Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

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Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by lurker »

rFbBD n h rFBmp rnL sG rLrqkjp sDb
rFb-BD n h rFBm-p rnL sG rLrqkj-p sD-b
reason-INT INS PL flyer-3D not to evil_realm-3D go-NA

"Stupid question, but by what reason did they go to the evil country without the help of the flyers? "

INT = interrogative noun
INS = instrumental preposition ("with the help of" when object is animate)
PL = plurative particle
3D = 3rd person distal noun
NA = nonauthoritative mood
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by lsd »

[¯r ´]¢¥] B5 ©_]¤U¢µBB5 }­B` ´“¢ §
(me not understanding animal carrying men half-sized and flying not to land of blackness...)
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by Dormouse559 »

This was actually pretty tough for me to render in French. In the end, I had two ideas: “Why didn’t they take the eagles to travel to Mordor?” and “Why didn’t they travel to Mordor on eagle-back?”

:fra: French

Pourquoi n’ont-ils pas pris les aigles pour se rendre au Mordor ?
/puʁkwa nɔ̃.t‿il pa pʁi le.z‿ɛgl puʁ sə ʁɑ̃dʁ o mɔʁdɔʁ/
why NEG=have.3P=3P NEG take-PSTP DEF-PL eagle-PL for 3REFL render-INF to.DEF Mordor

Pourquoi ne se sont-ils pas rendus au Mordor à dos d’aigle ?
/puʁkwa nə sə sɔ̃.t‿il pa ʁɑ̃dy o mɔʁdɔʁ a do dɛgl/
why NEG 3REFL be.3P=3P NEG render-PSTP to.DEF Mordor at back of=eagle

Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by lurker »

Well if natlangs are fair game, I'll give Spanish a go:

¿Por qué no fueron a Mordor volando con las águilas?
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by Znex »

Did a Sindarin translation for fun:

:sjn: Sindarin
Amman ú-reviessir bo thoronrovin an Mordor?
why NEG=fly-PST-3PL upon eagle_wing.PL to Mordor
Why didn't they fly on eagles' wings to Mordor?
:eng: : [tick] | :grc: : [:|] | :chn: :isr: :wls: : [:S] | :deu: :ell: :rus: : [:x]
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by Flavia »

:con: Abaniscen

Iles acuilamor cure savanaynehay i Mortor cine i le aya?
3s.O eagle-PL INSTR-O fly-NULL REL Mordor ALL REL Q cause
New words: acuila (borrowed from Latin as there aren't eagles on the Abaniscena planet); savay (to fly)
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by Iyionaku »

:deu: German

Warum sind sie nicht einfach mit den Adlern nach Mordor geflogen?
[ˈvaːʁʊm zɪnt ziː nɪçt ˈʔaɪ̯nfax mɪt den ˈaːdlɐn nax ˈmɔə̯dɔə̯ gəˈfloːgn̩]
why COP.3PL 3PL.NOM not simply with DEF.PL.DAT eagle.DAT to Morder fly.PP
Why didn't they just fly with the eagles to Mordor?
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Re: Why didn't they fly the eagles to Mordor?

Post by Batz »

:con: Naguil

Nao nion ibegil y envingines kini kui eghemie tanui?
/naʊ 'ni.ɔn i'beːgil 'yː ɛn'viŋginɛs 'kiːni kui ɛ'çeːmi.ɛ 'taːnu.i/
Na-o n-ion i-beg-il y en-ving-ines kin-i kui e-ghem-ie tan-ui?
reason-ABL which-ABL 3PL-fly-PST NEG DEF.ART-raptor-LOC.PL royal-ATTR top DEF.ART-land-ALL black-ADJ.ALL?
Of which reason did they not fly on the eagles to the black land?
:deu:: mother tongue | :eng:: fluent (at work) | :swe:: room for improvement | :fra:: 2nd foreign lang in school | :chn:: poor
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