Basic syntax and morphology.
Basic typology:
Word order is SOV, and the language is fairly isolating. Lexical roots don't inflect at all, and aren't confined to an inherent part of speech- the root
sisima (blue) can mean 'to be blue', 'a blue thing', 'blue', or 'bluely'.
Nouns and Noun Phrases
Noun phrases consist of an uninflected lexical root, optionally preceded by one or more adjectives and followed by a quantifier and/or one or more dependent clauses (which will be covered in another post.)
Adjectives precede the noun, and may be joined to it with one of several subordinative particles, including
to, which indicates the adjective root is functioning as the inherent/inaleinable possessor of the modified noun.
Quantifiers are an open class, and include specific numbers, the generic plural marker
fiye, and numerous others.
Pronouns are differentiated by person and number, but not case; their semantic role is determined syntactically, rather than morphologically. Pronouns function like any other lexical root in most ways- they can take adjectives, and can be made to show possession or other associations in much the same way as regular nouns. Pronouns can be optionally dropped, since the verbal agreement markers (see below) make them clear in context.
pronoun table:
Code: Select all
. | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
.________ |=====|=====|=====|
|singular|| a | tuye| yoê |
| plural || tae |woita|yuai |
Noun phrases in action:
Code: Select all
sisima tapoʻe
blue dog
'a blue dog'
Code: Select all
sisima tapoʻe niwa
blue dog two
'two blue dogs'
Code: Select all
sisima a to tapoʻe niwa
blue 1s POS.INAL dog two
'my two blue dogs'.
Verbs and Verb Phrases
verb phrase consists of an uninflected lexical root, preceded by one or more agreement markers and followed by any adverbs and one of many 'modality markers' (which actually serve to indicate various combinations of aspect, mood, and voice). Tense is not marked grammatically.
Agreement Markers
Code: Select all
| | a | g | e | n | t | |
|null| 1s | 1p | 2s | 2p | 3s | 3p |
._______ |====|====|====|====|====|====|====|
|p||null|| o | ya | poe| te | se | ni | nê |
| ||----||----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
|a|| 1s || ou |[2] | ho |tao |seo | ne | no |
| ||----||----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
|t|| 1p || pa | fi |[2] | fu | pe | ma | fê |
| ||----||----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
|i|| 2s || ahu| ai |fua |[2] | tu |nuo | ê |
| ||----||----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
|e|| 2p || na | ni | nu | tu |[2] |nai | nêi|
| ||----||----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
|n|| 3s || ʻa |ʻai | hu | ho |taê | ta | si |
| ||----||----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
|t|| 3p || oa | ʻi |hua | yu | tê | mu | ʻê |
[1] see 'the null person' immediately below.
[2] see 'reflexive and reciprocal constructions'
The Null Person markers serve several purposes:
null-agent, null-patient marker o is used to mark avalent verbs, as in the sentence
o wiʻiwe- 'it rains'.
Null-patient markers with a specified agent are used with most intransitive verbs. Applied to a transitive verb, they can serve to topicalize the agent (if the patient is present), or generalize the target of the action (if the patient is dropped). Compare:
Code: Select all
A ya patu 0
1s 1s>NULL run PFV
'I run'
Code: Select all
Yoê ʻa setêho 0
3s 3s>NULL hunt PRFV
'He/she hunts.'
Code: Select all
Yoê muumai fiye ʻa setêho 0
3s pig pl 3s>NULL hunt PRFV
'SHE hunts pigs'
Code: Select all
Yoê muumai fiye mu setêho 0
3s pig pl 3s>3p hunt PRFV
'he/she hunts pigs'
Null-agent markers serve to indicate the patient is the sole argument of the verb; if the patient isn't the sole argument of the verb, they can indicate the passive voice (if the agent is dropped), or topicalize the patient (if the agent is present). compare the following:
Code: Select all
yoê ʻa wiʻiwe 0
3s NULL>3s rain PFV
'he/she was rained on.'
Code: Select all
Yoê ʻa nêngu 0
3s NULL>3s love PFV
'he/she is loved'
Code: Select all
Tuya yoê ʻa nêngu 0
3s 2s NULL>3s love PFV
'he/she is loved by you.'/ 'you love HIM.'
Code: Select all
Tuya yoê ho nêngu 0
3s 2s 2s>3s love PFV
'You love him/her'
Reflexive and reciprocal constructions with fuse
The particle
fuse can be added after an agreement marker to indicate reflexive or reciprocal constructions. In reciprocal constructions, the particle used agrees with the agent and takes a null patient; in reflexive ones, the third person plural patient is used.
Table of fuse constructions
Code: Select all
| 1s | 1p | 2s | 2p | 3s | 3p |
.__________ |=========|=========|=========|=========|=========|=========|
|reflexive || ya fuse | poe fuse| te fuse | se fuse | ni fuse | nê fuse |
|reciprocal|| ʻi fuse |hua fuse | yu fuse | tê fuse | mu fuse | ʻê fuse |
Code: Select all
(Yuai) nê fuse onesi
(3p) 3p>NULL RFLX wash
'(They) wash themselves'
Code: Select all
(Yuai) ʻê fuse onesi
(3p) 3p>3p rflx wash
they wash each other
modality markers
(these, like quantifiers, are an open class, with speakers creating more to cover specific nuances in meaning. The ones in the table below are merely a sample.)
Code: Select all
| perfective |imperfective| gnomic | _____________________
| PFV | IPFV | GNO || gloss | name | approximate meaning
|============|============|============||=======|=============| ====================
| Ø | ue | yuese || (none)| indicative | (x is the case)
| ahuyu | huye | huta || DES |desiderative | (I want x; I want to do x)
| atu | ase | asiwe || NEC |necessitative| (x must be; you must do x)
| wêtu | wêse | wêse || DUB | dubitative | (I guess x is the case)
| waya | (waye) | (wayese) || POT | potential | (x is possible or feasible; I can do x)
| pa | pae | pase || IMP | imperative | (Do x!)
| maoyu | maoye | maoyuse || INT |interrogative| (is x the case?)
(forms in parentheses are dialectal or rarely used)
I don't feel like coming up with specific examples for these, so lets just move on to the next section:
A gloss of Article 1 of the UDHR
Oasitê Ituya yuai to itayu, yuai to neama, ʻê êmi tayinoa yuese mêpe yuai oa wêyoto yuese. Yuai nê mawaeya fi wêyoto asiwe.Yuai Hutaa ʻe fuse moanu waya
'All humans have the same freedom and their dignity, and they are moral agents[1]. They can reason and think morally[1]. They must treat each other as brothers.'
Code: Select all
Oasitê Ituya yuai to itayu fi yuai to neama, ʻê êmi tayinoa yuese
human all 3p POS.INAL free and 3p POS.INAL pride 3p>3p have same GNO
mêpe yuai oa wêyoto yuese
CNJ 3p NULL>3p [1] GNO
Yuai nê mawaeya fi wêyoto asiwe.
3p 3p>NULL plan and [1] POT
Yuai Huta ʻe fuse moanu waya
3p Brother 3p>3p recip treat NEC.
wêyoto refers to moral reasoning or agency in general, and so it appears as the translation of both 'rights' and 'conscience'. In the first instance, when it appears in the passive, it means roughly 'to have rights', or 'to be subject to moral consideration and respect'. In the second, it means 'to reason morally'-to have a conscience, basically.
Next time: dependent clauses, additional arguments for verbs, and negation.