Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Adverbial Inflection

Adverbs agree in number with the subject of the clause that they modify. Note that this does not have to be the noun phrase that they are related to semantically. Sometimes adverbs occur in a non-canonical position. This is a position where they do not modify any clause. An example are ad-adjectival adverbs, i.e. adverbs that modify adjectives. In this case, adverbs will agree in number with the adjective they modify or - more indirectly - with the head noun of the complex noun phrase. The singular suffix for adverbs is at and the plural suffix is am.

(61) Adverbs in different positions
a. Uízat tetibus dedarvo.
uíz-at tet-ibus de-darv-o
traditional-SG neighbour-DEF.SG 3SG.S-care.for-3.O
`Traditionally, the neighbour cares for him.'
b. Asirb-o uízam trungur tetikus.
a-sirb-o uíz-am trung-ur tet-ikus
1SG.S-see-3.O traditional-PL hospitable-INDEF.PL neighbour-INDEF.PL
`I see traditionally hospitable neighbours.'

Adverbial Inflection

SG: -at
PL: -am
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Adjectival Inflection

Adjectives inflect for number and definitness of the noun they modify. This can be the head noun of a complex noun phrase if the adjective is used attributively. The modified noun can also be the subject of a copula, if the adjective is used predicatively. Note that the former use is much more common because many roots have an intransitive verb form that expresses a predicative use of the adjective. Regular adjectives are inflected by attaching one of four suffixes. -ar marks the singular indefinite form. The definite singular form is marked by the suffix -an. The plural indefinite suffix is -as and the plural definite suffix is -ur.

(62) Predicative and attributive adjectives
a. Gruran unikirnon.
grur-an uni-kirn-on
serpentine-SG.DEF 3.POSS-finger-DEF.SG
`His serpent-like finger.'
b. Unikirnon demiio gruran.
uni-kirn-on de-mii-o grur-an
3.POSS-finger-DEF.SG 3SG.S-COP.ADJ-3.O serpentine-SG.DEF
`His finger is serpent-like.'

Adjectival Inflection:
(indef, def)
SG: -ar, -an
PL: -as, -ur
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Subject Agreement on Verbs
Verbal inflection marks polypersonal agreement and the passive voice. Verbs agree in person and number with their subject. First and second person are used as expected. As far as subject marking is concerned, singular and plural are distinguished. In the singular they are equivalent to English I and thou, as in (63a) and (63b). In the plural they can be translated as we and you, respectively, as in (64a) and (64b). Subject marking here encompasses the single argument of an intransitive verb and the agent-like argument of a transitive verb, compare (63a) and (63b). The third person singular subject prefix has a slightly more varied use than the other forms. It is also used if the indexed argument is a complement clause or action nominalizations in subject position. In other words, the third person forms are used in default contexts, as in (63d). Nevertheless, they also occur in more regular third person contexts, i.e. when the subject can be translated as he/she/it or they, as in (63c) and (64c). Note that the marking is independent of the presence of an overt pronoun or noun phrase in the argument position, compare (63c) vs (63e) and (64c) and (64d). Generally, subject agreement is marked by prefixes. The prefixes, a-, re- and de- mark first, second and third person singular subjects. The suffixes bi-, e-, se- do the same for plural subjects. The subject prefix slot cannot remain empty. All verbs obligatorily inflect for number and person of their subject.

(63) Singular Subject Agreement on verbs
a. Azon.
'I dissappear.'
b. Redorso.
'You leave him'
c. Debamfo.
`She strangled him dead.'
d. Denonso.
'It (i.e. the sun) shines on them.'
e. Tradon demirb.
trad-on de-mirb
catbird-DEF.SG 3SG.S-play
`The catbird is playing in the rain.'

(64) Plural Subject Agreement on verbs
a. Bivírn.
'We gather.'
b. Euú?
`What are you doing?' or `How are you?'
c. Semiio gribas.
se-mii-o grib-as
3PL.S-COP.ADJ-3.O nice.to.touch-INDEF.SG
`They are nice to touch.'
d. Drinzus semiio gribas.
drinz-us se-mii-o grib-as
swamp_eel-PL.INDEF 3PL.S-COP.ADJ-3.O nice.to.touch-INDEF.SG
`Swamp eels are nice to touch.'

Subject Agreement on verbs
(1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person)
SG: a-, re-, de-
PL: bi-, e-, se-
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Glenn »

It's good to see more information on Kobardon; I think it is one of the more interesting (and better-described) conlangs that I've seen in recent years. I'm currently re-reading the thread to brush up on the details.
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Thank you [:)]
I am planning on publishing a (first version of a) pdf grammar after finishing up this thread.
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by VaptuantaDoi »

Creyeditor wrote: 03 Nov 2024 02:15 Thank you [:)]
I am planning on publishing a (first version of a) pdf grammar after finishing up this thread.
I look forward to that!
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Object Agreement
Verbal inflection also marks object agreement and the passive voice. Verbs only agree in person with their object. Object marking does not distinguish between singular and plural. Therefore, these meanings are conflated into one form.

First and second person are used as expected. The third person object suffix is used whenever a complement clause or an action nominalization occurs as the object of a transitive verb. In other words, the third person forms are used in default contexts. Nevertheless, they also occur in more regular third person contexts, i.e. when the subject can be translated as he/she/it or they. Note that the marking is independent of the presence of an overt pronoun or noun phrase in the argument position.

The object agreement suffix slot has to remain empty for intransitive verbs. As number is not distinguished for object agreement, -or, -um, and -o only mark first person, second person and third person respectively. Additionally, the passive suffix \textbf{-aba} can occur in the same position. It only attaches to transitive verbs and changes the interpretation of the subject prefixes. These now refer to the former object, the new subject. The former subject is left implicit either because it is unknown, or considered background information. There is no irregular inflection class for verbs.

(64) Object agreement on verbs
a. Debarvor.
`He/She loves me/us.'
b. Aiúrzum.
`I give s.th. to you.'
c. Debamfo.
`She strangled him/them.'
d. Retroso reféko vorvon.
re-tros-o re-fék-o vorv-on
2SG.S-must-3.O 2SG.S-COP.LOC-3.O lake-DEF.SG
`You must be at the lake.'
e. Abárvaba.
`I am loved.'

Object Agreement on Verbs
(1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person, passive)
-or, -um, -o, -aba
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Nominal Inflection I
Nouns are declined for number, definitness and take possessor marking. The first two dimension make binary distinctions. Number can either be singular or plural. Definiteness distinguishes between definite and indefinite. Possessor marking only encodes the person of the possessor, i.e. it differentiates between first person possessor, second person possessor and third person possessor.

A definite form is used for proper names (e.g. Frimfon), unique referents (e.g. the sun) and previously mentioned referents (the dog we were just talking about). Indefinite forms are used for free choice forms, new referents, and all other nouns that are not marked as definite. Indefinite singular forms are also used for most mass nouns. In exceptional cases, mass nouns might also be marked with the definite singular, if they are prementioned or unique in a certain context. The indefinite plural form is also used for reference to kinds.

(65) Definiteness marking on nouns
a. Nonson denons.
nons-on de-nons
sun-DEF.SG 3SG.S-shine
`The sun is shining'
b. Frimfon dedibo freka.
frimf-on de-dib-o frek-a
Frimf-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be-3.O chief-SG.INDEF
`Frimfon (personal name) is a chief.'
c. Drinza desirbo puka. Drinzon dedof.
drinz-a de-sirb-o puk-a drinz-on de-dof.
swamp_eel-SG.INDEF 3SG.S-see-3.O teacher-SG.INDEF swamp_eel-SG.DEF 3SG.S-rejoice
`A swamp eel saw a teacher. The swamp eel rejoiced.'
d. Adako vúnda, ob ob vúndon deféko vorva.
a-dak-o vúnd-a ob#ob vúnd-on de-fék-o vorv-a
1SG-want-3.O water-INDEF.SG but water-SG.DEF 3SG.S-COP.LOC-3.O lake-INDEF.SG
`I want water, but the water is in a lake.'
e. Drinzus demiio gribur.
drinz-us de-mii-o grib-ur
swamp_eel-PL.INDEF 3SG.S-COP.ADJ-3.O nice.to.touch-INDEF.PL
`Swamp eels are nice to touch.'
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Nominal Inflection II
Most nouns follow the so called regular inflection paradigm. The indefinite singular is marked by the suffix -a. The plural indefinite suffix -os and the definite singular suffix -on share the same vowel. The suffix -us marks the plural definite form of a noun.

Regular nominal inflection
(indefinite, definite)
singular: -a, -on
plural: -os, -us

Example of a regular nominal Inflection
(indefinite, definite)
singular: drinza `a swamp eel', drinzon `the swamp eel'
plural: drinzos `(some) swamp eels', drinzus `the swamp eels'

A small group of nouns take different suffixes. These are called irregular nouns. They take the suffix -i in the indefinite singular form. All other suffixes are considerably longer than the corresponding regular inflection suffixes. The definite singular is marked with the suffix -ibus. The plural suffixes are -ikus and -ilum for indefinite and definite forms respectively.

Irregular nominal inflection
(indefinite, definite)
singular: -i, -ibus
plural: -ikus, -ilum

Example of an irregular Nominal Inflection
(indefinite, definite)
singular: teti `a neighbour', tetibus `the neighbour'
plural: tetikus `(some) neighbours', tetilum `the neighbours'
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Nominal Inflection III

Possession in Kobardon covers several relations. The most unmarked ones are ownership, kinship (and similar social relations), bodyparts and whole-part relations. Additionally, material can be indicated by introducing it as a possessor. An alternative construction for these possession relation uses the preposition in from before the possessor. The use of the in-construction is obligatory for indicating the origin relation. Note that neither construction can introduce an agent into an action nominalization. There are no restrictions on the definiteness of either the possessor or the possessed noun.

(66) Possessor marking
a. Koteti desirbo drinza.
ko-tet-i de-sirb-o drinz-a
1.POSS-neighbour-SG.INDEF 3SG.S-see-3.O swamp_eel-SG.INDEF
`A neighbour of mine saw a swamp eel.'
b. Negedagon demiio griban.
ne-ge<da>g-on de-mii-o grib-an
2.POSS-cloth<aug>-DEF.SG 3SG.S-COP.ADJ-3.O nice.to.touch-DEF.SG
`Your jacket is nice to touch.'
c. Unikirnon puka demiio gruran.
uni-kirn-on puk-a de-mii-o grur-an
3.POSS-finger-DEF.SG teacher-SG.INDEF 3SG.S-COP.ADJ-3.O serpentine-SG.DEF
`The finger of a teacher is like a water snake.'

Possessor marking uses prefixes on the possessed noun that indicate the person of the possessor. ko- indicates a first person possessor, i.e. my, our whereas ne- signifies a second person possessor your. The third person possessor prefix uni- is used for explicit and implicit third person possessor. More concretly, the possessor can either be expressed as a full noun phrase, as a pronoun or not at all. Possessor marking does not distinguish number.

Possessor Marking
my/our, your, her/his/its/their
ko-, ne-, uni-
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Derivational Infixes I
Derivational morphology in Kobardon is expressed by infixation. Infixes can be distinguished by their location, i.e. by the place that they occupy in a word. This correlates with their morphological function. Nominalizers infix before the root vowel. Therefore, they are also called pre-nuclear infixes. Action nominalization with the infix <ab> derives a noun referring to an instance of or the general idea of an action denoted by a verb derived from the root. For some verbs it also derives an event nominalization, i.e. an instance of an event denoted by the verb, including its participants.

(67) Examples of action and event nominalizations
a. babánza
wedding (the event of getting married)
b. dabursa
leaving (the act of leaving)

The second pre-nuclear infix <ir> has a much vaguer meaning. It derives states or abstract concepts related to the meaning of a noun or verb derived from the root. It is also often used to describe religious or political concepts, as well ideologies and sciences.

(68) Abstract nominalization
a. biránza
b. birárva
altruism, charity, agape

Pre-nuclear Infixes
infix, function
<ir>, abstract concept, state
<ab>, action nominal, event nominal
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

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Derivational Infixes II
Infixes also occur after the vowel of the root syllable. These so called post-nuclear infixes generally serve two functions. They specify degree of comparison and a qualitativ distinction between diminutive and augmentative. However, these forms are often lexicalized and not semantically transparent. In nouns, post-nuclear infixes refer to concrete or metaphorical size. The diminutive-elative derives nouns that are smaller than some minimal standard or `too small'. Similarly, diminutive nouns are expected to be smaller than some contextually given average size. The diminutive infix is also used to derive forms of endearment. This contrasts with the diminutive-elative that is considered belittling or a form of mockery.

(69) Diminutive on a noun
a. bráfiia

The augmentative increases the size to an above-average degree. This can also be used to derive more respectful titles or forms of address. The augmentative-elative on the other hand has connotations of uglyness and oversize. It is generally used to denote some size above a certain maximum.

(70) Augmentative and augmentative-elative on a noun
a. bredanga
supernatural power
b. bretunga
demonic superpower

In adjectives and adverbs, the elative forms are generally used for degrees of comparison. The augmentative-elative is used for comparative and superlative degree, i.e. `more X' or `most X'. The diminutive-elative on the other hand can be translated as `less X' or `least X'. Augmentative and diminutive forms are more generally used to indicate that something is `very X' or `not very X' respectively.

(71) Augmentative-elative on a adjective
gruturan in drinza
gru<tu>r-an in drinz-a
serpentine<AUG.ELA>-SG.DEF from swamp_eel-SG.INDEF
`more serpentine than a swamp eel'

In verbs, post-nuclear infixes have less transparent uses related to degree or extend of an action. The diminutive is used for actions that are carried out with less intensity, whereas the augmentative infix indicates a greater intensity. The elative infixes are often used to indicate some notion of undershoot or overshoot.

(72) Augmentative/diminutives on verbs.
a. avídamp
`I concentrate'
b. retrúfif
`You hold on'

Post-nuclear Infixes
infix, function
<ti>, diminutive-elative
<fi>, diminutive
<da>, augmentative
<tu>, augmentative-elative
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Morphology tl;dr
  • Kobardon uses infixes, prefixes and suffixes in its morphology.
  • Infixes are used for derivational morphology. They can be grouped into two classes, based on their attachment site and their semantics.
  • Inflecional morphology employs suffixes and prefixes, with the former being slightly more frequent.
  • Whereas nouns and verbs use both, adjectives and adverbs only use suffixes.
  • Nouns and adjectives inflect for number and definitness.
  • Verbs show polypersonal agreement and adverbs agree only in number with the subject of a clause.

So that was the part on morphology. What do you all think of it? Just giving the same answering option that I gave for clausal and sentential syntax.
A) a bit too dry :roll:
B) too much text [:x]
C) too many examples [¬.¬]
D) not enough explanation [O.o]
E) not enough examples [o.O]
F) boring English-like [>:|]
G) strangely artificial :wat:
H) lots and lots of typos :mrred:
I) it was alright [:)]
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by TBPO »

D) Not enough explanation [O.o]
E) Not enough examples [o.O]

The description is too undetailed to rate this morphology.
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Oh, that sounds like interesting feedback. What could I elaborate on? What other examples would you like to see?
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by TBPO »

Creyeditor wrote: 22 Jan 2025 21:27 Oh, that sounds like interesting feedback. What could I elaborate on? What other examples would you like to see?
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Hmm, I was hoping for a more detailed response.
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by TBPO »

Creyeditor wrote: 23 Jan 2025 21:42 Hmm, I was hoping for a more detailed response.
Can you show some basic morphological things in compact form?
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by Creyeditor »

Oh, I think this might have been a misunderstanding. I am not talking about this single summary post:
Creyeditor wrote: 21 Jan 2025 22:42 Morphology tl;dr
  • Kobardon uses infixes, prefixes and suffixes in its morphology.
  • Infixes are used for derivational morphology. They can be grouped into two classes, based on their attachment site and their semantics.
  • Inflecional morphology employs suffixes and prefixes, with the former being slightly more frequent.
  • Whereas nouns and verbs use both, adjectives and adverbs only use suffixes.
  • Nouns and adjectives inflect for number and definitness.
  • Verbs show polypersonal agreement and adverbs agree only in number with the subject of a clause.

So that was the part on morphology. What do you all think of it? Just giving the same answering option that I gave for clausal and sentential syntax.
A) a bit too dry :roll:
B) too much text [:x]
C) too many examples [¬.¬]
D) not enough explanation [O.o]
E) not enough examples [o.O]
F) boring English-like [>:|]
G) strangely artificial :wat:
H) lots and lots of typos :mrred:
I) it was alright [:)]
I am talking about all of these posts:
Creyeditor wrote: 16 Jun 2024 22:28 Compounding
Creyeditor wrote: 22 Jun 2024 21:30 Adverbial Inflection
Creyeditor wrote: 25 Jun 2024 23:24 Adjectival Inflection
Creyeditor wrote: 31 Oct 2024 23:36 Subject Agreement on Verbs
Creyeditor wrote: 23 Nov 2024 21:51 Object Agreement
Creyeditor wrote: 01 Dec 2024 22:38 Nominal Inflection I
Creyeditor wrote: 03 Dec 2024 00:07 Nominal Inflection II
Creyeditor wrote: 04 Dec 2024 00:36 Nominal Inflection III
Creyeditor wrote: 28 Dec 2024 21:13 Derivational Infixes I
Creyeditor wrote: 29 Dec 2024 21:01 Derivational Infixes II
The arrow links should be clickable and lead you to the full posts with more details and examples. Maybe you can point me to a post where examples and explanations are missing?
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Re: Kobardon - Lingua Franca used in Frédauon

Post by TBPO »

Creyeditor wrote: 24 Jan 2025 16:39 Oh, I think this might have been a misunderstanding. I am not talking about this single summary post:
Creyeditor wrote: 21 Jan 2025 22:42 Morphology tl;dr
  • Kobardon uses infixes, prefixes and suffixes in its morphology.
  • Infixes are used for derivational morphology. They can be grouped into two classes, based on their attachment site and their semantics.
  • Inflecional morphology employs suffixes and prefixes, with the former being slightly more frequent.
  • Whereas nouns and verbs use both, adjectives and adverbs only use suffixes.
  • Nouns and adjectives inflect for number and definitness.
  • Verbs show polypersonal agreement and adverbs agree only in number with the subject of a clause.

So that was the part on morphology. What do you all think of it? Just giving the same answering option that I gave for clausal and sentential syntax.
A) a bit too dry :roll:
B) too much text [:x]
C) too many examples [¬.¬]
D) not enough explanation [O.o]
E) not enough examples [o.O]
F) boring English-like [>:|]
G) strangely artificial :wat:
H) lots and lots of typos :mrred:
I) it was alright [:)]
I am talking about all of these posts:
Creyeditor wrote: 16 Jun 2024 22:28 Compounding
Creyeditor wrote: 22 Jun 2024 21:30 Adverbial Inflection
Creyeditor wrote: 25 Jun 2024 23:24 Adjectival Inflection
Creyeditor wrote: 31 Oct 2024 23:36 Subject Agreement on Verbs
Creyeditor wrote: 23 Nov 2024 21:51 Object Agreement
Creyeditor wrote: 01 Dec 2024 22:38 Nominal Inflection I
Creyeditor wrote: 03 Dec 2024 00:07 Nominal Inflection II
Creyeditor wrote: 04 Dec 2024 00:36 Nominal Inflection III
Creyeditor wrote: 28 Dec 2024 21:13 Derivational Infixes I
Creyeditor wrote: 29 Dec 2024 21:01 Derivational Infixes II
The arrow links should be clickable and lead you to the full posts with more details and examples. Maybe you can point me to a post where examples and explanations are missing?
I now understand everything after reading these posts.
I) it was alright [:)]

How Kobardon gained infixes?
Conlangs + Conworlds + Cellular Automata = TBPO
My conlangs
My conworlds
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