Wolf, Fox, and Hare

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Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Pirka »

I love this song, a Scandinavian ditty, and it's simple enough to translate. If you want, you can be flexible with the translation so that it sounds nice out loud, but you can shoot for a literal translation if you want.

:dan: Jag så en ulv, en ræv, en hare,
Jag så dem dansen alle tre.
Midt i vinterens kolde sne,
Så jag en ulv, en ræv, en hare.
Midt i vinterens kolde sne,
Så jag dem dansen alle tre.
:eng: Literal: I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare,
I saw all three of them dancing.
In the winter's cold snow,
I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare.
In the winter's cold snow,
I saw all three of them dancing.
:eng: Rhyming: I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare,
I saw them dancing in a row.
In the winter's coldë snow,
I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare.
In the winter's coldë snow,
I saw them dancing in a row.

:sme: Iambic: Geahčadin gumppe, rieb'na, njoamm'la,
Geahčadin dánsot golmmas buot.
Buolaš(in) dálvvi muohttagis,
Geahčadin gumppe, rieb'na, njoamm'la.
Buolaš(in) dálvvi muohttagis,
Geahčadin dánsot golmmas buot.

:rus: Rhyming: Видел волка, лису и зайца,
Видел я, как пляшут все.
На зимнем холодном снежке
Видел волка, лису и зайца.
На зимнем холодном снежке
Видел я, как пляшут все.
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Ceresz »

:dan: Jag så en ulv, en ræv, en hare,
Jag så dem dansen alle tre.
Midt i vinterens kolde sne,
Så jag en ulv, en ræv, en hare.
Midt i vinterens kolde sne,
Så jag dem dansen alle tre.
:swe: Literal: Jag såg en varg, en räv, en hare,
Jag så dem dansa alla tre,
Mitt i vinterns kalla snö,
Såg jag en varg, en räv, en hare.
Mitt i vinterns kalla snö,
Såg jag dem dansa all tre.

:eng: Literal: I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare,
I saw all three of them dancing.
In the winter's cold snow,
I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare.
In the winter's cold snow,
I saw all three of them dancing.
:eng: Rhyming: I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare,
I saw them dancing in a row.
In the winter's coldë snow,
I saw a wolf, a fox, and a hare.
In the winter's coldë snow,
I saw them dancing in a row.

:sme: Iambic: Geahčadin gumppe, rieb'na, njoamm'la,
Geahčadin dánsot golmmas buot.
Buolaš(in) dálvvi muohttagis,
Geahčadin gumppe, rieb'na, njoamm'la.
Buolaš(in) dálvvi muohttagis,
Geahčadin dánsot golmmas buot.

:rus: Rhyming: Видел волка, лису и зайца,
Видел я, как пляшут все.
На зимнем холодном снежке
Видел волка, лису и зайца.
На зимнем холодном снежке
Видел я, как пляшут все.
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by lsd »

The french cajun version ?
Chorus :
J'ai vu le loup, le renard et la belette
J'ai vu le loup et le renard danser
J'ai vu le loup, le renard et la belette
J'ai vu le loup et le renard danser

Je les ai vue taper leurs mains
Je les ai vue taper leurs mains
Je les ai vue taper leurs pieds
Je les ai vue taper leurs pieds

(Chorus 2x)

Je les ai vue qu'ils s’embrassaient
Je les ai vue qu'ils s’embrassaient
Je les ai vue qu'ils se caressaient
Je les ai vue qu'ils se caressaient

(Chorus 2x)

Je les ai vue avec une enfant
Je les ai vue avec une enfant
Merci bon dieu c'était pas la mienne
Merci bon dieu c'était pas la mienne
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QqP1zal ... ded#at=114
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Hakaku »

As far as I know, this song is most likely of French Celtic origin, and was rendered popular under the name "La Jument de Michao" by the band Tri Yann in 1976, and later adapted and repopularized by the band Manau under the name "Mais qui est la belette ?" in 1998, and more recently by the singer Nolwenn Leroy (2010) using the same title as Tri Yann, among a few others.

The biggest difference stems in the refrain, where the verb used is "to hear" rather than "to see", "to sing" rather than "to dance", and the hare is replaced by a weasel:

J'entends le loup, le renard et la belette.
J'entends le loup et le renard chanter.
J'entends le loup, le renard et la belette.
J'entends le loup et le renard chanter

There's also the version called "J'ai vu le loup" or "J'ai vu le loup, le renard, le lièvre/la belette", which is more in tune with the Skandinavian version (e.g. Club Renaissance), though different rhythms, lyrics, and styles exist. Two other examples of the refrain include:

J'ai vu le loup, le renard, le lièvre,
J'ai vu le loup, le renard cheuler.
C'est moi-même qui les ai rebeuillés.
J'ai vu le loup, le renard, le lièvre,
C'est moi-même qui les ai rebeuillés.
J'ai vu le loup, le renard cheuler.
(Source with recording)

J'ai vu le loup, le renard, le lièvre
J'ai vu le loup, le renard passer
Last edited by Hakaku on 12 Mar 2011 05:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Cockroach »

:jpn: 狼と狐と兎を見た

:zho: 我看了浪和狐狸和兔子
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by xinda »



Your <lang4> should be 狼 instead of 浪 btw
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Pirka »

xinda wrote: :roc:
I like it! Sounds awesome :D
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Cockroach »

xinda wrote: Your <lang4> should be 狼 instead of 浪 btw
Ah yes. They look so similar.
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Re: Wolf, Fox, and Hare

Post by Batz »

:con: Naguil

Eonil dórmui, núgui, súgui,
/ɛɔ'niːl 'dɔːrmu.i 'nuːgu.i 'suːgu.i/
I saw a tiger, a dog, a rabbit,

sai térgeis fémbun róui,
/sai 'tʰɛːrɣɛɪ̯s 'fɛmbun 'roʊi/
all three in alternating dance

ovórmun nálin fórruil,
/o'vɔːrmun 'naːlin 'fɔrːu.il/
during the winter in cold snow

Eonil dórmui, núgui, súgui,
/ɛɔ'niːl 'dɔːrmu.i 'nuːgu.i 'suːgu.i/
I saw a tiger, a dog, a rabbit,

ovórmun nálin fórruil
/o'vɔːrmun 'naːlin 'fɔrːuil/
during the winter in cold snow

sai térgeis fémbun róui.
/sai 'tʰɛːrɣɛɪ̯s 'fembun 'roʊi/
all three in alternating dance

Eo-n-il dorm-ui, nug-ui, sug-ui,
1SG-see-PST tiger-ACC, dog-ACC, rabbit-ACC,

sai terg-eis femb-un rou-i,
three all-ACC.PL dance-TMP exchange-ATTR

o-vorm-un nal-in forr-uil,
DEF.ART-winter-TMP snow-LOC cold-ADJ.LOC
:deu:: mother tongue | :eng:: fluent (at work) | :swe:: room for improvement | :fra:: 2nd foreign lang in school | :chn:: poor
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