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Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 03 Jun 2012 10:51
by Stammalor
Ril egenarvaind, gevet, allain in saj. Dånne dil levan edelosik gmår ånt sy allain an dil dönerhirri strannji. An im smutto bärdel du ånt smutto vair du allvitt. Osårnte, oärate, obesangte.

Google kinde went between Dutch, German and Swedish with my conlang, wich I think is okey since it is supposed to be a germanic language

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 03 Jun 2012 12:10
by lsd

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 04 Jun 2012 00:17
by Ànradh
Pirka wrote:What did you expect? You changed literally one letter.
It wouldn't be the first time a single letter altered Google Translate's identification of a piece of text.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 21:20
by eldin raigmore
Google Translate "detect language" says Ł ł TŁ tł ɣ ɟ is English.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 22:52
by lsd

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 01:21
by Esmelthien
For me, Google Translate thinks "Hâtô klä ma'naka Fätäki ka'ii'nâm'ää." is Malay.
It means "Together with Fred, I slapped him using a Fish."

However, it thinks that "Phurutu âmva'â pfääkhôtsä klä aphüñ'âñ'ää. I klä Kre'neñmee'ni'äkämne ku'nu'ä'âm'ää ta?" is Swedish.
This was from the fluency thread on the ZBB. It means "I think it's the name of his language. Am I correct, GrinningManiac?"

It looks like neither to me. [:S]

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 12:36
by Stammalor
Esmelthien wrote:For me, Google Translate thinks "Hâtô klä ma'naka Fätäki ka'ii'nâm'ää." is Malay.
It means "Together with Fred, I slapped him using a Fish."

However, it thinks that "Phurutu âmva'â pfääkhôtsä klä aphüñ'âñ'ää. I klä Kre'neñmee'ni'äkämne ku'nu'ä'âm'ää ta?" is Swedish.
This was from the fluency thread on the ZBB. It means "I think it's the name of his language. Am I correct, GrinningManiac?"

It looks like neither to me. [:S]
THAT is not swedish. Swedish don't even have half of those diacritics. The only word that looks swedish is ta (to take somthing).
Also, wich word is "Fred"?

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 13:47
by Esmelthien
Stammalor wrote:
Esmelthien wrote:For me, Google Translate thinks "Hâtô klä ma'naka Fätäki ka'ii'nâm'ää." is Malay.
It means "Together with Fred, I slapped him using a Fish."

However, it thinks that "Phurutu âmva'â pfääkhôtsä klä aphüñ'âñ'ää. I klä Kre'neñmee'ni'äkämne ku'nu'ä'âm'ää ta?" is Swedish.
This was from the fluency thread on the ZBB. It means "I think it's the name of his language. Am I correct, GrinningManiac?"

It looks like neither to me. [:S]
THAT is not swedish. Swedish don't even have half of those diacritics. The only word that looks swedish is ta (to take somthing).
Also, wich word is "Fred"?
Fätäki is Fred (Fätä) in comitative form. For 'Fred,' I had to choose between Fätä and Prätä, and I think Fätä just sounds better. Also, 'i' and 'ta' are question particles.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 14:04
by Xing
I started writing a little story in Waceu:
Ca mwena we ca uppu

Me nei ca mwena, we ca uppu. Ko kenei a ca mwena mo ca uppu: «Uppu kamaa maru, nime kiwe o mai» Co kipe a ca uppu ca mwena. «Mi wacci coppi cewa mai?», kenei a ca mwena. «E keli coppi o mai» Ko punuu ca uppu me api. «E mila», eica a ca uppu. «me ceki kace» «E nei mweco caima?» loke a ca mwena.
GT thinks it's Swahili.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 14:17
by Click
Google Translate thinks that
is French.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 10 Jun 2012 21:22
by eldin raigmore
2-4 wrote:Google Translate thinks that
is French.
Yes. Especially since it's obviously Basque.


Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 11 Jun 2012 10:22
by Selinki
I typed some Selinki language (Dmy sony badaj elonica, dmy sony lendole he, et ridzneky, et shkudajy he trinkose badaj ie. A dy he dhqrjenilon, komole dmy igartjy, et bosmo bosmo klegeicao projdaole ladnemy).

At first I got Polish, then English, Slovenian and the final result was Albanian!

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 17 Jun 2012 22:28
by C.J.
Some I Ichi:
Huvata huvah, sa puthuta taur busil ahin.

Apparently this is Finnish.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 17 Jun 2012 22:31
by Shrdlu
As a swede, I can say that it is "puthuta".

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 14 Aug 2012 03:44
by fennecgirl
I decided to try a few sentences from this list in Lusaŋki.

Google Translate thinks "Theka salash pa na shem rasa viuset," (wild animals once lived here) is Filipino, which it then attempted to translate to "Theka salash been Shem viuset race."

On the other hand, "Iveva alisash kota kushiash shanuta," (lovely flowers are growing everywhere) was detected as Swahili and translated to "Iveva he Sash kushiash shanuta crook."

One more interesting one was "Pela-kasha si ka sheka salaiset," (the kitten jumped onto the table), which Google Translated detected as Finnish and translated to "Races in Kasha-si ka sheka secret."

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 14 Aug 2012 04:22
by Harkani
Apparently my language is a mixture of swahili and finnish, after I shoved "zyataikisotihtotonii chishki tash yiga' chiti" into its box.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 14 Aug 2012 06:32
by Thakowsaizmu
Taida ŋ-ản ex tỉvuo ḋun gouṁ ga, ŋ-ản poŋ ản togu-x tỉvuo dẻji mỷl ga. Ṡu-x ḃuori voda ḋuo-x pảŋri vy ṡuṁ ga.
Is... apparently French.

Ŋe dả sa zuoġ dẻji vỷc ga? Ŋe xảna xouxaṁ ga ŋe douxai ṡaṁ ga. Ŋe pỉna ciou sa ḃataṁ nẻ.
Same language, apparently Galician.

Ản gao la, ản gao la! Ŋe liŋ haliŋ huoc ḃảc ga? Vaji zuṁ ga. Ŋ-ản ỷmiṁ ga.
Same language again... and it's Swahili.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 14 Aug 2012 07:30
by M. Park
A galm alfskouvthutrreek ireek ultwegkaiernfya
I cannot burn the forest

is apprently basque

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 14 Aug 2012 10:39
by Foolster41
I think short samples are going to throw things off. I tried a few short samples and got Indonesian, Bulgarian and Italian. Using two larger samples (around 60 words) I got Indonesian both times.

Re: What language does Google Translate think your conlang i

Posted: 14 Aug 2012 13:58
by Kuhron
I used this paragraph, just a bunch or example sentences stuck together:

Dehuna narlew zetrlaxanararl aurane axun amalz. Azlaral nol valan tzli ffrauma unslln llzlana rlafllte. Zullaral faum lu ffossara fez ila flln ulsararla sol senne ne auso ttana defen. Luttlema raln ezll ulsararla farl llsuzlola lelzle uamasararla rlatamll narla dexx ssllhu ttan ffra unsa len allu warl fll ttlallar.

When I pasted one sentence at a time, I got Basque, Turkish, and Azerbaijani. When I "wiped" the page and pasted the whole paragraph at once, it just sat there. Google Translate has learned to recognize that my language doesn't exist!