If you're unaware, inverse number is a system of granmatical number marking where a noun has a certain "expected" number, eg. single, plural, etc. When a noun is not in this "expected" number, it's marked.
In Jemez, the number-marking suffix is -sh. Nouns fall into 4 number classes. Class 1 is expected singular, Class 2 is expected plural, and Class 3 is expected singular or plural. Class 4 is mass nouns and doesn't get marked.
The table looks terrible but it's 2 in the morning and I've never used the code tables before. Anyway, you get the picture. If a noun is not its expected number, it gets marked.
In Jemez, the number-marking suffix is -sh. Nouns fall into 4 number classes. Class 1 is expected singular, Class 2 is expected plural, and Class 3 is expected singular or plural. Class 4 is mass nouns and doesn't get marked.
Code: Select all
tyó (I) | hhú (II) | pá (III) | aró (IV)
Singular tyó hhúsh pá —
Dual tyósh hhúsh pásh —
Plural tyósh hhú pá —