Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Anyway, time for a new question: Hyperspace.

To start, my world’s take on Hyperspace is a bit… strange. Let me explain how via a long, but relatively effective, profile on it:
Hyperspace is a realm of complicated nature which can be accessed from any other realm, yet which only exists as a wormhole-like void within the realm which it is accessed from. As such, accessing Hyperspace is often used as a means of superluminal travel, as Hyperspace allows the geography of other dimensions to be distorted to bring distant points closer to each other. When a spacecraft is sent into Hyperspace to reach a specific destination, traversal is typically merely a matter of traveling in the proper direction. However, it is worth noting that any spacecraft within Hyperspace cannot fully disappear from the realm it began in, or else it may become trapped in Hyperspace.

Most ships are manufactured to avoid this by, in the process of accessing Hyperspace, automatically replacing themselves with an immaterial/invisible version of the hull, which serves to take the place of the ship and ensure the real ship has a safe ‘landing position’ when exiting hyperspace. Regardless, it is also worth noting that the copy is capable of harmlessly flying through planets at speeds many hundreds of times greater than light speed while the original, tangible ship travels at mere hypervelocity speeds within Hyperspace. On average, the tangible ship traveling at Mach 15 is accepted to correspond to between 250 and 255 times light speed.

The difference in speed is caused due to time dilation: as stated earlier, the end destination is closer to the starting location in Hyperspace than in the dimension Hyperspace is accessed from. Additionally, depending on the distance between the point of access and the end destination in the dimension Hyperspace was accessed from, the distance between the two points in space may be significantly different in hyperspace. This is because, as a destination’s distance from the point where hyperspace was accessed, its distance from the point of access will decrease by a factor of 1.625. Once the ship leaves Hyperspace, the two copies will recombine.
Now, anyway, my question is this: is there any way for me to easily calculate how long it’d take a spacecraft going through hyperspace at a set speed to reach a set destination from a set starting point? I.e. is it possible to calculate how long it would take a spacecraft going Mach 20 in Hyperspace to get to Kepler-452b from Earth?
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by Visions1 »

Yes. Unfortunately though I don't know physics.
Anyone here major in this?
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by WeepingElf »

Visions1 wrote: 02 Aug 2024 12:08 Yes. Unfortunately though I don't know physics.
Anyone here major in this?
Asking a physicist about travelling speed in hyperspace is of course like asking a zoologist about the taxonomy and ecology of unicorns [;)]
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by Visions1 »

Might as well. that's basically our entire forum.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by eldin raigmore »

WeepingElf wrote: 02 Aug 2024 14:21 Asking a physicist about travelling speed in hyperspace is of course like asking a zoologist about the taxonomy and ecology of unicorns [;)]
But someone did that for Muppets!
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 26 Jul 2024 22:53 Now, anyway, my question is this: is there any way for me to easily calculate how long it’d take a spacecraft going through hyperspace at a set speed to reach a set destination from a set starting point? I.e. is it possible to calculate how long it would take a spacecraft going Mach 20 in Hyperspace to get to Kepler-452b from Earth?
Ok, I’ve got another question regarding a beam weapon dubbed the “Dimensional Railgun”, but before I’m going to move onto that, I want to make sure I have an understanding of how to calculate how long it’d take spacecrafts moving at set constant speeds in hyperspace to reach set destination from a set starting point.

Also, do note that I’m not specifically asking about “a spacecraft going Mach 20 in Hyperspace trying to get to Kepler-452b from Earth”, that was just an example.

By the way, to clarify, seeing as there’s been some confusion, I’m the kind of idiot who likes to explain everything in my science fiction writing, to at least some extent, even if it makes 0 sense scientifically and it’s an explanation in a completely unnecessary part of the story. Beyond this, the reason I couldn’t figure out how to do this is because, not only is the distance between two points in space smaller in my version Hyperspace than in the dimension hyperspace is accessed from (seeing as Hyperspace is accessible in every dimension in every universe), the distance that you need to travel in hyperspace to reach your destination exponentially decreases (by a factor of 1.625) the farther your destination is from the point of access in the dimension you accessed hyperspace from.

In other words, if you access my version of Hyperspace from a spaceport at Earth’s North Pole, the distance to reach Mars and the distance to reach Kepler-452b in our dimension are not the same proportionally as they are in Hyperspace. This is because Kepler-452b is significantly closer to Mars in Hyperspace than in our dimension. This is also true of Mars and Earth, though not to the same extreme.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Actually, y’know what, I’m just going to bring up the Dimensional Railgun question, as at this point, I may as well. But first, some exposition: Macro-Zeta H Particles and Hyper Electromagnetic Subquantum Fields / HESQ Fields.

First up, Macro-Zeta H Particles. These are a hypersized form of Zeta Particle, which is a peculiar subquantum particle that makes up gravitons. Macro-Zeta H Particles can exist at a variety of sizes, ranging from that of a hydrogen atom to that of a tennis ball, but always maintain the masslessness of a ‘normal’ Zeta Particle. Furthermore, Macro-Zeta H Particles emit visible light, as well as Spatial Energy with a naturally neutral dimensional frequency that is manipulable via electric charges, ‘Spatial Energy’ being the sole determining factor in how ‘dimensional physics’ work: change the dimensional frequency of a region’s spatial energy enough, and anomalous phenomena of a variety of kinds can and will occur.

Next up, HESQ Fields. These are essentially concentrations of a variety of particles known as Hyper Electromagnetic Subquantum Particles. By themselves, none of the particles that make up HESQ Fields are particularly dangerous, but in the form of HESQ Fields, they can generate electricity virtually without limit when exposed to certain extreme conditions or to certain other particles (such as the aforementioned Macro-Zeta H Particles). HESQ Fields are also very easy to generate, as the particles that make them up also make up quarks.

Now, onto the Dimensional Railgun itself.
The Dimensional Railgun is a cannon that fires a laser surrounded by a stream of Macro-Zeta H Particles and HESQ Fields that, combined, is designed to be an instant one-hit kill regardless of the target’s durability.

To explain the Dimensional Railgun, it functions by converting an Electromagnetic Field into a HESQ Field, via Macro-Zeta H Particles, and then firing a 5 million yottawatt laser mixed with Macro-Zeta H Particles through the HESQ Field to create, essentially, a wave motion gun’s blast.

The Dimensional Railgun’s laser, via the combination of its HESQ Field and Macro Zeta-H Particles, can also not only distort the molecular structure of a target on a subquantum scale, it can also do this to targets not being hit directly by the beam, as the beam’s HESQ Field radiates in all directions from the beam, creating an area of effect around the beam that causes the same molecular distortion effect to targets up to a certain distance from the outer edge of the stream of Macro-Zeta H Particles.
Anyway, my question is, how would/could this insane superweapon get through a black hole shield? (Yes, this thing is at one point going to be used to get through an artificial black hole used as a force field by a spacecraft that is somehow protected from an artificial black hole’s gravity.)
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by Keenir »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 05 Aug 2024 04:35Anyway, my question is, how would/could this insane superweapon get through a black hole shield? (Yes, this thing is at one point going to be used to get through an artificial black hole used as a force field by a spacecraft that is somehow protected from an artificial black hole’s gravity.)
Off the top of my head...given how warped space is around black holes, have the thing fired by the superweapn have just enough mass (an ounce, perhaps) to direct itself (by programming) around the black hole, keeping just far enough from it to avoid the zone where normal black holes & supergiant black holes generate glowing rings from having gases spin so fast, but close enough to it that - if anyone tries to interfere with the shot object, the interference gets swept up by the black hole itself. the shot object simply goes around the black hole.
think of it like a slingshot manuver in Star Trek or Farscape...only without the resulting move through space or time.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Keenir wrote: 05 Aug 2024 08:02 the shot object simply goes around the black hole.
think of it like a slingshot manuver in Star Trek or Farscape...only without the resulting move through space or time.
Going around the black hole shield isn't really an option, though, given the way these shields work. I suppose I should have spent some more time on the shields. Anyway, here’s a more in-depth explanation for these black hole shields, sourced from my profile for the extraterrestrial race whose military spacecrafts use them:
The Primordion battleships are programmed to automatically shield themselves by conjuring a black hole in front of the area where an attack is imminent and then manipulating the black hole’s shape from a sphere into into a hollow, spherical shield that curves around the hull of the entire ship in a nanosecond. Once the attack is fully absorbed by the black hole, the shield will immediately turn back into a normal black hole and collapse.
In other words, the only way the approach of going around the black hole shield could work is if the Dimensional Railgun‘s blast somehow just teleported inside/past it. Not impossible, though I’d say it’s extremely unlikely, so it doesn’t really fit the idea behind the scene, as the scene this occurs in involves the Dimensional Railgun being used successfully against several ships’ black hole shields, all without using a second shot.

So yeah, the question remains the same: how could the Dimensional Railgun get through a black hole shield?
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by Keenir »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 05 Aug 2024 18:08
Keenir wrote: 05 Aug 2024 08:02 the shot object simply goes around the black hole.
think of it like a slingshot manuver in Star Trek or Farscape...only without the resulting move through space or time.
Going around the black hole shield isn't really an option, though, given the way these shields work. I suppose I should have spent some more time on the shields. Anyway, here’s a more in-depth explanation for these black hole shields, sourced from my profile for the extraterrestrial race whose military spacecrafts use them:
The Primordion battleships are programmed to automatically shield themselves by conjuring a black hole in front of the area where an attack is imminent and then manipulating the black hole’s shape from a sphere into into a hollow, spherical shield that curves around the hull of the entire ship in a nanosecond. Once the attack is fully absorbed by the black hole, the shield will immediately turn back into a normal black hole and collapse.
In other words, the only way the approach of going around the black hole shield could work is if the Dimensional Railgun‘s blast somehow just teleported inside/past it. Not impossible, though I’d say it’s extremely unlikely, so it doesn’t really fit the idea behind the scene, as the scene this occurs in involves the Dimensional Railgun being used successfully against several ships’ black hole shields, all without using a second shot.

So yeah, the question remains the same: how could the Dimensional Railgun get through a black hole shield?
ah, okay, I was unawares of the warping of the black hole shield.

In that case, either just toss your hands in the air and give up because the Primordions are playing tennis with the net down (basically cheating via a hyperactive version of Protagonist Armor and Authorial Fiat)...

...or do as I suggested before, and the shot object just orbits the black hole until it (the black hole) is no longer curving around the hull. No teleporting needed.

OR (as i only now noticed that there are several black hole shields)...the shields pull towards each other, and merge into a more massive black hole...this would also spagettify the Primordion ships, because while they might each be protected from their own shield, a black hole will never provide shielding from another black hole...particularly as they merge.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Keenir wrote: 05 Aug 2024 23:14 In that case, either just toss your hands in the air and give up because the Primordions are playing tennis with the net down (basically cheating via a hyperactive version of Protagonist Armor and Authorial Fiat)...

— — —

OR (as i only now noticed that there are several black hole shields)...the shields pull towards each other, and merge into a more massive black hole...this would also spagettify the Primordion ships, because while they might each be protected from their own shield, a black hole will never provide shielding from another black hole...particularly as they merge.
Thanks for pointing out that I’ve overlooked the fact the Primordions would need to artificially decrease the range from which their black holes can exert gravitational force on objects for their shields to work. That is definitely something well within their technological capabilities. As for the ‘toss my hands in the air and give up’… well…

Ok for the Dimensional Railgun getting through the black hole thing, I’ve just realized I’m an idiot, as I’m already using particles that can be artificially charged with electricity to connect them to the laws of physics within a set dimensional space to explain the Dimensional Railgun’s ability to be an instantaneous death ray that kills regardless of the target’s durability. I could just say the beam’s been configured, in that one scene, to trigger a specific dimensional phenomena that alters black hole physics in just the right way for that purpose.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by Keenir »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 06 Aug 2024 00:20 I could just say the beam’s been configured, in that one scene, to trigger a specific dimensional phenomena that alters black hole physics in just the right way for that purpose.
welllll you could do that...despite how black holes are where physics goes to die.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Keenir wrote: 06 Aug 2024 01:50
GodzillaLouise wrote: 06 Aug 2024 00:20 I could just say the beam’s been configured, in that one scene, to trigger a specific dimensional phenomena that alters black hole physics in just the right way for that purpose.
welllll you could do that...despite how black holes are where physics goes to die.
I am… aware that Black holes do whatever they want with physics. However, that could also be explained away, as this isn’t real life: black holes in the Multiverse of Eyilunas aren’t real life black holes. That said, I want to make sure they do still have all the properties of real black holes (though I’m no particle physics major, so don’t expect complete accuracy), meaning this is a case of spatial energy just being a stronger, more predictable form of “laws of physics warping” than black holes.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by Keenir »

GodzillaLouise wrote: 06 Aug 2024 03:56
Keenir wrote: 06 Aug 2024 01:50
GodzillaLouise wrote: 06 Aug 2024 00:20 I could just say the beam’s been configured, in that one scene, to trigger a specific dimensional phenomena that alters black hole physics in just the right way for that purpose.
welllll you could do that...despite how black holes are where physics goes to die.
I am… aware that Black holes do whatever they want with physics. However, that could also be explained away, as this isn’t real life: black holes in the Multiverse of Eyilunas aren’t real life black holes. That said, I want to make sure they do still have all the properties of real black holes (though I’m no particle physics major, so don’t expect complete accuracy), meaning this is a case of spatial energy just being a stronger, more predictable form of “laws of physics warping” than black holes.
o-kay. thats actually scarier than them using actual black holes. you ever see that short video of "Godzilla vs Bambi"? Not sure if there was ever a Bambiraptor version. f these aliens can armor their ships with folded space, then you need to either start throwing actual black holes at them (primordial black holes may be useful, as they have no visible event horizon, and their teency-tininess isn't a problem, as they'd rip through the folded space and the ship inside)...or accept that you're the Bambi/Bambiraptor in this situation.

or you can wait for them to lower their shields...because if nothing can get in at them, then nothing can get out - not even their own weapons. (but pray the ships can't move while they're shielded, or they'd be battering rams.
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Re: Multiverse of Eyilunas Megathread

Post by GodzillaLouise »

Currently working on the script for episode 1 of my series M/L/V, but out of curiosity: what could Sigmatic fission actually look like?

It’s described as this by a background character in a scene where he’s misidentifying it as an unknown form of energy coming off of a Kaiju.
We’ve been ordered to figure out what the energy is so we can figure out how to stop contamination, but the data’s all over the place. It’s some form of non-ionizing subquantum radiation that distorts neutral electromagnetic charges around it. Sigmatic fusion’s been thrown around as a potential source, but we would’ve detected that last night, and the particles from that would be thousands of times heavier than what we’re detecting.
Later in the same scene, this is what another character, Eriz Avhorus, says about it:
Sigmatic fission from two atoms of Garitricium typically yields several trillions of particles that would be smaller than electrons by a factor of about a hundred thousand.
Reminder that Garitricium is element 201 on the periodic table in the Multiverse of Eyilunas.

Anyway that’s about all I got right now on Sigmatic fission. It’s basically a form of nuclear radiation that is somehow non-ionizing and produces particles many, many times smaller than the smallest subatomic particles.
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