Why didn't I read your post till the end when I was reading it first? Although MDBG has done okay so far, Pleco is just breathtaking.GrandPiano wrote: If you're OK wih an English/Chinese dictionary, would recommend MDBG and LINE Dictionary. MDBG is very comprehensive but has no example sentences, while LINE Dictionary isn't quite as comprehensive but has lots of example sentences. LINE Dictionary is also good for finding the right Chinese word to use, since it returns appropriate results for English searches and usually elaborates a little on the differences between different results. If you have an iOS or Android device, I would also recommend Pleco, which is comprehensive and has example sentences.
"Stand out of my light"
Re: "Stand out of my light"
Wipe the glass. This is the usual way to start, even in the days, day and night, only a happy one.
Re: "Stand out of my light"
griuskant (without the conscript)
aeidar ga aeksae juig.
/'eidar ga 'eske 'dʒuig/
out-V-IMP from 1SG-POSS light
Exit out from my light
Context: You are shining a beam of light (photography, X-ray, choreography) and you want someone to get out of the light.
aeidar ga aeksae juig.
/'eidar ga 'eske 'dʒuig/
out-V-IMP from 1SG-POSS light
Exit out from my light
Context: You are shining a beam of light (photography, X-ray, choreography) and you want someone to get out of the light.
Re: "Stand out of my light"
Dw saufyll alwan in chollau
be.AFF.1ST.PRES.SING stand out 1ST.SING light
Stand out of my light
Dw saufyll alwan in chollau
be.AFF.1ST.PRES.SING stand out 1ST.SING light
Stand out of my light
Gândölansch (Gondolan) • Feongkrwe (Feongrkean) • Tamhanddön (Tamanthon) • Θανηλοξαμαψⱶ (Thanelotic) • Yônjcerth (Yaponese) • Ba̧supan (Basupan) • Mùthoķán (Mothaucian)
- TallaFerroXIV
- cuneiform
- Posts: 105
- Joined: 03 Mar 2011 19:43
Re: "Stand out of my light"
Old Laikan
Here are both a gruff and more formal forms:
Śrāṣto ətś urretsawe!
[ɕɾɑ:.s̺to tɕ‿ur.re.tsa.we]
śrāṣ-∅-to ətś urret-äwe
pull-IMP-2.ACC.SG PREP.away_from sun_light-DAT.SG
Get yourself out of (my) light!
Ë məxramil pə hwān kyaletsayəyir?
[ɨ mə.xɾa.mil pə ʍɑ:n kʲa.le.tsa.jə.jir]
ë məxra-mil pə hwān kyal-etsayəyir
INTER small-bit PREP.from sun.GEN.SG move-3.SG.PRS.INCH.SUBJ
Could you be getting a small bit away from the sun?
Edit: Updated
Here are both a gruff and more formal forms:
Śrāṣto ətś urretsawe!
[ɕɾɑ:.s̺to tɕ‿ur.re.tsa.we]
śrāṣ-∅-to ətś urret-äwe
pull-IMP-2.ACC.SG PREP.away_from sun_light-DAT.SG
Get yourself out of (my) light!
Ë məxramil pə hwān kyaletsayəyir?
[ɨ mə.xɾa.mil pə ʍɑ:n kʲa.le.tsa.jə.jir]
ë məxra-mil pə hwān kyal-etsayəyir
INTER small-bit PREP.from sun.GEN.SG move-3.SG.PRS.INCH.SUBJ
Could you be getting a small bit away from the sun?
Edit: Updated
Last edited by TallaFerroXIV on 25 Oct 2017 21:14, edited 1 time in total.
"Ij ogare ge kot. Ogare ke kumath."
Darun the Savage
Darun the Savage
Re: "Stand out of my light"
ikéd:har sôzmoyké
1SG-COMP(star+light) OPP-hide(INJ)
Litt : Unhide my starlight.
ikéd:har sôzmoyké
1SG-COMP(star+light) OPP-hide(INJ)
Litt : Unhide my starlight.
Re: "Stand out of my light"
The way I would say this in Swahili is:
Acha kunifunikia mwanga.
ach-a ku-ni-funik-i-a mwanga
stop/leave-Ø INF-1s-cover-APPL-Ø light(3)
Stop blocking my light!
... no idea how idiomatic that is.
Acha kunifunikia mwanga.
ach-a ku-ni-funik-i-a mwanga
stop/leave-Ø INF-1s-cover-APPL-Ø light(3)
Stop blocking my light!
... no idea how idiomatic that is.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = specific / non-specific, ᴬ = agent, ᴱ = entity (person, animal, thing)
Re: "Stand out of my light"
Kan tha ganne out me suil?
/kʰan‿tə kan uːt mə sʏə̯l/
can 2SG walk out_of 1SG.POSS sun
Can you move out of my sunlight?
A minimally polite request.
Kan tha ganne out me suil?
/kʰan‿tə kan uːt mə sʏə̯l/
can 2SG walk out_of 1SG.POSS sun
Can you move out of my sunlight?
A minimally polite request.
: | : | : | :
Conlangs: Hawntow, Yorkish, misc.
Conlangs: Hawntow, Yorkish, misc.
Re: "Stand out of my light"
(your moving please giving sun seen by me...)
(your moving please giving sun seen by me...)
Re: "Stand out of my light"
Kalpe az kela alzes olez!
Get out of my light at once!
Kalpe az kela alzes olez!
Code: Select all
K -alpe az kela alzes olez
NMLZ-shine 1SG 2SG go.quick away
Juttëlën möös kantasoomëlla! Itkettäpästik en hüvein...muuta kantasoonta epi olë juttëlëttu aikoihën.
Re: "Stand out of my light"
Wuíti is maju wísu!
wu-í-ti is maj-u wís-u
[wʊˈjiːtɪ ɪzˈməjʊ ˈwiːsʊ] (?)
PFV-go-INF out_of my-GEN.F light-GEN
Leave my light!
Wuíti is maju wísu!
wu-í-ti is maj-u wís-u
[wʊˈjiːtɪ ɪzˈməjʊ ˈwiːsʊ] (?)
PFV-go-INF out_of my-GEN.F light-GEN
Leave my light!