Welcome to loftyD's Learn Turkish Lessons! Here you will learn about noun case endings, vowel harmony and more!
Conventions used in sentences / words:
: Something Cypriot Turkish related.
Underlined Text : Used for highlighting where noun cases in a sentence.
Bold Text: Used for highlighting where possessive adjectives in a sentence.
Italic Text: Handy hints!
Lesson 1: Alphabet, Phonology, Vowel Harmony
The Turkish alphabet is: abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz . Turkish is an SOV language:
"Ben ekmek istiyorum" -> "I bread want".
The "yumuşak ge" (ğ) never has a majuscule form in Turkish, however in Azerbaijani, You can see it in some words and the male name "Ğabdullah".
Phonology Breakdown:
The concept of vowel harmony is very very important. There are two types of vowels, Back Vowels and Front Vowels.
Front Vowels:
Unrounded High: i
Rounded High: ü
Unrounded Low: e
Rounded Low: ö
Back Vowels:
Unrounded High: ı
Rounded High: u
Unrounded Low: a
Rounded Low: o
For example the sentence: "Yalnız kaldım bu şehirde".
Because the last syllable of şehir, is an "i", the noun case ending for the front vowels gets agglutinated with it.
It is the same for yalnız. If you front voweled that word, you would get "yelniz", which obviously isn't a real Turkish Word.
Vowel harmony exercises:
1) Kıbrıs'da or Kıbrıs'de ?
2) Yanarım or Yanarim?
3) Karanlıkteydiler or Karanlıktaydılar?
4) Yüzüyor or yüzuyor?
5) Saate or Saata?