Also "hey" was added by me - I'm a bit interested in how other conlangs handle such vocalizations.
Hey, stop doing that! Stop that stupid noise!
A, ga ko-ki-cika zhe! Ga ko-ki-codedo gifer-e! [ɛ | ɡa ko.kɨ.ˈʂi.kə ʐɛ ‖ ɡa ko.kɨ.ʂo.ˈdɛ.do ɡɨ.ˈfɛ.rə]
hey 2SG NEG-IMP-do this | 2SG NEG-IMP-make_noise stupid-ADV
"Hey you, don't do this! Don't make noises stupidly!"
(my first translation challenge here, I hope it won't get deleted)
Edit: switched English's flag to an English flag
Edit: №2 I forgot that in Proto-Pehian imperatives still require a subject