The higher, the more painful the fall.

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The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Artaxes »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.

:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.

EDIT: I added name to my conlang, please add to the next posts.
Last edited by Artaxes on 11 Oct 2010 14:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Avo »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.

:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.

:con: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by teh_Foxx0rz »

Isn't it meant to be "The higher you climb, the harder you fall"...?
Unless it was a translation of a Polish version of it...
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by xijlwya »

teh_Foxx0rz wrote:Isn't it meant to be "The higher you climb, the harder you fall"...?
Unless it was a translation of a Polish version of it...
I also thought it reads rather strange and I had something like the phrase in mind you suggested. It's probably something like this: link.
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Micamo »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.

:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Artaxes »

teh_Foxx0rz wrote:Isn't it meant to be "The higher you climb, the harder you fall"...?
Unless it was a translation of a Polish version of it...
Sorry for complications, but I'm not English native-speaker, often I use a Polish constructions.
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Pirka »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Omzinesý »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.
:fin: Kuka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa.

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by xinda »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.
:fin: Kuka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa.
:roc: 爬更高,跌更糟。 pá gèng gāo, diē gèng zāo

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional

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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Z500 »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.
:fin: Kuka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa.
:roc: 爬更高,跌更糟。 pá gèng gāo, diē gèng zāo

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional

:con: Thśjezb: Sādmi sem pit sem wis urysmi
Fall-2.IRR more hard more high LAT-climb-2.IRR
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by MarcKB »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:dan: Højt at flyve, dybt at falde
:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.
:fin: Kuka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa.
:roc: 爬更高,跌更糟。 pá gèng gāo, diē gèng zāo

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional
:con: Thśjezb: Sādmi sem pit sem wis urysmi
Fall-2.IRR more hard more high LAT-climb-2.IRR
:con: Ravcic: Mjehora haze MjeMōvæsænlaz
:dan: Native
:eng: Advanced
:deu: Advanced
:fra: Beginner/ Moderate

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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Zumir »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:dan: Højt at flyve, dybt at falde
:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.
:fin: Kuka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa.
:roc: 爬更高,跌更糟。 pá gèng gāo, diē gèng zāo

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional
:con: Thśjezb: Sādmi sem pit sem wis urysmi
Fall-2.IRR more hard more high LAT-climb-2.IRR
:con: Ravcic: Mjehora haze MjeMōvæsænlaz
:con: Nu Engzix: Hayȧ geren, moē pēmfo tombij gi.
high-more become-INF more painful fall become
[ˈhajə ˈgɛrɛ̃ mwe ˈpẽfo ˈtombiʒ gi]
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by plathhs »

:eng: The higher, the more painful the fall.
:deu: Je höher, desto schmerzhafter der Fall.
:swe: Ju högre, desto hårdare blir fallet.
:dan: Højt at flyve, dybt at falde

:pol: Im wyżej, tym bardziej boli upadek.
:rus: Чем выше взлетишь, тем болнее падать.

:fin: Kuka kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa.

:jpn: 高ければ高くほど落下が痛くなる。

:roc: 爬更高,跌更糟。 pá gèng gāo, diē gèng zāo

:con: Ariakis: Koy artro, Ukkate vertro vehe.
:con: Agyonnar: Hyima dzoyin no dzate no. (fall high Intensive hurt Intensive)
:con: Kaynur Pitak: Etes-u umer, oyo aytor-hono torti.
high-COMPAR climb pain fall-GEN be.proportional
:con: Thśjezb: Sādmi sem pit sem wis urysmi
Fall-2.IRR more hard more high LAT-climb-2.IRR
:con: Ravcic: Mjehora haze MjeMōvæsænlaz
:con: Nu Engzix: Hayȧ geren, moē pēmfo tombij gi.
high-more become-INF more painful fall become
[ˈhajə ˈgɛrɛ̃ mwe ˈpẽfo ˈtombiʒ gi]
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Selinki »

:con: Selinki [s"e:liNki]

There is an expression, slightly different, in my language:

Nje laczisy dar baja, to orilexinki dary noravidale
[nje lats`is:"}: Dar b"a:ja to oril"eksiNki Dar"}: noraviD"a:le]
The.more highness-LOC you be-2SG so easy you-LOC fall-INF
The higher you are, the easier it is to fall
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Iyionaku »

:con: Yélian

Vigo alinbut, æ'denvial elvulrasbut.
[ˈviːxo ɐˈliɱbʉt, əˈdenvɪ̯ɐl əlˈvulɾɐsbʉt]
if more-high-COP.3SG.INAN, DEF.CONC=fall more-painful-COP.3SG.INAN
The higher, the more painful the fall.

New words/phrases:

I rethought how Yélian handles the...the constructions. Now, it uses two classifiers, al- and el-, that only work together and only in this context. A phrase like this, however, will always require the conjunction vigo "if", and the adjectives themselves (lin and vulras in this example) are put in the positive form, not in the comparative.
Furthermore, there is one new word:

vulras [ˈvulɾɐʃ] - painful
Etymology: from vulra "to be painful" + adjectivizer -as.
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by eldin raigmore »

teh_Foxx0rz wrote: 11 Oct 2010 20:34 Isn't it meant to be "The higher you climb, the harder you fall"...?
Unless it was a translation of a Polish version of it...
My English version is “the bigger they are, the harder they fall”.
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Reyzadren »

:con: griuskant (without script here)

il shiolisen zhaeza il zheren
/'il 'ʃiɔlisən 'ʒeza 'il 'ʒərən/
more number-A-PL-N-PASS therefore-V more then-N-PASS
Image neocities website | Image griushkoent conlang
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by lsd »

:con: nasuharshenkasa
ground hitting hard the men dropped from very high...
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by prettydragoon »

:con: Rireinutire

kate tenoma sate vuyañarama susu:
/ˈkɑte ˈtenomɑ ˈsɑte ˈvujɑˌŋɑɹɑmɑ ˈsusu/
kate teno-ma sate vuyañara-ma susu ||
how.REL high-COMP that.way painful-COMP fall.NOM ||

The higher, the more painful the fall.

Translation challenge 64/100
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Re: The higher, the more painful the fall.

Post by Batz »

:con: Naguil

Min oilaguil (ovunon), min orgalduil ondunon.
/min ɔi'laːgwil (ɔ'vuːnɔn) | min ɔr'gaɫdwil ɔn'duːnɔn/
Min oi-lag-uil (o-vun-on), min or-gald-uil on-dun-on.
so COMP-high-ADJ.LOC (DEF.ART-belief-NOM), so COMP-bitter-ADJ.LOC (DEF.ART-fall-NOM).
The higher (the belief), the bitterer the fall.

I added ovunon (= belief), which rhymes and fits with the proverb "pride comes before a fall".
:deu:: mother tongue | :eng:: fluent (at work) | :swe:: room for improvement | :fra:: 2nd foreign lang in school | :chn:: poor
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