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Post by masako »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe



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Post by CMunk »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
:dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
:deu: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe
Native: :dan: | Fluent: :uk: | Less than fluent: :deu:, :jpn:, :epo: | Beginner: Image, :fao:, :non:
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Post by taylorS »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
:dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
:deu: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe
:con: Plitnakya: Goobantwaizkwinaansek halziikzle dinituu fo haseltuu. Goozafelsek cuyisuu fo koncentsawuu, wa goonyumushpedahai hazleksah sumpkotuu shalzegyufezuu
3SPL-born-free-equal-PASS PL-person-all dignity-COM and PL-legal.right 3PL-endow-PASS reason-COM and conscience-COM and 3PL-act-towards-SUBJ all-ALLATIVE passion-COM brother-ABSTACT-GEN-COM
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Post by Raydred »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
:dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
:deu: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
:por: Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe
:con: Plitnakya: Goobantwaizkwinaansek halziikzle dinituu fo haseltuu. Goozafelsek cuyisuu fo koncentsawuu, wa goonyumushpedahai hazleksah sumpkotuu shalzegyufezuu
3SPL-born-free-equal-PASS PL-person-all dignity-COM and PL-legal.right 3PL-endow-PASS reason-COM and conscience-COM and 3PL-act-towards-SUBJ all-ALLATIVE passion-COM brother-ABSTACT-GEN-COM
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Post by Ghoster »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
:dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
:deu: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
:pol: Wszystkie istoty ludzkie rodzą się wolne i równe w godności i prawach. Są one obdarzone rozumem i sumieniem oraz powinny postępować w stosunku do siebie wzajemnie w duchu braterstwa.
:por: Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe
:con: Plitnakya: Goobantwaizkwinaansek halziikzle dinituu fo haseltuu. Goozafelsek cuyisuu fo koncentsawuu, wa goonyumushpedahai hazleksah sumpkotuu shalzegyufezuu
3SPL-born-free-equal-PASS PL-person-all dignity-COM and PL-legal.right 3PL-endow-PASS reason-COM and conscience-COM and 3PL-act-towards-SUBJ all-ALLATIVE passion-COM brother-ABSTACT-GEN-COM
Native: :pol:; Advanced: :usa: :chn: :nld:; Intermediate: :esp:; Lower intermediate: :deu: :rus: :fra: :nor:; Beginner: :jpn: :kor: :hkg:
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Post by Utlandr »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
:dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
:deu: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
:pol: Wszystkie istoty ludzkie rodzą się wolne i równe w godności i prawach. Są one obdarzone rozumem i sumieniem oraz powinny postępować w stosunku do siebie wzajemnie w duchu braterstwa.
:por: Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe
:con: Plitnakya: Goobantwaizkwinaansek halziikzle dinituu fo haseltuu. Goozafelsek cuyisuu fo koncentsawuu, wa goonyumushpedahai hazleksah sumpkotuu shalzegyufezuu
3SPL-born-free-equal-PASS PL-person-all dignity-COM and PL-legal.right 3PL-endow-PASS reason-COM and conscience-COM and 3PL-act-towards-SUBJ all-ALLATIVE passion-COM brother-ABSTACT-GEN-COM
:con: Wistra Gutisk: Alamans sind gabaurans freis jah ibnaleiks wairþidái jah garaihtam. Eis sind fragebun miþ gafraþjei jah þuhtus, jah skulda usmetun wiþra misso stomin broþarhaida.
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Post by Lao Kou »

Image Géarthnuns

Chauk íalörsaup fanferaup lü shmaia'u mníéí féten, kfö chau knélírsaun zhö chek auzçathsef ktesamnaraup mníéí nöi. Rhaur lak chö çöizdhabsöt zhö chau kföshersaut shwégan, kfö la thpaurerhíö chí mülsín chí desíöböjélsíb thfau bas galen daikh.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Chauk íalörsaup fanferaup lü shmaia'u mníéí féten, kfö chau knélírsaun zhö chek auzçathsef ktesamnaraup mníéí nöi.
[tʃɔk jaˈløɾsɔp fanˈfɛɾɔp ˌly ʃmajˈa.u ˈmnje.i ˈfetɛn, kfø tʃɔ kneˈliɾsɔn ʒø tʃɛk ɔˈʑaθsɛf ˌktɛsaˈmnaɾɔp ˈmnje.i ˌnøj]
DEF.PL person-NOM.PL all-NOM.PL AUX.TRANSC free-ADV all-ADV be.born, and DEF dignity-INSTR and DEF.PL right-INSTR.PL equal-NOM.PL all-ADV be
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Rhaur lak chö çöizdhabsöt zhö chau kföshersaut shwégan, kfö la thpaurerhíö chí mülsín chí desíöböjélsíb thfau bas galen daikh.
[Xɔɾ ˈlak tʃø ɕøjˈzðabsøt ʒø tʃɔ kføˈʃɛɾsɔt ˈʃwegan, kfø ˈla ˌθpɔɾɛˈXjø tʃi ˈmylsin tʃi dɛˌsjøbøˈdʒelsib ˌθfɔ bas ˈgalɛn ˌdajx]
3PL-NOM AUX.PRES.DATPASS DEF reason-ACC and DEF conscience-ACC endow, and AUX.PRES facing.one.another-ADV DEF spirit-INSTR DEF brotherhood-POST id.est PTCL.REFL conduct should
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Last edited by Lao Kou on 26 Mar 2016 14:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luan »

:con: Ekian (Eqinnuika)
Ijnuunaa apaa eellulicci, ammužuta neqqattažuqalu kappurakaci.
[ˈiːnuːnaː ˈapaː ˈɛːlːuliçːĭ | ˈamːuɟ͡ʝută ˈnæqːatːaɟ͡ʝɔqalŭ ˈkapːɔʁ̝akaçĭ]
ijnu-un-aa apaa ees+lu-lip+ci, ammu(žu)t-a neqqat-ta(žu)q-a+lu kappu-raka+ci

human-PL-COL freedom equality+and-have+3PL, dignity(COM) right-PL(COM)+and create-PAS+3PL
Teeaaj sixacici riiryu qunnersulu ijnuummi ijnuunaalu neđđađussaaceq munaiqunnelussuuk.
[ˈt͡sə.aːː ˈsixaçiçĭ ˈʁ̝ɛ̰ːʝŭ ˈqunːæ̰sulŭ ˈiːnuːmːĭ ˈiːnuːnaːlŭ ˈnɛðːaˈðusːaːçæq ˈmuna.əˈqunːəlusːuːk]
teea-a-j sixa(cV)+ci rii(r)yu qunne(r)su+lu ijnu-u(p)n+i ijnu-un-aa+lu neđđa+đussa+Vc+Vq munaiqunne(lu)ssu+Vk

god-PL-ERG give_without_exchange-3PL.OBJ+3PL reason(ACC) conscience(ACC)+and human(DAT)+DAT human-PL-COL+and see+shall+3PL+4PL.OBJ brother_conscience(LOC)+LOC
DerovianAluzâniSal QynaionTsa Íruik TaukLingua Oîn
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Post by k1234567890y »

:con: Lonmai Luna:

Romanization: Desni dal hap nel koler sedir nil lawusanim fo aladalorkai ep partos. Yer dala ala de dorpa yuwe fo dakiyup, itok dala tokso daplit sedir iki alceldaplitwel.

:con: Urban Basanawa:

Oldwriting: All ningen sind born free en gelike in songen en rechts, sie sind geven mid risei en riyowshin, en shallen doo mid en-odder in en geest fon kinnigheid.

Basanawadji: 全る゚人間すぃんど生おるん自由えん同く中ん尊厳えん権す、彼等すぃんど与えわ゚んみど理性えん良心、えんしゃら゚ん為う互る゚中ん精神ふぉん親族にき゚へいど

Pronunciation: /'al 'ningen sint born fri: en gə'laik in 'soŋgen en 'reçts si: sint 'gevən mit rise: en ri'jo:ʃin en 'ʃalən 'du: mit en'odər in en gi:st fon 'kiniçhe:t/
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Post by Nortaneous »

It doesn't translate well into Amqoli, but if a translator had to do it, he'd come up with something like:

Shlya bgulchi dzexam sha ndrazhjichiri ndralchare am khri sha shqaqori ja.

And then look at "ndrazhjichiri", the closest possible transliteration of "rights" -- meaning something along the lines of "the instances of regularly following through on the results of making demands", which is about as hopeless as it sounds in English -- and ignore the restriction that he has to do it and give up.
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Post by prettydragoon »

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Some adjustment of the wording is necessary as the Rireinukave are not in fact Human.

:con: Rireinutire

ñeki ñesayaya to nonipa to ikana to ñiruna rakipa vopakave: he to ñesamu to hunoviñimu sohako yakive· ita tosi tosiha neneruno viuña supota netekave:
ŋeki ŋesɑjɑjɑ to nonipɑ to ikɑnɑ to ŋiɹunɑ ɹɑkipɑ vopɑkɑve|| he to ŋesɑmu to hunoviŋimu sohɑko jɑkive| itɑ tosi tosihɑ neneɹuno viuŋɑ supotɑ netekɑve
ñeki ñesayaya to noni-pa to ika-na to ñiru-na raki-pa vopa-ka-ve|| he to ñesa-mu to hunoviñi-mu soha-ko ya-ki-ve| ita tosi tosi-ha neneru-no viu-ña supo-ta nete-ka-ve:

every sapient.being.NOM and free-ESS and worth-PTV and right-PTV equal-ESS be.born-PRS-HSY || 3P.R.NOM and reason-ACC and conscience-ACC receive-PERF.PCP be-PST-HSY | and.then other.NOM other-ADE sisterhood-GEN spirit-COM treat-INF need-PRS-HSY
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Post by opipik »

as the Rireinukave are not in fact Human.
And what are the Rireinukave, if not humans?
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Post by prettydragoon »

opipik wrote:
as the Rireinukave are not in fact Human.
And what are the Rireinukave, if not humans?
The Rireinukave are a surprisingly humanoid species characterised by rather extreme sexual dimorphism. What that means is that the regular persons look just like Humans but the males (the ones there are) are much smaller and non-sapient. Humans have spread over much of their galaxy, while the Rireinukave are much less expansionist. Eventually there will be stories or pictures or... both.
What is this, how you say, Rireinutire?
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Post by Esmelthien »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
:dan: Alle mennesker er født frie og lige i værdighed og rettigheder. De er udstyret med fornuft og samvittighed, og de bør handle mod hverandre i en broderskabets ånd.
:deu: Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren. Sie sind mit Vernunft und Gewissen begabt und sollen einander im Geist der Brüderlichkeit begegnen.
:nld: Alle mensen worden vrij en gelijk in waardigheid en rechten geboren. Zij zijn begiftigd met verstand en geweten, en behoren zich jegens elkander in een geest van broederschap te gedragen.
:pol: Wszystkie istoty ludzkie rodzą się wolne i równe w godności i prawach. Są one obdarzone rozumem i sumieniem oraz powinny postępować w stosunku do siebie wzajemnie w duchu braterstwa.
:por: Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

:zho: 人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。他们赋有理性和良心,并应以兄弟关系的精神互相对待。

:tur: Bütün insanlar hür, haysiyet ve haklar bakımından eşit doğarlar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiptirler ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik zihniyeti ile hareket etmelidirler.

:ara: يولد جميع الناس أحراراً متساوين في الكرامة والحقوق. وقد وهبوا عقلاً وضميراً وعليهم ان يعامل بعضهم بعضاً بروح اﻹخاء

:con: Kala: kua tlana tsiya ma’a katsi ma kueli soto nasa | kam tlitsi ma omato yoha ma kanku ma’a tsaku te otauan ketahe
:con: Plitnakya: Goobantwaizkwinaansek halziikzle dinituu fo haseltuu. Goozafelsek cuyisuu fo koncentsawuu, wa goonyumushpedahai hazleksah sumpkotuu shalzegyufezuu
3SPL-born-free-equal-PASS PL-person-all dignity-COM and PL-legal.right 3PL-endow-PASS reason-COM and conscience-COM and 3PL-act-towards-SUBJ all-ALLATIVE passion-COM brother-ABSTACT-GEN-COM
:con: Wistra Gutisk: Alamans sind gabaurans freis jah ibnaleiks wairþidái jah garaihtam. Eis sind fragebun miþ gafraþjei jah þuhtus, jah skulda usmetun wiþra misso stomin broþarhaida.
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Post by Zythros Jubi »

:con: Classical Erbatrian
Bair témeen ak ju vifrusukuó be gédukuó kitrusen bis tépintuó fien mniçen. Ladiusendre be caibicenansan megatagen, ficerre skovimavisse tusáfidís preilir.

:con: Modern Standard Erbatrian
Meniçar fiar témyar ak kidrusar ju vifrusug be gézug beir bis tébind. Meqadaqar ladiusen be cévicésa, perélir tusáfizís ton fijr eskovimav.
Lostlang plans: Oghur Turkic, Gallaecian Celtic, Palaeo-Balkanic
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Post by kanejam »

:con: Savvinic

Solli umun sè gnati libri énni aipi ndra diggnita énni rèdri. Sè stati mvra razzuf énni cunscezzu énni kaṡṡat accun ṡaj'eini ṡaj'audra ndra spirit a ffradranita.
[ˈsɔlːj͜ ˈuːmʊ̃n sɛː ˈɲaːtɪ ˈliːbrj͜ enːj͜ ˈaɪpɪ ndrə ˈdiɲːɪt enːɪ ˈrɛːdrɪ | sɛː ˈʃtaːtɪ mvrə ˈratːsʊf enːɪ ˈkunʃətːw͜ enːɪ ˈkazːət ˈakːʊ̃n zəˈjɛɪnɪ zəˈjaʊdrə ndrə ˈspiːrit a ˈfːraːdrənɪtə]
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Post by Dormouse559 »

Image Silvish

Written standard
Toutas las jhen nais̄çön libra e es̄gala en dignità e en drai. A-z on de raixon e de konsianse e as don fairï la-z ona avoi li-z autre kome de frarï.

Moûtiers dialect transcription
Touta lla zzhin nèssön libra y eggala in dinyità y in dré. A-z on de rizòn e de konchanse y a ddon férï la-z ón̄a avwé li-z ótre kome d' frarï.

[tu.tɑl.lɑˈðɛ̃ŋ ˈnɛs.sŋ̩ ˈli.bʁa jɛˈga.la ɛ̃n.di.ɲiˈta jɛ̃ˈdʁe | a.zɔ̃n.de.ʁiˈzɔ̃ŋ e.de.kɔ̃ˈʃɑ̃n.sə jɑd.dɔ̃ˈfe.ʁi laˈzo.ŋa aˈvwe liˈzo.tʁə ko.medˈfʁa.ʁi]
all-F-PL DEF-F-PL person be_born-3P free-F and equal-F in dignity and in right | 3.F=PL have.3P PART reason and PART conscience-OBL and 3.F-PL must.3P do-INF DEF-F=PL one with DEF=PL other-OBL like PART brother-OBL
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The Silvish name for the UDHR is la des̄klarasion universala deus drai dl' omo, or in the Moûtiers variant la dekklarachòn universala deu ddré dl' óm' [la.dɛk.kla.ʁaˈʃɔŋ y.ni.vɛˈsa.la dœˈdʁe ˈdlom].
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Post by lsd »

:con: 3SDL
(men whose totality having to be seen as unconstrained and one unsullied and active, these men understanding things and themselves, these men having to act as men born from a womb of one...)
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Post by mnuysa »

:eng: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

:con: Neram :

Rudilìtl ihatomarì berom bìlh zeìntanurotoma be zemhartlamh tla. T'atl negatoma be imharmehatoma tlatl be hecrutl na bragatomatl prot'ihitoma p'iron tlatl.
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Post by YoungConlanger »

:con: Pehia
Akela gho komacejo yrata gelajo zhenija iken zhotijajo qono iken noetono. Sejo geqejo anenoka iken napinoka, iken mijajo cika yteke ghojokipi thi ofe janekojala.
[ə.ˈce.ɫə ɣo ko.mə.ˈʂɛ.jo ɨ.ˈra.tə ɡə.ˈɫa.jo ʐə.ˈni.jə i.ˈcen ʐo.tɨ.ˈja.jo ˈt͡ɬo.no i.ˈcen no.ə.ˈto.no]
[ˈsɛ.jo ɡə.ˈt͡ɬɛ.jo ə.nə.ˈno.kə i.ˈcen nə.pɨ.ˈno.kə | i.ˈcen mɨ.ˈja.jo ˈʂi.kə ɨ.ˈtɛ.ce ɣo.jo.ˈki.pɨ θi ˈo.və jə.nə.ko.ˈja.ɫə]

Akela gho komace-jo yrata gela-jo zhenija iken zhotija-jo qon-o iken noeto-no.
all human get-PLUR give_birth_to have-PLUR dignity and ability-PLUR free-NEUT and alike-NEUT
"All humans get born having free & equal dignity and abilities."

Sejo geqe-jo anenoka iken napinoka, iken mija-jo cika yte-ke gho-jo-kipi thi ofe janekoja-la.
3PL have-PLUR pondering and opinionating and need-PLUR do mutual-ADV human-PLUR-DAT on ground brotherhood-GEN
"They have at hand pondering & consciousness (judgement of other people), and need to do mutually upon people on a ground of brotherhood."
gela & geqe both mean "to have", but their meanings are a bit specific. gela is means "just have, just possess", while geqe means "have in hand, wear, have ready". Think of it this way - say you have an instrument (sonoka). If you possess/own it, but right now it's somewhere else where you aren't or you can't just use it immediately, you say "I have an instrument" as Re gela sonoka. If your instrument is, say, in your backpack you always have with you, & you can use it any time, you say "I have an instrument" as Re geqe sonoka.
◀▌𐤉𐤍𐤂 𐤊𐤍𐤋𐤍𐤂𐤓 █ Young Conlanger is here, asking dumb questions again...▐▶
He/him. Currently screwing w/ Proto-Pehian & some drafts I don't wanna talk about yet.
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