Symbols of Concultures
Re: Symbols of Concultures
Came up with this idea for the Hayari... province?
As most Acoi are illiterate, regional signs are used instead; abstract symbols that are widely recognizable which denote territory. This symbol is what's put up in Hayari territory. Red, Yellow, and Black are the most common colors in Acoi art and design, and all the territorial symbols use these three colors.
Of course an actual version would be painted roughly, not abstractly done like I have here. I'm just not skilled enough to simulate the imperfections of a hand-done work in digital format. ;p
As most Acoi are illiterate, regional signs are used instead; abstract symbols that are widely recognizable which denote territory. This symbol is what's put up in Hayari territory. Red, Yellow, and Black are the most common colors in Acoi art and design, and all the territorial symbols use these three colors.
Of course an actual version would be painted roughly, not abstractly done like I have here. I'm just not skilled enough to simulate the imperfections of a hand-done work in digital format. ;p
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
I see they're fans of Lego :-P
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Eths judge the three colours as evil and unfortunate. Coincidence. ;-)Red, Yellow, and Black are the most common colors in Acoi art and design, and all the territorial symbols use these three colors.
They like white, blue and green instead. Blue and white are official imperial colours. Green is the holy colour.
Ettoh and Beldall state flags. (Ettoh is usual name of Emyt Empire territory).
Emyt and Beldallud national flags. As you see, the difference is the presence of green colour. (Emyt state can exist only on our world. Emyt nation will exist also in Heaven.)
Flag of Penelopez (located in North-West Ettoh), province bordering Beldall, where many Beldallud-speaking people live.
Flag of Emyt province East Ettoh, where many Ymnit-speaking people live. It's also the flag of Ymnit language.
Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd.
Re: Symbols of Concultures
@Micamo: I like the geometric abstraction on the Acoi flag, it reminds me somewhat of Paracas textiles.
@Milyamd: Your flags remind me of a mixture of the flags of Kiribati and Greece, especially the latter in the case of the Ettoh state flag.
Here is the flag of the Confederated States of Humanity:
The flag's red, the color of human blood, is for sisterhood and brotherhood and its brown, the color of the human brain, is for intelligence and wisdom. The thick diagonal bar, starting at the fly at the top and ending at the hoist at the bottom, is blue, the color of the water humankind takes wherever it goes, for truth and righteousness. The swastika pointing away from the flagpole is light green, the color of foliage, for progress and improvement.
These 4 colors and shapes symbolize the motto of the Confederated States of Humanity: Xamtaġoadhri, xamtasîwnamḍu, xamtaṭe, xamtabas (“Progress/improve, be sisters/brothers/comrades, be true/righteous, be intelligent/wise.”)
@Milyamd: Your flags remind me of a mixture of the flags of Kiribati and Greece, especially the latter in the case of the Ettoh state flag.
Here is the flag of the Confederated States of Humanity:
The flag's red, the color of human blood, is for sisterhood and brotherhood and its brown, the color of the human brain, is for intelligence and wisdom. The thick diagonal bar, starting at the fly at the top and ending at the hoist at the bottom, is blue, the color of the water humankind takes wherever it goes, for truth and righteousness. The swastika pointing away from the flagpole is light green, the color of foliage, for progress and improvement.
These 4 colors and shapes symbolize the motto of the Confederated States of Humanity: Xamtaġoadhri, xamtasîwnamḍu, xamtaṭe, xamtabas (“Progress/improve, be sisters/brothers/comrades, be true/righteous, be intelligent/wise.”)
Last edited by Yačay256 on 25 Jun 2011 02:44, edited 2 times in total.
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- eldin raigmore
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
"Hoist".Yačay256 wrote:adjacent to the flagpole
"Fly".Yačay256 wrote:opposite of the flagpole
Vexillology is fun.
It's specialist vocabulary is simpler than blazon (the vocabulary of heraldry).
Look up and learn some vexillology; it will be entertaining.
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
@eldin: Thank you for informing me; I shall change my post and look up some vexillogical terminology.
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Hello, colleagues!
Re: Symbols of Concultures
Flag of T'Arlo with the national crest(?). The crest is 4 pieces of wheat, a very important crop in T'Arlo, to represent each region with the knot to represent the country as a whole, I think. (I forgot to write down what the knot represented.) The crest is worn as a pin by the king/queen, and a modified version with only one piece of wheat is worn by each of the four lords or ladies that represent their regions. The crest is also just about the shape of the long shields most people own.
In traditional T'Arlan color symbology used heavily in art, the yellow-gold in the flag represents prosperity. Not because it is the color of gold or whatever as it is associated in the real world, but because it is the color of the foothills of the Andalise Mountains. The white represents peace, because the sun was often thought to be white in color and clear skies are considered lucky.
Re: Symbols of Concultures
The flag of Enterdos (the green symbolises the land, the blue surrounding it the sea and the blue stripe - the main river):
The emblem of Enterdos (the red bird it's the firebird our phoenix, the national symbol, the blue and green background are the state colours):
The music to the National Anthem of Enterdos (no words yet):
The emblem of Enterdos (the red bird it's the firebird our phoenix, the national symbol, the blue and green background are the state colours):
The music to the National Anthem of Enterdos (no words yet):
Re: Symbols of Concultures
The Aryans believe that Black, Red, Green, Blue and White are the base colours of existance, so they use only them in their fairly simple art and architectural designs. Simple shapes are used, usually Circles, Squares and Triangles.
Re: Symbols of Concultures
Here are some symbols from my conworlds, as well as explanations:
- eldin raigmore
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
yaSBP wrote:Here are some symbols from my conworlds, as well as explanations:
Pretty artistic IMO.
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- eldin raigmore
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Quite beautiful.Maximillian wrote:The great coat of arms of Ríhann: Azure, Tree of Life eradicated argent, sun argent in dexter, crescent argent in sinister, and nine stars argent in base.
The flag: Silver Cross of Stars on a field of dark blue.
As for your blazon;
What's "eradicated" mean here? Not what it usually means outside of blazon, I imagine. wrote:Trees also appear in heraldry; the most frequent tree by far is the oak (drawn with large leaves and acorns), followed by the pine. Apples and bunches of grapes occur very frequently, other fruits less so. When the fruit is mentioned, as to indicate a different tincture, the tree is said to be fructed of the tincture. If a tree is "eradicated" it is shown as if it has been ripped up from the ground, the roots being exposed. "Erased" is rarely used for a similar treatment. In Portuguese heraldry, but rarely in other countries, trees are sometimes found decorticated.
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Why not? It means exactly this: "t is shown as if it has been ripped up from the ground, the roots being exposed."eldin raigmore wrote:What's "eradicated" mean here? Not what it usually means outside of blazon, I imagine.
- eldin raigmore
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Sorry; I had answered my own question by showing what "eradicated" means in blazonMaximillian wrote:Why not? It means exactly this: "[ i]t is shown as if it has been ripped up from the ground, the roots being exposed."eldin raigmore wrote:What's "eradicated" mean here? Not what it usually means outside of blazon, I imagine.
(quoted from the Wikipedia article "Charge_(heraldry)" section "Plants", that is, "Charge_(heraldry)#Plants").
As for its more usual meanings: wrote:erad·i·cate verb \i-ˈra-də-ˌkāt\
Definition of ERADICATE
transitive verb
1: to pull up by the roots
2: to do away with as completely as if by pulling up by the roots <programs to eradicate illiteracy>
— erad·i·ca·ble \-ˈra-di-kə-bəl\ adjective
— erad·i·ca·tion \-ˌra-də-ˈkā-shən\ noun
— erad·i·ca·tor \-ˌkā-tər\ noun
Examples of ERADICATE
The disease has now been completely eradicated.
His ambition is to eradicate poverty in his community.
Latin eradicatus, past participle of eradicare, from e- + radic-, radix root — more at root
First Known Use: 1532
Related to ERADICATE
Synonyms: abolish, black out, blot out, cancel, clean (up), efface, annihilate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, root (out), rub out, snuff (out), stamp (out), sweep (away), wipe out
Related Words: decimate, demolish, destroy, devastate, ravage; dismantle, flatten, mow (down), raze, tear down; ruin, total, waste, wreck; blast, blow up, dash, dynamite, smash; atomize, consume, devour, dissolve, fragment, powder, pulverize, shatter, splinter; doom, finish, kill, kill off, terminate, zap; cancel, cut, discard, ditch, eject, excise, expel, jettison, oust, throw out
Near Antonyms: conserve, preserve, protect, save; build, construct, create, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, make, manufacture, shape; fix, mend, patch, rebuild, recondition, reconstruct, renew, renovate, repair, restore, revamp
See Synonym Discussion at exterminate
Other Agriculture/Gardening Terms
Rhymes with ERADICATE
.... wrote:Eradication may also refer to:
Genocide, the deliberate, systematic destruction of an ethnic, religious or national group of people
Eradication of infectious diseases, the reduction of the global prevalence of an infectious disease in its human or animal host(s) to zero
Intentional local extinction, or extirpation, of an introduced species
Intentional extermination of a population of insects or vermin as part of pest control
.... wrote:eradicated
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
eradicated (not comparable)
1. eliminated, utterly destroyed
2. (heraldry) Having the roots of a tree visible in the emblazon.
1. Simple past tense and past participle of eradicate.
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Really nice CoA there Maximillian, did you make it yourself?
Cervenian flag:
This was the only image I had readily accessible :/
Cervenian flag:
This was the only image I had readily accessible :/
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Well, the idea is mine, but the images were taken from the Internet (mostly Wikipedia).Aszev wrote:Really nice CoA there Maximillian, did you make it yourself?
Re: Symbols of Concultures
An Oasitê banner. It's a symbolic map of Nguyuta (the intermontane plateau where the Oasitê live) surrounded by fog, clouds, and mountains. The little green pattern (it's supposed to be dyed with horsetail) in the corner of the fog-square has two meanings: on one level, it's a representation of the Woi Tamai or Woi Yayêi- the Skull Road or Skull Closet, the only regularly accessible pass connecting Nguyuta to the outside world; on another, it's a path to allow spirits into and out of the symbolic land in the center of the flag, so they don't get trapped there and the flag doesn't become haunted.
- Maximillian
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Re: Symbols of Concultures
Looks nice.anacharis wrote:An Oasitê banner.
I thought it was some defect in the image.anacharis wrote:The little green pattern (it's supposed to be dyed with horsetail) in the corner...