEM.SG teacher-FEM tell-PST.3sg INDEF.FEM story about man-PL without head-PL

Os sonhos do Horacio são belíssimos, mas ele não gosta porque Cornélia não fica neles.
DEF.MASC.PL dream-PL of-DEF.MASC.SG Horatius be.3pl.PRES beautiful-AUG-MASC-PL / but 3sg.MASC NEG like-3sg.PRES because Cornelia NEG stay-3sg.PRES in.3pl.MASC

:con: Amrinsi coming soon
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Re: Three moronic sentences

Post by VaptuantaDoi »

:con: Vissard ~ Veceardo

Ki no bi elko vao el blecea so metesmo.
/k n ˈbi k ˈvaə l ˈbjɛsa h mˈteːmə/
[ɡ ͜ m̩ ͜ ˈbiˑ ɡˈvaˑɰɘ ɫ ͜ ˈɟɛˑsɐ ʔm̩p̚ˈtʰeˑɪ̯mɘ]
REL NEG drink any wine he hurt 3SG.POSS self

"(He) who drinks no wine, hurts himself."

(You could also say el blecea ke so metesmo [ɫ̩ ͜ ˈɟɛˑsɐ km̩p̚ˈtʰeˑɪ̯mɘ] "hurts only himself")

Le professue kontato an historia de omes sen testas.
/l prfˈhuə knˈtatə n ˌiːˈtʰoja d ˈomi hn ˈteːti/
[ɫ̩ ͜ pɾɜˈfʊˑwɘ kn̩ˈtʰaˑtɘ n ͜ ˌɪi̯çˈtoˑjɐ ˈd ͜ oˑmɪ ʔn̩ ͜ ˈtʰeˑɪ̯tɪ]
DEF teacher tell-PAST a story of man-PL without head-PL

"The teacher told a story about men without heads."

Les swenes Horatio es belos, mas el no los ama per kasa ke Kornelia no es la.
/lh ˈhweni hˈratʃə h ˈbɛli | mɛː l n lh ˈama pr ˈkaə k krˈnea n h ˈla/
[lʊ ͜ ˈweˑnɪ ˈrɑtˑʃɘ b̚ˈbɛˑlɪ | ˌmɛː l ͜ n ͜ ɫ̩ˈl ͜ aˑmɐ pək̚ˈkʰaˑɰɘ k ͜ kn̩ˈneˑjɐ n ͜ ɫ̩ ͜ ˈlaˑ]
DEF.PL dream-PL Horatio be beautiful-PL | but 3SG NEG 3PL.OBJ like-3SG because because because Cornelia NEG be there

"Horatius' dreams are beautiful, but he does not like them because Cornelia is not in them."
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Re: Three moronic sentences

Post by Imralu »


Ze mo mbyo waini-i dzwezu.
NEG consumer GEN.material wine=COP self.hurter
He who drinks no wine, hurts himself.

Mwa limui zi nge ngingi u gyui nana u byoi we hu nggwa zyo.
leader learner=COP PST communicator story SIT hearer=COP 1P.EXCL SIT topic=COP PL man lacker head
The teacher told a story about men without heads.

Ngi vwelwe u zyi Horesyai zyavwe, mye dei ze le zyi u zyei yu Koneliyai ze lu.
event dreamer SIT GEN.DEF Horatius | but DEF=COP NEG liker GEN.DEF SIT cause=COP SR Cornelia=COP NEG
Horatius's dreams are beautiful, but he does not like them because Cornelia is not in them.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
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Re: Three moronic sentences

Post by VaptuantaDoi »

:con: Caggiteddhescincechiggiescièggico / Castelcinceghiesano

1. Cubbi no bbebbe ddho bbéungoro, ggieuddho se ffascie malo.
/ˈkubːə nub ͜ ˈbebːe ɖː͡ʐu bˈbøŋɡəɾə | ˈɟː͡ʑøɖː͡ʐə se ͜ fˈfaʃə ˈmalə/
[ˈχʷʊʙɘ ɾ̃ʊ̥p̚ˈbe̠ʙe̠ ɖː͡ʐʊp̚ ˈbøø̯̃ŋɡɘː | ˈɟː͡ʑœʈ̚ɖ͡ʐɘ sf̩ ˈp̪͡faːɹ̥̝ɘ ˈmaːʟɘ]

"Who drinks no wine, hurts himself."

2. Ddho professóbboro raccontabbe n'ungora n'eggitubboriggia de ggiubbònbori sèngia tèggite.
/ɖː͡ʐə pɾufesˈsɔbːəɾə ɾakːuŋˈtabːə ͜ ˌnyŋɡəɾa ͜ neɟː͡ʑitubːuˈɾiɟː͡ʑa de ͜ ɟː͡ʑubˈbɔŋbəɾə ˌsɛŋɟ͡ʑa ˈtɛɟː͡ʑətə/
[ɖː͡ʐɘ p͡ɸʊ̥fɛ̠̥sˈt͡sɔ̠p̚bɘː ʔɑ̥kːʊʊ̯̃ŋk̚ˈt͡θ̠ɑp̚bɘ ˌnʏø̯̃ŋɡ̊ɘː ɾ̃ɛ̥c̚ɟ͡ʑɪtʊ̥p̚bʊˈʔɪc̚ɟ͡ʑɑ de̥c̚ɟ͡ʑʊ̥p̚ˈbɔ̠ɞ̯̃ŋb̥ɘ̥ː ˌsɛ̠ɜ̯̃ŋɟ̥͡ʑ̥ɑ̥ ˈθ̠ɛc̚ɟ͡ʑɘtɘ̥]
DEF.SG.MASC teacher tell-PERF.3SG INDEF.FEM.SG story of man-PL without head-PL

"The teacher told a story about men without heads."

3. Ddhi subbògni de n'Horaccio songroddhi bbiggièddhi, maggi no ddhi ggiama ddho porcubbe Cornegliggia no nn'eggità n'en gieuggi.
/ɖː͡ʐə subˈbɔɲːə də ͜ nuˈɾatː͡ʃə suŋˈɡɾuɖː͡ʐi ͜ bːiɟˈɟ͡ʑɛɖː͡ʐə | maɟː͡ʑə nu ͜ ɖː͡ɖʐi ͜ ɟˈɟ͡ʑama ͜ ɖː͡ʐu puɾˈkubːə kuɾneʎˈʎiɟː͡ʑa nu ͜ nneɟː͡ʑəˈta ͜ neŋ ˈɟ͡ʑøɟː͡ʑə/
[ɖː͡ʐɘ sʊ̥p̚ˈbɔ̠ɞ̯̃ɥ̜̃ɲɘ dɘɾ̃ʊˈʔɑɾ̥̚r̥̝ɘ sʊʉ̞̜̯̃ŋˈɡ̥ɾʊʈ̚ɖ͡ʐɪ̥p̚ bɪ̥c̚ˈɟ͡ʑɛ̠ʈ̚ɖ͡ʐɘ | ˌmɑc̚ɟ͡ʑɘ ɾ̃ʊ̥ʈ̚ɖ͡ʐɪ̥c̚ˈɟ͡ʑaːʙ̃̆ɑ̥ʈ̚ɖ͡ʐɘ pʊ̥ɾ̥ˈxʷʊʙɘ kʊr̃ɛʎˈɟ͡ʎ̝ɪc̚ɟ͡ʑɑ ɾ̃ʊʉ̞̜̯̃r̃ɛc̚ɟ͡ʑəˈtɑ ɾ̃ɛɜ̯̃ŋɡ̊ˈɟ̥͡ʑ̥œc̚ɟ͡ʑɘ]
DEF.PL.MASC dream-PL of H— be.3PL.PRES.INDIC beautiful-M.PL, but NEG 3PL.MASC.OBJ=like-3SG.PRES.INDIC=3SG.SUBJ because C— NEG be in 3PL.MASC.OBL

Horatius' dreams are beautiful, but he does not like them because Cornelia is not in them.
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