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Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 28 May 2014 20:27
by ZedSed
A short story from "The Navajo Language; A Grammar and Colloquial Dictionary" - Young & Morgan

I think this story really has potential to put the grammatical nuts and bolts of your conlangs to the test!

A funny story in Navajo

ʼAshiiké  tʼóó  diigis  léiʼ  tółikaní  łaʼ  ʼádiilnííł  dóó  nihaa  nahidoonih  níigo  yee  hodeezʼą́  jiní.  
(Boys) (foolish) (certain) (wine) (some) (we'll make) (and) (us-from) (it will be bought) (they saying) (it with) (they planned) (it is said)  

ʼÁko  tʼáá  ʼałʼąą  chʼil  naʼatłʼoʼii  kʼiidiilá  dóó  hááhgóóshį́į́  yinaalnishgo  tʼáá  ʼáłah  chʼil  naʼatłʼoʼii  néinestʼą́  jiní.
(So then) (separately) (grapevines) (they planted them) (and) (diligently) (they working on them) (they both) (grapevines) (they raised them) (it is said)

ʼÁádóó  tółikaní  ʼáyiilaago  tʼáá  bíhígíí  tʼáá  ʼałʼąą  tłʼízíkágí  yiiʼ  haidééłbįįd  jiní.  
(And then) (wine) (they having made it) (each their own) (separately) (goatskins) (in them) (they filled it) (it is said)

"Háadida  díí  tółikaní  yígíí  doo  łaʼ  ʼahaʼdiidził  da,"  níigo  ʼahaʼdeetʼą́  jiní.
(Any time) (this) (wine) (particular) (not) (some/any) (we'll give each other) (not), (they saying) (they agreed) (it is said)

ʼÁádóó  baa  nahidoonih  biniiyé  kintahgóó  dah  yidiiłjid  jiní.
(And then) (from them) (it will be bought) (its purpose) (town to) (off) (they started backpacking it) (it is said)

ʼAtiingóó  ʼoołjił  ńtʼééʼ  łaʼ  ʼání  jiní: "Dooládóʼ!  shee  honiigaii  da!"
(Road along) (they're backpacking) (as/it was) (one) (thus he says) (it is said): (Wow!) (with me) (it has become hot)

"Nitoʼ  łaʼ  shaʼnízííd!"  ní  jiní.
(your liquid) (some) (you give me!) (he says) (it is said)

"Dooda!  Shą́ą́ʼ  háadida  doo  łaʼ  ʼahaʼdiidził  da  diiʼniid  niʼ,"  ní  jiní  łaʼ
(No!) (remember) (any time) (not) (some/any) (we'll give it to each other) (we said) (recall), (he says) (it is said) (the other one)

ʼÁádóó  łaʼbą́ą  bizaʼazis  naʼachʼid  ńtʼééʼ  béeso  hayííʼą́  jiní.
(And then) (aforementioned other one) (his pocket) (he gropes about) (it was) (coin) (he took it out) (it is said)

Ńtʼééʼ  ʼéí  łitso  ʼátʼéé  lá  jiní.
(Then) (that) (nickel) (it is) (it turned out) (it is said)

Łaʼ  tʼéiyá  habéeso  tʼáá  ʼíiyisíí  ʼádin  jiní.
(The other one) (exclusively) (his money) (really) (none) (it is said)

"Hágoóneeʼ,  tʼóó  łaʼ  naa  nahashniih,"  ní  jiní  bibéeso  hólónę́ę.
(Well then) (merely) (some) (from you) (I buy it), (he says) (it is said) (his money) (it exists the one who)

"Hágoshį́į́",  ní  jiní.  "Háadida  doo  łaʼ  ʼahaa  nahidiilnih  da  ʼéí  doo  ʼahidiiʼniid  da",  ní  jiní.
(Alright) (he says) (it is said). (Any time) (not) (some) (from each other) (we will buy it) (that) (not) (we said to each other), (he says) (it is said)

ʼÁádóó  łitso  baazhníʼą́ągo  tółikani  yę́ę  łaʼ  haa  yiníką́  jiní.
(And then) (nickel) (to him he having give it) (wine) (the aforementioned) (some) (to him) (he gave it in open container) (it is said)

"Dooládó!  łikango  ʼíinilaa  da  lá!",  bijiní  jiní.
(Wow!) (deliciously) (you made it) (I find) (he says to him) (it is said)

ʼÁádóó  béeso  yę́ę  haa  néiníʼą́ągo  "Nihígííshąʼ  łaʼ  shaa  níkaah",  hałní  jiní.
(And then) (coin) (the aforementioned) (to him) (he having returned it), (How about yours) (some) (to me) (give it in open container), (to him he says) (it is said)

ʼÁádóó  hóhígíí  łaʼ  baa  náázhníką́  jiní.
(And then) (his) (some) (to him) (he again gave in open container) (it is said)

Tʼáá  ʼákótʼéego  béeso  yę́ę  tʼóó  hataʼ  ʼałnánáltsʼiʼgo  tółikani  yę́ę  ʼahaa  njiilniihgo  wónáásdóó  tsiʼjideezhʼáázh  lá  jiní.
(Being just that way) (coin) (aforementioned) (merely) (between them) (back and forth it going) (wine) (the aforementioned) (from each other) (they buying it) (and finally) (they two became drunk) (came to be) (it is said)

ʼÉí  shį́į́  tʼáá  ʼákǫ́ǫ́  ʼatiinbąąhgóó  jizhtéezhgo  díkwíí  shį́į́  yiską́ą́  lá jiní.
(Those) (presumably) (right there) (roadside along) (they two lying) (several) (nights passed) (it develops) (it is said)

ʼÁkwii  jizhtéezhgo  naʼałjidí  daolyéego  tʼáá  bíhólnííhgóó  ndaakaaígíí  łaʼ  hąąh  ndaʼazhchʼidgo  béeso  yę́ę  hatsʼą́ą́ʼ  hayííʼą́ą́  lá  jiní.
(There) (they two lying) (back-packer) (they being called) (just anyplace) (those who go about) (one/a) (alongside them) (he having moved hand about) (coin) (the aforementioned) (from them) (he took it out) (it develops) (it is said)

Hoł  ʼénáhoosdzingo  chʼééh  naʼahízhdílkid  jiní.
(They having regained their senses) (in vain) (they query each other) (it is said)

Tółikani  tłʼízíkágí  biiʼ  yę́ę  ʼałdóʼ  ʼałtso  joodlą́ą́ʼ  lá  jiní.
(Wine) (goatskins) (in them) (that was) (also) (all) (they drank it) (they found) (it is said)

ʼÁádóó  hooghandi  ńjítʼáazhgo,  "Béeso  haa  néelą́ą́ʼ  ʼóohłaa?"  dahałní  jiní.
(And then) (home at) (back they two having returned), (Money) (how) (much) (you made) (they say to them) (it is said)

"Béeso  tʼóó  ʼahayóí  ʼíilyaa  ńtʼééʼ  daʼniʼįįhígíí  łaʼ  nihighadeisʼnil,"  jiníigo  bił  kéédahojitʼínę́ę  bił  hojoolneʼ
(Money) (a lot) (we made it) (but then) (thieves) (some) (they took it away from us), (they saying) (with them) (those that reside) (with them) (they told)  

Free Translation  
Some foolish (crazy) boys decided to make some wine to sell, so they each planted grapevines and, working hard on them, they raised them to maturity. Then, having made wine, they each filled a goatskin with it. They agreed that at no time would they give each other a drink of it, and they then set out for town lugging the goatskins on their backs.

As they went along the road with their backpacks one of them said "Wow! I'm hot! Give me some of your liquid!"

"No! Remember, we said that at no time would we give any to each other," said the other one.
But then the first one rummaged in his pocket and took out a coin. It turned out to be a nickel. The other one had no money at all.
"Well then, I'll buy some from you," said the one with the money.
"Alright," he said. "At no time did we say that we wouldn't buy some from each other," he said.

So then he gave the nickel to him and the other one gave him a drink.

"Wow! You sure made it delicious!" he said to him.

Then he gave the nickel back to the other one saying "How about giving me some of yours!"

So the other one gave him some, and in that way the coin just passed back and forth between them as they bought wine from each other, and finally they became drunk.
They lay right there by the roadside for several days, and as they lay there a hobo went through their pockets and took the coin.

When they recovered their senses they queried each other, but without result. They discovered that they had drunk up all the wine that was in the goatskins. And when they got back home people asked them
"How much money did you make?"
"We made a lot of money," they told their neighbors, "but some thieves took it away from us."

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 01 Jun 2014 22:53
by Iyionaku
Nice story. I'll let my language make this test the next days.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 00:02
by thetha
Just a couple slight corrections/notes: the glossing method you've used is kind of hard to read. diigis is the primary element that means foolish, but t'óó just means something like 'only'. Also, 'none' is an odd translation of ádin. It’s a verb that means "doesn't exist", not a pronoun.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 04:15
by ZedSed
Teddy wrote:Just a couple slight corrections/notes: the glossing method you've used is kind of hard to read. diigis is the primary element that means foolish, but t'óó just means something like 'only'. Also, 'none' is an odd translation of ádin. It’s a verb that means "doesn't exist", not a pronoun.
Honestly, I just copied the text from "The Navajo Language". I copied it word for word including glosses, so if there is a mistake here, it's not my mistake. I noticed that the authors (Young and Morgan) typically don't use the strict grammatical glossing techniques but instead tend to aim for a semantic translation that gives the reader a "sense" of how the word contributes to the sentence. But almost no info is given regarding morphology/grammar. Sorry.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 04:48
by thetha
it's ok. There's not really any 'mistakes' per se, but as you said it's not really suited for a morphological examination. That's really all I meant to say.

I could actually do a morphological gloss for the original Navajo if you want me to [:)]

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 04:49
by ZedSed
Iyionaku wrote:Nice story. I'll let my language make this test the next days.
Great! This story has a lot in it from what I can understand of it. Aspect, Evidentiality, Quotatives, Reference switching etc...

I'd be interested to see how your conlang handles these kinds of issues

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 04:52
by ZedSed
Teddy wrote:it's ok. There's not really any 'mistakes' per se, but as you said it's not really suited for a morphological examination. That's really all I meant to say.

I could actually do a morphological gloss for the original Navajo if you want me to [:)]
Definitely! I love Navajo, but I am still a beginner student. I'd love to see what's going on here, "under the hood". I can barely understand the way it is working.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 03 Jun 2014 03:20
by thetha
It's done! Morphological gloss of the Navajo story in the spoiler::

+CLF = verbal classifier. read about them on the wikipedia page for navajo.
+TH = thematic prefix
+I marked the morpheme -j/ji- as "NDEF.S" and ha/ho/h- as "NDEF.O" a bunch in here and I can't be bothered to change it. They're actually 4th person (as I have marked on the last few lines).
ashiiké t'óó di-gis léi' tó-ł-kan-í ła’ ’á-d-iid-ł-nííł dóó nihi-aa nahi-d-oo-nih ní=go y-ee ho-di-z-’ą́ j-ní
boy.PL only TH-crazy certain water-TH-sweet-NMLZ NDEF TH-INCH-1PL.S-CLF-make/FUT CONJ 1PL-from say/IMPF=while 3-with NDEF.O-TH-PERF-handle.solid.O/PERF NDEF.S-say/IMPF

ʼÁko tʼáá ʼałʼąą chʼil na-ʼa-tłʼoʼ-ii kʼidi-lá dóó hááhgóóshį́į́ yi-na-l-nish=go tʼáá ʼáłah chʼil naʼatłʼoʼii ná-yi-ni-s-d-ʼą́ j-ní.
so only separate plant ATEL-TH-weave/PERF-NMLZ into.soil-handle.ropelike.O/PERF CONJ diligently 3.O-ATEL-CLF-work=while only both grapevine TH-3.O-up-PERF-CLF-handle.solid.O/PERF NDEF.S-say/IMPF

ʼÁádóó tółikaní ʼá-yi-laa=go tʼáá bí-ígíí tʼáá ʼałʼąą tłʼízí-kágí yiiʼ ha-di-éé-ł-bįįd ji-ní.
then wine TH-3.O-make/PERF=while only 3-NMLZ only separate goat-skin 3-inside NDEF.O-TH-3.S.PERF-CLF-fill/PERF NDEF.S-say/IMPF

háadida díí tółikaní yi-ígíí doo łaʼ ’ahi-a’-d-iid-d-ził da ní=go ’ahi-a’di-d-’ą́ j-ní
any.time DEM wine 3-NMLZ NEG NDEF RECIP-TH-INCH-1PL.S-CLF-pour/FUT NEG say/IMPF=while RECIP-TH-CLF-handle.solid.O/PERF NDEF.S-say/IMPF

ʼÁádóó baa nahidoonih b-iniiyé kintah-góó dah yi-di-ł-jid j-ní
then 3-from 3>3-be.bought/FUT 3-because town-ALL off 3-INCH-CLF-handle.pack/PERF

ʼAtiin-góó ’a-oo-ł-jił ńtʼééʼ łaʼ ʼá-ní j-ní dooládó sh-ee ho-ni-gaii da
road-ALL NDEF-3.PERF-CLF-handle.pack/PROG PST NDEF thus-say/IMPF wow 1-for area-TH-white/PERF NEG

ni-tó łaʼ sh-a’ni-ni-zííd ní jiní
2-water NDEF 1.O-TH-2.S-pour/IMPF 3.says

Dooda! Shą́ą́ʼ háadida doo łaʼ ʼahaʼdiidził da di-iid-niid niʼ," ní jiní łaʼ
no remember any.time NEG NDEF we.pour.each.o/FUT NEG TH-1PL-say/PERF remember 3.says NDEF

ʼÁádóó łaʼbą́ą b-zaʼazis na-ʼa-chʼid ńtʼééʼ béeso ha-y-íí-ʼą́ jiní.
then af.other 3-pocket ATEL-NDEF-scratch/IMPF PST money out-3.O-3.S.PERF-handle.solid.O/PERF

Ńtʼééʼ ʼéí łitso ʼá-tʼé lá jiní.
PST DEM yellow thus-be/NEUT PART

Łaʼ tʼéiyá ha-béeso tʼáá ʼíiyisíí ʼádin jiní.
NDEF exclusive 4-money just really exist.NEG

Hágoóneeʼ, tʼóó łaʼ n-aa naha-sh-niih," ní jiní bi-béeso hólǫ́-ę́ę
okay.then just NDEF 2-from TH-1.S-act.w.hand/IMPF 3.says 3-money exist-NMLZ

Hágoshį́į́", ní jiní. "Háadida doo łaʼ ʼah-aa nahi-d-iid-l-nih da ʼéí doo ʼahi-di-iid-niid da", ní jiní
alright 3.says any.time NEG NDEF RECIP-from TH-INCH-1PL.S-CLF-act.w.hand/FUT NEG DEM NEG RECIP-TH-1PL.S-say/PERF NEG

ʼÁádóó łitso b-aa-j-ní-ʼą́=go tółikani yę́ę łaʼ h-aa yi-ní-ką́ jiní.
then yellow 3-from-4-TH-handle.solid.O/PERF=while wine afm. NDEF 4-to

Dooládó! łikan=go ʼá-yi-ni-laa da lá!", bi-ji-ní jiní
wow sweet=while thus-3.O-2.S-make NEG PART 3.O-4-say/IMPF

ʼÁádóó béeso yę́ę h-aa ná-yi-ní-ʼą́=go "Ni-ígíí-shąʼ łaʼ sh-aa ní-kaah", ha-ł-ní jiní.
then money afm. 4-to REV-3.O-TH-handle.solid.O/PERF=while 2-NMLZ=Q NDEF 1-to 4-CLF-say/IMPF

ʼÁádóó ho-ígíí łaʼ b-aa ná-j-ní-ką́ jiní.
then 4-NMLZ NDEF 3-to

Tʼáá ʼá-kó-tʼé=go béeso yę́ę tʼóó ha-taʼ ʼał-náná-l-tsʼiʼ=go tółikani yę́ę ʼah-aa na-ji-l-niih=go wónáásdóó tsi-ʼa-ji-di-z-ʼáázh lá jiní.
only thus-TH-be=while money afm. only 4-between RECIP-ITER-CLF-solid.O.moves/ITER=while wine afm. RECIP-to TH-4-CLF-act.w.hand/IMPF=while finally zigzag-NDEF-4-INCH-PERF-two.move/PERF PART

ʼÉí shį́į́ tʼáá ʼákǫ́ǫ́ ʼatiin-bąąh-góó ji-z-téézh=go díkwííshį́į́ yi-s-ką́ lá jiní
DEM perhaps only there road-side-ALL 4-PERF-two.lie/PERF=while several PART

ʼÁkwii jizhtéezh=go na-ʼa-ł-jid-í da-o-l-yé=go tʼáá bíhólnííhgóó na-da-kaai-ígíí łaʼ h-ąąh na-da-ʼa-z-chʼid=go béeso yę́ę ha-tsʼą́ą́ʼ hayííʼą́ lá jiní.
there two.lie/PERF=while ATEL-NDEF-CLF-pack/PERF-NMLZ PL-3-CLF-call=while only anywhere ATEL-PL-many.move/IMPF-NMLZ NDEF 4-beside ATEL-PL-NDEF-4-scratch/PERF=while money afm. 4-from take.out.solid.O/PERF PART

Ho-ił ʼé-ná-ho-s-d-zin=go chʼééh na-ʼahi-ji-dí-l-kid jiní.
4-with NDEF-TH-REV-4-PERF-CLF-think/IMPF=while futilely ATEL-RECIP-4-TH-CLF-ask/IMPF

Tółikani tłʼízíkágí biiʼ yę́ę ʼałdóʼ ʼałtso j-oo-dlą́ą́ʼ lá jiní.
wine goatskin afm. also all 4-3.S.PERF-drink/PERF PART

ʼÁádóó ho-ghan-di ná-ji-d-ʼáázh=go, "Béeso haa néelą́ą́ʼ ʼá-oh-laa?" da-ha-ł-ní jiní.
then 4-home-LOC REV-4-CLF-two.move/PERF=while money Q how.much TH-2PL.S-make PL-4.O-CLF-say/IMPF

Béeso tʼóó ʼahayóí ʼá-iid-l-yaa ńtʼééʼ daʼniʼįįhígíí łaʼ nihi-gha-da-yi-s-d-nil," jiní=go b-ił kéé-da-ho-ji-tʼį-ę́ę bił ho-j-oo-l-neʼ
money only a.lot TH-1PL.S-CLF-make PST thieves NDEF 1PL.O-from-PL-3-PERF-CLF-handle.PL.O/PERF 4-say/IMPF=while 3-with TH-PL-area-4-reside/IMPF-NMLZ 3.with TH-4-3.S.PERF-CLF-tell/PERF

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 04 Jun 2014 18:05
by Lambuzhao
Looks like the perfect first translation for summer.
...Once I get final grades in :roll:

Interesting to note: I was watching the cartoon Flapjack with my son while I was marking finals, and there was an episode wherein Capt. K'nuckles & Flapjack were given free candy for any empty candy-wrappers they found. After they brought the first wrappers in, they just cashed in the wrappers from the subsequent candy paid in reward, to get more free candy, and so on, etc.

I wonder if the creators of Flapjack got their idea from the Navajo story?

Either way, a lot of fun (but not for the foolish boys).

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 06 Jun 2014 04:11
by ZedSed
Teddy wrote:It's done! Morphological gloss of the Navajo story in the spoiler:
Wow! Epic! I'll be meditating on this for awhile, I guess.....

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 13:34
by Iyionaku
Whew, that's harder then expected. I've only finished the first part yet, well, here it is.

Hint: Stories in Yélian are always telled in present tense.

Brogoeytini prena loba'i er reya sai'tosif can vat alova, pin bolcacén ela'inhi gutosifan èpa cen'it rivor'i iu'pacucelo cer'cenhit. Irrút, yireyats u'tosif, cen narb'i pun'scelad o'miba fecun'vit. Cen gerstre'i vi cen cididas'i er pura u'tosif sep'pliat, èpabetal cen loren'i pès'áodan fecun'sceladan o'miban pascenim'barasan.

Brogo-eyti-n-i prena lob-a'i er reya sai'-tosif can vat alova, pin bolca-cen ela'in-hi gutosif-an èpa cen'it rivor-'i iu'-pacu-celo cer'-cenit. Irrut, yi-reya-ts u'-tosif, cen narb-'i pun'-scelad o'-miba fecun'-vit. Cen gerstre-'i vi cen ci-di-das-'i er pura u'-tosif sep'-pliat. èpa-betal cen loren-'i pès'-áoda-n fecun'-scelad-an o'-miba-n pas-cenim'-baras-an.

Boy-insane-PL-GEN two decide-ACT to make-ACT some'wine for that sell-ACT-INF, so all-both plant-ACT grapevine-PL and they-OBJ raise-ACT with'work-hard at'they-OBJ. After that, PST-make-GER INAN'wine, they fill-ACT in'skin of'goat with'it. They agree-ACT that they NEG-CON-give-ACT to trink INAN'wine atDO-other, and-then they travel-ACT to'city-PL with'skin-PL of'goat-PL on-POSS'back-PL

Some foolish (crazy) boys decided to make some wine to sell, so they each planted grapevines and, working hard on them, they raised them to maturity. Then, having made wine, they each filled a goatskin with it. They agreed that at no time would they give each other a drink of it, and they then set out for town lugging the goatskins on their backs.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 22:42
by eldin raigmore
Iyionaku wrote:Stories in Yélian are always telled in present tense.
Like a Damon Runyan story.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 08 Jun 2014 22:24
by Andlat
Here's the first bit in Kwëpta, much simplified to make things easier for me.

Pe úropageni larten paatan wain pithívúma ölin thúza. Hena ízusamënetan wainkazfoimälai lë kaitpagenan hene astí úrirekä.Hena pithívúman wain lë pithívúman pullöi kökö avúla yíni. Hena pekäpan masír, hena a muút hlëthe maanta hwe lë laufan mör a kúlä.

Pe úropagen.i larten wain pithívúm.a ölin thúz.a Hen.a ízusamë wainkazfoimäla.i lë hen.e astí úrirekä. Hen.a pithívú wain lë pithívú pullö.i kökö avúla yín.i. Hen.a pekä masír, hen.a a muút hlëthe maant.a hwe lë mör a kúlä.

Two boy.PL foolish decide.PAST wine make.INF for sell.INF. 3PL.NOM plant.PAST grapevine.PL and raise.PAST 3PL.ACC until maturity. 3PL make.PAST wine and make.PAST bottle.PL full with 3S.DAT. 3PL.NOM agree.PAST that, 3PL.NOM DEF other drink give.INF NEG and walk.PAST toward DEF town.

Two foolish boys decided to make wine to sell. They planted grapevines and raised them to maturity. They made wine and filled bottles with it. They agreed that they would not give the other a drink and walked toward town.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 22 Jun 2014 12:27
by Iyionaku
I've made it a bit further. I've come until the first buying.

Der cen bern'i un'acer fecun'veburan o'barasan, mior o'cenit bicet: »Gau! Re pulvoniapetai! Ciytifovetas otao'siver cer'rat!!«

Der cen bern-'i un'-acer fecun'-vebur-an o'-baras-an, mior o'-cenit yi-bic-et: »Gau! Re pulvon-iapet-ai! Ciyt-ifovet-as o-tao'-siver cer'rat!«

When they go-3PS.PL INAN-way with'bag-PL of'back-PL, one of-they-OBJ say-3PS.SG: Oh! I hot-feel-1PS.SG! Some-give-IMP-2PS.SG of-you-POS liquid to-I-OBJ

As they went along the road with their backpacks one of them said "Wow! I'm hot! Give me some of your liquid!"


»Ielov! Marantas sa'i, yan yibernen pi yan cidiciytdasen o'tosif cidiys evane'i«, a'pliatan bicet.
Cubetal, a'miato crubet punreo'vebur èpa vætevotet æro. Vat æsbit æronicle. A'pliatan cilevanbet ero.
»Yitaret, betal re rociytilovai o'rat.«, a'miorbilyratsero bicet.
»Casar.«, te bicet. »Yan ciyibernen aride pi yan cidiciytiloven evane'i«, te bicet.

»Ielov! Marant-as sa'i, yan yi-bern-en pi yan ci-di-ciyt-das-en o'-tosif cidiys evane'i«, a'-pliatan bic-et.
Cubetal, a'-miato crub-et pun-reo'-vebur èpa væt-evot-et æro. Vat æs-bit æro-nicle. A'pliatan ci-levan-bet ero.
»Yi-tar-et, betal re ro-ciyt-ilov-ai o'rat.«, a'-mior-bilyr-a-ts-ero bic-et.
»Casar.«, te bic-et. »Yan ci-yi-bern-en aride pi yan ci-di-ciyt-ilov-en evane'i«, te bic-et.

No! Remember-IMP-2PS.SG you-REF, we-INC PST-say-1PS.PL.INC that we NEG-CON-some-give-1PS.PL.INC GEN‘wine never eachother, ANIM-other say-3PS.SG.
Butthen, ANIM-first rummage-3PS.SG in-hePOSS-bag and takeout-3PS.SG coin. That seemly-be-3PS.SG coin-nicle. ANIM-other NEG-atall-have-3PS.SG money.
PST-understand-3PS.SG (ok), then I FUT-some-buy-1PS.SG GEN-you-OBJ., ANIM-first-have-GER-money say-3PS.SG.
Alright, he say-3PS.SG. We-INC NEG-PST-say-1PS.PL.INC ever that we-INC NEG-CON-some-give-1PS.SG.INC each other, he say-3PS.SG.

"No! Remember, we said that at no time would we give any to each other," said the other one.
But then the first one rummaged in his pocket and took out a coin. It turned out to be a nickel. The other one had no money at all.
"Well then, I'll buy some from you," said the one with the money. (literally the one having money)
"Alright," he said. "At no time did we say that we wouldn't buy some from each other," he said.

I'm feeling kind of proud that my conlang is able yet to handle such complex textes [O.O] [:D]

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 22 Jun 2014 12:33
by ZedSed
I like the way your conlang handles it. What is the inspiration behind the morphosyntax for your conlang? Or is it mostly your own ideas?

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 22 Jun 2014 13:30
by Iyionaku
ZedSed wrote:I like the way your conlang handles it. What is the inspiration behind the morphosyntax for your conlang? Or is it mostly your own ideas?
Thank you! Well, it appears to be a bit of both. I didn't have a real plan while creating this conlang, I always added new grammatical features when it was necessary. I was ignorant of linguistics right then, and when I learned more, I decided to remove some and replace some features like tense, negation etc. through prefixes. There might be similarities to some natlangs, but as I don't speak any agglutinative language, this is more hazard.

Re: Two Foolish Boys

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 09:15
by Iyionaku
Finally, there is the last "chapter" of this story. I've finished it now. Phew, that was kind of work [:)]

Pin betál, te daset u'nicle pès'tem èpa a'pliatan tem daset purivo. »Iau! Niscit, Sa vit yiyoletreyei!« ta tem tiylet.
Betál, te celitdaset u'nicle pès'pliatan è bicet: »Pe cuvan, sa rat ciytdasei o'saol?«

Pin betál, te das-et u'-nicle pès'-tem èpa a'-pliatan tem das-et purivo. . »Iau! Niscit, Sa vit yi-yolet-rey-ei!« ta tem tiyl-et.
Betál, te celit-das-et u'-nicle pès'-pliatan è bic-et: »Pe cuvan, sa rat ciyt-das-ei o'saol?«

So then, he give-3PS.SG INAN-nicle to-he-OBJ and ANIM-other he-OBJ give-3PS.SG drink. "Wow! Surely, you it-OBJ PST-delicious-make-2PS.SG" he he-OBJ tell-3PS.SG. Then, he back-give-3PS.SG INAN-nicle to-other and say-3PS.SG: "What about, you I-OBJ some-give-2PS.SG of-you-POSS.SUBST

So then he gave the nickel to him and the other one gave him a drink.
"Wow! You sure made it delicious!" he said to him.
Then he gave the nickel back to the other one saying "How about giving me some of yours!"

Pin a'pliatan tem ciytdaset, èpa nailet, un'æro iuset pèsèpès yor'cenhit nat cen ilov'i tosif o'evanehi, èpartet cen gluvanatsboc'i. Cen zuveleb'i acus'acer paras on'ilvatan èpa nailet cen zifeleb'i, grodo iupuivet cenim'veburan è peset un'æro.

Pin a'pliatan tem ciyt-das-et, èpa nailet, un'-æro ius-et pès-è-pès yor'-cenhit nat cen ilov-'i tosif o'-evanehi, è-partet cen gluvana-ts-boc-'i. Cen zuve-leb-'i acus'-acer paras on'-ilvat-an èpa nailet cen zife-leb-'i, grodo iupuiv-et cenim'-vebur-an è pes-et un'-æro.

So ANIM-other he-OBJ some-give-3PS.SG, and so (in that way), INAN-coin movearound-3PS.SG to-and-to between-they-OBJ as they buy-3PS.PL wine of-eachother, and-finally they drink-GER-become-3PS.PL. They directly-lie-3PS.PL next to-street a few of-day-PL and how they there-lie-3PS.PL, thief frisk-3PS.SG theyPOSS-bag-PL and take-3PS.SG INAN-coin.

So the other one gave him some, and in that way the coin just passed back and forth between them as they bought wine from each other, and finally they became drunk.
They lay right there by the roadside for several days, and as they lay there a hobo went through their pockets and took the coin.

Der cen valitsel'i cenim'bafúran, cen barc'i evane'i, cut yicun'taniys. Cen pac'i pi cen yipur'i bolcat o'tosif vit yibet pun'sceladan o'miban. Èpa der cen cur'i tapilat, uleon cenit barc'i: »Ocan on'ero san yibilyerein?«
»Ren yibilyerest locan on'ero«, cen irac'i cenim'acusoran, »cut sai'yelcoran vit yiyelc'i o'renit.«

Der cen valit-sel-'i cenim'-bafúr-an, cen barc-'i evane'i, cut yicun'-taniys. Cen pac-'i pi cen yi-pur-'i bolcat o'-tosif vit yi-bet pun'-scelad-an o'-mib-an. Èpa der cen cur-'i tapilat, uleo-n cenit barc-'i: »Ocan on'-ero san yi-bilyer-ein?«
»Ren yi-bilyer-est locan on'-ero«, cen irac-'i cenim'-acusor-an, »cut sai'-yelcor-an vit yi-yelc-'i o'-renit.«

When they back-get-3PS.PL theyOBJ-sense-PL, they ask-3PS.PL eachother, but without-success. They notice-3PS.PL that they PST-drink-3PS.PL all of-wine that PST-be-3PS.SG in-skin-PL of goat-PL. And when they come-3PS.PL home, people-PL* they-OBJ ask-3PS.PL: "How many of-money you PST-earn-2PS.PL?"
"We-EXC PST-earn-1PS.PL.EXC much of-money", they tell-3PS.PL they-OBJ neighbor-PL, "but some-robber-PL that PST-rob-3PS.PL of-we.EXC-OBJ."

When they recovered their senses they queried each other, but without result. They discovered that they had drunk up all the wine that was in the goatskins. And when they got back home people asked them
"How much money did you make?"
"We made a lot of money," they told their neighbors, "but some thieves took it away from us."

*not peoples, there is a singular of people in Yélian