A idea for a classroom exercise for Zidhgebzhail's hypothetical speakers occurred to me today, and I think it might be useful in illuminating different parts of speech in other conlangs/natlangs.
The verb used in the sentence is irrelevant, I've chosen mine because they're homophonous with the noun roots.
The man's manly man [verb]s manfully
The woman's womanly woman [verb]s womanfully
oz-ozae ozys ozuif Oz
aza-azaera azysa azuifa Az
oz-Ø-oz-ae oz-y-s oz-uif Ø-O-z
['ɒz 'ɒzeɪ 'ɒzəs 'ɒzuɪ̯f 'ɒz]
Man's manly man starts to make manfully.
az-Ø-a-az-ae-ra az-y-s-a az-uif-a Ø-A-z
['æzæ 'æzeɪræ 'æzəsæ 'æzuɪ̯fæ 'æz]
Woman's womanly woman starts to receive womanfully.
Attentive readers may notice that the 'woman' example is also (my first stab at) a slightly lewd double-entendre in Zidhgebzhail.
The woman's womanly woman [verb]s womanfully
Re: The woman's womanly woman [verb]s womanfully
Czejdenki czejd czejdae vanjole czejdenko
Man-ADJ man-NOM.SG man-GEN.SG eat-PRS.3SG man-ADV
Cejdenki cejd cejdae glosle cejdenko
Woman-ADJ woman-NOM.SG woman-GEN.SG dress-PRS.3SG woman-ADV
The man's manly man eats manfully
The woman's womanly woman dresses womanfully
Czejd - man. Cejd - woman.
Czejdenki - manly. Cejdenki - womanly.
Czejdenko - manfully. Cejdenko - womanfully.
Vanjole - to eat / eats. Glosle - to dress / dresses.
The underlined word in bold marks the one, who eats / dresses.
By the way:
Mehe mehelik mees sööb mehelikult.
Man-GEN.SG man-ADJ man-NOM.SG eat-PRS.3SG man-ADV
Naise naiselik naine riietub naiselikult.
Woman-GEN.SG woman-ADJ woman-NOM.SG dress-PRS.3SG woman-ADV
Czejdenki czejd czejdae vanjole czejdenko
Man-ADJ man-NOM.SG man-GEN.SG eat-PRS.3SG man-ADV
Cejdenki cejd cejdae glosle cejdenko
Woman-ADJ woman-NOM.SG woman-GEN.SG dress-PRS.3SG woman-ADV
The man's manly man eats manfully
The woman's womanly woman dresses womanfully
Czejd - man. Cejd - woman.
Czejdenki - manly. Cejdenki - womanly.
Czejdenko - manfully. Cejdenko - womanfully.
Vanjole - to eat / eats. Glosle - to dress / dresses.
The underlined word in bold marks the one, who eats / dresses.
By the way:
Mehe mehelik mees sööb mehelikult.
Man-GEN.SG man-ADJ man-NOM.SG eat-PRS.3SG man-ADV
Naise naiselik naine riietub naiselikult.
Woman-GEN.SG woman-ADJ woman-NOM.SG dress-PRS.3SG woman-ADV
Last edited by Selinki on 27 Feb 2012 20:49, edited 1 time in total.
Re: The woman's womanly woman [verb]s womanfully
Xe kela xereteāne ta teāne xereteāne ō ta teāne.
[ʔe̞ ˈke̞l̻a ʔe̻re̞t̻e̞ˈaːn̻e̞ t̻a t̻e̞ˈaːn̻e ʔe̞re̞te̞ˈaːn̻e̞ o̞ː t̻a t̻e̞ˈaːn̻e̞]
PRS talk ADV.man DEF man ADJ.man GEN DEF man
Xe kela xerenoē ta noē xerenoē ō ta noē.
[ʔe̞ ˈke̞l̻a ʔe̞re̞n̻o̞ˈe̞ː t̻a no̞ˈe̞ː ʔe̞re̞n̻o̞ˈe̞ː o̞ː t̻a n̻o̞ˈe̞ː]
PRS talk ADV.woman DEF woman ADJ.woman GEN DEF woman
Xe kela xereteāne ta teāne xereteāne ō ta teāne.
[ʔe̞ ˈke̞l̻a ʔe̻re̞t̻e̞ˈaːn̻e̞ t̻a t̻e̞ˈaːn̻e ʔe̞re̞te̞ˈaːn̻e̞ o̞ː t̻a t̻e̞ˈaːn̻e̞]
PRS talk ADV.man DEF man ADJ.man GEN DEF man
Xe kela xerenoē ta noē xerenoē ō ta noē.
[ʔe̞ ˈke̞l̻a ʔe̞re̞n̻o̞ˈe̞ː t̻a no̞ˈe̞ː ʔe̞re̞n̻o̞ˈe̞ː o̞ː t̻a n̻o̞ˈe̞ː]
PRS talk ADV.woman DEF woman ADJ.woman GEN DEF woman
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Re: The woman's womanly woman [verb]s womanfully
Sardan sardon desard sardat.
sard-an sard-on de-sard sard-at.
mature-DEF.SG old.woman-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.mature womanly-SG
The mature old woman is womanly mature.
Prindan prindon deprind prindat.
prind-an prind-on de-prind prind-at
famous-DEF.SG lady-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.powerful famously-SG
The famous lady is famously powerful.
Kraian kraion dekra kraiat.
krai-an krai-on de-kra krai-at
hospitable-DEF.SG house.wive-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.a.host hospitably-SG
The hospitable house wive is womanly host.
Rózan rózon deróz rózot.
róz-an róz-on de-róz róz-ot
manly-DEF.SG man-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.male masculinely-SG
The manly man is masculinely male.
This translation really fits Kobardons vibe with its acategorical roots. But I should have more irregular forms, I guess.
Sardan sardon desard sardat.
sard-an sard-on de-sard sard-at.
mature-DEF.SG old.woman-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.mature womanly-SG
The mature old woman is womanly mature.
Prindan prindon deprind prindat.
prind-an prind-on de-prind prind-at
famous-DEF.SG lady-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.powerful famously-SG
The famous lady is famously powerful.
Kraian kraion dekra kraiat.
krai-an krai-on de-kra krai-at
hospitable-DEF.SG house.wive-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.a.host hospitably-SG
The hospitable house wive is womanly host.
Rózan rózon deróz rózot.
róz-an róz-on de-róz róz-ot
manly-DEF.SG man-DEF.SG 3SG.S-be.male masculinely-SG
The manly man is masculinely male.
This translation really fits Kobardons vibe with its acategorical roots. But I should have more irregular forms, I guess.
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Re: The woman's womanly woman [verb]s womanfully
Nar naa ia naa sao nar naa
[naɹ naː ja naː saw naɹ naː]
man-ADV make.work man CL.POS.man man-ADJ man
The man’s manly man tries manfully to force it to work
[naɹ naː ja naː saw naɹ naː]
man-ADV make.work man CL.POS.man man-ADJ man
The man’s manly man tries manfully to force it to work