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Re: Jokes

Posted: 13 Jan 2014 03:53
by Squall
Yes, I do not speak Castilian, then I used the Portuguese dubbed version.
Se tu preferes ver me hablando portuñol... :D

Dubbing Castilian to Portuguese is not a challenge, unlike many jokes in The Simpsons.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 06:21
by Shemtov
Awful linguistic jokes:
If you want to tell the difference between a regular person and a linguist, show them the /b/ boards. A normal person will say "these people are crazy 'cause they have all these sick fetishes". A linguist will say "these people are crazy 'cause they've made a whole forum celebrating voiced bilabial plosives."

There was once a theocracy; however, instead of punishing idol-worshipers and heretics corporeally or with jail time the High Priest put a tax on sin. One day, his officers knocked on a linguists door "Open up! We're here to calculate your sin tax!" "No need to calculate it; We speak English; It's SVO."

Re: Jokes

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 08:09
by Dormouse559
Shemtov wrote:There was once a theocracy; however, instead of punishing idol-worshipers and heretics corporeally or with jail time the High Priest put a tax on sin. One day, his officers knocked on a linguists door "Open up! We're here to calculate your sin tax!" "No need to calculate it; We speak English; It's SVO."
Haha! Me likey. [:P]

Here's one:
The French are so hardcore that they eat pain for breakfast.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 12 Mar 2014 08:34
by Shemtov
The French chef had to be institutionalized because he lost the huile d'olive.

A Bilingual Hebrew-English joke:
Obama is the lightning president.
Explanation: [ba.ʁak] is Hebrew for lightning.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 16 Mar 2014 22:15
by ol bofosh
What did the Spaniard say to the stoned dolphin?

"¡Flipas*, tío!" (You're out of your mind, dude)

*flipar=be out of one's mind and fliparse, get stoned; also reminds me of "flippers".

Re: Jokes

Posted: 25 Apr 2014 03:52
by Dormouse559
"At school, we learn the simple past, but nothing about the complicated future."

"Passé simple/Simple past" is the name for French's literary past tense.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 19:56
by prettydragoon
In Japan, they have so many people in such a small area, they have brought specialisation to incredible extremes. For instance, they have special emergency rooms dedicated to hand injuries only.

So, if you hurt your hand in Japan, just follow the sign with Handakuten.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 30 Apr 2014 08:16
by Thrice Xandvii
Wow... That's horrible, but great.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 03 May 2014 16:57
by Aevas
prettydragoon wrote:So, if you hurt your hand in Japan, just follow the sign with Handakuten.
In Swedish, Handakuten would literally mean 'hand emergency room'.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 19:07
by threecat
A joke:
Heisenberg and Schroedinger go for a drive. After a while they are stopped by a cop. He says to Heisenberg 'Excuse me sir, do you know how fast you were driving?'
Heisenberg says 'No, but I know exactly where I was...'
The cop decides to search the car. He says to Schroedinger 'Did you know you have a dead cat in your trunk?'
Schroedinger says, 'Well, I do now...'
Is it funny?

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 20:19
by eldin raigmore
threecat wrote:A joke:
Heisenberg and Schroedinger go for a drive. After a while they are stopped by a cop. He says to Heisenberg 'Excuse me sir, do you know how fast you were driving?'
Heisenberg says 'No, but I know exactly where I was...'
The cop decides to search the car. He says to Schroedinger 'Did you know you have a dead cat in your trunk?'
Schroedinger says, 'Well, I do now...'
Is it funny?
But where are the other two cats?

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 20:48
by Ànradh
threecat wrote:A joke:
Heisenberg and Schroedinger go for a drive. After a while they are stopped by a cop. He says to Heisenberg 'Excuse me sir, do you know how fast you were driving?'
Heisenberg says 'No, but I know exactly where I was...'
The cop decides to search the car. He says to Schroedinger 'Did you know you have a dead cat in your trunk?'
Schroedinger says, 'Well, I do now...'
Is it funny?
I'm totally stealing this.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 22:13
by gach
That is fairly traditional physics folklore. What about this:

- Today they had quark for dessert at the CERN cafeteria.
- Oh, what flavour was it?
- Strange.

And did you know that Wolfgang Pauli never got invited to a party?

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 23:13
by Creyeditor
Is this the moment where I should ask: No, why?
If yes, I did. If not, I didn't.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 23:20
by gach
Creyeditor wrote:No, why?
His co-workers obeyed the Pauli exclusion principle.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 26 May 2014 23:25
by Creyeditor
Good one [:D]

Re: Jokes

Posted: 27 May 2014 05:46
by eldin raigmore
A dyslexic man walks into a bra.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 27 May 2014 08:45
by Thrice Xandvii
eldin raigmore wrote:A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Are you sure he was dyslexic and not just heterosexual?

Or, if no one was wearing the bra, perhaps he was a transvestite? Or shopping for his wife? Or... man I really know how to ruin a joke! [:)]

Re: Jokes

Posted: 27 May 2014 19:12
by mbrsart
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil-worshiper? He sold his soul to Santa.

Re: Jokes

Posted: 27 May 2014 21:22
by Click
Did he get any presents for that?