Jag så dem dansen alle tre.
Midt i vinterens kolde sne,
Så jag en ulv, en ræv, en hare.
Midt i vinterens kolde sne,
Så jag dem dansen alle tre.

I saw all three of them dancing.
In the winter's cold snow,
I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare.
In the winter's cold snow,
I saw all three of them dancing.

I saw them dancing in a row.
In the winter's coldë snow,
I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare.
In the winter's coldë snow,
I saw them dancing in a row.

Geahčadin dánsot golmmas buot.
Buolaš(in) dálvvi muohttagis,
Geahčadin gumppe, rieb'na, njoamm'la.
Buolaš(in) dálvvi muohttagis,
Geahčadin dánsot golmmas buot.

Видел я, как пляшут все.
На зимнем холодном снежке
Видел волка, лису и зайца.
На зимнем холодном снежке
Видел я, как пляшут все.